Simple Arrangement (3 page)

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Authors: McKenna Jeffries

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Simple Arrangement
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He headed toward his office, stopping along the way to answer questions for those working in the emergency room who reported to him. When he entered his office without some emergency stopping him, Jackson let out a breath of relief. It had been a long shift. Although he loved his job, he also appreciated the times he was able to relax away from it. Jackson sat at his desk, shrugging his shoulders to ease some of the tension from them. His cell vibrated in his pocket. Pulling it out, Jackson noticed he had a text. He opened it, read the message then laughed. The next moment his cell rang and, seeing the number, he grinned then answered the call.

“So you wanna be my date for Dimitri’s wedding?” Jackson teased.

“You better had asked me. I asked you last time.” Chandler laughed. “Didn’t we just attend a wedding two days ago?”

“Yep. But now we’re going to another one.”

“Can you believe they sent the invitation by text?” Chandler snickered. “Since I’ve been in McKingley, I’ve gotten to know Dimitri’s mom, and she must be having a fit right about now.”

“I’ve known her longer than you. So I can say with certainty she is.” Jackson laughed. “And she is also having a meltdown that they are getting married this Saturday—in less than five days. She’s probably plotting how she can plan a wedding that quickly.”

“She can’t.” Chandler clucked his tongue. “Anyway, come by tonight to Deyon’s so I can make sure your suit fits you for the wedding.”

“What suit?” Jackson frowned.

“The one Deyon had me start designing months ago in preparation for Dimitri asking Shannon to marry him. I swear that woman must be psychic and knew they would use it. Shannon is already here to try on the gown Deyon made for her. Thankfully, she likes it. Dimitri is also already here trying on his suit.”

“But I’m not in the wedding party,” Jackson protested.

“You should be getting the text that you are now.” Chandler chuckled.

Jackson’s phone dinged with a message. He sighed. “Mister Know It All. What time?”

“As soon as you get off work. I have to fit all the men in the wedding party.”

“I thought it was going to be a simple wedding,” Jackson said.

“It is, but Shannon was insistent that Dimitri choose who he wants to be included in the wedding party. And you are one of them he wants.”

“It comes with being part of the kooky clan of Wrights.” Jackson shook his head.

“Exactly. Hell, I was even roped into it.” Chandler sounded surprised.

“You are important to Deyon, so that extends to you too.”

“I’m getting that.” Chandler lowered his voice. “Shannon even asked Kendrix to be one of her bridesmaids along with Dimitri’s sisters, her friend Carmen and Carmen’s sisters, who seem to have decided to adopt Shannon as their own, even though she has the wrong first letter in her name.”

“Huh? What does that mean?”

“Ask Carmen to explain it to you.” Chandler’s amusement was clear even across the phone line.

“From your tone I’m even afraid to ask.” Jackson thought of who else would be in the wedding. “What about Shannon’s cousin—James—is he going to be in the wedding?”

“He is and I thought everyone had exaggerated that he was a little weird. He wants me to make a tux for his pet bird Sigmund, since he is in the wedding too. I’ll be damned if I’m going to dress a bird.” Chandler sounded offended.

“He does? Maybe you just don’t have the designing awesomeness to dress Sigmund. After all, he is famous in McKingley.” Jackson laughed until tears rolled down his face.

“Fuck you. I can design anything. Even a tux for a rooster,” Chandler said.

“You can? That’s great,” a male’s voice said close to Chandler, so Jackson heard them. “See, I told you, Sigmund, we could count on Chandler. We might even become friends.”

“I hate you so much, Jackson.” Chandler growled then groaned. “James, I don’t need any more friends. I have enough and I’m not designing a suit for a bird.”

“Now, now. Don’t say it like that, Sigmund is sensitive.” James made a cooing sound. “He didn’t mean it, Sigmund.”

“He has the bird there at Deyon’s store?” Jackson asked.

“Yes.” Chandler said. “And no one even thought it was weird he did. I sometimes wonder if my settling down in McKingley is a good idea. A celebrity that is a chicken—”

“Rooster. Sigmund is a rooster. Now apologize,” James said cheerfully.

“I’m sorry, Sigmund.” Chandler groaned. “Oh Christ, I apologized to a rooster.
Help me
. He’s already driven me around the bend.”

