Sexy Love (Sexy Series Book 4)

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Sexy Love

Sexy Series Book Four

Dani Lovell

Amazon Edition

Copyright 2015 Dani This ebook contains profanity and sexual content inappropriate for an audience under 18 years of age.Lovell

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The author acknowledges the copyrighted or trademarked status and trademark owners of the following, mentioned in this work of fiction: Escobar, Aspen; Merry-Go-Round, Aspen; Kindle; Jo Malone; Berta Bridal; Rizzo/Kenickie, Grease; Christian Louboutin; Gorge, W. Sunset Blvd.; An Inspector Calls, J.B. Priestley; United Airlines; Bombardier; Helen Reddy & I Am Woman; Apache Indian & Boom-shack-alack; Ken Boothe & Everything I Own; Dawn Penn & You Don’t Love Me; Eva Cassidy & Over The Rainbow; Sleepless In Seattle; iMessage; iPhone; iPad; Learjet; Range Rover; Chanel; Bridget Jones; Minnie Mouse; Virgin Atlantic; LAX; Cadbury’s Whole Nut; Christina Perri & Jar of Hearts; Katie Melua & Closest Thing To Crazy; Shutters on the Beach Hotel; Bruno Mars & Marry You; Mad Men.



The author of this ebook is British, and has therefore written the story using the British English language and spellings. Text message communication between the lead American characters will be written using the American English language and spellings


Special thanks to cover model, Ozzie Bilir.




“Had I known you would be here, Sebastian, I would have looked forward to catching up with you. It’s lovely to see you, are you well?” I would never be outwardly rude to the man, but that doesn’t stop me thinking he’s an ass
sometimes. I’m allowed to think that, right?

“I’ll accept that, although I would prefer for you to say that you’d be excited to see me. I’m always excited to see you…” he says with a wink, and if I wasn’t Alexia Berkeley and hadn’t been brought up the way I was, I could very well call him a dirty douche-bag and push him out of my way immediately. “I am good, thank you, beautiful… I trust that you are the same? Judging by how fantastic you look,” he says, holding me out in front of him by the waist, looking me slowly up and down, “I’d say you were on top of the world. Your beauty will never cease to amaze me.”

Now it’s more than difficult to hold back that roll of the eyes. “Well, thank you, Sebastian. I’m well. Are my family actually here?” I ask, wondering why Sebastian opened the door to my parents’ Aspen home and why no one has been out into the hallway to greet me.

“Sure they are, everyone is in the living room but I saw you through the window - out on the driveway, and I snuck out here to say ‘hey’. You don’t mind do you?”

“Of course not,”
huh hmm
,  “but I would like to head through and see everyone now, if you don’t mind.”

“Sure, “ he says, holding out his hand to invite me to go ahead of him, “after you, Lexie, always good to walk behind you.”
Oh my. Could the man be any more of a pervert?

As I step into the large, homely living room, my mother jumps up from her chair, almost spilling her champagne all over the carpet and rushes over to hug me with a huge and warming smile on her face. It’s like she hasn’t seen me for years – even though we’re practically neighbours in LA and saw one another at work just a few days ago.

Everybody smiles and welcomes me simultaneously, and as I greet them all individually, Sebastian hands me a glass of champagne. Is this the start of his plan to ply me with drink until I succumb again to his devilish, flirtatious ways, I wonder? Probably. He doesn’t know me very well if he thinks it’ll work this time - because it most certainly will not.

“Mom, you didn’t tell me Sebastian and Cole were going to be here, that was a nice surprise…” I say, walking over to give Luke and Tilly’s baby, Emily, a kiss.

“Well it was very last minute, I ran into Sebastian earlier this afternoon in town and he invited me to enjoy coffee with him. It was very pleasant. He told me that he’d seen you a few times in England, you didn’t tell me that, dear. Anyway, of course I invited them both to our get together this evening.”

She talks about them like they’re a couple. “Oh, I see, great idea. A nice addition to the evening,” I say, looking over at them quickly and noticing Sebastian’s naughty grin. Ugh, stop reading into everything I’m saying.

“I think so,” Mom says, with her usual, welcoming smile.

This is our first night together in Aspen for the start of the holiday season. I’m here for around two weeks - as with most of the others. Luke and Tilly are staying with Daniel and Bea at their home this year, along with my housekeeper Pam – so that she can help with the baby. So, I’m at my house alone apart from the family’s alternative housekeeper.

I adore my house and have stayed here many times on my own, but seeing the place so full last year with the English gang was wonderful, and I’ll find it a little strange to be back here without them.

