Sexy Love (Sexy Series Book 4) (2 page)

BOOK: Sexy Love (Sexy Series Book 4)
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He begins to kiss my neck and I laugh, this is funny. Sebastian Love is kissing my neck, his sexy beard is tickling my skin, and I’m actually allowing it!
Who’d have thought? God, I need to chill out – why am I such a stick in the mud, normally?

“You smell amazing, Lex…” he mumbles, “I will taste you.”

I laugh again, lifting my arm and resting my hand on the back of his neck, tickling his would-be hairline with my long nails, my elbow on his shoulder.

“Yeah, sure you will, Sebastian. Sure you will.”

“I love this ‘you’. I like all of you, but this ‘you’ is so… so good,” he says, continuing to kiss and ever so slightly lick my collarbone and neck.

I sigh loudly, closing my eyes. “Mmm, yeah… me too. This Alexia is a lot more tolerant of you. Why do I dislike you so much, Sebastian?”

His masculine chuckle rumbles through my skin. “You tell me, beautiful. You tell me.”

“I don’t know. I’m sure I have my reasons – but right now, I don’t think I can really remember what they are.”

He walks a few steps, still embracing me, until I’m pressed against the wall, his hard body pushed against me.

“Can you feel it, Lexie?”

“Hmm? Feel what?”

“My dick.”

I break into laughter, stuttering as I try to speak. “Wh-wh-wha-aaat?”

“You heard me…” he kisses under my ear lobe and I melt between the wall and his torso. “It’s so affected by you all the time, and right now it’s as hard as nails and wanting to be inside you.”

“I see… well I’m sorry for your dick because it’s going to have to stay in your pants. Okay?”

“No.” he responds, immediately. “It’s not okay, and I want to fuck you. So. Fucking. Hard. You’ll come like you’ve never come before. I want to burst deep inside your tight body when you cry out for me.” My eyes open instinctively as my vagina tightens in utter arousal. “Your pussy is reacting, isn’t it? You want me just as much.”

How does he know that?
“I… er…”

“Yeah you do, you want me to lick you dry. I want to lick you dry.”

“Sebastian… did you say shit like this to me in London?”

“No. You should remember that.”

“Oh, I
think I’d remember if you had… I’m just checking… to make sure I hadn’t forgotten.”

“You couldn’t have. You will not forget what I’m saying to you right now.”

“No, I’m pretty certain I won’t. I’ll regret letting you kiss my neck though, won’t I?”

“You shouldn’t. I hope you won’t.”

“I’m not sure why I should, though I know I’ll remember when I’m a little more sober.”

“Fuck sober. And fuck me, Lex. Let’s just have a night of carefree enjoyment.”

“Sebastian… no.”

“Yes,” he says, masterfully, looking directly into my eyes before glancing at my lips and going in for the kill, completely devouring my mouth. And it is

His hands cup my jaw as he becomes increasingly animalistic with his technique, groaning and lapping up every flick of my tongue. “Mmm, fuck yeah,” he mumbles against my mouth, his domineering masculinity turning me on to the extreme.

I’ve always been the more dominant in any solely sexual or even long-term relationships. I’m the one in charge and have been extremely happy to do so. But Seb has this way about him – so sure of himself and arrogant… it’s hot. I want more. I want him to throw me about and tell me what he’s going to do to me, as opposed to asking what I’d like to happen next, which is typical of most men I’ve known.

He growls, too… I like that.

I’m ignoring the fact that I’m in a nightclub and have never in my entire life had a moment of weakness that would render me compliant enough to share this kind of passion with a whole establishment full of people. If anyone that knows me is watching, they’ll be speechless. Tomorrow, I will probably be mortified… but this feels
so good.
I refuse to stop. Fuck tomorrow.

We must be kissing for at least seven minutes before Cole disturbs us, amusingly advising us that we have become the centre of attention in the VIP area. I open my eyes - the club spinning a little as I focus, and just as he advised, all eyes are on us.

I’m not entirely sure what to do. Usually, my sober self would be absolutely mortified – but she’d never do anything like this to have to react.
me is finding it all really rather amusing and as Sebastian looks at me warily to see what move I’m going to make, as if I’d slap him or something, my first reaction is to laugh confidently, pat Sebastian on the cheek and slip into the crowd, grabbing another glass of champagne on the way.


