Sex Secrets of an American Geisha (15 page)

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Authors: Py Kim Conant

Tags: #Sexual Instruction, #Love & Romance, #Health & Fitness, #Social Science, #Asian American Studies, #Sex Instruction for Women, #Asian American Women - Sexual Behavior, #Family & Relationships, #Sexuality, #Asian American Women, #Self-Help, #Ethnic Studies, #Sexual Behavior, #Women's Studies

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Figure 2: Front view of the G-spot.
Artist: Moti Melchizedek. Reprinted from
Female Ejaculation and the G-Spot,
by Deborah Sundahl


Likewise, the female embryo, of course, develops the sexual organs of a woman. The organ that in the male embryo becomes the prostate develops in the woman into what has been called the Skene’s glands, after Alexander Skene, M.D. In 1880, Skene described the glands and their ridged ducts as urological structures surrounding the female urethra, and as having little if any function; most often they were only noticed, he wrote, when they be came infected and created a urological problem. However, by the 1950s it was recognized that this tissue had erectile qualities: It hardened to the touch. It is the Skene’s glands, particularly the series of parallel ridges on the glands, that can be felt through the front wall of the vagina, especially as the glands’ erectile tissue engorges with blood and hardens during stimula tion of the G-spot from within the vagina. The Skene’s glands (the G-spot body) have now been more properly renamed in the medical community as the female prostate (see Figure 2); they were recognized in the 1980s as an organ of sexual pleasure, not simply as a urological structure.
As an American Geisha who will soon be familiar with your own female prostate, you will have an understanding of this incredible element of your femininity and sexuality that few Western women possess. (All women possess the organ; few women possess the understanding.)



Figure 3: Side view of the G-spot
Artist: Moti Melchizedek. Reprinted from
Female Ejaculation and the G-Spot,
by Deborah Sundahl.


Are you surprised? Your Older Sister American Geisha certainly was when she first understood with clarity the existence of the female prostate gland. It is a fully accepted medical fact that the female embryo develops a gland similar to the prostate that develops in the male embryo. As you directly stimulate the G-spot with cock, fingers, tongue, or even a specially shaped vibrator or dildo, the stimulation passes through the wall of the vagina to the female prostate, causing it to engorge with blood, to grow larger and harder, until it is readily felt from within the vagina. In addition, a liquid with properties somewhat similar to the male seminal fluid begins to accumulate in a reservoir called the urethral sponge, a four-inch-long area of spongy tissue surrounding the urethra and the female prostate (see Figure 3 above).
Women and men started life as identical embryos, and as sexually ma ture adults, both can have an orgasm that involves ejaculation. The male seminal fluid is transferred by ducts from the prostate and is ejaculated through the urinary tract and out the tip of the cock. The woman emits from the female prostate a similar fluid (but in much larger quantities than the man), which also leaves the body through the urethra. Powerful muscle contractions occur around the urethra, causing the ducts of the female prostate to open into the urethral canal. (Imagine the Grand Coulee Dam in Washington State, another type of reservoir, opening its gates and pump ing copious amounts of water into the Columbia River under incredible pressure.) The woman’s warm love juice (Gräfenberg Juice) exits under enormous pressure through the urethra, which is located between the cli toris and the vaginal canal. It comes out in the same place where you pee, but rest assured, dear Younger Sister, that it is not pee, but rather a mostly clear, pleasant-tasting nectar.
You may wonder, my American Geisha in training, why you have not had this shooting or squirting experience before. Or perhaps you think you may have had such an experience, but you dismissed it as a fluke. Or per haps you mistakenly thought you had peed and had no interest in pursuing such an embarrassing event any further. I think many of you have never ex perienced female ejaculation simply because you didn’t realize it was there to be experienced, didn’t realize it existed, didn’t realize that you possess the sexual organs to make ejaculation possible (the combination of female prostate, ducts to the urethra, and spongy reservoir around the urethra to hold the ejaculate prior to its discharge). A last and very important, even critical, factor: Your vaginal muscles may not have been toned and strong enough to create the muscle tension and intense pressure necessary to expel the ejaculate so forcefully as to be unmistakably noticed by both you and your Good Man partner.


