Six Degrees of Lust (52 page)

Read Six Degrees of Lust Online

Authors: Taylor V. Donovan

Tags: #MLR Press LLC, #Print ISBN#978-1-60820-414-4, #Ebook ISBN# 978-1-60820-415-1

BOOK: Six Degrees of Lust
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sunglasses he was wearing made it impossible for Sam to read his

expression and gauge his mood.

six DegRees of Lust

“I forgot to take my room key,” the Texan finally said. He

didn’t sound upset. Or sad.

“I noticed. You also forgot to take your phone.” Mac shrugged,

an almost imperceptible movement of his huge shoulders. “Why

didn’t you knock?”

“I didn’t mind being here for a while.”

Meaning he’d much rather sit on the hard floor for only the

gods knew how long than deal with Sam.

And who could blame him?

“How long’s a while?”

Another shrug. “Dunno… a little over an hour, I think.”

“Little over…?” Sam shut his mouth. Why the hell had he

stayed in that bathroom for so long? He watched Mac slowly get

up and grab a bag he hadn’t noticed before. “Did you eat?”


“Want me to order something?” He asked, still trying to

assess Mac’s mood.

“I’m good.”

“Where did you go?” Jesus. What was he now? Mac’s mother?

“To do some shoppin’.”

Mac walked up to the door and waited patiently until Sam

moved out of the way and let him in. He left his bag on the

breakfast table and paused when he saw the paper Sam had left

next to his phone.

Glancing in Sam’s direction, he unfolded it and studied it for

what seemed to be weeks.

Sam almost went to him and yanked the goddamn sunglasses

away from his face.

“I know it was your idea,” Mac said in that soft, sexy as sin

drawl of his. “I remembered while I was out.”

“I remembered too,” he mumbled, sticking his hands in his

jeans pockets only to take them out seconds later and fold his

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arms across his chest. He was fucking squirming under what he

knew was Mac’s stare. He didn’t like it that he was, but he couldn’t

stop. “I texted you,” he blurted out. “Twice.”

“Did you, now?” Mac finally took off his sunglasses and

placed them on the table along with the drawing. By now Sam

should have been immune to Mac’s beautiful eyes, but the

moment he looked at him Sam fell prisoner to the piercing green

glare. “What did you say?”

“You can read it.”

“I guess I could.” But it was clear he wasn’t going to. The

bastard was going to make him say it.

“I asked you to come back.” He watched carefully as Mac

slowly approached him. “I said I’m sorry.”

“Are you really? Sorry?” Mac put his hands on each side of

Sam’s head, trapping him against the door and putting his mouth

next to Sam’s ear before speaking again. “Those things you said

to me, Sam, they were totally uncalled for.” Had he been able to

move, Sam would have pushed the other man away. Or maybe

pulled him closer so that he could feel Mac’s hard body pressed

to his.

Pushing into his.

But he was immobilized by the kitten’s heat and that unique

smell that Sam would recognize anywhere. It did things to him,

the way Mac smelled. It never failed to make him feel intoxicated,

and that was before the guy even touched him.

“I told you I’ve never done this.” Sam’s voice was a little

hoarse from both anxiety and arousal. He plastered his hands

against the door. It was that or grab Mac’s ass and grind himself

against the slightly taller man. “You knew I’m—”

“An arrogant prick with a knack for detrimental statements

whenever you feel a little shaken up.” Mac’s voice was low, and

his lips touched the shell of Sam’s ear. Lord, would he ever

shut up and kiss him? Sam swallowed hard and closed his eyes.

“But that ain’t gonna cut it this time, darlin’.” He caressed Sam’s

cheek, chin, and neck with the tip of his fingers, making it almost

six DegRees of Lust

impossible for Sam to think. But he needed to think. He needed

to understand what it was that Mac was saying. Were they done?

Was Mac done with him?

