Simple Arrangement (8 page)

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Authors: McKenna Jeffries

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Simple Arrangement
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I could get used to coming home to her every night.

Jackson pushed away the foolish thought.

* * * *

As the weeks passed he got used to spending time with Iona whenever she was in town. Her schedule was busy and she was out of town more often than in McKingley. When she was in town, he appreciated having time to do various activities together. Like today, when they had plans Jackson was looking forward to.

“Come on, Iona,” he called up the stairs.

“Keep your pants on,” she yelled back. He heard her steps as she came down the hall then she was at the top of the staircase. She struck a pose and grinned at him. “How do I look?”

Jackson rethought the present he’d given her earlier. The pale gray and magenta biking gear molded to her curves, making his mouth water and his cock harden with his need to strip her bare.

“Ummm… Maybe we should just stay home.” Jackson put his foot on the step.

“Nope. We’ll go out and work up a sweat.” Iona shook her head and came down the staircase. “Then come home later and work up another sort of sweat.”

Jackson was tempted to seduce her into staying home. Images of last time they’d gone biking filled him. Iona was competitive and if he challenged her like he had before, it could get very interesting.

“I bet I can beat you around the trail.”

“You’re on.” She reached his side and held out her hand.

Jackson shook it, already imagining what he would do to her if he won, as well as what she could do to him if she did. Either way, he would come out a winner. Eager, he got them moving so they could work on their wager. In the truck, she told him about her trip and he filled her on what was going on at the hospital. The drive went fast and they got out retrieving their bikes. When they were ready, they straddled the bikes.

“I’m going to win this bet,” Iona taunted.

“Poor, poor delusional woman,” Jackson scoffed. “Be prepared to bow down and call me King of the Trails.”

“King of something, all right.” Iona stuck out her tongue then pedaled off.

“Cheater,” Jackson called then headed after her.

Iona laughed and went faster. He enjoyed hearing her amusement. He quickened his pace then passed her, snickering as he did. They exchanged leads back and forth around the trail then ended back where they’d begun.

“Queen of the Trails.” Iona put her hands in the air, pumping her fists.

“No one likes someone who gloats,” Jackson griped.

no one
better close their eyes, since I am not only gloating but dancing.” Iona clapped her hands and wiggled her shoulders.

“This no one will be continuing to ride while you act unsportsmanlike by gloating.” Jackson blew her a raspberry then put his nose in the air. “I would have at least got off my bike to gloat and do a proper dance.”

“You are a nut.” Iona chuckled.

“I know I am and so are you.” Jackson set off riding again.

Iona fell into place beside him and they rode, joking with each other as they did. Later, Jackson stopped, placing his feet on the ground on either side of his bike. He pulled his water bottle from the carrier and sipped the refreshing beverage. A bike braked beside his and he glanced at Iona. She retrieved her own water and took a drink.

“It was a good idea to come to Lendro Peak to bike today.” Jackson reached out for her and kissed her gently. “I needed this.”

“Me too. It’s been a busy few weeks at work.”

“It has.” Jackson studied her, touching her face. “You look a little tired after your last trip out of town.”

“All the traveling has me beat.” Iona shrugged, putting back her water bottle.

“At least you don’t have any trips scheduled for a few months.” He tugged her ponytail. “We can spend some quality time together.”

“I’d like that.” She winked then said, “Now let’s get going. I promised to make you dinner.”

“And I’m looking forward to you cooking over a hot stove for me.”

“It’s your turn next time, buddy. And I might demand you cook naked.”

“That’s unsafe. I might burn the important bits.” Jackson pursed his lips.

“Fine, you can wear an apron and nothing else. Then take it off to serve me naked.”

“Hey, you’re cooking for me tonight, so why don’t you serve me naked?” Jackson wiggled his eyebrows.

“You didn’t ask for it before so nope. I asked, so I get you to do it.” Iona set off on her bike, her laughter trailing behind her. Jackson went after her and they rode the paths then later they went to her house. The teasing continued as she cooked for him.

“It would only take one moment to take off your shirt,” Jackson suggested, reaching to help her.

Iona slapped at his hand then shook a warning finger at him. “No nakedness in the kitchen unless it is you.”

