Sex Secrets of an American Geisha (17 page)

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Authors: Py Kim Conant

Tags: #Sexual Instruction, #Love & Romance, #Health & Fitness, #Social Science, #Asian American Studies, #Sex Instruction for Women, #Asian American Women - Sexual Behavior, #Family & Relationships, #Sexuality, #Asian American Women, #Self-Help, #Ethnic Studies, #Sexual Behavior, #Women's Studies

BOOK: Sex Secrets of an American Geisha
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  • “I love how your cock feels.”
  • “I love how your cock makes me feel.”
  • “I love what your cock does for (to) me.”
  • “I love your cock in me.”
  • “I love how your cock makes me come (or ‘shoot’).”
  • “I love coming on your cock.”
  • “I love how hard your cock is in me.”
  • “I love just to look at (touch) your cock.”
  • “I love your cock, hard or soft.”
  • And, simply, “I love your cock.”
(Caution: Be sure you do not convey that you love cock generally. Rather, make clear that his is the cock, the only cock, that inspires you to the point of expressing such love.)


Create a Shrine to His Cock
After many expressions of your love for his cock, create a shrine of some sort to convey to him that you “worship” his cock. The Asian Geisha en gages in many rituals, some in the presence of her men (the tea ceremony being a familiar one) and some while she is away from them (such as the rituals involved in preparing her face and clothes). These rituals convey to her clients the great respect she holds them in, for instance as she pours a client’s tea with focus and exaggerated ceremony. The American Geisha, dear Younger Sister, engages in similar, if somewhat different, rituals regarding her face and clothes. The rituals of creating a shrine and of worshipping his cock (not in any religious sense, of course) are a ritualistic expression to your Good Man of how powerfully you are affected by his sexuality and how much you respect and love his cock.
Your own creativity is probably your best guide as to what the shrine to his cock will look like. Although the Asian Geisha may have a small reli gious altar or shrine near the entrance to her home, I suggest that you build your American Geisha shrine to your Good Man’s cock in your bedroom. Here are some elements you might consider including:
  • A naked photo of him, framed
  • A close-up photo of his cock (hard or soft)
  • A collage of photos
  • A photo of you sucking or holding his cock
  • A drawing of his hard cock
  • Incense
  • Candles
  • A recirculating water sculpture
  • Small rocks
  • A short poem or note to his cock
  • A single fresh rose or other flower
  • A small plant
  • Perhaps simply a framed sexy photo or collage of photos (including you, naked) hung on the wall
The idea behind your shrine is to let your Good Man know how much his sexuality inspires you (and, of course, that you’ve never been so inspired by any other man). Occasionally light a short stick of incense at the shrine, or otherwise show that you “visit” the shrine, so he will know that you ac tively use it when you acknowledge or meditate for a moment or two on his cock and on your relationship with him. Replace the poem or note in the shrine every now and then, and tell him to read the new one when he has a chance.


You Love His Cock Like No One Ever Has
Here’s the true test of your love for your Good Man’s cock. At some point after you have responded so excitedly and orgasmically to his cock, after you have so often expressed how much you love and want his cock, after you have created a shrine to his cock, he will say to you these exact words (I promise, with no doubt at all in my mind): “No one has ever loved my cock as much as you do.” It will be true, too; no one ever has. In fact, no one ever could love his cock like his American Geisha. And if he is the right Good Man for you, you love him, too; you love the person he is. Nothing could be better for him. You love his cock and you love him. To your Good Man, this means that you love him totally, both his sexual self and his unique person ality. Wow! On top of all that, you are beautiful; and you squirt; and you are nice. He’ll never leave you. Where would he go? There is no one like his out rageous, incredible, beautiful, and feminine American Geisha!
I really do worship my husband’s cock and I really do tell him so, often. My “shrine” to my husband’s cock is in the form of a mounted and framed photo collage that includes naked XXX-rated photos of us (each alone, and together) and little notes from me, as well as fun, sexy, R-rated photos of him. It hangs on a wall just four feet from our bed. When certain people visit (including all children) I take it down; when others visit, I leave it up. I’m proud of worshipping my husband’s cock. And, yes, he has told me many times, “No one has ever loved my cock as much as you do.” And I know he is right, that no other woman could ever love his hot, sexy cock so well as his American Geisha wife.


