Six Degrees of Lust (46 page)

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Authors: Taylor V. Donovan

Tags: #MLR Press LLC, #Print ISBN#978-1-60820-414-4, #Ebook ISBN# 978-1-60820-415-1

BOOK: Six Degrees of Lust
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lean on him and allow for somebody else to help him with the

weight he’d been carrying around for over ten years.

“I told you once it was a long time ago, didn’t I? Years and

years ago… I’m okay now.”

But he wasn’t. He had a really hard time talking about that

time in his life, and not even Logan had been successful in getting

him to completely open up about the events that had lead to his

baby’s untimely death.

He knew he had to deal with his guilt, but the few times he’d

tried he’d panicked and ended up deciding he needed a little more

time before he faced it all. Eventually he’d have to face Gabi, but

he wasn’t ready to talk to her. Not because he was afraid of what

she could say to him, but because he wasn’t entirely sure he could

hold back what he wanted to say to her.

“Why do you feel responsible for her death?” Sam frowned at

Mac’s choice of words. He’d confessed to the guy he’d killed his

own daughter, but Mac didn’t seem put out by it.

“Because I am.” There was finality in his words, the kind that

was a result of years believing something to be true.

“That’s not a valid answer.”

Sam smirked and rubbed his ass against Mac’s dick. That felt

good. Too good.

“It’s the only one you’re getting.”

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He turned around and straddled Mac’s hips at the same time

Mac grabbed Sam’s with his big hands. Like every time he looked

his guy straight in the eyes, Sam felt like he was falling into a

vortex. Something in the green depths had pulled him in months

ago in the middle of the busiest airport in America, and Sam was

still trying to find his way out.

“How long were you married?” Sam was annoyed by the

question. Up to that point Mac had respected his decision

whenever he refused to answer him, no hard feelings. So why

wasn’t he letting go this time?

“Not even a year.”

He took them both in his hand and started to pump. Not easy,

considering they were both rather big. The size of Mac’s prick

gave him chills. It also made his mouth water and his asshole

clench. He just knew it was going to feel incredible to have Mac

inside him; fucking him with that amazing fat cock of his.

“Grew apart after the baby died?”

“We got married because I was irresponsible and knocked her

up,” he said, no inflection in his voice whatsoever. “We’d been

growing apart before that.”

“It was the right thing to do.”

“Nobody asked for your opinion.” He moaned at the feeling

of Mac’s blunt fingertip circling his pucker. He’d never been a

moaner or a screamer, but this guy released his inner slut.

“Don’t be an ass.” Mac breached Sam’s entrance and latched

onto his nipples. He was obsessed with them, kissing, licking, and

sucking them whenever he got the chance, whether Sam was bare

chested or not.

“Don’t be so nosy then.” He licked Mac’s ear shell and

intensified the speed of his pumping fist.

“It ain’t like I’m askin’ you to disclose national secrets.”

Mac turned his head up and bit his pec, and Sam released

their cocks and slid to the side, just enough to be able to grind his

leaking prick against Mac’s thigh while he allowed the other guy

six DegRees of Lust

to do the same on his. Their breathless moans and undulating

bodies were a clear sign of their need for release, and Sam was

only too happy to oblige.

“It’s not a big deal if you answer, you know?”

Sam grabbed Mac’s head and made an honest effort to follow

whatever the guy was saying, but really, who the hell wanted to

talk when they were humping a mountain of smooth perfection?

“You’re asking for details of my life, kitten. Big or small, they

are mine to know… to decide whether I want to share them

with you or not,” he finally said, and there was no mistaking the

austerity in his voice.

“And you choose not to.”

A hundred points to Mac for not looking away when he said

that, but minus ten for slipping his finger out of Sam’s hole. For

reasons he didn’t care to analyze that little act stung, and not in

a physical way.

“Exactly,” he reiterated. “Those details are irrelevant to your

past and non-consequential to your future, and—”

“Considering the nature of our agreement, there’s no reason

for me to be privy to them,” Mac interrupted, still not looking

away. “Like I said before, I’m very aware we ain’t that kind of

friends, so why would you trust me?”

Sam put his hands on Mac’s shoulders to steady himself when

the guy pulled him closer and ground his prick against Sam’s leg,

but he didn’t follow suit.

Mac’s words rubbed him the wrong way. It wasn’t that he

didn’t trust Mac. Somehow he knew he could share the story

of his life with him; both the joy and the mistakes. But doing

so would shift the dynamics between them and possibly lead to

paths Sam wasn’t ready to walk down. Not to mention, it went

against everything he’d stood for in the past ten years, so it was

best he made sure that didn’t happen.

“Are you upset?” he whispered, and immediately hated that

he sounded so insecure.

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“Why would I be?” Mac bit on Sam’s nipple and glanced at

him from under his lashes. “And why do you ask?” He moved to

the left nipple. “Do I look upset to you?”

“No…” What he looked was horny and seemingly done with

their conversation. “Listen, I wasn’t trying to be an ass…”

“I know, darlin’.”

Sam frowned at Mac’s tone. Regardless of how many times he

asked the guy not to call him that, he still did it so often that Sam

could now tell the different ways in which Mac used the word.

There was the Hello darlin’; the You fuckin’ me anytime soon,

darlin’; the Sometimes you’re cute as a button, darlin’…

And then there was the You’re such a piece of shit not even

the fact that you can suck a golf ball through a hose will make me

want to see you again, darlin’.

Sam didn’t like that particular darlin’ one bit; same as he didn’t

like it when his guy didn’t look at him, or when he couldn’t read

his mood.

“I’m serious, Mac.” He grabbed his head between his hands

and forced the Texan to look up at him. “I can’t have you thinking

this trip changes anything between us.”