“That doesn’t seem fair.” Jackson snorted.

“Who said it would be fair?” Iona bobbed around the kitchen. “This is my world, baby, and you’re just privileged enough to be at my beck and call.”

Jackson laughed at her antics. Iona came into his face and blew him a kiss then danced away before he could grab her. He stood and chased her around the room. Iona shrieked and ran. She dodged him then rushed toward the doorway. Jackson followed her, enjoying her laughter. She glanced over her shoulder as she went through the living room door. Jackson closed in on her and grabbed her from behind, turning her into his arms.

“Jackson.” She pushed at him, chuckling, then her hold changed and she slid her arms around his neck. Iona kissed him gently, a soft smile on her lips.

The joy on her face filled him and Jackson’s eyes widened as it dawned on him what had been staring him in the face the last few months. Iona’s eyes narrowed then she pulled away. Jackson held her and gazed into her pale gray eyes.


She put her finger over his lip. “Don’t, Jackson.” She sounded tired. “Let’s just have dinner.”

“We need to talk.”

“Later. I can’t right now. We’ll do it later,” she implored.

Jackson gave in since she looked so tired. They went back to the kitchen and had a nice dinner. He kept the conversation light even as the words he needed to say wanted to spill out. They washed the dishes together then got ready for bed. Iona touched his back as she passed him in the bathroom. Jackson put toothpaste on his toothbrush then started to brush his teeth. His thoughts were filled with what he would tell her tomorrow.

A sense of rightness overcame him and he finished then went to bed. Iona was lying on her side, facing away from him. Jackson frowned but brushed it off—she was tired. He slid in behind her, holding her close. He put his hand on her stomach. Moments later, Iona placed her hand over his. She put their fingers together before turning to him. Iona stared at him then kissed him.

She pulled at his pajama bottoms and he lifted his hips to make it easier for her to take them off. Once he was naked, she put protection on his cock then rolled onto her back and pulled him over her. Jackson slid into her, moaning as she squeezed him within her pussy. He moved slowly but she dug her fingers into his ass, yanking him closer to move faster. Iona rocked, matching his strokes.

“Jackson.” Iona’s voice broke and she cleared her throat. “Make me yours.”

“Always.” He kissed her and thrust into her.

She held him, whimpering as she opened for him. She gripped him, gyrating against him and making the noises he loved to hear. Iona tightened her inner walls and held the back of his neck, staring at him. Jackson plunged into her moving quicker and quicker. He shivered as his release came upon him. Iona’s breath hitched signaling her release. Jackson stroked deep once then twice and shook as he came. Iona climaxed with him, moving under him and moaning in her throat.

“I love you, Iona,” Jackson said, unable to hold back the words any longer.

She stiffened briefly then relaxed before she pulled his head down to hers and kissed him urgently. Jackson wondered about her reaction but returned her kiss. He hardened once more and they started to make love again.

She is mine. And I will not let her go.

* * * *

Jackson stretched and with a smile on his face, he reached over for Iona. He frowned when he met cold sheets. He rolled and, not seeing her, sat up. Stretching again, he figured that she was probably already downstairs getting coffee and breakfast ready. He stood and went to the bathroom. He used the facilities, then washed his face before brushing his teeth. After he left the bedroom, he went down the hall then down the steps, whistling. When he was downstairs, he paused, not smelling any coffee.

Confused, Jackson called, “Iona?” When he received no answer, he went first to the living room then to the kitchen.

He went toward the kitchen island when he spotted a note propped against the cookie canister. He recognized Iona’s handwriting as he opened the folded paper. Jackson figured she had departed to get something and left him a note to tell him. As he read he first line, he knew he was wrong. Jackson stopped reading then sat on the stool. He reread the first line, then the rest of the note.

Jackson— When we started this arrangement, we both agreed that we would not get caught up and think of it as anything other than it is. Sex with you is a wonderful thing but as I mentioned when we first started this, I’m not looking for anything more. The simple arrangement we had has become too complex. You let your emotions get the best of you. I’m sorry but this arrangement can no longer continue. At least by the time I get back from my business trip you would have had time and we can still continue on as friends. Thank you.

