Sexy Love (Sexy Series Book 4) (37 page)

BOOK: Sexy Love (Sexy Series Book 4)
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Each of my bridesmaids kisses me on the cheek, with Tilly having her last word with me, just before we set off. “Oh, he is a lucky little fucker, Bea, look at you! Go and be happy, it suits you. Love you.”

“Love you, too,” I whisper, smiling excitedly, determined not to cry before he sees me.

“You sure don’t want the veil over your face?”

“No thank you, I want to see!”

“Okay, doll. See you on the other side.”

The girls step outside first and walk towards the steps that lead down to the Pacific Terrace, and I follow with Mum and Dad on either side, taking the first view from above and behind everybody. The beautiful beach is ahead of us beyond the terrace, and that’s the first thing I see. I make a point not to look at all of the people and Daniel from the top of the steps, especially as they’re facing the other way. I want to wait until I’m down there and walking up the aisle to take a good long look at my fiancé.

We get the signal from the planner and begin to make the move down the steps slowly, until we’re behind the seated guests and a carefully positioned white, slatted partition screen. It matches the white chairs, white-washed wooden balustrades surrounding the terrace and pastel accents of the abundant flowers perfectly.

And that’s when the music starts, one of our beautiful songs chosen exactly for this moment. We decided not to be too traditional, and we wanted to have something slightly upbeat for this moment; a song that we adored, a song that matched our vivacious love of each other, our life together and that said what it needed to say, for us.

So, as Jason Mraz’s ‘I’m Yours’ plays softly, our guests rise to their feet to acknowledge the beginning of the Hart/Berkeley ceremony.

The girls begin their journey, one by one, down the white-carpeted aisle with beaming smiles looking absolutely radiant, the sun beaming down on them emphasising the gloriously perfect day.

“Okay, sweetheart, you ready?” Mum asks, softly, and I simply smile, and nod.

“I couldn’t be more ready. Dad, you okay?”

“On top of the world. Shall we?”


We move forwards and take our positions at the start of the aisle and as the girls reach the end, I see him for the first time.

His eyes are what capture me first. I can see their incredible turquoise, even from here, instantly reminding me of the first moment I ever laid eyes on him on that flight.

I fell in love with him then, just as I’m doing, all over again, right now.

He’s gazing right back at me, smiling broadly, taking everything in. He looks even more handsome than I could ever have imagined in his wedding suit, his hair perfectly styled and his stubble the perfect length to serve a purpose, and look terribly smart.

His broad, muscular body standing on that step ahead of me takes my breath away. I see him every day, I see him
every day – but I still can’t get over how immaculate and enticing his form actually is.

It hits me, all over again, that he’s mine. He wants me and I want him. He probably doesn’t know quite how much I love him; I don’t think it’s possible to express the strength of what I feel for him, but I will try every day – to let him know.

We begin our rewarding and emotion-filled stroll along that white carpet towards the view, towards the golden sand and deep blue sea, towards the groomsmen and Daniel… towards my future.

My mum is sniffing away next to me and I squeeze her arm in the crook of mine, my hands both wrapped around my bouquet. I don’t feel like crying, I know most people do – including, so it seems, most of my friends and Mum – but that emotion isn’t hitting me. I feel contented, excited – I can’t wait to get to the pergola at the head of the carpet to stand by my man.

My stomach dances as we draw nearer and my eyes don’t once leave Daniel’s. He’s smiling and frowning slightly, at the same time, his eyes are glistening and I can almost feel his love.

We still as we reach the end of the carpet, and the minister begins.

“Who gives this woman to this man in marriage?”

My dad clears his throat before responding loudly and clearly, letting everybody present know that he is honoured to be able to welcome Daniel to be his little girl’s partner, forever. “Her mother and I do, proudly.”

My parents both kiss my cheek before stepping away to sit along with the rest of the guests, on instruction by the minister. I hand my bouquet to Alexia, before stepping back to Daniel, facing him, loving him wholly.