More Ways to Show Him How Much
You Love His Cock
After your Good Man’s orgasm, he is as exhausted as you are after your shooting orgasm. The French call the orgasm le petit mort, “the little death.” Understand if he has no more energy to pursue sex, cuddling, or small talk with you. Know that you have killed him (temporarily), that you have given him a most beautiful, satisfying little death. Let him sleep the sleep of the dead. Let him enjoy what you and your vagina (mouth, hand) have given him. As he showed respect for your orgasm, so should you for his. Perhaps slip out of bed and return with a warm, wet washcloth to lovingly, worship fully wash his cock and balls and belly. Careful! His cock is so sensitive to touch after his orgasm.
Your vagina is already shaved, naked, and beautiful. No doubt he loves the White Tigress hairless beauty of your uniquely exquisite sexual organs. After a short while of being sexual with this Good Man, tell him that be cause you love his cock and what his cock does for you, you want to be able see his shaved and naked cock and to feel his smooth, naked skin against your smooth, naked skin. Tell him you want to lick and suck his naked balls. Add, too, that when he pounds his cock so deeply into your naked vagina for such a long time, which you love for him to do, you sometimes become somewhat raw and irritated by the cutting action of the hair of his cock against your naked, tender vaginal skin. Emphasize honestly that you love to be able to see and touch his cock, hard or soft, unencumbered by a forest of hair. Tell him you want him to keep the masculine pubic hair above his cock (trimmed, perhaps), and shave only the cock and balls. Tell him it makes you feel sexy and wet just to imagine his naked cock against your naked vagina. Later, ask him to shave his cock and balls daily as part of his routine facial shave or while he showers, so that the sharp, stubby, day-old growth on his cock does not irritate your vagina. Here’s another truth that will mo tivate him to shave: Once the hair on the cock and around the base of the cock is removed, his cock looks bigger, longer, even more sexually stimulat ing to you.
Ask yourself, “Could my Good Man ever love me too much?” Go ahead, ask yourself this question, right now, as you are reading. What is your an swer? I believe you answered, “No, of course not.” Could your Good Man ever tell you too often, “I love you”? Again, of course not. You want to be loved and to hear it, to know it from him, often. (Am I right?) Well, your Good Man is the same way about this as you are, but regarding his cock. Know this, my Younger Sister American Geisha: Every man wants to know that his Good Woman loves his cock; you cannot tell him this too often (as long as it is sincere each time). When you tell him this he feels good about himself as a man, feels happy, feels connected to and loved by you. He will love you, in part, because you love his cock. If you do love what his cock does for you, scream with ecstasy when you come on his cock (or fingers or tongue), but also tell him with words that you love his cock (or fingers or tongue), and tell him often. (Excuse me a moment, I’ve got to go find my husband and tell him I love his cock, his fingers, and his tongue.)
Focus on his cock as the Asian Geisha focuses with exaggerated inten sity on her tea ceremony or on refilling her client’s empty sake cup. Hold his cock, hard or soft, in your hand. Examine it from just inches away, trans fixed by its power over you. Stroke it slowly, feeling its skin under your gen tle fingers. Kiss it lightly, all over. Lick the frenulum (the sensitive underside of the cock just below the head) with the wet tip of your tongue. React when your attention makes his cock twitch, begin to harden, or become rock hard. Your Good Man loves it when you enthusiastically pay close at tention to his cock. He even loves it when you just look at his cock.
The Asian Geisha knows how simple men are, how happy they are when a beautiful, bright, cultured geisha devotes herself totally (again, most of the time, nonsexually) to making her clients feel so interesting, so witty, so smart—in short, the center of her attention. The American Geisha real izes, too, that her Good Man’s ego is a simple thing that doesn’t need much to make it happy and content. Sex is a factor for the American Geisha, of course, but, as we discussed in earlier chapters, any way that you can make your Good Man feel good about himself as a man will bond him to you. Be sincere. Be supportive. Build him up. And don’t forget to love his cock. Do all of this and he’s yours forever.