“What’s gonna cut it, then?” He didn’t get an answer. What

he got was Mac’s lips, tongue, and teeth all over the side of his

neck, but still he kept his hard, muscular body away from Sam’s.

“It’s been only three months since we met,” Mac whispered,

all along doing wicked things with his tongue. “But not once

did I get the impression you’re the type of man that would do

somethin’ he doesn’t wanna do.” His tongue licked Sam’s Adam’s

apple before tracing his collarbone and inside his half open shirt

until it latched onto one of his nipples. Mac nibbled and sucked

on it hard enough to leave a mark, and Sam’s cock stiffened

painfully against his jeans. He couldn’t think of anything more

erotic than having his lover mark him. Not at the moment,

anyway. “And I know you aren’t impulsive either.”

Mac slid one of his powerful legs between Sam’s and moved

his tongue to the other nipple. Sam took a shuddering breath and

tried to pull Mac closer, but the guy wasn’t having it. Instead, he

grabbed Sam’s hands and held them against the door.

Months ago Sam would have balked at being overpowered by

Mac. Today his cock jumped in anticipation.

“Based on those facts, I can safely say you gave this vacation

a lot of thought before asking me to join you, and I know you

planned every minute of it.”

He moved Sam’s shirt to the side with his chin and bit the

curve of his shoulder, wrenching a needy whimper out of Sam

and making his cock pulse and leak precum.

“I know that, for reasons I don’t presume to understand,

you intended for everythin’ that’s happened here between us to

happen.” Sam closed his eyes and arched his body, desperate for

the full body contact Mac refused to give him. “And you did it

knowin’ you’d be violating the… shall we say provisions…of our


Mac moved his knee back and forth, massaging Sam’s balls

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through the thick material of his jeans. “Because somehow…

rules…just doesn’t ring well to me anymore. You knew I was

very much aware of the fact that you’ve been breaking your own

rules.” He caressed the inside of Sam’s wrists with his thumbs.

“Why else would you insist on remindin’ me twenty times a day

that being here didn’t change anythin’?” He pulled Sam’s earlobe

with his teeth. “I know you want me…”

Mac’s voice dropped an octave when he said that, and

finally he took pity on him and opened his fly. Sam sucked air

in, his stomach trembling in anticipation of a touch that never

materialized. But at least his dick wasn’t constricted by his jeans


“And I know you wished you didn’t want me so much…”

Mac moved his knee higher, and as soon as his bare skin made

contact with Sam’s prick his legs shook violently. He needed to

come. Soon. “But you do. Don’t you darlin’?” His tongue was

tracing lazy patterns all over Sam’s neck. “You like to fuck me.

You like to have your mouth full of my cock…” He glued his

chest to Sam’s and looked at him straight in the eye. His lips were

moist, his cheeks flushed deep red, and his eyes were burning

with the same passion that threatened to consume Sam.

Still he didn’t take his cock and jerked him off. He didn’t get

down on his knees to take Sam in his mouth. He didn’t even kiss


“You like to bury that amazing cock of yours deep in my ass

and you love it when I squeeze it and throb around it…”

Sam couldn’t take it anymore. He threw his head back and

ground himself against Mac’s thigh, so desperate to come he

didn’t give a shit he was whimpering and moaning and ready to

beg for some release.

But he didn’t have to, because Mac grabbed his cock with one

hand and his head with the other and forced Sam to open his

eyes and look at him.

“You know this pleasure I give you is not somethin’ you’ll

easily find with another lay, and I think there’s a chance you might

six DegRees of Lust

be worried about me wantin’ to get with somebody else.” He

trapped Sam’s lower lip between his teeth and pulled at it softly,

not releasing it even when he talked again. “And that’s why you

decided to design us matchin’ tattoos darlin’. Not because I’m the

fuckin’ flavor of the month, and you damn well know it.”

Mac slid his hand down and grabbed Sam’s ass. He pressed

one finger against his clenching opening and jerked him off with

his other hand. The strokes were confident. They came from

knowing all of Sam’s triggers.

