Shattered (34 page)

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Authors: C. C. Brown

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Shattered
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"I'm so glad we got this place," I said, looking up at him. "Already it feels like home."

Grayson stopped playing in my hair. "Babe, wherever I am, as long as I'm with you, it's going to feel like home." He leaned over and kissed the top of my head, then went back to running his fingers through my hair. I snuggled in a bit closer to Grayson's chest as the beat of his heart gently put me to sleep.





Coming Soon

Lost- Grayson's Story

Humbled- Colby's Story

Commitment- Miranda & Sean's Story

All are stand-alone books that can be read in any order.


Future Works

Fraternizing- A military forbidden love story. Keep your eyes peeled for a release date.



Whew! Where do I even begin with this one? This book took a toll on me, physically as well as emotionally.

First and foremost, I want to thank my Mom. Thank you for loving and always believing in me even when I found it hard to believe in myself. Your heart attack during the writing of this book gave the inspiration to complete a story that I knew was dear to my heart, but I was unsure of how to go about it. I thank God every day that I didn't have to suffer Dallis' fate, and that you are still here with me. I always strive to make you proud.

To the best damn beta readers a girl could ever ask for. Leighla and Stephanie, thank you for stepping in and helping me out with the creation of Dallis' and Grayson's story. You have your own lives, kids, husbands, etc., and yet, you gladly took my baby and critiqued the hell out of it, having me add something here, change something there. I greatly appreciate everything you've done for me.

To my husband and kids for always putting up with my absenteeism in the midst of writing. You guys deserve the world, and I am working to give it to you.

Jessica and Lyndsay at The Little Black Book Blog. I love you girls eternally. I just don't think I can ever fully express my gratitude for the love and support that you have given me since I came into contact with you not too ago. I hope to continue working with you for as long as I write and as long as you blog.

Bella at Sweet Dreams Book blog, your love for my work is greatly appreciated, and I surely lucked out finding you back in my early writing days. You're stuck with me.

Lisa and Milasy at The Rock Stars of Romance, oh you chicks ROCK, but I think you already know that. Lisa, I adore you, girl… can't wait for you to make your way out to Hawaii! J

Emily and Kari at TheSubClub, my desert girl and my island girl. I'm so grateful to have you in my corner. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Trevlyn and Olivia at First Class books, OMG, how did I get so lucky to have you on my side? Your energy, enthusiasm, sharing, caring, pep talks, bitch slaps (virtually of course) have all helped me to get to where I am now. Can't wait to see you in Chicago.

Ena at SwoonWorthy Books, your pep talks and support have helped me grow tremendously. I sincerely appreciate every ounce of energy you put into blogging and into me.

Kimberly at Book Reader Chronicles and Kristy at Book Addict Mumma, I am so grateful to you for reading the sensitive material in this story, loving it, and providing me with the confirmation needed to know that I had done the story justice. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

To all of the other bloggers who have ARC read, shared the cover, teasers, and signed onto my blog tour, THANK YOU! You are the lifeline to this crazy indie world and without you my work and the work of many others would never make its way into readers' hands.

To my writing support, I've been fortunate enough to make friends with some girls who not only listened to me rant, cry, and doubt myself, but have taught and nurtured me along the way. Madeline 'Bad Ass' Sheehan. I love ya! You are without a doubt, the coolest, realist chick I've ever had the pleasure of meeting… and I promise you, that hug, drinks, and BAD karaoke are on the way.  Shanora Williams, you've shown me so much in this crazy world and helped me in ways that go above and beyond what I could have ever imagined. Can't wait to fangirl. J S.L. Jennings, Karina Halle, Gail McHugh, Clair Contreras, E.L. Montes, and everyone else (sorry, I'm rambling) thank you immensely. Can't wait until we are all in the same room, bringing down the damn house.

My Street Team! Thank you so much for giving your time, energy, and effort into helping spread the word about my book. I appreciate each and every one of you.

Sarah at Okay Creations for creating such a beautiful cover. It's the first thing readers see and I couldn't be more proud of it.

Jennifer Roberts-Hall for taking my rough draft, critiquing the hell out of it, and turning it into something beautiful. Your suggestions were all appreciated and thanks to your masterful editing skills, I feel like I now have a beautiful story.

Jennifer Martinez at B3 Publishing, your ability to make my book look aesthetically appealing on readers' ereaders goes without saying… THANK YOU!

Finally, my readers. Without you, I am nothing. You take the time to read and submerge yourselves into my stories, love my fictional characters, and fuel me to continue with this crazy dream of mine. It's greatly appreciated and never taken for granted. I adore each and every one of you.



About Me


Marine Corps wife, mommy to two wonderfully, obnoxious little military brats, loving dog owner, and WRITER.


I've spent the greater part of my life enjoying books and writing, so after making another life altering move for my wonderful husband and his career, I decided to make my dream come true and write my first novel, Red Flags, which spawned Enlightened, and now Shattered.


I am obsessively addicted to candy (except for chocolate). I don't care for flowers (they die). Coffee is a no-go for me, but I'll suck down a Red Bull in a heartbeat. I study with the TV on, but write to music. I am competitive as all hell, probably too competitive for my own good. I grew up playing sports and wanted to win at EVERYTHING. It's creeping into my son and I'm not so sure that's a good thing. I will play tea party and dolls with my daughter, even though I never played that stuff as a child.


I now live in the glorious state of Hawaii and if it weren't for the roaches, poisonous centipedes, and geckos that leave me prancing around, moving from room to room with cans of RAID, this would truly be paradise. I can't complain though... when I don't see the critters, I love it here, and wouldn't want to be stationed anywhere else. When I see them, I want to pack up and hop on the first thing flying out of here. 


I can't thank you all enough for taking a chance on a no-namer like myself and allowing me to live my dreams.


Where to Find Me

 I'd love to hear from you, so get in touch with me. I don't bite… or maybe I do?


is my very unhealthy addiction. I am slowly trying to wean myself off of it (I'm failing miserably).



: The Heaven & Hell for all authors (or most authors)... Anyway, you can find me... friend me... chat with me.


... well, I'm trying! LOL... I really don't get it, but I know plenty of you like it... so I'm there!


... well... I'm there! LOL


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