The Silenced Majority: Stories of Uprisings, Occupations, Resistance, and Hope

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Authors: Amy Goodman,Denis Moynihan

Tags: #History, #United States, #21st Century, #Social History, #Political Science, #Public Policy, #General, #Social Science, #Sociology, #Media Studies, #Politics, #Current Affairs

BOOK: The Silenced Majority: Stories of Uprisings, Occupations, Resistance, and Hope
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The Silenced Majority Books
Stories of Uprisings, Occupations, Resistance, and Hope
© 2012 Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan


Published by
Haymarket Books
P.O. Box 180165, Chicago, IL 60618
[email protected]


ISBN: 978-1-60846-232-2


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This book was published with the generous support of the Wallace Global Fund and the Lannan Foundation.


Cover design by Eric Kerl. Author photograph courtesy of
Democracy Now!


Library of Congress CIP Data is available.
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  1. Cover
  2. Contents
  3. Acknowledgments
  4. Foreword by Michael Moore
  5. Introduction: Occupy the Media - Journalism for (and by) the 99 Percent
  6. Obama's Wars: A Tragedy in Three Acts Act I: The Wars Abroad
    1. Let Us Not Become the Evil We Deplore
    2. The Tortured Logic Continues
    3. The Obscenity of War
    4. Broken Promises, Broken Laws, Broken Lives
    5. September 11: A Day Without War
    6. Torture in Iraq Continues, Unabated
    7. War Should Be an Election Issue
    8. Guantánamo at Ten:The Prisoner and the Prosecutor
    9. The Afghan War’s Nine Lives
    10. Terror, Trauma, and the Endless Afghan War
  7. Obama’s Wars: A Tragedy in Three Acts Act II: The War on Veterans and Soldiers
    1. Memorial Day: Honor the Dead, Heal the Wounded
    2. Veterans Say No to NATO
    3. The War Condolences Obama Hasn’t Sent
    4. “The Comeback Kid” and the Kids Who Won’t
    5. Accomplish the Mission: Bring the Troops Home
    6. Soldier Suicides and the Politics of Presidential Condolences
    7. Lt. Choi Won’t Lie for His Country
    8. Why Did Obama Fire Dan Choi?
  8. Obama’s Wars: A Tragedy in Three Acts Act III: The War on the Public Treasury
    1. We Can’t Afford War
    2. Deficit Doves
    3. The Battle of the Budgets: New Fronts in the Afghan and Iraq Wars
    4. War Is a Racket
    5. War, Debt, and the President
  9. Money in Politics
    1. Big Money Clouds the Big Skies of Montana
    2. It’s One Person, One Vote, Not One Percent, One Vote
    3. The Real Mad Men: Following the Money Behind TV Political Ads
    4. Republicans Divided, Citizens United
  10. Climate Change
    1. New Light on Copenhagen Climate Talks
    2. Trick or Treat for Climate Change
    3. Take Me to Your Climate Leader
    4. Copenhagen Climate Summit: The Empire’s New Clothes
    5. Climate Discord: From Hopenhagen to Nopenhagen
    6. Cochabamba, the Water Wars, and Climate Change
    7. News at 11: How Climate Change Affects You
    8. A Little Missed Sunshine
    9. Cancún, Climate Change, and WikiLeaks
    10. Renewed Energy for Renewable Energy
    11. Weiner’s No Longfellow
    12. Cry, the Beloved Climate
    13. Listen to the People, Not the Polluters
    14. Climate Apartheid
    15. The Long, Hot March of Climate Change
    16. Climate Change: “This Is Just the Beginning”
  11. Dirty Energy
    1. Obama’s Nuclear Option
    2. Cracking Down on Fracking
    3. Massey Disaster Not Just Tragic, but Criminal
    4. BP: Billionaire Polluter
    5. In Memory of All That Is Lost
    6. If Only Information Flowed as Freely as Oil
    7. A Warning to the World
    8. Japan’s Meltdowns Demand New No-Nukes Thinking
    9. From Hiroshima to Fukushima: Japan’s Atomic Tragedies
    10. D.C. Protests That Make Big Oil Quake
    11. Keystone XL: Ring Around the Rose Garden
    12. The Bipartisan Nuclear Bailout
  12. Race, Racism, and the Myth of Post-Racial America
    1. Henry Louis Gates Jr., Troy Anthony Davis, and the Twenty-First-Century Color Line
    2. Van Jones and the Boycott of Glenn Beck
    3. Holding Corporations Accountable for Apartheid
    4. Boycotting Arizona’s Racism
    5. Alleged Chicago Torturer’s Overdue Day in Court
    6. Mosque-Issippi Burning
    7. NYC’s Jihad Against Debbie Almontaser
    8. From Tuskegee to Guatemala via Nuremberg
    9. A Tale of Two Sheriffs
    10. Tucson, Juarez, and an Assault Weapons Ban
    11. If You Can’t Beat Them, Enjoin Them (From Voting)