“You’ll be fine.” Jackson laughed. “I’ll be there after work. With the wedding Saturday, we’ll have to put off our movie night.”

“Maybe. It’s an early morning wedding so we might still be able to watch movies.”

“Movies? Sigmund and I like movies,” James said.

“If you come to watch movies you are not bringing the rooster,” Chandler said.

“I’ll see you at movie night,” James said then he chuckled. “Sigmund, we’ll convince him to let you come along before Saturday.”

“You might as well give in. James has a knack for getting people to do things without them knowing why they agreed.”

“Ha ha. Mister Laughy Boy.” Chandler sighed then said in a soft tone, “I forgot, one more person will be in the wedding. Iona is a bridesmaid. Maybe this time you’ll get your head out of your ass and actually let her know you’re interested.”

“Fuck you,” Jackson snapped then blew out a breath. “I thought we already discussed this. You’re the one who’s going make a play for her.”

“Play for her?” Chandler snorted. “What are we, teenagers? Man up and go after the woman.”


“Stubborn ass.”

“See you later.” Jackson hung up. He sat back in his chair. Another wedding to be in and, most importantly, a chance to see Iona again.

Thought you were going to stay away from her.
He was, but the thrill he had at knowing he would be seeing her so soon didn’t dissipate.

* * * *

Jackson drank his champagne, glancing around the area between Shannon’s and James’ homes. The hot New Mexico sun bathed the area in a bright light, making the glasses shine. The yard was decorated for the wedding and the reception. The ceremony had been simple, beautiful and poignant. The halter-top sundress-style gown had suited Shannon well and her bridesmaids, in similar style dresses in various colors, had complemented her. For the groomsmen, the color of each of their tunic-hstyle, button-down, short-sleeved shirt and casual slacks had matched the bridesmaid they had escorted in the wedding.

“We’ve got to stop meeting like this,” Iona spoke behind him in her melodious smoky voice.

“Maybe.” Jackson braced himself to look at her as he turned.

He wasn’t prepared, just as he hadn’t been earlier when he’d first seen her. Her heavily lashed pale gray eyes were offset by her hair—dark brown with streaks of gold—framing her face. The pale gray bridesmaid gown looked so good against her sienna skin. He studied her sculptured cheeks, rounded chin and full lips, wondering how each would feel if he kissed them. He imagined making the trek with kisses from her forehead down all over her face, then stopping against the pulse of her neck before going lower to more soft and lush flesh. He watched her eyes, resisting the urge to touch the curls flowing around her face to rest just below her breasts.

“You look really spiffy.” Iona touched along the one side of his unbuttoned shirt.

“If I didn’t know better, I would think you were flirting with me, Iona.” Jackson smirked. “Better be careful before rumors start about us.”

“Rumors could become fact.” Iona pulled out a piece of paper from her purse then slid it into the pocket on the left side of his chest. “Text me and let me know if this works for you.” She winked then turned and sauntered off.

Jackson stared at the sensual sway of her ass as she walked away from him. When she disappeared into the crowd of people, Jackson pulled out the paper and looked at it.

Meet me at Lena’s for brunch at 11 a.m. tomorrow. —Iona

Jackson gazed after her as he pulled out his cell. He sent her a confirmation to accept the invitation. He put his phone away and wondered what had happened to his plan to keep away from Iona.

“It’s her eyes. The no-nonsense look she gives you that makes you feel she can see all you are,” Jackson muttered.

He slid the paper back in his pocket.

* * * *

Jackson opened the door to Lena’s, going in then taking off his shades before hanging them in the rounded neck at the front of his T-shirt and looking around. He’d heard that the popular restaurant had really great food. The place was packed with patrons and waiters and waitresses were bustling, serving people. He approached the hostess stand and the woman looked up and smiled at him.

“I’ve got this, Daphne.” A female voice spoke before Jackson could say anything.

Jackson studied the lady who had approached from behind the hostess. Her features let him know who she was, although he had never met her.

“Iona didn’t do you justice when she described you.” The woman put up her hand. “I’m Lena—the owner of this humble place.” She gestured around with an elegant motion. “And even if Iona tells you that I’m a pesky little sister, don’t you believe her. Now come on and let me take you to her.”