—Iona McKingley.

Jackson clenched the note in his fist. As far as he knew, there was no business trip. Since she’d left town, it had to be because she was running from him. Jackson stood, fury filling him. Iona could do what she chose to do and he would do as he needed to.

* * * *

Iona hugged herself as she looked out at the New York skyline. The party behind her was in full swing but she didn’t really hear it. The business trip had been worth it. Edge Design Group had signed another lucrative contract for an office building in midtown Manhattan. She should have been happy but she wasn’t. Iona rubbed her fingers down the bridge of her nose, staring at her reflection in the glass. She looked as tired as she felt. A month since she’d left McKingley and she felt tired, bone-deep. Iona knew it had more to do with something else than just being tired. She missed Jackson.

You’re the one who pushed him away. You left him a kiss-off letter. Didn’t even have the balls to tell him goodbye to his face.
Regret at doing so filled her. She should have at least had the decency to face him.
But you didn’t, because you were afraid that looking at him, you could not walk away.
She stiffened her spine and refused to think of what might have been.

“You hurt my Jackie,” a woman with a familiar voice said, as she came up to her.

Iona closed her eyes and stifled a groan then opened her eyes and turned to face the woman. Her head was lifted back and she stared at Iona, her expression clearly showing that she would deck her if she said the wrong thing.

“Deyon, it is always so lovely to see you,” Iona said, and she actually meant it.

“Fuck you, Iona.” Deyon clenched her fist and stepped forward. “Because of Leo, I didn’t ask what was going on with you and Jackie. I regret that now.” She moved closer to her. “What did you do to Jackie?”

“I didn’t do anything to Jackson.” Iona bared her teeth. “Friends or not, don’t use that tone with me, Deyon.”

“You think you can take me.” Deyon closed in on her.

“Now, now, ladies,” Tarak, who had been on the trip with Iona, interrupted then steered Iona away.

“Come on, Deyon.” Chandler grabbed Deyon and led her behind them.

“What are they doing here?” Iona demanded.

“I ran into Chandler by the bar. He and Deyon are here on a buying trip for some textiles for her shop. We lost track of Deyon once she found out you were here.” Tarak hugged Iona gently as he continued to lead her to the terrace doors. “She doesn’t realize you are hurting too.”

Iona briefly closed her eyes then shook her head. “I deserve it.”

“Whatever is going on between you and Jackie can be worked out.” Tarak squeezed her again. “That is, if you stop running and go home to him.”

“We had an agreement and changing it isn’t beneficial to either of us.” She pulled away as they arrived outside.

“Beneficial,” Deyon said in a low voice. “This isn’t some business merger, Iona. This is about you and Jackie.” Deyon pushed her from behind.

Iona turned on her and got in her face. “I told you about your tone, Deyon. And don’t you push me.”

“What you going to do about it?” Deyon taunted.

“If we weren’t friends, I would punch you. Bloody that nose of yours that likes to be in people’s business.”

“And if I wasn’t your friend, you heffa, we’d be rolling on the ground already.” Deyon looked down her nose at her.

Iona snorted. “You’d ruin your gown.”

“It might be worth it.” Deyon put her arm over Iona’s shoulder. “What can I do?”

Just like that, Iona realized that Deyon’s attitude was about worrying for not just Jackson but Iona too. The concern in Deyon’s tone was almost Iona’s undoing. She sighed and said what she wanted so much. “I want to go back to McKingley.”

“We can be there in a few hours. Chandler has his private jet.” Deyon turned and steered her back toward the door. “Tarak, you wrap up whatever business needs to be done here. Chandler, let the pilot know we will be leaving as soon as we can get Iona packed.”

“I don’t work for you, Deyon,” Tarak pointed out, sounding amused. “And everything is already done that we had to do here in New York.”

“Good, then you are coming home with us. Don’t think I don’t notice you are limping. I bet you have been pushing yourself too hard,” Deyon muttered. “Wait until I get you home. I’m going to lock you up in my house and take care of you.”

“For God’s sake, Deyon. Don’t you have a husband you should be taking care of? Instead of bothering me,” Tarak muttered.

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