Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride (7 page)

Read Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #Erotica, #Gay, #motorcycle, #BDSM, #discipline, #prostitute, #homophobia, #coming out, #biker

BOOK: Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride
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Tooth’s eyes shot open, and he drew in some air,
forcing himself to hold it in. Now that he was completely awake,
all sensations came crashing down at him in hot waves.
fer’s warmth fueled
the fire that started rapidly burning in his body. Each movement of
those slim hips was like a firm tug on Tooth’s cock, and when he
couldn’t keep from breathing anymore, the sweet, fresh scent of
Lucifer’s hair brought his dick to full attention. Yet he still
didn’t want to say anything.

He wanted to deny what was happening, but that
wasn’t an option anymore when he heard the rhythmic slapping sound,
coordinated with the grinding into his hard dick. Lucifer
masturbated quickly, his panting barely audible but there. Tooth
had no idea what to think. The boy simply slid into his embrace,
not just groped him. Was Lucifer really that attracted to him? Was
he imagining Tooth fucking him? Because Tooth’s own imagination was
already too far gone to stop. This could so easily turn into
something much, much better. He could roll Luci
fer to his back and kiss those pouty lips,
grab his thighs, nip at his pink nipples. He would be content with
rubbing off onto that pale stomach, but he could also go lower and
suck all that excess energy out of the boy. Or roll him over, hold
Lucifer down and slide into that bruised ass, knowing he was the
one to mark it.

He had to fight the urge to join the rocking of
fer’s hips, but his
cock was throbbing to act on instinct. The jerking off didn’t take
Lucifer all that long and with those last gasps, the grinding
became slow and insistent. Lucifer’s racing heartbeat was palpable
in the darkness.

Tooth gritted his teeth as his body ached for
release. He became stiff, trying not to move with
fer, and it was so
hard to keep himself in check. It had been a while since he touched
anyone so pretty.

Lucifer’s body was slowly stilling, his loud
breathing filling the dark room, but things got ultimately
confusing, when instead of going back to his side of the bed,
fer hugged Tooth’s
arm close and stayed in the embrace he’d created for himself. He
pulled Tooth’s hand up on top of his, cuffed together at the wrist,
and those soft, luscious lips, still trembling with the orgasm,
touched the side of Tooth’s hand before kissing it.

It took all the restraint Tooth had not to just grab
Lucifer’s hips and grind against him like a horny dog. His cock was
still painfully hard, and there was nothing he could do about it
without revealing himself. He bit his lips, unsure what to think
about what just happened, but making any decisions was bordering on
impossible with his arousal spiking.

Completely unaware of his distress,
fer calmed down and
stopped moving, snuggled up in Tooth’s embrace. His breathing
became peaceful, but he left Tooth in a state of tension and

It only took a moment for the little shit to fall
asleep while Tooth was left with a raging boner and blood so hot it
burned him from the inside. If he had to write a bucket list right
now, fucking that delicious, warm ass would be at the very top. But
he didn’t dare move, and after a little while, arousal started to
subside, leaving him with an ache in his balls that he’d have to
deal with in the morning.


Chapter 3

Luci wasn’t sure where he was at first, but when
he tried to stretch in bed, memories began flooding his mind with
the help of a handcuff rattling around against the headboard. He
was trapped and held against his will for an unwanted family
reunion. Luci looked around the room but Tooth was nowhere to be
found, so he pulled up the comforter and sniffed the masculine
scent of the bedding. He was still wearing Tooth’s T-shirt and it
felt kinda weird. As if Luci had spent the night at his boyfriend’s
and got to sleep in his T-shirt. Not that it had ever happened. The
closest Luci ever got to a boyfriend was the
unsatisfactory platonic relationship with

remained in bed for five minutes. For ten minutes. He
groaned to himself in annoyance. What if he needed to pee and was
stranded here? Was he to pee in Tooth’s bed? He’d do that out of
spite, but Tooth would probably make him clean it, so it wouldn’t
be very useful. Out of lack of anything better to do, he leaned out
to the bedside table and opened the drawer.

There was a half-empty tube of KY and a box of
tissues, two energy bars, and a nail clipper. No condoms. The
second drawer held a few paperbacks that looked second-hand at best
and a plastic box with coins. Nothing of interest there either.
Tooth seemed like such a bore.

Luci leaned over the edge of the bed, already barely
able to reach, but he did manage to get his fingers into the edge
of a box under the bed and pulled it out. It was a large cardboard
container, not too light, and when he moved it, several elements
jingled against each other. Luci frowned and pushed the flaps
apart, glancing inside.