I actually forget all about that public situation as I mingle with friends and acquaintances over the next hour or so, until Sebastian comes to find me to tell me we’re all headed out to continue the party at home. Naturally I suggest we all go back to my place, as there’s no one there - and everyone agrees.

Stepping outside, the cold doesn’t hit me as it usually does, but I still slip on my fur and walk towards the car with the others.

“Lex, you naughty thing – what was that all about?” Bea says as she links arms with me. “I’ve been trying to get your attention for ages but you’ve been too busy hob-knobbing… tell me

“Oh…” I respond nonchalantly, “It was just a kiss – we’ve both had a lot to drink. You know how it is.”

“I do, very well, Lex – but you’re
just don’t kiss people in public like that. Daniel thought it was hilarious!”

“I bet he did.” I’ve never done anything like that in front of my brother. Oh well.

“But he was worried about how you’ll feel about all this tomorrow…” she says with caution.

“Oh tell him to stop worrying, it was just a kiss.”

Bea giggles and stares at me, intrigued. “What’s happened to Alexia Berkeley tonight?”

“Gah… she decided to let her hair down. I want another drink. Let’s hurry up and get back.”





I don’t really recall much about the journey home – apart from a constant hand on my leg sending tingles to my ‘area’. But that must have been about two hours ago now, and I’ve been involved in at least five of Cole’s drinking games since then. Not that I’m in a fit state to count.

Luke and Tilly have gone back to Daniel’s place already because they wanted to get back to the baby… and probably fuck each others’ brains out all the way there. They have a thing for sex in dangerous places.

Daniel and Bea are still here, practically passed out and all over each other on one of my couches surrounded by half eaten snacks, and Cole has just stumbled up the stairs to find the nearest available bedroom to sleep in.

Seb and I are the only two left and I’m feeling slightly victorious at managing to outdrink even my brother. This is definitely the way to live – I think I love fun! I need more of this shit – I’m so boring and navy fucking blue.

“So, would you like another drink, Lexie?”

“Um…” I ponder for a moment, I feel extraordinarily drunk right now and my stomach feels full, along with my bladder. “I think I should use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”

A few moments later, I make my way back to the quiet living room – the crackling fire slowly dying, creating a warm red focal point. Sebastian is nowhere to be seen, and Daniel and Bea are fast asleep, wrapped in each other on the couch. It must be lovely to have that connection with someone.

I assume Sebastian must have left, which seems bizarre because I’m sure he’d have tried at least to get one more drunken kiss out of me… and secretly – I’m quite disappointed that he didn’t. I quite like him tonight for some reason, but again, I can’t bring the reason I so strongly
him to the forefront of my mind. Alcohol is amazing like that, but I should definitely try to like him more when I’m sober; he’s okay!

I eye the empty glasses, bottles and wrappers scattered all over the coffee table, side tables and fireplace and contemplate for a few moments clearing it up now. 
, boring Alexia can do that in the morning. I’m going to pour myself a fresh, ice cold glass of champagne and sit on my bedroom balcony to savour the fresh snowy air before collapsing in my bed. Yes. It’s a plan. Welcome to Aspen.

I collect a couple of champagne glasses and begin a wonky walk to the kitchen, humming a tune I heard earlier in the night and grinning at nothing in particular, and as I turn the corner, I bump into Sebastian bringing a fresh bottle of champagne out of the kitchen with 2 clean glasses. A feeling of excitement runs through me. He didn’t leave.

“Hey, I thought I’d bring us a couple glasses before the evening ends…”

“Oh! I thought you’d gone!”

“Without saying goodbye? Lexie – you don’t know me too well, do you?”

“I didn’t really think too much about it, but I’m glad you’re still here.”

“Really?” he asks with a huge grin on his face and I giggle a little, I must be a really cold bitch to this guy, usually. Yeah… I am.

“Yeah, really! I’ve had a great night, you’re really not all that bad.”

“Well that’s a huge compliment coming from you, Lex. I always enjoy your company. You’re an incredible woman.”

“Well thank you.” I put the used glasses down on the side and point upwards as I continue, “I was going to enjoy a last drink up on my balcony, I always like to sit up there before bed – would you like to join me?”

