Sins & Mistrust (12 page)

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Authors: Isabel Lucero

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BOOK: Sins & Mistrust
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His body drapes over mine, his mouth at my neck as he drives into me over and over. I feel his teeth on my skin; he bites down enough to make me call out, but not enough that it actually hurts. I know the skin isn’t broken. He does it again and then sucks the flesh into his mouth.

“Fuck, you feel so good. You’re so wet,” he grunts.

“You made me this wet, Marc. I’ve never been more turned on.”

He grunts in response, and a few minutes later I can tell he’s about to come.

“Yes, yes, give it to me,” I moan.

With one powerful slam, he lets out roar that I’m sure could be heard down in the lobby. His cock pulsates inside of my already sore pussy, and I clench around him.

Once we’ve caught our breath, he rolls over next to me, undoes the ties on my hands, and gives me that crooked smile.

“Sorry for being late.”

I let out a small laugh. “I’m not sorry at all, and you have nothing to be sorry for. Jesus Christ, Marc.”

I hear him chuckle, and it isn’t too much later that I once again succumb to sleep. This time, much happier.

Nathalia and I wake up at seven-thirty and have time to take a quick shower before she has to go to do some work for the day. With the plan of just staying in the hotel for the day, I don’t get too dressed up; instead I wear black lounge pants and a white, ribbed under shirt. I order some room service and flop onto the couch and try to find something to watch.

After Nathalia is done with work today, she won’t have any more work-related things to do, so we’ll have time to go out and do some sightseeing. She told me that Lincoln is set to come in on Wednesday, which gives me four days to ready myself. Nathalia has already made dinner reservations for us three at one of the nice restaurants in the hotel, and hopes we’ll loosen up with drinks afterwards.

It doesn’t sound like too bad of a plan on paper, but we’ll see what happens.

A knock on the door pulls me from my thoughts, and I grab some cash from my wallet to tip the room service attendant. I pull open the door and instead of being greeted by the aroma of my food, I’m greeted by the striking aroma of Lincoln Cash. He smells of a rich, spicy fragrance, but there’s a hint of some sort of fruit or flower. It’s enticing.

He’s in what I will assume is his typical casual wear, but still looks like he stepped out of a magazine. He’s wearing a black shirt with his sunglasses hanging in the center, and a pair of black pants. His dark hair looks like it’s had a couple hands running through it.

“Well, Marc. How nice to see you,” he says with a smile. “And I’m not lying.”

I can’t help the grin that forms on my lips. “I wasn’t expecting to see you so soon. We thought you weren’t coming until later in the week.”

“Yes, well, I had a change of plans, so I figured why not?”

He stands at the door with no luggage and I wonder if he’s booked another room.

“Want to come in?” I ask.

“Thanks,” he says before walking in.

I close the door and then drop the money onto the table as I walk back to the couch.

“Sorry to disappoint you, but Nathalia isn’t here. It’s just me and all I’ve been doing is watching TV.”

“Well, that’s okay,” he says as he takes a seat on the other couch.

We sit in silence for a little bit, watching SportsCenter, and when I chance a glance or two at him; I notice he looks a bit uncomfortable. It’s actually quite amusing.

I turn my attention back to the TV. “Are you having a hard time keeping your sexual innuendos to yourself, or are you wanting to say something and don’t know how to bring it up?” I ask without looking at him, but with a smile playing on my lips.

When he doesn’t say anything right away, I look his way and see him looking back at me.

“Maybe both,” he replies before stretching his arms across the back of the couch.

“At least you’re honest,” I respond.

“I know Thalia has spoken to you.”

The message sits heavy in the room.

“Yes, she has,” I state.

“So, I think you and I need to talk.”

“Go ahead,” I reply, muting the television.

“I’m not going to beat around the bush here, Marc. You know about my rules with sleeping with women. You know I won’t do it unless a man is involved. I know you know that I was the one who broached the subject with Thalia about inviting you to sleep with us both.” He pauses and pins me with his dark blue eyes. “I want to know how you feel about that.”

“Lincoln, I know you know I’m an escort. So with that information alone you should know that there isn’t much sexually that would take me by surprise. I’ve been in many threesomes, but I’ll be honest and say this type is a first for me. With my job, I haven’t allowed myself to be with many men, and the ones I’ve been with were never talked about.”

“So, you are bi as well, then?” he asks, and I’m surprised he didn’t know that already. I guess Nathalia didn’t tell him everything.

“Yes, but I don’t have rules like you. I can sleep with them separately. I don’t need one to have sex with another.”

“I don’t need a woman to sleep with a man. I just need a man to sleep with a woman.”

I sit back in surprise. I’m sure my eyes have widened quite a bit. I was under the assumption he need three people to be involved all the time. Now, I know he’s okay with sleeping with men. I wonder why that it is, though.

“You look surprised,” he says with a smirk. “Or is that interest I see in those eyes of yours?” He lifts a brow and waits for my response.

“If I wasn’t interested, you would know.”

“Mm. Would I know if you were interested? Because, I have a hard time reading you.”

“If I was interested, you’d definitely have a

Lincoln licks his lips and a small grin forms. I try to take my eyes off of his mouth. I’m sure those lips could be put to good use. He sits back, relaxing a bit more, and crosses one leg over his knee.

“So, Marc. I take it with your job and all, you’ve had your fair share of women, but what about men? How many have you actually been with?”


“Enough for what?”

