Simple Arrangement (9 page)

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Authors: McKenna Jeffries

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Simple Arrangement
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“It’s best you just go along, Tarak.” Chandler laughed. “Deyon is gathering a full steam and anyone who resists will be rolled over to go along.”

Iona chuckled, absently listening as Deyon bantered with Chandler and Tarak. She hugged herself, looking forward to going home. Iona’s thoughts turned to Jackson. She stiffened, knowing she had to talk with him. She pushed it away for now. She’d deal with him soon. Going back to McKingley was the first step, then she would handle anything else.

* * * *

Hours later, Iona entered her house even more tired than she had been earlier. But she was also glad to be home. She dropped her bag on the floor by the entry table then pulled out her cell. She typed a quick text then sent it off, biting her lip. A ding sound from the living room made her glance in that direction. She went toward the doorway. The room was dark but a light snapped on. Iona stared at the man who’d turned on the lamp. Jackson sat forward in the armchair and lifted his cell, glancing at the screen before lifting his head.

“Jackson.” Iona licked her lips and walked deeper into the room. “I didn’t expect to find you here. How did you know I was home?”

“Tarak has been keeping me informed.” Jackson leaned back. “He was right. You do look tired. Like you have been pushing yourself too hard.”

“I just sent you a text to meet you tomorrow.” Iona slid her hands into her pockets.

“I just saw that.” Jackson stared at her.

Iona sat on the edge of the couch closest to him. She breathed out, wondering what she could possibly say to him, then went with her gut.

“I have a simple arrangement to discuss with you.”


“Don’t interrupt.” Iona bit her lip. “Please.”

Jackson rubbed his hand along the back of his neck then gestured for her to go ahead.

“The arrangement would be all that we agreed upon but with new terms added.” Iona slipped forward, closer to him. “I want it all, Jackson. You and me, in a relationship, working toward our happy ever after that leads down the aisle.” Iona gulped as he sat forward quickly, his gaze intent on her face. She continued, “It will be messy and everything, which is wonderful, because I will be with you.”

“This is not a business deal, Iona,” Jackson said somberly.

“Of course it’s not.” She grinned. “It’s a merger of you and me.” She grabbed his hands and stared at him. “I love you, Jackson.”

He breathed out then shook his head. “You left me a fucking Dear Jackson letter. A letter, Iona. You couldn’t even face me to tell me it was over.”

“Because if I did, I knew I would not fucking walk away,” Iona yelled then lowered her voice. “Even leaving you a letter, it was hell walking away. I couldn’t get you out of my thoughts. Damn you, Jackson, for making me love you.”

“Screaming at me as you tell me you love me inspires me to believe you,” he said drily.

“You should believe me. You’re the only man who ever made me so crazy. Made me lose control as I have,” she said even louder.

“That’s good to know.” Jackson was smug.

“God, I hate you,” Iona whispered.

“Nah, you love me.” Jackson pulled her off the couch into his arms.

Iona sank against him and closed her eyes, inhaling his scent. It was home and she would never take it for granted.

“I do. And you—”

“Forgive you for running because you were afraid of admitting you love me.”

“I wasn’t afraid of admitting that I loved you.” Iona cupped his cheek. “I didn’t want to be in love with you, and figured if I left I could get over it.”

“How did that work out for you?”

“No need for the sarcasm.” Iona frowned.

“There is.” Jackson smiled gently. “Love isn’t that easy to get over.”

“I know that now.” Iona sighed, cuddling into his arms. “And I don’t even want to. And don’t you have something to tell me?”

“That you were smart to come back when you did.” Jackson glared at her. “I was going to come to New York to get you.”

“You were?” Iona smiled.

“Yeah.” Jackson hugged her. “Chandler offered to lend me his plane so if I could convince you to come home, we could yell at each other or do other things.”

“Other things, huh?” Iona slid her hands around his neck.

“Yes. Like make love to each other.” Jackson kissed her gently then held her gaze. “I love you, Iona.”