“That sounds fantastic. After you,” he says, nodding towards the living area and stairs and I turn to make my way, giggling as I pass my brother and his fiancée sprawled on my couch with their cheeks pressed against each other.

When we get to my room, I lead the way to the balcony and I look over at Sebastian as I unlock the doors. He’s looking all around the room, taking in every last detail. “I like your bedroom, Lexie.”

“Thanks, me too.”

“You see another side to a person when you see their home, and again when you see their bedroom.”

“Really? And what side of me do you see from my bedroom?” I ask, intrigued as I collect a couple of blankets from the closet and gesture for Seb to follow me outside with a nod.

He puts the bottle and glasses down on the table and I hand him a blanket, wrapping my own around my shoulders as I sit down, my bare feet freezing in the cool air so I tuck them beneath me inside the blanket.

“I see the softer, warmer side of you. The more vulnerable Alexia - to the strong, independent, sexy one we all know and love.”

I laugh, “I see, I’m less sexy when I’m in my bedroom. Excellent.”

He laughs out loud. “You are more and more sexy with every passing minute, you know what I mean though, right?”

“Yeah, I know.” I hold my glass up, “Cheers.”

“Cheers.” We both take a sip and I manage to hide my miss, wiping the cold drink from my chin and neck as he looks over at the trees and snow. This has to be my last one – I am incredibly drunk!

“I see why you like it out here,” he says quietly, taking another sip. “Lex…” he adds, quietly.

“Uh huh?”

“I want you.” The way he says it isn’t the usual, cocky, playboy style I’m used to from him. He’s being humble and honest and… real. His face is serious, not jovial or cheeky. He’s not grinning, he’s meaning.

“Oh. I, er…”

“Let me kiss you again. I’m not going to force it on you, I’m asking you. Please can I kiss you again?”

Yes, yes… oh yes
. “Seb, I… okay. Yes please.”

He looks almost relieved as he stands from his chair and takes my hand. I stand up alongside him, placing my glass down as I do, and he slowly wraps his arms around my waist, tugging me tightly against his body.

It feels so good to be so close to another human, one that I’m feeling a real attraction to right now, one that wants me so much. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I get my fair share of male attention – but a lot of men are intimidated by me because I’m a strong business woman who won’t be fucked with. The men I end up seeing are guys that I have chosen, guys who do as I want and go with
flow. Having such a strong, dominant man holding me so close is doing things to me and it’s unexpected. I never go for dominant men.

He slowly leans towards me and my eyes close in anticipation as his lips brush mine, his beard touching my skin but not scratching or tickling…. it’s sexy – reminding me of his masculinity.

As his tongue slowly writhes with mine, he exhales loudly and presses his hand into my back, gliding it down to my ass and pressing me hard against him; really hard. In fact, he’s squeezing my butt cheek and ramming me against him with such incredible force that I can’t help but whimper, totally succumbing to his strength and the feeling of submission.

I’d do anything he wanted right now.

His other hand slides up to my neck, holding it tightly in his strong fingers. Never has my neck felt so delicate. He’s so big and strong… not something I’ve ever particularly looked for or wanted in a man, but experiencing it is fantastic. I feel tiny in his arms! It’s like a man has never wanted me quite this much, he’s making me feel so sought after, so special and important, like he’s been wanting me all of his life.

I tilt my head in response to his movement, relaxing against him and fully savouring every second of intimacy with Sebastian Love. His tongue is warm and the movement so sensual – he is definitely sure of what he’s doing. And he’s good at it, really good at it. His kissing technique is uncannily similar to mine… exactly the same, in fact – almost like two pieces of a jigsaw fitting perfectly together. I mentally shake my head and forget my crazy, alcohol-fuelled thoughts of jigsaws and the like, and concentrate on this feeling of being adored and needing to be taken.

“Lexie,” he says as he pulls away from my lips, his voice deep, husky and wanting. “Lie down with me.”
Oh wow. He is delicious.
Why haven’t I noticed how gorgeously sexy this man is before? I want to do
with him.

I look into his eyes feeling slightly shy – not something I tend to feel in these situations with other men – and I nod with a small smile. If I speak, I might just yell out that I want him to throw me on the bed, rip my clothes off and lick me from head to toe, and demand he do so, immediately.