His smile is so excited; he looks almost as infatuated as I am. We’re finally here!

“I have no words,” he whispers, shaking his head. “You are breath-taking.”

I smile as my heart balloons. “I love you so much.”

The minister begins, taking us from our private, whispered words, beginning the process that will bring us together, forever.

“Daniel and Beatrice – today you enter as individuals, but you will leave here as husband and wife, blending your lives, expanding your family ties, and embarking upon the grandest adventure of human interaction. The story of your life together is still yours to write. All those present have come to witness and celebrate your love and commitment this day – eager to be a part of the story not yet told.”

His words are perfect, so utterly perfect. They aren’t just words to get us to where we want to be – they’re words that mean something, every part rings true and I’m listening, believing and feeling it all, feeling incredibly lucky to be able to be here and experience this.

“True marriage begins well before the wedding day, and the efforts of marriage continue well beyond the ceremony’s end. A brief moment in time and the stroke of the pen are all that is required to create the legal bond of marriage, but it takes a lifetime of love, commitment and compromise to make marriage durable and everlasting. Today, you declare your commitment to each other before family and friends. Your yesterdays were the path to this moment, and your journey to a future of togetherness becomes a little clearer with each new day.”

He faces me and smiles, happily. “Beatrice, hello.”

“Hello,” I giggle, not expecting his informal greeting. I look deeply into Daniel’s eyes, knowing that what follows, is our vows, our message to one another and the promises we are committing ourselves to. It is the easiest commitment I’ve ever made.

“Do you - Beatrice Victoria Hart, accept Daniel Jacob Berkeley as your life mate and one true love; a mirror for your true self, promising to share in all that life offers and suffers, to be there for him in times of need, to soothe him in times of pain, and to support him in all endeavours, big and small? Do you promise to encourage him, to grow with him, to make him Bear’s strawberry cupcakes on his birthday, August seventeenth, every year?”

Everybody laughs along with us at the fun addition to our vows, but having heard, felt and truly accepted every other point, I simply look at my Daniel, smiling with absolute ease as I give the most certain answer I’ve ever given.

“I do. I really, really do.”

Again, another laugh and a beautiful chuckle from my Daniel, but funny as it may be, it’s absolutely true.

And so he faces Daniel. “Daniel, good afternoon to you.”

“Good afternoon.” His sexy, deep voice takes me away.

“Do you – Daniel Jacob Berkeley, accept Beatrice Victoria Hart as your life mate and one true love; a mirror of your true self, promising to share in all that life offers and suffers, to be there for her in times of need, to soothe her in times of pain, and to support her in all endeavours, big and small? Do you promise to encourage her, to grow with her, to massage her feet after a long day in Louboutin heels?”

I giggle happily, knowing that not only can Daniel respond to that, but that he’ll keep that promise until the day he dies. I’m safe with Daniel, he
support and care for me every single day that we’re together.

“I do. And I really, really do, too.”

“Well that’s ideal.” The minister makes us all laugh, I didn’t realise quite how much I would enjoy this part of my big day, no nerves, no stage fright or choking – I’m so comfortable, so content, thoroughly enjoying and taking in each second.

“And for the rings, please.”

Luke steps forward and places the rings on the minister’s book. It isn’t a bible, it could be a Filofax for all I know, but if it is, it’s a very nicely decorated one.

“Daniel, please take Beatrice’s ring and place it on her finger, repeating after me.” He does as the minister requests and the exchange begins.

“Beatrice, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love.” He pauses for Daniel to repeat, and I’m suddenly relieved that he’s not saying the whole thing for us to repeat, in case I have sudden memory loss and forget everything.

Once Daniel has repeated, he continues. “As it encircles your finger, may it remind you always that you are surrounded by my enduring love.”


As Daniel repeats, his eyes well up, which naturally leads to my own welling up. This is the first time during this ceremony that my emotions have gotten the better of me. But this is it, this is my forever ring, this is my forever moment – this is the rest of my life.

