Shattered (19 page)

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Authors: C. C. Brown

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Shattered
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My shirt came off in one swift move. Grayson wasted no time unclipping my bra, springing my breasts to life. A second later, his hand and mouth were smothering both-- licking, sucking, and rubbing with tenacious fervor. My legs moved uncontrollably at the onslaught. My knees hit Grayson's ass with every frenzied move. It only encouraged him, and he moved from one breast to the other, keeping with the same tortuous pace that had sent me into an uncontrollable fit. He claimed me, and I gladly allowed it to happen.

I felt one of his hands snake its way down my torso and into my pants. He stopped and propped himself up on his knees, lifting me slightly as he pulled my pants down. He looked down on me, his eyes gleaming, and sucked on his bottom lip before spraying light kisses over my mid-section. He kissed and licked his way down to my belly button while running his deftly soft fingers down my thighs. I used both hands to run my fingers through his hair, clenching as he tickled me with fingers and lips that knew exactly what they were doing. His kisses trailed further and further down until his lips replaced his fingers, and his fingers slowly made their way inside me. I gasped at the intrusion, causing Grayson to move with a bit more intensity. His fingers circling me sent shivers and tingles through every inch of my body, and I tightened my grip on his hair, pulling and thrusting with every powerful stroke.

Grayson wrapped his free arm around my thigh and pulled me closer to him. It had been so long since I had felt the warmth of a man's touch and Grayson was providing something that I hadn't recalled ever feeling. I surrendered my body to him. It was his for the taking, and he took all that I gave. Just as he was removing his fingers, he replaced them with his mouth. The fierceness of his tongue in my mouth was magnified on my clit. He lashed me with exorbitant thrusts and buried his face into me, using both hands to pull and hold me close, licking and sucking with enough tenacity to destroy me. With each expert stroke of his tongue, I felt my body tingle, and through labored pants, I tried and failed miserably to get his attention. It was of no use. The more I tried, the harder he sucked. I finally weakly mumbled, "I'm coming." Grayson didn't relent. My body, convulsing at his movements, urged him even further, and as he shoved his tongue even deeper, I began to lose all self-control. My legs tingled and shook violently, causing my upper body to spasm at the need to release. I tried to move away from him, but Grayson held me even tighter, pulling me closer to him as I came. He finally pulled away, roughly gripping my thighs as the orgasm ripped through me, causing my entire body to shake with unyielding ferocity. My heart pounded. It took me a few minutes to come down from such an incredible high, and honestly, I really didn't want to. Grayson awoke something in me that had been lying dormant for years.

When I finally opened my eyes, he sat staring down on me, his sly grin spread across his face.

"Welcome back," he whispered. I could do nothing but smile at him. I was back, but my heart was still beating down the walls of my chest. Grayson had just breathed life into me, life that I didn't know was still there.

He sat me up and took me in his arms, lightly kissing my hair every so often. We watched more TV until I fell asleep, then Grayson woke me to let me know that he was going to go. I didn't want him to leave, but I knew it was late and we both had to work the next day. I stood, but he lightly laid me back down. He knelt down on his knees and kissed my forehead.

 "Let me make dinner for you tomorrow night," he said lightly, running his fingers through my wild hair.

I wiped my eyes and looked at him, seeing nothing but affection pouring from him and softly nodded. He smiled and put his hand behind my head, pulling me in for a long, passionate kiss. I could feel my insides rise in temperature from the feel of his lips alone. As we pulled back, he leaned in and placed two quick after kisses on my lips, then stood to leave. I stood and walked him to the door, where I leaned in to kiss him again before saying goodbye. I couldn't get enough of his lips and stealing a kiss before he left would have to soothe the need I felt to keep him with me all night.


Chapter 12 

Sleep never felt so good.

Grayson's lips were on my mind all night and even made an appearance in my dreams. I could have spent the entire night kissing him. Fortunately for me, I had dinner plans with him so I didn't have to wait too long before savoring him again.

I took my time getting ready for work. I didn't have any pressing business to tend to, so after showering I ate a hearty breakfast, grabbed my notebook, and went down to the park near my townhouse. I spent the next hour writing and people watching. I had so much to get off my chest and onto paper. Just when I had resigned myself to a single life, making sure to avoid any more unnecessary loss, Grayson came into my life. I tried to keep him away, but the mutual attraction between us was definitely stronger than my will power and I couldn't be happier with where my life stood.  

Tearing myself away from my thoughts, I finally closed my notebook and made my way to my Jeep. I had to dodge a few skateboarders who haphazardly skated by, doing tricks while ignoring pedestrians. Normally, they would have been met with obscenities and my middle finger, but today, all I could do was smile and laugh it off.

When I walked into the office, Miranda and Sean were sitting at her desk, laughing at something on the computer screen. They looked up at me with curiosity on their faces as I strolled in with an uncharacteristic smile on my own. I gave a quick wave and retreated to my office. I powered up my computer and was surprisingly relieved that I didn't have much work waiting for me. There were a few proofs to work on and send off, but other than that my day was relatively free.

Sean knocked on my door and walked in, holding an iced coffee from Ada's. I eyed it and immediately felt my lips stretch into a coy smile. He sat the cup down on my desk and took a seat in my empty chair.

"I stopped by your boyfriend's shop this morning. He asked me to bring this to you."

I snatched the drink and took a long sip. It was an iced vanilla frap. Sean eyed me curiously as I smiled again at the thought of why he'd sent this particular drink to me.