    12. Walking While Black: The Killing of Trayvon Martin
    13. Black in White Plains: The Police Killing of Kenneth Chamberlain
  13. Capital Punishment: The Machinery of Death
    1. Troy Davis and the Meaning of “Actual Innocence”
    2. Georgia and the U.S. Supreme Court: Tinkering with the Machinery of Death
    3. Capital Punishment: One of America’s Worst Crimes
    4. Troy Davis and the Politics of Death
    5. Troy Davis and the Machinery of Death
  14. WikiLeaks and the Crackdown on Dissent
    1. WikiLeaks, War Crimes,and the Pinochet Principle
    2. Bradley Manning and the Fog of War
    3. Watch What You Tweet
    4. Books, Not Bombs
    5. Canada’s Olympic Crackdown
    6. Collateral Murder in Iraq
    7. WikiLeaks’ Afghan War Diary
    8. FBI Raids and the Criminalization of Dissent
    9. WikiLeaks and the End of U.S. “Diplomacy”
    10. “Assangination”: From Character Assassination to the Real Thing
    11. President Obama’s Christmas Gift to AT&T (and Comcast and Verizon)
    12. Tony Kushner and the Angels of Dissent
    13. Andrew Breitbart’s “Electronic Brownshirts”
    14. WikiLeaks, Wimbledon, and War
    15. San Francisco Bay Area’s BART Pulls a Mubarak
    16. WikiLeaks vs. Stratfor: Pursue the Truth, Not Its Messenger
    17. Obama’s Military Is Spying on U.S. Peace Groups
    18. The NSA Is Watching You
  15. Uprisings: From the Arab Spring to Occupy Wall Street
    1. The Pain in Spain Falls Mainly on the Plain
    2. Another World Is Possible, Another Detroit Is Possible
    3. Egypt’s Youth Will Not Be Silenced
    4. Uprisings: From the Middle East to the Midwest
    5. Barack Obama Must Speak Out on Bahrain Bloodshed
    6. The Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Framing the Narrative
    7. 99 Percenters Occupy Wall Street
    8. A New Bush Era or a Push Era?
    9. The Arc of the Moral Universe, from Memphis to Wall Street
    10. Globalizing Dissent, from Tahrir Square to Liberty Plaza
    11. Call of Duty: Veterans Join the 99 Percent
    12. The Brave New World of Occupy Wall Street
    13. Pulling Accounts from the Unaccountable
    14. The SOPA Blackout Protest Makes History
    15. America’s Pro-Choice Majority Speaks Out
    16. A Movement Built by Dreamers
  16. When Corporations Rule
    1. Who Is Obama Playing Ball With?
    2. When Banks Are the Robbers
    3. When Corporations Choose Despots over Democracy
    4. Policing the Prophets of Wall Street
    5. Obama’s Late Payment to Mortgage-Fraud Victims
    6. Romney’s 1% Nation Under God
    7. New Obama Campaign Co-Chair: “The President Is Wrong”
    8. Coal, Foreclosures, and Bank of America’s “Extraordinary Event”
    9. Rupert Murdoch Doesn’t Eat Humble Pie
  17. Undoing the Coups, from Haiti to Honduras
    1. President Zelaya and the Audacity of Action
    2. Tè Tremblé—The Haitian Earth Trembled
    3. Let the Haitians In
    4. Haiti, Forgive Us
    5. Haiti, Six Months After the Earthquake
    6. Aristide’s Return to Haiti: A Long Night's Journey into Day
    7. Hope and Resistance in Honduras
  18. More News from the Unreported World
    1. Obama in the Company of Killers
    2. Failed War on Drugs: Fast, Furious, and Fueled by the U.S.
    3. Forget Fear of Flying, Fear Airport Screening
    4. Obama’s Policies: The Real Scandal in Cartagena
    5. Sick with Terror
    6. Single-Payer Health Care: Vermont’s Gentle Revolution
    7. Domestic Violence: A Pre-Existing Condition
    8. Rich Media, Poor Democracy
    9. Don’t Ice Out Public Media
  19. Luminaries
    1. John Lewis: Across That Bridge, Again
    2. The Man Who Put the Rainbow in The Wizard of Oz
    3. The Poetic Justice of Dennis Brutus
    4. Howard Zinn: The People’s Historian
    5. Rachel Corrie’s (Posthumous) Day in Court
    6. Singing Lena Horne’s Praises
    7. Eve Ensler: Bald, Brave, and Beautiful
    8. The Health Insurance Industry’s Vendetta Against Michael Moore
    9. John le Carré: Calling Out the Traitors
    10. Sundance and the Art of Democracy
    11. 9/11 Victim 0001: Father Mychal’s Message
  20. Stop the Violence
    1. Sikh Killings: On Gun Laws, It’s Bipartisan Consensus, Not Gridlock, That’s the Problem
    2. The Obama Administration Torpedoes the Arms Trade Treaty
    3. Aurora Massacre: U.S. Gun Laws Guilty by Reason of Insanity
    4. 75 Years Later,the Lessons of Guernica
  21. About Democracy Now!
  22. About the authors
  23. About Haymarket Books
  24. Also from Haymarket Books

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