Bea’s parents, Emily and Edward, have become such great friends of my parents since Daniel and Bea met, that they are staying here with them and seem to be having a wonderful time already. It’s no surprise, my parents are fantastic hosts and the Harts are humble and gracious guests. With the Berkeley/Hart wedding plans in full swing now, I think they’ll have something to talk about for the next hundred years.

Dinner was fabulous as always and as the evening at my parents house wound down and the rosy cheeks on the younger crowd grew – it became apparent that it was time to move on to ‘Escobar’

in the centre of town for more alcohol and festive celebrations. Not too much alcohol for me of course, I need to keep a clear head around that man. You know the one.

The parents all stayed at home, except for Luke and Tilly who left Emily with Pam, dropping them home to Daniel and Bea’s place on the way to town. I am pleased that they felt comfortable to leave the baby and come out with us because I love their company.

Clare and Oliver’s absence is very noticeable, but we will be in touch with them a few times, especially on Christmas. We’re all just excited for them that Oliver is recovering from his accident so well and that Clare’s twin pregnancy is going exactly as it should.

We greet the doorman, our friend Jeff, with handshakes, short chats and big hugs for the ladies, as we jump the line and head down the stairs and into the bustling club.

I’ve always been a little nervous in social situations – awkward maybe – but when I’m with a group of friends I’m so familiar with, I’m good – and with a couple of glasses of bubbly inside me, I’m excited to continue enjoying my night here with everyone.

We’re shown to our table, as always - by Ian, as he quickly chats with Luke before giving directions to the bar staff about our service. We’ve been coming to Aspen for so long and this is one of our favourite haunts, so we know most of the people around here, including the staff, as friends.

“This is the same table as last year,” Tilly says, holding Luke’s arm and looking up at him with a cheeky smile, before slipping her fur coat from her shoulders. “I remember the private loo, too…” She winks and I decide to sidestep away before I hear anything I really don’t need to.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa…” Sebastian surprises me as he calls out from behind me, placing a warm hand firmly on my waist, “watch my toes with those dancing shoes, I don’t want a puncture. You ‘re looking beautiful tonight, Lexie…”

“Thanks, Sebastian. You have mentioned that a few times already.”

“That’s because it’s so true. Why won’t you let me take you out? You know you’ll have a good time with me. We could go for a meal here in Aspen, spend an incredible evening together…”

I sigh and smile apologetically before I begin. “Do we really have to go through this again? I’m just not interested, it wouldn’t be fair for me to lead you on like that. You’re just not my type.”

“So you say… but you like kissing me, don’t you…”

Oh dear Lord.
“Sebastian, don’t do this. Kissing you was a drunken moment of… something. I don’t wish to repeat it and you can bet your bottom dollar that I won’t.”

“Can I? Okay,” he responds, nodding as if contemplating what I’ve said. “I’m not going to bet on anything, but if you want to think that, go ahead.”

“Sebastian, don’t tell me what I can and cannot do, with regards to you. I’m not interested, could you please just accept that and move on to your next conquest?”

“I’ll accept it, sure.” He leans in closer to my ear, the warmth of his breath permeating my skin, and frustratingly, I’m not in the slightest repulsed by it. “But you’re the one I want, and you can be certain that I’m going to get you into my bed and I’ll taste every inch of your hot body.”

Ah! Be quiet! Stop that! Shut up!
Why, oh why is my body reacting in the exact opposite way to my head? I want to grimace and tell the deluded imbecile to shut his ridiculous mouth, but the goose bumps on every inch of my skin and the frustrated spasms in the lower half of my body… okay, inside my panties, make it impossible for me to think clearly.

I pull away from him quickly as my heart races and he immediately steps deep into the crowd and commences a conversation with some other friends. I’m in a state of shock and confusion by my reaction to his words. I’m standing here, mouth ajar, trying to calm myself down.

He’s an idiot, why has this knocked me so far out of my comfort zone? I want no such thing and he knows that. Maybe it’s because it’s been so long since I had sex with someone… maybe I’m just horny and these words, out of even the most abhorrent, hideous of men, would harden my nipples to such a degree that they’d cut glass.

Yes. That’s what it is. I reach down to the table and grab a glass of champagne and knock it back, desperately trying to forget and ignore. Friends – that’s what I need… where is everyone? I turn to see Tilly pulling Luke into the VIP bathroom, and figuring they’re off the cards, I search for my brother. I need conversation. Normal, non-sexual, intellectually stimulating conversation. Nothing that will induce mental images of tongues, pursed, sucking lips, rock hard cocks or screaming, intense orgasms.
Holy macaroni, Lex, give it up – this is Sebastian Love for heaven’s sake.