“This place doesn’t look so humble to me. And it smells wonderful, only making me hungrier. If you would do me the honor of letting me escort you, we can go to Iona.” Jackson held out his arm.

“You are a charmer.” Lena chuckled and slid her hand into the crook of his elbow.

“Sometimes.” Jackson walked with her as she led him through the diners deeper into the room. “So, from what you said, you’re Iona’s little sister.” Jackson looked into pale gray eyes that were so much like Iona’s. “I don’t recall ever meeting you.”

“Now I should be offended. We did meet at various weddings for the Wrights. You also met my cousin, who co-owns Sensations with a Wright cousin and Kincaid.” Lena glanced at him from under her lashes. “We catered the weddings.”

Jackson winced when he realized he had. He didn’t know how he’d missed that some of the women were related to Iona. It was obvious now that he was looking at her.


“No need for that.” Lena patted his arm with her other hand then smirked. “You were distracted by Iona. You should take up my cousin on her offer to let her tickle your taste buds with some fabulous food at her restaurant, Sensations. Take Iona with you.” Lena stopped. “Here she is.”

“I know that gleam in your eye, Lena. What mischief have you been getting into?”

I’m innocent.”

“Like I would even believe that.” Iona snorted and waved her away. “Go get our food.”

“Bossy woman.”

“That’s Bossy Big Sister to you, squirt.”

Lena left chuckling. Iona smiled then studied Jackson.

“I ordered for us. Have a seat.” She gestured at the space opposite her.

Jackson slid into the booth across from her. Iona placed her elbows on the table and stared at him, a soft smile on her lips. Jackson mirrored her, smiling too.

“I was going to wait until after we ate before broaching the subject of why I asked you here, but after seeing you, I’m just going to go for it.” Iona sat back and her expression changed, becoming contained and businesslike.

Jackson relaxed in the booth, waiting for her to speak.

“I have an arrangement I want to set up with you. But first I want to lay out the reasons my arrangement is beneficial to both of us.” Iona lifted her hand and ticked off her points on her fingers. “One—from what I have ascertained, the both of us have busy careers that demand our time. This means we don’t have time for messy things, such as a relationship. Two—with that, it’s hard to find someone who wouldn’t get caught up in the emotional aspects of sex. Three—I find you attractive, and you find me the same. This leads me to the offer of an arrangement that might work for us.” Iona leaned forward, smiling a slow grin of someone closing in to complete a deal. “It’s simple really. We can enjoy sex with each other and not worry about there being anything else mucking it up. I’m not looking for a relationship or anything like that. All I want is an arrangement for us to have sex.” She leaned back. “That is, if you are in agreement with it.”

“You want us to make an arrangement to have sex,” Jackson repeated to make sure that he had it straight. “But you don’t want any messy emotions involved or even to think of it as a relationship.”

“Exactly. I know I’ve taken you by surprise, so take your time to think about it.” Iona looked beyond him. “Here comes our food.”

“Iona,” he said firmly, as he reached across the table and placed his hand over hers. Iona stared at him, her business mask firmly in place. “You don’t make a man an offer like you just did and act like it is a business deal you are trying to close.”

“Why not? That’s what this is,” Iona replied.

“Is it?” Jackson tsked. “You like to be in control, Iona, but for me to even consider such an arrangement, you need to think about the way you ask me.” Jackson stared at her. “If I recall, someone recently mentioned ‘the effort is sometimes worth the pay-off. You can still be blunt but it’s the way you are blunt.’ I like that you are being blunt about what you want, but your delivery needs work. Think of that while we eat.”

The waiter placed a plate before him. Jackson released Iona’s hand. Iona blinked, a frown on her face.

I must be stupid to not just jump at the chance to take her to my bed.
Studying her, Jackson amended his thought. Jumping into bed with Iona would be easy, but having her set terms and see this as just another business arrangement wouldn’t be a good thing. He wanted to be on equal footing with Iona if they were to do this. If he wasn’t, he knew that what they had would be short-lived, and that she would walk away without looking back. Jackson also knew in his gut that it would take a while for him to get his fill of her. He picked up his fork and started to eat while watching Iona, who was also eating, but slowly. He could see her thinking and Jackson stifled a smile. Iona had been thrown off from her plan and that intrigued her. It was a good start.

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