Warmth filled her chest at hearing him say the words again. Iona kissed him then said, “I love you, Jackson.”

“Now that’s the correct way to react when someone says they love you.” Jackson rubbed his nose against the side of her face.

Iona lifted her head, moaning as he kissed along her neck to her chin. She shifted to straddle him on the chair. Jackson slid his hands under her skirt to her underwear. She rose and he pulled down the garment. She briefly stood to take it off and unzip him and put on a condom before she resumed her spot in his lap. Jackson raised her then pulled her down onto his erection. She moaned as he filled her. Iona shuddered, holding him firmly, appreciating being in his arms again. They moved together and she felt their connection strengthen.

Jackson was hers and she was his. They had started out with only sex and it had expanded to so much more. Although they had added to it, the concept was still simple, like she wanted and she knew he did too. They would be together, loving and growing with each other. It was such a simple arrangement to accept that he was the man for her.

Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:

McKingley: All the Wright Moves

Aliyah Burke and McKenna Jeffries


Chapter One

Katiya Wright stopped only after a step into the open doorway. The sight before her made her breath catch and she leaned against the doorframe for support and to view the tight jeans hugging a firm ass. The man bent, stretching the already fitted jeans taut. She bit her bottom lip to stifle a whimper. Her gaze travelled from the ass to muscular legs that bulged enticingly as he stood. She retraced her path back up to a bottom that should be declared illegal to a tapered waist, and a back that rippled with muscles visible through his shirt across his broad shoulders. The man shifted to the side as he lifted the computer monitor onto the desk. Katiya snapped out of her daze, glancing away from his luscious body.

The large room, which had been empty a few days earlier, was now filled with over fifty individual oak desks, office chairs and a file cabinet with a printer on it. It was as she’d envisioned, each work area set up like an office. She walked over to the desk closest to her and touched the last item that she knew had arrived today. A complete computer system with all the bells and whistles sat on top of the desk. A look at the screen showed it was installing some sort of software. With another glance around the room she noted that the systems were almost all set up. She returned her attention to the lone man still installing the computers and wondered where the rest of the work crew was.

A flare of interest filled her as she watched him work. With efficient moves he hooked up all the cables. Moments later he flipped on the system, punched a few keys, and the Windows logo came up. The man moved onto another desk and bent to pick up another computer out of a new box. She tried to figure out why she seemed to be attracted to him. It had been years since she’d had even a minuscule amount of interest in anyone. She hadn’t even seen his face nor had any interaction with him. Katiya continued to study him. She should probably let him know she was there, but she didn’t want to break the moment and continued to watch as he set up another system and moved onto another.

Snap out of it. No dating,
she reminded herself. Clearing her throat, she walked over to the man. He stiffened and straightened from the box he was unpacking.

“Everything is looking great.” She glanced around again, pleased that her vision was finally taking shape.

Katiya turned to look at him again then stopped.
Damn, he’s even more captivating up close.
His dark, brooding eyes studied her silently. Black shaggy shoulder length hair framed a tanned, craggy face. He wasn’t what she’d call typically handsome, but something about him made her want to look at him more than once. With large blunt fingers, he pushed back his hair from his face. He dwarfed her five feet nine inches—he had to be at least over six feet tall.

“There are just a few more systems left to set up in here.”

His deep, bassy baritone set off a clenching sensation in the base of her stomach.

Control yourself.
Katiya took a calming breath. “Yes, I see that. I’m surprised that there aren’t more techs helping to get it done.”

“There were, but they are setting up the other systems for the centre offices,” he replied.

Katiya frowned. “What? The donation was only for these systems.” She motioned to the computers around the room.


“Katiya. Katiya Wright. No need for the Miss.” She paused. “I don’t understand. Why are computers being installed in the centre offices?”

“Katiya Wright. You’re the owner of The Oasis, I’m pleased to meet you.” He reached out and shook her hand. “You’re doing some great things with the community centre. As for the reason why the centre’s offices are being set up too. Do you realise how outdated your systems are?” The man cocked his head to the side, studying her.