“Lex, care to join me with a shot of something?” Cole’s voice relieves me from those terrible, weak visions and thoughts. I could kiss him. But I won’t – he’s the master of playboyery and has never done anything for me in that way. Kind of… like Sebastian. Kind of.

“Cole, hit me with it,” I say overly enthusiastically, ready for any kind of alcoholic distraction from this unexpected and unwelcome desperation.

“Good girl!” he says with a surprised and almost – impressed expression.

I raise an eyebrow and give him a glare. “Don’t ‘good girl’ me,
little boy
, just pour my shot.”

He raises his hand to salute me and swiftly passes me an oversized tequila shot. “Down in one, Lex – you ready?” he asks, passing me a lemon wedge and sprinkling salt on my awaiting fist.

I frown at him and ignore his patronising verbal preparation, licking the salt and downing that liquor in a split second. I suck on the lemon like it’s the last piece of fruit on a deserted island and proceed to grimace until the sour taste has gone.

Cole finishes a few moments after me and shakes his head like a wet dog before looking at me as if I’ve done something hugely impressive. “Whoa! Lex? What was that? You’re on it tonight!”

“Ah, get over it, Cole. Just because I’m female, doesn’t mean I can’t drink.”

He chuckles, “Well that’s clear, I’ve just never seen you do that before…”

“And your point is?” I’m getting bored of this now – so I wanted a shot. So what? I was in desperate need! Not that he needs to know that.

“Okay, okay,” he says, holding his hands up, “I’m sorry!”

I giggle slightly and release my shoulders from the tense position they’ve been locked in since I freaked out about Sebastian making me horny. “No, no. I’m sorry, Cole. I just felt like letting go a little… you know?”

“Sure I do! Let’s do it!”

He lines up another tequila for us, only this time, Daniel and Bea join in, and Sebastian returns to take part in the fun. The recent fast intake of alcohol has been fairly successful in numbing that confusion over Sebastian; so being in close proximity again isn’t fazing me. Thank God.

We all knock back the shot together and in a state of early inebriation, begin to sing along to the music, and dance amongst ourselves around our V.I.P. table. I am fully aware of the tempting stripper pole close-by in our private area, but no matter how drunk I get, or how many silly, regretful things I may do on the rare occasion that I get like that – I will never forget that I am Alexia Berkeley and I will never,
be caught with even a finger resting on a stripper pole.

Luke and Tilly are still nowhere to be seen… enjoying each other a little too much in the V.I.P. bathroom, no doubt, and Daniel is romancing Bea entirely, as always, so it’s just Cole, Seb and I. I could mingle in the crowd, but I do enjoy the company of these two guys and why the hell should I back off just because Seb wants to taste every inch of my body? I mean, that’s his issue – and he will
make me feel awkward. I am a strong, independent woman, and if I want to talk to them, I goddamn will.

I step a little closer as they watch the crowd. “Hey, it’s hot in here tonight, right?” I say, fanning my hand in front of my face. They both turn with smiles to face me and continue.

“It’s warm, for sure…” Cole agrees with a nod.

“I know what
hot…” Sebastian says, and of course, this time I do roll my eyes.

He slips his hand around my waist again and if I’m being totally honest, I’ll admit that it isn’t bothering me now, and although I’m sure I should brush it off, I just don’t feel the need. I haven’t had affection in a long time and just this once; I’m going to indulge by letting a man enjoy the feel of my body. Sebastian Love or the next guy.

He tugs me a little closer as Cole hollers at a friend in the crowd before wading through the bustle on the main floor. “I love feeling your body against mine, Lexie – what I’d give to slip this top down off your shoulders…” he says, gently running his finger down my neck and over my shoulder, lightly pushing the lace strap of my tank down. He leans forward, and I don’t stop him, and he breathes against my neck as he speaks, ever so slightly brushing his lips against my skin, “and down to your tiny waist, exposing those beautiful breasts… your nipples aching for me…”

I know I should be pushing him away, but I’m in a trance… hypnotised by his subtle touch, beautiful smell and hugely arousing words. Somewhere, in the back of my mind, I know that the ‘normal me’ would be screaming at the ‘now me’ to push him away; tell him to get a grip and regain some strength… but
Alexia is telling
Alexia to loosen up for a minute. It’s just Sebastian – I know he’s a dick sometimes… I can’t recall why at the moment – but I know that he is, but I’m enjoying myself and it’s about time. And now I can remember why I felt it so okay to kiss him in London. Why am I always regretting that so much? This is fun!

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