“Okay.” He covered Sam’s hands with his own and flashed

what had to be his sultriest smile to date. Hips undulating, Mac

nibbled all along Sam’s jaw. “But I got a question for you…

Whatever gave you the idea I want things to change between us?”

Sam didn’t have a chance to reply. How could he, when the

guy slammed his lips against Sam’s and shoved his wicked tongue

so far down his throat he could feel it in his stomach? Then

again, maybe it was a good thing Mac had kissed him, because

Sam wasn’t entirely sure he had an answer.

They’d done some sightseeing together, basked under Miami’s

bright sun, shared meals, and had more sex than should be

possible for guys in their thirties. Not that he was complaining,

because there was no such thing as too much sex with Mac.

But Mac hadn’t been anything but his usual laidback self. Sam,

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on the other hand, was acting so out of character he was having

problems recognizing who he was anymore.

Which begged the question, was he really worried Mac would

get swept away by the sense of intimacy that came from their

practically living together for five days, or was he worried he

would be the one to succumb?

“What’s wrong?” Mac’s strong yet delicate fingers rubbed at

the base of his neck and Sam’s eyes flickered open to find his

guy studying him, concern clouding his beautiful eyes. He’d been

so distracted by his unsettling thoughts he hadn’t noticed they

weren’t kissing anymore, or that they were both soft now.

“I’m just thinking about shit, that’s all.”

Taking a deep breath, he molded his chest closer to Mac’s and

set his chin on the strong shoulder, smiling a little when the guy’s

arms automatically surrounded and held him tighter. A while ago

he’d figured out Mac had a protective streak a mile long and Sam

sort of liked being on the receiving end of it.

“I’m sorry I was such a buzz kill,” he apologized, raking his

fingers through the blond, wet hair.

“Don’t worry about it.” Mac placed a few kisses on Sam’s

collar bone. “But you owe me, darlin’.”

“And I shall make it up to you.” He snuggled closer still and

just when he was about to return his guy’s hug he noticed the

time on his watch. “Oh shit!” He pushed away from Mac and got

out of the tub, splashing water all over the floor.

“What are you doing?” Sam almost laughed at Mac’s pout.

“Come on, we gotta get ready.”

“For what?” he grunted. “I was feelin’ just fine here, I’ll have

you know.”


“That can wait.” He leaned back on the tub and gestured Sam

to come back in.

“No, it can’t.” Sam grabbed Mac’s hand and pulled him up

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and out of the tub. “We’ve exactly fifteen minutes to get out of

here,” he informed Mac after a quick glance at his watch. Then

he let go of Mac’s hand and grabbed the room’s phone, all along

motioning him to get ready. “Yes, hi. This is room 515. Can you

please have a taxi waiting in twenty minutes? Thanks.” He hung

up and pushed Mac towards the closet. “Choose something and

throw it on. Wait, choose something nice. Not cargos and a tee,

okay? Get moving, Mac. What part of we gotta go can’t you

understand? Shit, I gotta shave.”

And with that he disappeared in the bathroom, leaving a

bewildered Mac standing in front of the closet and staring at the

clothes he’d brought with him.

§ § § §

After taking a few minutes to consider what options he had,

Mac settled on a pair of jeans and a short sleeved, grey button-

down with black satin piping he’d bought especially for this trip

because, well, he looked damn hot in it when he tried it on at the

store and he’d wanted to look good for his guy.

A brief glance at Sam’s choice of jeans and dark purple, silky

fitted V-neck told him what he had on should be fine. Still, he

couldn’t help but study himself with critical eyes.

“Can you stop fussing already?” Sam slapped his ass, and their

eyes met in the mirror for a hot second before he moved away to

put some cologne on. “You look gorgeous, babe.”

Mac’s heart skipped a beat at the sound of that word. Just

when he had about convinced himself being called kitten by

Sam didn’t really mean anything, the guy had to throw another

endearment at him.

“Maybe I should change…”

Sam walked up to him and gave him a thorough once over that

had his dick twitching and his mind diving into the gutter, but he

didn’t miss Sam’s flushed neck and the way he kept drumming his

fingers against his thigh.


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“Don’t you dare.” Sam turned him around and after placing a

scorching kiss on his lips, he went to get his wallet and cell phone.

“We need to go.”

“There are all kinds of restaurants around, some of them

open until the wee hours in the morning. What’s the rush?”

“We need to be back at a decent time.”


“Because we’ve a long day tomorrow!” Mac smiled at Sam’s

answer. His guy was like a little boy when he got annoyed. The

pouting alone could be adorable. “We need to eat and then come

back here and fuck like bunnies, and then we gotta get some

sleep because we’re leaving early.”


Mac frowned. Had Sam decided he needed to go back to

New York after all? And was it because of the situation with his

nephew or because he was freaked out after opening up a little

and allowing Mac a glimpse into his life?

“You told me you wanted rides, didn’t you?” Sam looked around

the room, then took his wallet out of his pocket and counted

his money. “So we’re going to Tampa and Busch Gardens. That

should satisfy your thirst for ridiculously dangerous thrills.” The

words kept coming, but he avoided looking at Mac by counting

his money yet again and then checking his phone for messages.

“So, yeah, tomorrow we’re driving to Tampa and staying at this

golf resort until Saturday and, yeah, because you like golfing too

and you said I should give it a try and you’d give me a lesson…

right? Can we go now? The taxi should be waiting.”

“Okay.” Still breathing hard from the kiss and the revelations,

Mac pretended not to react to it all by rolling his eyes and

grabbing his own wallet. “Are you that hungry?”

“Matter of fact, I am.” There went those fingers again,

drumming at an increasing speed. Sam was nervous. Something

was up, and it was most definitely out of the sexy guy’s comfort

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