She ignored the flash of pleasure that filled her at his touch and statement about her work at the centre.

“I know they are but this”—she gestured to the systems again—“was more important to get than computers for our offices. What does—?”

“Why didn’t you just ask for a donation that included the centre offices?”

Katiya narrowed her eyes. She didn’t appreciate his almost chastising tone, but instead of replying in anger, she put on her ‘diplomatic mask’.

“We had thought we would have to get more than one donor to get everything here the way we wanted. But when I approached your company, the donation made was more than generous enough and we didn’t need to seek any other donors. Taylor Bytes gave us all the computer systems, printers and provided techs like you to set it all up for us. That was what we needed. The centre offices having computers were secondary to that.”

Although she had not met the man behind Taylor Bytes, the multibillion-dollar software company, Katiya was very grateful for his unselfish donation. When she had approached the company she had never expected them to donate everything she’d needed to get her computer classes up and running. The man continued to study her intently. Katiya shifted and tried to mask her wince. Her leg ached from the plane ride.

“So what they say about you is true.”

“What do they say?” she asked, leery.

She knew people talked about her dogged determination to get donations for The Oasis—her community centre. They either respected her or called her a pest. She didn’t care as long as The Oasis was running well.

“The Oasis and programs you have here come first,” he stated.

“That’s the way it should be. And this is why I still want to know about the installation of the additional systems.”

“After we got here we were met by Rhianna and she mentioned that you had to go out of town unexpectedly. She showed us where things were to go, I set the men to work and asked Rhianna to show me where we would set up the wireless network. She ended up giving me a tour. From outside you wouldn’t know how huge this place is, and the set-up is phenomenal. Rhianna mentioned the various classes, services and so on you offer. It is impressive.”

“Thanks.” She smiled.

“No, it is you and the people here this community has to thank. Your dedication to the centre and its programs are admirable, however you need good equipment to do the work you do. While we were in Rhianna’s office, I noticed that her computer was a dinosaur. I asked why the donation hadn’t included the offices and she said almost the same thing you had. I made a few calls and Taylor Bytes included the centre offices in the donation. The other techs are setting up the systems.”

Katiya stared. She knew that Rhianna, who was her second in the centre, would not have asked for more donations and she had probably tried to dissuade him. From the look on his face, she could see he wasn’t a man easily dissuaded. She wasn’t either. This time, though, she would let him have his way. It was a benefit to the centre.

“Thank you and Taylor Bytes.”

“You’re welcome, Katiya.”

She stifled a shiver at the way he’d said her name. It was almost like a caress. However, his face was expressionless She must have imagined it.

“Rhianna mentioned you were flying in today but I thought you would be in tomorrow. We planned to come back to set up your system then.”

“I came straight from the airport. I had to check and see how things are doing.” She smiled wryly.

“I know the feeling. I rush back to work after being away too.”

They shared a companionable look. He glanced at his watch. Katiya looked at hers and noted it was almost noon.

“Do you have time for us to set you up today?” He crossed his arms.

“Sure. What do you need from me?”

“Access to your computer. We need to make copies of your hard drive files and programs you installed to put on the new system. Let me get one of the guys to work on it.”

She nodded as he unhooked what looked to be a walkie-talkie from his belt. Katiya wandered over to another system and glanced at the screen. The system seemed to have finished loading whatever it had been doing.

“Calix will meet you at your office,” he said.

“Okay.” She turned to face him and gasped—he was close. He smiled. Katiya stifled a whimper. The dimples bracketing his lush lips made her want to lick them.

Down, girl.

“Ummm… I better go meet Calix.” She backed away.

“Depending on what you have on your hard drive, it should only be about an hour or two to get your info off the old system.”

“Okay. Thanks again.” She turned then walked quickly to the door.

welcome, Katiya.” His words followed her out of the door.

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