Sins & Mistrust (14 page)

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Authors: Isabel Lucero

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BOOK: Sins & Mistrust
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I back up again, and bring his hand to my aching dick. “It’s obvious I do, I’m just waiting on you.”

He stares back at me, perhaps shocked that I didn’t just give in, but doesn’t say anything.

“I’ll see you later, Lincoln. You know where I’m staying.”

I turn and walk back through the hotel room and to the front door. Before I close the door behind me, I’m pretty sure I hear Lincoln hit the wall. I can’t help but smile. He’ll give in soon.

Around four-thirty, about three hours after Marc left, I give him a call in his room. As much as he’s driving me fucking crazy, he’s also driving me crazy in a completely different way. I need to see if he still wants to go out tonight. I’ve talked to Thalia through sporadic text messages, and she seems to think she’ll be getting off later than she wanted to.

“Hello?” Marc’s voice filters through the phone.

“Marc, it’s Lincoln.”

“Hey, what’s up?”

“My fucking cock still,” I laugh.

His laughter joins mine. “That’s too bad.”

“Mmhmm. Anyway, I was just wondering if you wanted to go out tonight.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“I know a couple of bars around here.”

“Okay. Just let me know when to meet you downstairs. Nathalia won’t be off work until way later.”

“I know. She said she may be able to meet us later.”

“Well, great. When should I meet you in the lobby?”

“How does seven sound?”

“Sounds good.”

“Okay, see you then.”

“Yep. Bye, Lincoln.”

“Bye, Marc.”

Goddammit. What is about the way he says my name that drives me fucking crazy? Seven o’clock won’t come soon enough.

I decide to text Nathalia once more.

Hey, can you talk?

Yeah, give me a minute.

A few minutes later my phone rings.

“Hey,” I answer.

“Hey, what’s going on?”

“I didn’t interrupt anything important, did I?”

“No. I’m just making calls right now. I have to back to the conference room later. So, what’s going on? Tell me how your date with Marc went.”

The glee in her tone lets me know she’s already talked to Marc.

“It wasn’t a date, for one. For two, Marc isn’t very nice.”

She bursts into laughter. “Marc is one of the nicest guys I’ve met. What are you talking about?”

“He fucks my mind up!”

“How so?” she asks, still giggling.

“I know he wants me. He knows I want him. You know I can’t keep that shit to myself. So, when he decides to tease me and then not allow me to touch him or kiss him, it fucks me up.”

“I hear you teased him first. In the elevator?”

“That was nothing,” I scoff.

“All you have to do is say please. Maybe even a pretty please,” she says, snickering.

“I’m glad you find this amusing. My cock does not.”

“Aww. Your poor little cock.”

“My cock is anything but little.”

“Well, I wouldn’t know.”

“You know I’ll show you.”

“Yeah, but I only want to see if I can do something with it.”

“Exactly!” I exclaim. “Yet, Marc pulls his out in front of me and I’m only allowed to look.”

“I’ve done plenty with his cock, but then again, I’m not opposed to begging.”

“You’re no help, you know that?”

“I can help you with your not-so-little problem,” she breathes huskily into the phone.

“Oh yeah?”


“What are you going to do?”

“Anything you want me to.”

“I want you to play with yourself.”

“Right now?” she squeaks.

“Yes, right now. I want you to turn yourself on, but don’t come.”

“How does this help you?”

“Because you’ll feel the same way I do right now, and then you’ll help me convince Marc to give us both what we want. You can have his dick in your mouth while I eat your pussy until you come in my mouth. After that you can watch as I take Marc deep into my mouth.”

I hear her moan on the other end, and I can tell she’s getting turned on just thinking about it.

“Are you touching yourself yet, Thalia?”

“Mmm, yes. Keep talking.”

“While I suck Marc’s thick cock into my mouth, you can straddle his face while he fucks you with his tongue. Once he’s brought you to the cusp of orgasm, he’ll lay you down and slide his dick into your dripping wet pussy. Once he’s made you come, we’ll switch positions again but this time you’ll watch as I lick Marc’s ass, getting him ready to feel me slide inside. Do you like that, Thalia?” I ask in a husky tone, getting turned on myself.

“Yes, Lincoln. I love it. I want to watch you two. Mmm.”

“How wet are you?”

“So wet, Lincoln. I’m so wet.”

“Stop touching yourself.”

“Mmm,” she moans.

“Nathalia, stop!” I demand.

“Fuck, Linc. I’m so turned on right now.”

“I know. Welcome to the club. Will you help me tonight?”

“Yes,” she pants.

“Good girl. I’ll talk to you later. Marc and I will be out tonight, but you meet up with us when you can. Just text me and I’ll tell you where to go.”

“Okay. Fuck. I have to go freshen up. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome,” I say with a grin.

At seven o’clock, I’m in the lobby waiting for Marc to show up. I’ve put on a pair of navy-colored slacks, a light blue button up shirt with a navy blue blazer over it. A few minutes later as I’m sitting in one of the chairs, reading a magazine, I glance up and catch sight of Marc coming around the corner. He looks fantastic.