He holds my hand and I take a long gulp of my champagne, returning it to the table as he tugs me inside, gently. Standing at the end of the bed, he holds me by the waist and smiles a confident, beautiful smile. “I’m not going to sleep with you tonight, Lexie. I just want to lie down with you, kiss you… make you feel good.”

A thud of disappointment throws me. I want him to strip naked and pounce!

I frown, tilting my head to one side and I can’t help the sly smile that spreads on my face, I mustn’t forget who I am, here; I get what I want. I release his tattooed forearms, so muscular and hairy, and I cross my arms over my stomach, my hands clutching the hem of my tank top, and I slowly lift it up and over my head, leaving me standing before him in my pants and leopard print, lace bra.

He bites his bottom lip and raises his eyebrows in surprise, his expression holding back nothing about what he thinks of my semi-naked torso and sexy underwear. He likes it; a lot. He mumbles something incoherent before pressing his hands into my back and dropping his head to my chest, kissing my flesh. It’s arousing to say the least, and when he sinks to his knees before me and French kisses my stomach, I catch my breath as my heart pounds inside my chest.

I run my hand over the skin of his head, the incredibly short bristles tickling my fingertips and feel a new closeness to this guy, I want this feeling to grow, and why shouldn’t I want that? He likes me a lot, he’s a fun guy, a fantastic pilot and businessman… he’s a great candidate. I know I dislike him in real life but he’s nowhere near as bad as I always think he is, in fact, I think I’ve gotten him totally wrong.

His fingers run around the waistband of my pants as he kisses my flesh and when they reach the front, he nimbly unfastens the button; the noise of the zipper slowly moving downwards in the silence of the room affects me as if I were listening to the most aphrodisiacal music. I’m so unbelievably ready for him to release the pressure, relieve the need and bring on the pleasure.

He hooks his fists into my pants and forcefully yanks them down to my thighs, growling as he exposes my matching lace panties. “Shit, Lex… I did
expect this lingerie… “ He continues to kiss my groin and thighs, holding my hips firmly as he speaks. “…I had you….*
down as a…
  white lace kinda woman…
*kisses, kisses, lots of sweet, wet kisses*”

“Uh huh…” I moan, not really giving a rat’s ass about what sort of lingerie he expected me to wear. This feels so good; he is definitely more experienced than anyone I’ve ever been with before. He knows exactly what he’s doing and he’s so confident with every move he makes… and he’s only been kissing me so far. It’s making me anticipate with excitement what he can do with his hands and his hips.

He pushes my pants further down my legs as he continues with his mouth until I step out of them, his hands returning to my hips, stabilising me. Slowly, he rises to his feet again, kissing all the way up to my mouth, indulging me in yet another fantastic, lascivious kiss.

Instinctively, I reach to the hem of his t-shirt and pull it upwards to expose his warm stomach before he releases me and finishes himself, pulling it over his head, revealing his delicious body.

I stare for a moment, not expecting the mass of tattoos covering his body. If eyes could growl, mine just did…
good Lord, this new experience is hot
. Tattoos! And hair… lots of light brown hair covering his chest and stomach, reminding me just how male this semi-naked person in my bedroom with me, is. Totally not my type, but more sexually arousing than any other male body I’ve ever seen in my life. My greedy eyes want more, more, more!

“Tattoos…” I slur, quietly, as I run my hands slowly and sensually up and down his muscular arms, gazing at his chest, trying my hardest to distinguish each tattoo through my drunken, blurred vision. I think I love this body. A smart, professional pilot with this huge, naughty, unexpected surprise beneath the braided uniform… such a treat.

“Yeah, tattoos… you like ‘em?” he asks, nonchalantly.

“Surprisingly, yes, I do. A lot. I’ve never been intimate with a man with tattoos.”

“Really?” he asks, sounding very surprised.

“Uh huh… really…” I’m still focusing on his torso, not once raising my eyes to look at his face – there’s just so much to look at!

“Well they don’t just stop there…”

“You have more?” I ask, my voice deep, my speech slow. I’m totally seduced. “Show me.”

He smiles sexily before slowly turning to show me his back. I was kind of hoping he’d remove his pants to expose his lower body flesh, but as soon as I see his beautifully painted back, I’m rendered speechless yet again.

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