Your Good Man Always Risks Rejection
The Asian Geisha tries always to be gracious and accommodating to her clients. If they request her presence at a meeting, party, or convention, she will try very hard to do what she can to attend the function, perhaps short ening her time at an earlier event or adjusting the time she plans to arrive at a later function. She does not want to disappoint her clients by being unable to accommodate them. The roles of client and geisha are such that if the client makes a request of a geisha with whom he has had a long-term rela tionship, he has some expectation that she will accede to his wishes; that is, he presumes to a certain extent that she will do as he requests. For the geisha’s part, she, too, likely has the same understanding: that it is her duty to make every attempt to accommodate her most important clients.
For the Asian Geisha it is just good business. Were she unable to make adjustments to her schedule in order to please an important client, he might well feel rejected. And this could damage their relationship. The client may want to avoid the risk of rejection in the future by visiting a different tea house and pursuing a relationship with another, more accommodating geisha.
From the earliest days of dating your Good Man through years of mar riage to him, it is inherent in his being a man that he constantly risks rejec tion by you. Early in the relationship you may turn down a date, not want to go to the restaurant or movie he suggests, refuse his good-night kiss (even on the third date, as I foolishly did to the man I later married), not let him come into your home, not want to have sex. We’ve already talked about how fragile a man’s ego is, and yet your Good Man has the courage to keep taking the initiative with you, proposing things to you that you might turn down, thereby rejecting him in the process of rejecting his idea or sugges tion.
Respect your Good Man’s courage in the lifelong journey of risk taking that he embarks on with you. It takes balls to be a man. Real nerve. Respect that. Even after you are together, even married, his risk-taking con tinues. A man’s life always involves a risk of rejection. It’s bad enough that he faces that risk at work (as do you, too, of course), but he also faces it at home, even from you, his Good Woman who loves and respects him.
At work, a man may risk rejection (of an idea, a project, a request, a report, an opinion) that could negatively impact how he feels about himself as a man. However, a man’s greatest psychological vulnerability is not the risk of rejection at work, but the risk of rejection at home, from you, his Good Woman. A man’s ego is most vulnerable when, after you have estab lished a sexual relationship, he tells you that he wants to make love to you. At that point you hold his ego in your hands.
If you refuse his invitation or request for sex, you may think that you refused for some objective reason, such as the late hour, illness, chores that need doing, your own distractedness, not enough time, hunger, the baby’s diaper, not in the mood, or a hundred other reasonable scenarios that pre clude lovemaking at that moment. If he were to ask why, you’d say, “Nothing personal; it’s just ___________ (fill in the blank).” You probably wouldn’t see it as a big deal. “We’ll make love later,” you’d probably think, if you thought about it any more at all.
For him, when you refused his (brave, risky) offer to make love, you refused his cock. Translation: You refused him as a man. He feels bad about himself as a man, refused by his girlfriend, fiancée, or wife, rejected by the woman he loves, his cock rejected by the woman he loves, his manhood re fused and rejected.
“Wait a minute,” you might think, “I’m tired/it’s late/we have to leave in twenty minutes. That’s why I said no. I’m not rejecting him or his cock. I love him and I love his cock.”


What Is an American Geisha to Do?
I’ll put it simply. An American Geisha never refuses or rejects her boyfriend’s, fiancé’s, or husband’s cock, just as an Asian Geisha tries never to refuse her client’s requests. Rather than a refusal or rejection of his cock, always try to be enthusiastically ready and available to your boyfriend, fiancé, or husband whenever he wants to make love with you. It is good, dear Younger Sister, that he wants you, that he is attracted to you, and that he wants to put his cock in you, even if for some reason his desire is a bit inconvenient in its timing. Always make it a priority to have the time and energy to be your Good Man’s enthusiastic lover.

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