The PC Muscle Group:
Your Love Muscles
The Asian Geisha knows that to please her man she must spend many hours in training, learning various forms of entertainment, as well as always seeking to increase her sexy femininity and beauty. The American Geisha knows, too, that she must work hard to be as sexy, feminine, and beautiful as possible, including keeping her body in a toned, fit condition. It is par ticularly important for your and your Good Man’s utmost sexual pleasure to work to tone the most feminine of muscles, those that are involved in the G-spot orgasm: the vaginal muscles known as the pubococcygeus (pue-bo cox-uh-gee-us) muscles, which are located in the pelvic area. These PC mus cles—which I call the vaginal muscles or love muscles—surround and support the area of a woman’s body from her clitoris in the front to her anus at the rear. Among several other muscles in that area (including the anal sphincter muscle), it is specifically the PC muscle group that is engaged when you bear down to stop the flow of urine. This most common use of the PC muscle group will make it easier for you to identify and isolate the muscles when you seek to exercise them, as you must do in order to female ejaculate.
Much of your success in experiencing both incredible orgasmic release and powerful ejaculations is related to the strength of the PC muscles when they’re relaxed. The American Geisha wants to have strong, toned love mus cles. Happily, nature has made it very easy to strengthen the PC muscles simply by exercising them—and there’s no need to coordinate your workout clothes with your cross-training shoes before you go to the gym. You can ex ercise your PC muscles while seated at your desk, while in the car, even while chatting with some hot potential Good Man or while walking your dog. It’s that easy. Anywhere. Anytime. In private. In public. And no one will know. Pretty sexy, huh?
In the early 1940s, Arnold Kegel, M.D., an Ob/Gyn practicing in the Los Angeles area, designed a simple PC-muscle-toning exercise for new mothers who were suffering from urinary incontinence. Practicing what be came known as Kegel exercises not only helped women to strengthen their urinary control, but also, serendipitously, led many to report greater sexual satisfaction for themselves and their husbands. Perhaps someday Dr. Kegel and his exercises will be remembered and acknowledged more for his contri butions to sexual health and happiness than for urological health. You, sweet Younger Sister, now know that the two, the sexual and the urological, are not so different and separate as one might think when it comes to the mysteries of the G-spot, female ejaculation, and incredibly satisfying sex.


Three Hundred Times a Day
Dr. Kegel’s PC muscle exercise is easy to perform. Simply squeeze and hold those pee-controlling muscles for five to ten seconds, then relax them. Re peat this in sets of twenty-five, fifty, seventy-five, or one hundred, according to the time available to you, until you have completed three hundred con tractions of your PC muscles. Do this each day. Within two weeks you will almost certainly notice a difference in the tone of the muscles and in your response to sex. Happily, your Good Man may also notice a marked in crease in your vagina’s tightness around his cock. Ah, heaven to a man: A tight vagina that closes firmly around his cock and provides greater friction to excite him to orgasm! Your man will also love your ability to squeeze those muscles at will while he’s inside you, providing his cock with a very stimulating pulsing sensation.
These love muscles will bring such sexual joy both to you, Younger Sis ter, and to your man. Squeezed just slightly, tentatively, they tease your man’s cock; held more tightly, they seem to encase his cock and to tighten and shrink the size of your vagina, making his cock feel larger to both of you. Finally, after many minutes and much buildup of sexual tension, and with your PC muscles passionately contracted to their fullest extent, they will cause your vagina to seemingly try to turn itself inside out as they tighten around your man’s cock (or fingers or tongue). These exquisite con tractions seem to drive his cock toward the opening of your vaginal canal. As he pushes back (and push hard he must or those mighty love muscles will expel him from your vagina quickly and forcefully), your muscles, now beyond your willful control, continue to push against his insistent cock. The two of you reach an ecstatic but unsustainable and precarious balance.
The moment of your ejaculation is only a desperate twenty to sixty seconds away. He applies renewed pressure to your G-spot in order to drive your love muscles into the final involuntary contraction that will shoot his cock (fingers, tongue) out of your vagina. This is followed by a bursting forth of ejaculate from your urethral canal opening, which occurs under the pressure of both the “uncorking” action of his cock and the spasming of your toned and strong, well-exercised love muscles. Again and again the PC muscles squeeze the urethral sponge reservoir until all the Gräfenberg Juice has been expelled and absolutely soaks the bedsheets. Wow! You are one hot, sexy, ejaculating American Geisha lady!


Men Love Your Ejaculation!
Both my personal experience and my research show that your Good Man love partner (or future Good Man love partner, if you haven’t found him yet) will be both surprised and pleased by your ability to gush forth large amounts of feminine fluid. However, it is probably best to prepare him for the experience rather than to surprise him with an eruption of your femi nine fountain in the midst of your normal lovemaking. Let him know that you have been learning about female ejaculation and have been practicing alone, and have had some success, and now want to share the experience with him. Earlier I suggested that you buy a fresh, unmarked, unhighlighted copy of this book for your Good Man. Now I suggest that you point out the relevant chapters and ask him to read about the G-spot, the female prostate, and female ejaculation.
You want to educate your Good Man so that he is aware of and com fortable with these facts. The two of you might share your joint wonder at the revelation of this new information and its potential to add to and deepen your sexual ecstasy and intimacy. You will also want to tell (and show) him how to stimulate you to an ejaculatory orgasm. He’ll appreciate knowing how to perform well rather than being left alone to try to figure out, for example, how best to find and to stimulate your G-spot. He’ll be an eager learner. Of course, when the two of you have successfully brought you to a shooting orgasm, you will give him full credit for motivating and stimulating you to incredible heights of sexual and emotional satisfaction.
Thank him. He’ll feel so good as a man that his cock (fingers, tongue) pro duced such an incredible, spectacular orgasm for his woman. If your Good Man is like mine, he’ll happily volunteer to sleep on the large, now-cold puddle of ejaculate juice so that you don’t accidentally roll over onto it. That makes him a double hero. Thank him again.


How to Female Ejaculate

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