He’s wearing a white, long-sleeved shirt that’s snug around his muscles, and a grayish-blue vest, left open. His hair looks soft, like he just ran his hand through it and it stayed perfectly in place.

“Hey. Sorry if I kept you waiting.”

“No, it’s okay. I haven’t been here long.”

Standing up, I drop the magazine to the table and then we both head for the front doors.

“So, where we going?” he asks.

“To this place a couple blocks away. I figure we can take one of these cabs that’s out here.”


The short cab ride is once again filled with this raw, sexual energy. We clearly can’t be alone in small places.

The cab pulls up in front of the lounge, the place encased in black brick, giving off an old-timey feel. The windows are crystal clear and you can see the patrons milling about on the inside. Some sitting to eat, others standing around with drinks in their hands.

“This looks nice,” Marc notes.

“Yeah, I figured we could eat here as well.”

Once inside, we find a small table in the corner and as soon as we sit down, a waitress is there ready to take our order.

“Evening, gentlemen. Can I get anything for you?”

Her dark brown eyes shift back and forth between Marc and myself, and the smile never leaves her face.

“I’ll take a Crown and Coke,” Marc answers with a smile.

“And I’ll have your best whiskey, neat, with some water, please.” I look to Marc. “Did you want some food? Seafood sampler or just some chips?”

“Let’s go with the sampler,” he says, speaking to the waitress.

“Okay, great. I’ll be back soon,” she chirps before turning and walking away, her curvaceous hips swaying back and forth.

Marc must have caught me watching her walk away. “See something you like?” he asks with a grin.

I look over the bulging muscles in his arms, and then back to his soft, perfect lips, and finally to his baby blue eyes. “Yes, I do.”

He lifts a single brow but doesn’t retort, to my disappointment. I decide to try to bait him.

“Did you think about me earlier today? You know, after you left me with a raging hard-on?”

“I may have thought about you, but not in the way you’re thinking.”

“And what way am I thinking?”

“You’re thinking I went back to the room and jacked off while thinking about you. I didn’t.”

“Because you’re so sure you’re going to get off with Thalia tonight?”

“Yes, I’m quite sure, actually,” he responds with a smirk.

“I wouldn’t be so sure if I were you.”

“Why’s that?” he asks, his brows pinching together.

“She wants you and me to be together as much as I do. As much as you do, even though you won’t admit it. She wants to watch,” I say, my voice throaty and deep.

“Here we are,” the waitress announces, bringing us our order and killing the mood. “You guys okay over here?” she asks politely.

“Yes, I think we’re good for now. Thank you,” I say with a smile.

When she leaves, I pin my eyes on Marc and wait to see if he’s going to say anything in response to what I said.

A devious smile plays on his lips. “You two can’t plot against me. I already know I can get Nathalia to give in to me. She won’t last long with this little plan you think you have. If I wanted to fuck her across this table, she’d let me, and you’d be the one left watching.”

“Why are you denying yourself the pleasure of being with me?” I ask with a cocky grin.

“It’s not about denying myself anything. It’s now about getting you to do something you say you don’t do. I’m confident I can get you to ask me for whatever it is you want, and now I have to follow that through. It’s not like I’m asking you to get on your hands and knees and beg.” He pauses and leans forward. “Unless you want to be on your knees.”

“So, now I’m denying us both, is that it?”

“Exactly,” he says, and then takes a drink. Leaning in closer to me he says, “Lincoln, do you want my cock in your mouth?” I lean forward, our faces getting closer. “Hmm?” he asks.

“Yes.” My voice comes out in a whisper.

His hand touches my knee under the table and goes up my thigh. “Do you want my mouth all over you?”

I close my eyes briefly as his fingers spread out over my thigh. My cock grows harder in my pants. When I open my eyes, his blue eyes look like they’ve darkened, and I know he’s turned on as well.

“I want it all, Marc.”

“Ask me for it,” he demands in a voice thick with lust.

“Sorry to interrupt,” the waitress voice breaks through, causing us to pull apart.

She looks embarrassed, her cheeks flushed red. “I’m sorry,” she repeats. “I just wanted to see if you needed a refill or anything.”

“We’re fine, thank you,” Marc replies politely, plastering a charming fucking smile on his face. Damn me for being jealous of the woman on the receiving side of it.

“You sure?” she asks with a smile.

“Yes, thank you, sweetheart,” Marc answers with a wink.

“Well, aren’t you the flirt?” I declare as soon as she’s out of ear shot.

“Jealous?” he asks with a lopsided grin.

I narrow my eyes at him and then go back to my food. He has no idea how close I came to asking him to give me everything he was saying to me. That perky waitress ruined it when she showed up. We eat in silence and then the waitress comes back to take the food and plates away. She doesn’t forget to smile and flirt with Marc while here. I don’t know why I’m feeling so pissed about that.

“How would Thalia feel if she knew you were flirting with the waitress tonight?”

“I think she would be fine with it. I’m just being polite, something you clearly aren’t good at doing.” He takes a drink and then looks right back at me. “I think you’re worried that the waitress probably has a better chance of sleeping with me tonight than you do.”

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