He turns to me for my turn, and I manage to repeat those same words, smoothly slipping Daniel’s band on his finger, meaning everything.

“Wedding rings are made precious by our wearing them. Your rings say that even in your uniqueness, you have chosen to be bound together. Let these rings also be a sign that love has substance as well as soul, a present as well as a past, and that, despite its occasional sorrows, love is a circle of happiness, wonder and delight.

“May these rings remind you always of the vows you have taken here today.

“And now, by the power vested in me by the state of California, I Hereby pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride should you wish, which I’m sure you do. She’s beautiful!”

We both giggle along with the rest of our guests, as Daniel tilts his head, gazing into my eyes, and wraps his newly ‘ringed’ hand around the side of my neck, pulling me closely into his firm body. “I love you, baby.”

“I love you, too.”

He kisses me so tenderly, his lips pressed against mine and held there for just the right length of time. I want to keep doing it all night, and I think I will!

When he pulls away, I just giggle, squealing a little at the excitement of what has just happened, I’m his wife!

“So, family and friends,” the minister continues, “For the first time, Daniel and Beatrice Berkeley.”

We turn to look at all of our closest friends and family present with us on this beautiful terrace on this most wonderful of days, most of whom are sobbing their hearts out, and we clutch each other’s hand, excitedly.

I look over at my bridesmaids, both Tilly and Clare weeping like babies and Alexia surprisingly looking very, very close to tears, and I smile, mouthing a very heartfelt “thank you” to them all.

“You did good!” Luke says to Daniel, offering him a thumbs up, and all of the boys follow, including Sebastian, sitting in the front row. He looks spectacularly handsome today, too! What a bunch of hotties!

“Baby, Mrs. Berkeley… shall we?” Daniel asks, holding his hand out towards the incredibly clean white carpet.

“Yes, let’s.”

I look up at his darling face and hold his cheek in the palm of my hand before we move. “You are my life and soul, Daniel, thank you so much for entering my life. I love you more than I know how to say.”

“Then you love me, just like I love you. I couldn’t live without you. Especially not now that I’ve seen you in that dress – phwoar! You’re freaking hot, baby!” he cries. “Let’s go start ‘us’.”




The moment I saw her beautiful face, her soft skin glowing the sunlight, her perfect body in the most elegant of dresses – I knew that I had become happier than any other man.

That incredibly intelligent, caring and strong woman walking towards me wanted to marry me.

She wanted to spend the rest of her life by
side, as
wife, as
Mrs. Berkeley.

I don’t know if she can possibly know how much I love her, how much I need her every day.

She has become what I live for, my purpose, and I’ll spend the rest of my life – grateful to have found and loved her, and to have had somebody as beautiful as her, love me back.

I will do all I can to ensure her happiness lasts a lifetime. I would die before I saw her hurting.

I am fulfilled to be certain that this woman – Beatrice Victoria Berkeley – I will never,
– let go.







Sexy Love is Dani Lovell's fourth full-length novel; the final of the Sexy Series.

Although British, Lovell has quite an obsession with all things 'Stateside' and often dreams about the fabulous trips she'll one day take, across the pond.

Lovell lives in Hertfordshire, UK with Daniel, Luke, Oliver, Sebastian and the rest of the sexy gang (all in her head, of course), and her real-life family.

If she's not working on her latest saucy story, you'll find her taking care of her children, planning her latest fantasy vaycay or eating her weight in goats cheese.


You can contact Dani here:



Twitter: AuthorDaniL

[email protected]



The Sexy Series, book one: Sexy Berkeley; The story of Bea and Daniel

The Sexy Series, book two: Sexy Summers; The story of Tilly and Luke

The Sexy Series, book three: Sexy Hart; The story of Clare and Oliver


A short story; We only have ‘til Dawn



Part one of a new and exciting trilogy



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