Mac opened his mouth over Sam’s and assaulted him with his


Wet and deep.

Sam was lost. A stroke of the kitten’s tongue over his and

two fast pulls at his dick and he was spraying hot seed all over

Mac’s hand and thigh, reduced to nothing but a shivering mass

of owned male.

“I’m done playin’ by your rules, Sam.”

He wanted to ask Mac what he meant by that, but his tongue

felt heavy and unresponsive, and his chest hurt.

Was he having a damn stroke? But why would he? He was

only thirty-three and he was healthy.


He watched what he ate and worked out on a regular basis

and…no, it had to be something else. His thoughts were coherent

and he was able to move.

He put his arm around Mac’s waist and rested his head on his

shoulder, close enough to the neck for him to bury his nose in it

and inhale that spicy warm scent he’d become so familiar with.

“Sam, are you listenin’ to me?”


He hugged the guy closer and breathed him in deeper.

If Mac was saying what Sam thought he was…what he

himself would be saying were he in Mac’s position, then he

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wasn’t listening. He wasn’t ready to. He thought he was. That he

would be when the time came, but he wasn’t ready to hear that

they were done.

He didn’t care to hear that.

He moved a little, just enough to cup Mac’s prick with his

hand and to feel the finger the guy had yet to remove from his

hole. Mac wasn’t soft, but he wasn’t hard either, which in Sam’s

eyes was a sign for bad things to come.

Up to that point, Sam’s seed had had the effect of an

aphrodisiac on Mac; the sight and smell of it never failing to

drive his guy crazy with lust. But now his thigh and hand were

covered in it and he wasn’t even glancing in that direction.

Sam’s spunk wasn’t doing anything for him.

So that was it, then.

The kitten didn’t want him anymore.

“It’s getting late,” Sam’s voice sounded hoarse when he

managed to get the words out. “We need to get ready to leave.”

Not looking at Mac, he tucked his spent cock inside his boxers

and wiped his hands on his jeans. It had been earth shattering

when he came, but now he was feeling exposed.

Months ago, he would have been more than fine with a quick

hand job. Hell, he would have insisted on it. But Mac had made

sex amazing after years of settling for impersonal fucks, and now

that it was obvious his guy wasn’t looking to get anything from

Sam, he felt cheap and empty.

Cheated out of the best part of his encounters with this

magnificent man.

The fact that the best part was watching Mac’s beautiful face

while he came was what made Sam realize he was in way over his


He needed to get out of there.

The moment he tried to step around him the Texan put his

hand on Sam’s chest. It was still covered on his spunk, and a little

six DegRees of Lust

shaky. Why was his guy shaking?

“Is this your answer?” Mac’s voice was so low and apprehensive

it twisted Sam’s guts.

“To what?” he whispered, noticing how pale the guy looked.

How unsure. “I didn’t get a question from you.” Was it possible

that Mac was willing to forgive him? “You just said you’re done

playing by my rules.”

“So you assumed I was done with you?” His voice was a

rumble now, as if he didn’t like the conclusion Sam had jumped


“You’ve a right to be. After—”

“Do you want me to be?” One thing about Mac, he could

only tolerate so much of Sam’s evasiveness, and it was clear at the

moment he was having none of it.

“I don’t.” Not only did Mac deserve his honesty, but Sam

wouldn’t have it any other way between them. Keeping his

thoughts and feelings quiet had been the beginning of the end

of his marriage, and he didn’t want to subject whatever it was he

had with Mac to the same treatment. “But you said—”

“That I was done playing by your rules, meaning they need to

be revised!” Mac raked his fingers through his hair.

“So what do you suggest?” Mac was being all gentlemanly

again by not mentioning the reason why those rules needed to be

revised, but they both knew. Sam knew he hadn’t been sticking

to them.

“I…” Mac looked startled, like he hadn’t expected for Sam to

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