Sex Secrets of an American Geisha (9 page)

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Authors: Py Kim Conant

Tags: #Sexual Instruction, #Love & Romance, #Health & Fitness, #Social Science, #Asian American Studies, #Sex Instruction for Women, #Asian American Women - Sexual Behavior, #Family & Relationships, #Sexuality, #Asian American Women, #Self-Help, #Ethnic Studies, #Sexual Behavior, #Women's Studies

BOOK: Sex Secrets of an American Geisha
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It may be politically incorrect to tell you that a woman should develop these qualities in herself. However, know that a nice, sweet, but unbeautiful, unsexy, and unfeminine woman may spend many lonely, unhappy years be ing politically correct and unnoticed by most men. I don’t want you to go unnoticed as a woman, as I did for so long. It hurts you too much and too deeply. It attacks your very concept of yourself. I know this is true. I experienced it. It hurts me even now as I remember it so many years later.
In the context of finding the right man for you to marry and finding him in as short a time as possible, you must be realistic. The reality is that men, including those who could qualify as your Good Man, are attracted to a beautiful or pretty woman more than they are attracted to a plain woman. I want you to smile to yourself right now, Younger Sister, and say, “I knew that all along.” Of course you did. It’s just common sense. Everyone knows it. Men are attracted to women who are . . . ready? . . . attractive! If you want him to be motivated by a verb form of the word (to be attracted), then you’d better be motivated by the adjective form of the word (to be attractive). Think with me for just another moment, please. Isn’t the masculine type of man you seek (your Good Man) attracted to a sexy and feminine woman more than to a less sexy and unfeminine woman? Again, I hope you agree quickly that the answer to the question is an obvious, “Yes.”
If you are already married (or in a long-term monogamous relation ship), you want to make your Geisha Attractiveness a presence in your rela tionship. Your goal is no longer to get a man to make a strong commitment to you, but rather to inspire your man to maintain his strong and passionate commitment to you. I have only common sense to back me up here (no sta tistics), but wouldn’t you just imagine with me that if half of all marriages fail and half don’t, those that don’t fail probably tend to involve women who make beauty and sexy femininity a continuing priority in their relation ships?
Look around you every day at all the other women you see. Then ask yourself, “Do many of these women seem to be making it a priority to be beautiful, sexy, and feminine as they live their day-to-day lives?” It seems obvious to me that many do not. Despite the fact that most men require beauty and a sexy femininity from a woman in order to be attracted to her in the first place, few women try hard enough.


Do Nothing. Wait. Be Receptive.
Notice that I use the word “attract” rather than “pursue” when I describe the relationship between a feminine woman and a Good Man. The Asian Geisha sets a perfect example of passively, femininely attracting, rather than aggressively pursuing, men in her business life. She never calls her customers, never initiates getting together, never pays for a meal or buys a gift. These are all masculine actions. The Asian Geisha is the absolute embodiment of the spirit of femininity. She readies herself. Then she waits. She has a confi dence that she has prepared herself so well that gentlemen will seek out her company, her mere presence in their lives. The Asian Geisha relaxes, waits, and is receptive to the masculine energy that initiates, pursues, hunts, and makes things happen.
As an American Geisha you want to show this relaxed, confident, wait ing, receptive attitude, knowing that you have prepared yourself well and that you need do nothing further. Simply wait. In a coffee shop, wait to be ap proached. In a classroom, wait, knowing that you are displaying your beauty and your femininity. At work, wait for the man to initiate conversation. At a dance, smile happily and wait to be approached. Everywhere, wait. On a group hike, in a bar, at a religious gathering, at a party, at a business confer ence. You are relaxed and confident. You know that you are attractive; you simply wait until your beauty and sexy femininity attract a man.
A caution: When I tell you that you need do nothing more than wait, I do not mean for you to wait at home. You must deliberately do enough to get yourself out into the world and give your attractiveness the opportunity to draw appropriate men to you. In Chapter 10 you’ll find lots of ideas about where to go to meet potential Good Men. Once you’ve gotten away from home, then you wait for the man to display his masculinity by ap proaching the beautiful, sexy, and feminine woman that is you. (Obviously, in a business setting the “sexy” element of your attractiveness is toned down or fully removed.) Once you have prepared yourself by developing your Geisha Attractiveness, and have availed yourself of opportunities to be noticed, then you let the man “do” what is necessary, while your role is sim ply to “be.” Be receptive to the man’s actions.
For my married Younger Sisters, you too need to “do” nothing once you’ve created your most beautiful and sexily feminine self. Your husband will eventually notice, as will other men with whom you interact. When your Good Man husband finds himself even more attracted (or newly reat tracted) to his lovely wife, assure him that this change in you is inspired solely by your love for him and your desire to make your marriage more wonderful, even happier and better for both of you. Perhaps show him this book and give your love for him full credit for inspiring you to be your most attractive self. Build your husband up as a man even as you build your self as a beautiful, feminine woman.


