Sins & Mistrust (8 page)

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Authors: Isabel Lucero

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BOOK: Sins & Mistrust
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I’m pulled from my thoughts when Nathalia walks back into the bedroom with a somewhat annoyed look on her face.

“Everything okay?” I ask.

“Oh, yeah. Sorry about that.”

“No problem.”

She crawls back onto the bed and sits on her knees in between my legs.

“So,” she says with a small smile.


“Moment of truth time.”

“Oh?” I ask, sitting up straighter with my back still pushed against the headboard.

“Yeah, and I’m a little nervous.”

“You? Nervous? You don’t seem like the type to be nervous.”

“Usually I’m not, but I like you, Marc, and I don’t want you to…I don’t know. I’m just nervous.”

My brows furrow a little in confusion. “Just tell me. I’m sure everything will be fine.” I try to give her a reassuring smile.

“Well, tonight you opened up a little and I appreciate that. I got to know a little more of the real Marc and what you enjoy.” She pauses and lifts a finger and points at me. “But I do plan on finding out more.”

I smile and nod and wait for her to continue.

“Anyway, I know tomorrow is supposed to be my night to show you what I like, and I have an idea—a plan if you will—but now I’m getting nervous that you might not be into it.”

“I don’t know why you seem so afraid of my reactions to things. I’m sure I will be into it. I’ve told you that you’d be hard-pressed to find something I haven’t already done.”

She bites the corner of her bottom lip, looking down at the covers for a few moments before looking back at me.

“Okay.” She exhales a loud and long puff of air. “I want to have a threesome.”

Once the words have left her mouth, she bites down on her lip again, and looks up at me from under her long lashes. The image of her there on her knees, looking up at me like a sad puppy dog, makes me smile.


Her brows lift a bit. “Okay?”

“Yeah, that’s fine,” I say with a small chuckle.

“Okay, but it’s with another man.” She fidgets with her fingers.

With another smile, I nod at her. “That’s fine, too. It’s nothing new,” I say with shrug.

She takes a deep breath, her shoulders lifting significantly before dropping again. I know she has more to say, but I’m letting her take her time. She’s obviously trying to work up to it. I don’t know what else she could possibly have to say.

“Well, I know you’ve told me that you’ve had threesomes before. With two women and with a woman and a man, so I know you’re fine with that, but…” she pauses to gauge my reaction. “Umm. I was wondering if you would be able to be…with the man, too?”

I don’t know how long I stare at her before I say anything. She’s just watching me with an anxious demeanor.

be with the man
you mean to have sex with him as well?” I ask, trying to clarify.

She nods her head. “Have you…done that before? Are you allowed to be with men?”

I clear my throat. “Well, I have never been hired for threesomes with men that involve me having sex with the man. If a man is involved in a threesome, our attention is on the female, not each other.”

“Okay,” she nods. “So, you haven’t been with men before? Or you aren’t allowed to in your job?”

I take a minute to regard her before answering.

“Technically, we aren’t
to have sex with anybody,” I say with a wink. “So, who I sleep with is never brought up. We are told to be safe in all we do, we get tested all the time, and the clients are screened immensely.”

“Marc, you’re not answering my question,” she says, giving me a small frown.

“I thought I was.”

She twists her lips to the side and gives me an exasperated look.

“Your fantasy is for me to have sex with you and some other guy?”

“Yes, and I’d be with you both. Can you do that?”

Taking a deep breath, I say, “The thing is, Nathalia, nobody can know I agreed to this. If my clients and the people at my agency found out I slept with a man, it could cause problems.”

She looks surprised by this answer. “Why?”

“Well, we are a straight escort company. Women hire us, and not all women would be okay hiring an escort who sleeps with men.”

Nathalia scoffs. “That’s ridiculous. Why does it matter? You have sex with countless women, and that doesn’t bother them? But God forbid you sleep with a man the one time a client requests that.” She shakes her head, annoyed.

“Hey, you don’t have to tell me that. I completely understand. I just try to look at the whole picture and try to understand all sides. The clients and the staff all know we are tested regularly whether we’ve slept with two women in a month or twenty. Plus, escorts can be in relationships or sleep with people on their own time. So, anybody being with the same sex, no matter how many times, shouldn’t matter. We’re all still being safe, protected, and getting tested. But, not everybody will look at it that way.”

“So, are you saying that you are going to agree to this for me? And are you admitting to having slept with a man before?” she asks with a hint of a smile.

“Nathalia, I’m only going to tell you this because I like you. Something about you is different from my other clients. You don’t seem to be bothered by my job, the appointments I have either before or after yours, and you ask questions trying to get to know me. I appreciate that, even with the prodding personal questions,” I finish with a smirk. “But, this stays here between us. Okay?”

“Yes, of course!” she quickly answers, scooting closer to me.

“Yes, I’ve slept with a man before, and yes I’m agreeing to your plan.”

Her mouth drops open momentarily before she closes it and a smile replaces her somewhat shocked expression.

“So, do you have another person in mind, or how are we doing this?” I ask, getting back to her plan.

A slow smile dances across her lips. “Yes, I have someone in mind.”

“Who?” I ask.

“Lincoln Cash.”

“So you’ve been with men before, huh?” I ask. “What does that mean? Are you gay or bi? I would assume bi, because, well, I’m here.”

“Wait a minute,” Marc states, cutting off my rambling. “You want me to sleep with Lincoln Cash? The guy from the club the other night?”