“Enough to know I enjoy them.”

He smiles, happy with my answer. “Both ways?” he asks.

I can tell he’s trying to figure out if I usually top or bottom, or if I do both. I can’t read him, so I can’t tell what his preference would be. I assume he’s having the same problem with me. I don’t know how to answer, so I don’t.

“Okay, then,” he says, moving past that question for now. “Do you care to know what I prefer?”

I shrug, feigning indifference. “If you want to tell me.”

“Would you beg for that information?” he asks with a playful smirk.

“No,” I respond with a smile.

“So, how are things with Thalia?”

“Good,” I reply vaguely, still unsure of his feelings towards her.

“I hear they’re better than good,” he retorts with a wink.

“Oh? Well, then really good.” A big smile stretches across my face.

We sit in silence for a moment before he speaks up again. “Do you want to go grab something to eat?”

I regard him with curiosity. “I’ve already ordered room service.”

“So, cancel it. I’ll call them. I’m hungry too, and there’s better food around here. Come on,” he says, standing up and walking towards the phone.

“Let me get dressed,” I say as I walk to the bedroom.

“I think you like fine the way you are,” he says as he watches me from over his shoulder. Looking me up and down, he licks his lips and then meets my gaze and smiles. “Or you can change.”

Without a response, I walk into the bedroom and put on some jeans and a blue t-shirt. I grab the sunglasses from the top of the dresser and head back to the living room as he’s hanging up the phone.

“Ready?” he asks.


We leave the hotel and walk about a block to a small Italian eatery on the corner. The waitress seats us at a booth in the back corner, and Lincoln and I sit opposite each other. We didn’t say anything to each other the whole way here.

“So,” I say, breaking the silence and causing Lincoln to look up at me from his menu. “Sex club, huh?”

His mouth twitches, causing a dimple to make an appearance. “Well, I don’t call it that, but yes, I suppose so.”

“What made you do that?”

“I own regular night clubs, and I thought why not mix that with something I enjoy?”

“You picked a pretty obvious location for something like that.”

“Yeah, but not just anybody gets in. You saw the guys I have at the door. They know to check the list.”

“Seems like people enjoy it,” I state.

“Did you enjoy it?” he asks, his mouth twisting into a smile again.

“I didn’t really get the chance to,” I respond, giving him a pointed look.

“Hmm. You’ll have to come back. I can put you on the list and give you a tour myself.”

He was looking in the menu, but after he finishes his sentence, he peeks at me over the top of it to gauge my reaction.

“Yeah, maybe.”

“You’re difficult.”

“I don’t think so.”

“It’s okay. I look forward to breaking through that wall of yours. I wonder if you only have one with me or with everyone.”

He doesn’t say that with the intention of getting an answer in return. The waiter returns and I watch as Lincoln asks him questions about the meals. I can’t help but notice the perfect curve of his lips, and the piercing blue eyes that rest under thick, black lashes. His mustache and beard have several days’ growth, and it looks perfect on him with the way it’s trimmed.

Lincoln is strikingly handsome, there’s no denying it. He’s the type to stand out no matter where he goes. Women and men both would take notice, which is funny considering he’d give both a double look himself.

“Marc?” Lincoln asks and I shake myself from the zone I was in.

“Sorry. What?” I ask.

He gives me a knowing grin. No doubt I was caught staring.

“Are you ready to order?”

“Oh, yes. I’ll have the Chicken Parmesan, please.”

The waiter leaves and I’m left with Lincoln staring at me.

“What?” I ask, kind of annoyed that he caught me and knowing he has something to say.

He opens his mouth like he’s got a witty comeback ready already, but closes it. “Nothing.”

“Just say it, Lincoln.”

“I don’t have anything to say,” he replies with a shrug.

“Surprise, surprise. That mouth of yours seems to always be busy.”

As soon as the words leave my lips, I know I’ve messed up.

“It’s not busy right now, but it can be very soon if you’d like.”

“I have no doubt I could find better use for it. Anything to keep you quiet,” I say, partially joking.

“Mmm. Promises, promises, Marc. Don’t let me down.”

The look he sends my way causes a flurry of tiny pin pricks to run over my body. In his look, he promises to not let
down. Fuck. I can’t start a relationship with a man, but fuck if Lincoln Cash isn’t a man I’d be with. He’s brazen and cocksure, but I’d like the challenge of humbling him. I’m not a hundred percent sure about an actual relationship, but a sexual encounter would be fun, no doubt.

“So, what are your plans for tonight?” he asks, changing the subject.

“My plan was to wait for Nathalia to get off, and then just do whatever she wants to do.”

“What do
want to do, Marc?”

“I don’t know what there is to do here, honestly.”

“Well, I do. Maybe you and I can find some time to hang out.”

“You mean what we’re doing now?” I ask with a grin.

“I like to play in the dark,” he says, his voice as rough as gravel.

Our meals are brought to us and we enjoy our food in almost complete silence. His foot hits mine under the table and my eyes shoot to his, but he doesn’t look up at me. I go to grab an extra napkin at the same time he does and our hands touch. In that very moment, I don’t want to pull back, but instead pull him across the table and devour his mouth. The mouth I’ve been watching sucking up pasta noodles. I think he’s doing it all on purpose.

The sexual tension is thick, but we remain silent. I look at my watch and notice it’s only twelve-forty five. Nathalia wasn’t expecting to get off until five at the earliest.

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