"Thanks, Sean. Grayson isn't my boyfriend, though." I watched as he arched one eyebrow, likely doubting my claims.

"You may not have a title, but you're definitely an item. I hung out with you two yesterday, remember?"

"Yes I remember."

"Well, I think I know a couple when I see one."

"Is my dear friend living in denial again?" Miranda asked as she strolled into my office. "I don't know why you haven't made Grayson your boyfriend already. He's definitely head over heels for you."

I rolled my eyes and threw my hair up into a messy ponytail.

"I'm taking my time, Miranda. I don't need any more heartache, ya know?"

"There is such a thing as taking your time and then there is moving at the speed of a snail. You, my dear, are doing the latter."

I laughed. Sean and Miranda had a solid relationship, but normally the roles were reversed. She was usually the cautious one who moved slowly in relationships because she was known to self-sabotage. I, on the other hand, had been with Colby for so long that I was typically doing the pushing that she now found herself doing. It was a bit comical to think of the way the tide had turned for us.

"Well, I'm having dinner at his house tonight. Does that make you feel better?" I asked in a snarky tone. In no way was I about to tell her about our encounter last night. It wasn't any of her business.

Sean tapped on my desk with one hand and put the other over Miranda's mouth.

"It's perfect. Hope you have a great dinner, Dallis," he said, making sure that Miranda could say nothing in return.

I watched as he took her hand and led her out of my office. Once they were out, I clicked on the picture of Grayson that I had taken the day of the photo shoot and smiled as I lost myself in his beautiful, deep blue eyes.

As soon as the clock struck 4pm, I jumped into my Jeep and high tailed it home to get ready for my dinner date with Grayson. I changed into a pair of comfortable fitting jeans and a t-shirt, leaving my hair in the messy ponytail that it had stayed in all day.  I looked over the conversation through text messages that Grayson and I'd had throughout the day and I couldn't contain the smile that crept across my face at each one.


Can't wait to have you…



For dinner…



You want me for dinner?



Did I say that?



I think you did.



Well, then, yes. Although my shrimp alfredo is to die for.



Even more than me?



A close second.



Where am I going tonight?



284 Thines Parkway

Don't be late!

I plugged Grayson's address into my GPS and was pleasantly surprised to find that he didn't live too far away from Queen Anne lookout, where I loved to steal away and write or take pictures. I could technically walk to his house and get there in less than a half hour, but since the Seattle skies had decided to open the flood gates on us once again, I decided against a soaking wet walk and drove instead.

When I pulled up in front of his house, a wave of nerves coursed through me, sending butterflies fluttering wildly in my stomach. I wasn't sure why I was so nervous. The night before had been a release of the pent up passion that we had been feeling since the day we laid eyes on one another.

 I checked myself in the rearview mirror, hoping I didn't look too flustered. A minute passed and I considered texting Grayson to let him know that I was here, but I thought better of it and slipped my phone into my back pocket and sat for a minute more.

I eyed his house half surprised. For some reason, I wasn't expecting him to live in what looked like a family home. It wasn't overly large, in fact, it was kind of small, but the beautifully manicured lawn with the rose bushes adorning the walkway, made it look more like a small family occupied the home, not a tatted up barista shop owner. Nonetheless, it had awesome curb appeal, and the look of the outside made me instantly feel at home.

I walked up to the front door and just as I was about to ring the doorbell, the door opened and there stood a shirtless Grayson. My eyes raked him over and finally found their way up to his beautiful face. He wore his signature sly grin, probably from watching me mentally undressing the rest of him. I stared into his gorgeous blue orbs and held out my hand to him.

"You gonna make me stand out in the rain?" I asked, batting my lashes at him.

"A one woman, wet t-shirt contest. I just might."

I looked down and realized that I was in a white shirt, and that it was starting to get wet. I pursed my lips and rolled my eyes at him. "I might catch a cold if you leave me standing out here." I thought maybe trying a new tactic would work.

Grayson scooped me up in his arms, taking me by surprise. "You're in my arms, how could you get cold?" He asked, then walked me into his house, kicking the door shut behind him. He leaned over and placed a very chaste kiss on my lips. I sat in his arms wanting more, but he chuckled a little before standing me up. "Make yourself at home. Dinner will be ready in five."

I looked around his living room and was instantly drawn to the pictures clinging to the wall just above his couch. I strolled over to them with wild curiosity. There were a series of pictures of a young Grayson with a blonde woman, Grayson as a teenager with the woman, and Grayson as an adult with the woman. He looked so happy. He looked just like her. My eyes scanned the photos and I realized the latest picture he had taken with her was taken at the troll where the photo shoot for Ada's was held. My heart swelled at the realization that this was Grayson's mom. He loved her with every inch of his being.

I felt an arm wrap around my waist as light kisses graced my neck.

"Is that your mom?" I asked.

"Yup. That's Ada."

His voice was warm and full of admiration. There was no hint of melancholy, which surprised me. True, Grayson's mom had passed about a year ago, but I was at a point where I couldn't even fathom coming to grips with the passing of my mom. It had taken me a while to get over the death of my dad, but I still had my mom to lean on for support. Now, I was alone. I didn't have a parent to turn to and reminisce about the good and bad times, the embarrassing moments, or the moments of compassion. I had nothing but memories that were clouded by the sadness of losing two parents in a relatively short amount of time. I wasn't ready to dig through that sadness in order to get to those memories. I wasn't ready to do much of anything.

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