What Do I Mean by “High Priority”?
I want to suggest to you specific, practical things that you can do to become more beautiful, sexy, and feminine. But before doing that, I want to define what I mean when I say that you must make the development of these quali ties a high priority.
A high priority is something that you desire strongly, stay aware and conscious of, spend substantial time pursuing, and work hard to accom plish. It is also something in which you may invest significant money.
A simple example will make my point. Imagine that you have a doctor’s appointment. It’s the doctor’s final scheduled appointment for the day, and you absolutely do not want to be late. You will probably remind yourself of the appointment the day before and keep it in mind during much of the ac tual day. You’ll make extra effort to get work and other responsibilities fin ished early. Despite all of this, if you are still running late you’ll gladly pay the money for a taxi instead of taking the bus across town. You do so be cause you have chosen to make being on time for this appointment a high priority on this particular day. You’ve decided that other things are not nearly as important as making it to the doctor’s office on time.
I am suggesting that finding the right man to marry (your Good Man) and being as beautiful, sexy, and feminine as you can be are so important to you and to your happiness that they should be among your highest priori ties. As in the example of the doctor’s appointment, any high priority will involve your focusing on it, thinking about it, staying conscious and aware of it. If the ultimate goal is marriage, stay focused on that. If an interim goal is to become more beautiful, sexy, and feminine, stay conscious of that. If you do not stay conscious of these goals, you will almost certainly fail to do what is necessary to achieve them, and thus will almost certainly fail to reach them. To my married Younger Sisters, you must also stay conscious of your specific goals within the marriage; otherwise the reigniting of your re lationship is likely to remain just an unfulfilled wish.
Just as you were willing to invest your valuable time and effort toward doing what was necessary to be at the doctor’s office on time, so too you will happily spend lots of focused attention on moving toward marriage. You will do the necessary work to accomplish those things that increase your beauty and sexy femininity. You will make the necessary extra effort. And you will spend the necessary time. You do this willingly and enthusias tically because you know that the achievement of these important goals will bring you such happiness.
Much as you were willing to pay extra for a cab to be on time for your doctor, as an American Geisha you are committed to spending your hard earned income on your highest priorities. Invest your money wisely both in your pursuit of love and marriage and, specifically, in your ever-increasing Geisha Attractiveness.
There is nothing “passive” or “submissive” about you, Younger Sister, as you go about doing the things that need to be done to attract Good Men into your life. You are taking control in order to reach the destiny you have chosen for yourself: to be in love with and married to your Good Man within twelve to eighteen months.
You need to be comfortable with, even proud of, these twin goals—the pursuit of love and marriage and of beauty and sexy femininity—so that you exhibit a happy, contagious enthusiasm that will help to attract poten tial Good Men to you.


Becoming More Beautiful, Sexy, and
Feminine in Three Areas
So, to summarize: The hot, sexy American Geisha chooses what she wants (here, beauty, sexy femininity, love, and marriage). Then she pursues her wants with a positive attitude that helps her to attract the right type of men to her: men who are happy and enthusiastic about their own lives. Now let’s look at some suggestions for your hot, sexy self that will help to make you more beautiful and feminine. To start with, let’s examine the three areas that the Asian Geisha constantly works to improve: The beauty of your entire body, the beauty of your clothes, and the expression of your sexy femininity.


I want to suggest that no other “beauty factor” is as important in attracting a man’s attention as achieving and maintaining your most beautiful weight. You’ve probably heard the research showing that over 60 percent of Ameri cans are either fat or, worse, obese. This is an incredible fact: Six women out of ten are much too heavy for their beauty or their health. And, of course, still more women are above their best, most beautiful weight. If you are among the 20 or 30 percent of women who are at or near their best or most beautiful weight, then you will have a great advantage (an incredible one!) over those other, say, 70 percent of American women in attracting appro priate men to you.
Being at your best weight is so important that I’ve devoted all of Chap ter 9 to the topic. Don’t worry, though. I have a plan for you. Not a diet, but a plan to help you reach—and maintain—your most beautiful weight, not an anorexic or skinny weight, but the most comfortable, healthy, and appropriate weight for your body type.
For now, let’s just acknowledge how important the right weight—a beautiful weight for you—can be in the eyes of a Good Man, and how im portant that right weight can be to your own level of confidence and happi ness. Be optimistic with me. Because you care so much about love and marriage, beauty and sexy femininity, you will be successful in managing your weight. Then you will be at your strongest and most confident as you pursue love and marriage with your Good Man.
It is appropriate to emphasize weight in developing a hot and sexy American Geisha appearance because extra pounds can have such a specific and significant impact on areas of beauty throughout the body. Notice the correlation between your best weight and a shapely body
with these other
aspects of your beauty:
Goodness. Weight seems to impact just about
area of your beauty except your hair, teeth, ears, nose, and nails. (And I’m not sure about the tongue.) However, even if you are already at or near your best weight, you may still be able to increase the beauty of these different areas of your body. Let’s look again at certain areas of the body and suggest quickly how each might be made more beautiful and sexy:

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