Uh-oh. He doesn’t seem so keen on this.

“Well…yeah. Do you not like Lincoln?”

“I don’t know Lincoln, but he didn’t seem like he was too fond of us being together the other night. Are you even sure he’d be okay with it, because he seems to be a jealous lover type.”

“Trust me, Lincoln will be fine with it.”

“Have you already discussed this with him?”

I let out a sigh and then move to sit next to him, my back also leaned up against the headboard.

“Lincoln is bi, and he and I have messed around and been friends for a while, but Lincoln has this…I don’t know, rule. He won’t sleep with a woman if a man isn’t involved. So, while there was a time that he and I toyed with the idea of being together, we never did because of that rule of his.”

“Hmm. He’s never told you why he has this rule?”

I shake my head and shrug.

“Okay, and so you think he’ll be okay with me being involved in this?”

I roll my head to the side without lifting it from the headboard and give him a smile. “It was his idea.”

Marc seems stunned by my comment. “His idea? He’s only seen me the one time.”

“I guess that’s all it took. He’s attracted to guys and you’re ridiculously sexy, of course he’d want this to happen.”

He gives me a charming smile. “Ridiculously sexy, hmm?”

“You know you are,” I say, playfully rolling my eyes at him. “So, are you bi? You know you can tell me.”

“Yes, I am.”

“Does anybody know?” I ask, even though I’m sure I know the answer.

“Some people do,” he answers vaguely.

“Friends? Co-workers? Boss? Family?”

“Some friends, not co-workers, the boss maybe, and yes my family.”

“I’m very confused by this answer,” I respond with a laugh. “Are your co-workers not friends?”

“Some are, yes, but the ones I’m closest with don’t know.”

“Why’s that?”

“For the reason I told you earlier. I could lose my job if somebody complained.”

I nod even though I want to say more about that, but I’ll hold my tongue for now. “Your family knows?”

He nods and a slight smile touches his lips. “My parents and my brother. They never made a big deal out of it. They just said to make sure whoever I brought home was good to me, so they wouldn’t have to kick any ass.”

We both laugh.

“They sound like good people.”

“They are the best.”

“Boss?” I ask.

“She’s made little comments before, but she’s never outright said anything. Which, if you knew her, you’d know how strange that is. I don’t think she’d care, honestly, but it is her business.”

I have so many questions that I want to ask, but I don’t want to push too far too fast. I’m surprised he’s opened up as much as he has.

“Marc, thank you so much for opening up to me. I know you didn’t have to, and you probably only did because I wouldn’t leave you alone.”

“True,” he says with a grin. “In all honesty, though, it feels good to have somebody to talk to about everything. For whatever reason, you seem like somebody I could trust to keep my secrets as your own.”

I beam at him. “Thank you for trusting me, but I think you should think about opening up to other people, especially your friends. You won’t ever be happy or fully comfortable with yourself if you’re so concerned about others.”

He seems to mull this over before speaking again. “It’s not that I’m concerned with how others feel. I just worry that it will compromise my work, and I don’t want that to happen.”

“Do you think your friends will be surprised? Do you think they’ll even care?” I ask.

“Surprised? Maybe.” He smiles. “I’ve made a career out of spending time and sleeping with women, so the fact that I like men too may be a bit of a shocker.”

“Have you been in a relationship with a man before?” I ask, hoping I didn’t push too far with the questions.

Marc smiles, and I swear his blue eyes twinkle as he looks at me. Reaching out for me, he brings my body in front of him, in between his legs. My back is facing him, and I feel him tug the sheet down, revealing my bare back. His large hands begin massaging my neck and shoulders.

“You’re very curious, aren’t you?” he asks.

“I am. Sorry. You don’t have to answer,” I reply, enjoying the feeling of his strong hands on my tense muscles. “How did you know I needed a massage?”

“I pay attention. Imagine that. A man who pays attentions to the little things,” he says with a chuckle. “You’ve reached up and tried massaging it yourself a couple times. I figured it was bothering you.”

“Oh. Well, thank you.”

“It’s no problem,” he replies.

“So…” I trail off.

He barks out a laugh. “Oh yes, the relationship thing, huh?”


“I was in a relationship with a man a few years ago, but it didn’t work out. Obviously.”

“Because you were escorting?”

“No. I actually took a break from escorting at that time.”

“You can do that?”

“Well, I did,” he laughs. “But my boss also says I’m her favorite, so maybe it was favoritism.”

I laugh. “I can totally believe that you would be a favorite. So, once you broke up, you just went back to the business? What about a relationship with a woman?”

“It was about a week after the breakup that I went back, and yes, I’ve been in relationships with women.”

“Do you prefer one over the other?” I ask, hoping that’s not a dumb question.

I hear his deep chuckle from behind me as his hands move lower.

“People always assume that you prefer one more than the other, but that’s not really the case. You like both, and sometimes you find a woman or a man who you fall for, and you give that shot and hope for the best.”

“So, in ten years, you’ve only been in one relationship?”

“No,” he laughs. “I’ve had a couple women I’ve been in relationships with, but they were short-lived.”

“Did you take a break from the escort business for those relationships?”

“I did with one. She knew I had been an escort though, and it ended up eating away at her. She wondered if every woman who smiled at me was a woman I had been with. It became a very hostile relationship, and that’s never good. She became very insecure, and no matter how much I reassured her that I was only sleeping with her, and how beautiful I thought she was, she didn’t believe me.”

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