The first thing he saw was a thick steel hook formed
of two balls attached to a ring. It lay on a bed of leather, and it
took several seconds for Luci to register what it was. His head
exploded with heat as he raised the leather to reveal a large box
of condoms and what was, without a doubt, a stack of sex toys. Anal
beads, a strangely-shaped vibrator with an attached remote control,
a butt plug, a paddle, some leather restraints…

Luci’s face became a scorching volcano. He didn’t
even dare blink, too flustered with what he saw. He didn’t
understand what the strange leather with eyelets was for. A hood
maybe? It looked
though Tooth wasn’t all that boring after all. Luci leaned out as
far as he could to rummage through the box. His face was so hot it
throbbed, and his imagination was taking him on a tour to kinkland
with Tooth as the guide. There was a large steel dildo, and even
touching it gave Luci the chills. What struck him was the
dangerous, masculine vibe of all those toys. No pink rabbits that
you usually saw in sex toy photos. Tooth was someone who was
obviously not just experimenting with skittish girls. This was
stuff he used a lot, or else he wouldn’t need a whole box of

Luci pulled out what seemed to be some sort of
harness made out of leather, chains, and metal D-rings. His breath
hitched, and he couldn’t help the tingle of arousal traveling all
the way down to his dick trapped between his body and the mattress.
His mind went back to the way Tooth
had hit him with the belt yesterday. Could it
possibly have a sexual association for Tooth? Even with Luci being
a guy?

The door snapped open. This was the moment for Tooth
to return to his room, just in time to see Luci with a harness in
one hand and a steel dildo in the other. There was a strange
silence at first, and the tension in the air became electrically
charged even before the door closed, and Tooth’s heavy motorcycle
boots came into Luci’s line of vision.

Luci dropped the items into the box with sweat
prickling on his neck. He pushed the box under the bed even though
it was too late to deny that he
’d rummaged through it.

“I… I…” Luci looked up at Tooth, trying to wish away
his arousal.

Tooth’s eyes narrowed, his face as if carved in
stone. It was hard to say how angry he was. With Luci shackled to
the bed, Tooth could beat him unconscious. If Tooth told Priest he
did it because Luci tried to escape, Priest would probably believe
him. When Tooth opened his mouth, the commanding voice did nothing
to lessen Luci’s unwanted arousal.

“I do not appreciate you looking through my things.
Is that clear?” No explanations, no embarrassment, nothing.

Luci swallowed, trying not to think about Tooth’s
muscular arms on show. It wasn’t helping him calm down. “I was just
bored. You’ve got quite the collection.” He laughed nervously,
sitting up on the bed, curled up on the comforter.

Tooth stepped closer, all too close, and Luci had
to raise his head to look at his face instead of the lines of his
body underneath a white
tank top. He couldn’t escape. If Tooth slapped him on the
head or choked him, he wouldn’t be able to get away. The handcuff
was like a steel snake, ready to inject its venom into Luci’s

And when in the midst of all that tension Tooth’s
body stiffened, Luci raised his free hand to protect his head and
clenched his eyes shut in anticipation of a smack. Nauseating heat
spread through his stomach even as the fist didn’t come.

Only when he looked from under his arm did he
realize Tooth had kicked the box farther under the bed. Looked like
this wasn’t a joking matter. At least thanks to fear, the beginning
of an erection was gone. He hated the captivity, not being able to
make decisions for himself. It was time to shut up.

“I don’t want you to do this again, understood? You
will get some shelves for your own stuff,” said Tooth, diving his
hand into his pocket. The rattle of keys was like music to
Lucifer’s ears.

“I don’t have much,” Luci whispered with his heart
up his throat.

Tooth sighed. Now that the fear was gone, leaving
pure adrenaline coursing through Luci’s body, the touch of those
warm, coarse hands felt
all too good, especially since they were there to let him
out of the shackle.

“What about your bag?”

It can stay on the floor.” The last thing he
wanted was to set roots here. Luci swallowed as he watched Tooth’s
arm from up close. He still remembered its weight, sleeping under
it, grinding into Tooth’s body
once the man had fallen asleep. Strangely enough, in a
clubhouse full of dangerous men, being under Tooth’s arm felt the

“No, I want my room tidy,” said Tooth, going off to
the door. He opened it wide and disappeared for just a moment
before returning with a thick mattress he pulled along toward the

“I’m clean.” Luci watched Tooth put the mattress on
the floor and couldn’t help but feel a tingle of disappointment.
“What’s that for?”

Tooth dropped the mattress to the floor and frowned.
“For you.”

Luci licked his lips. “You not afraid I’ll run away
at night?”

“No, I’ll handcuff you to the radiator,” said Tooth
casually. He switched on the small electric kettle over the fridge
and put two spoonfuls of ground coffee into a cup.

Luci stretched his arm, watching Tooth’s bushy
beard. He wanted to tidy up all the stray hairs. “We’d be more
comfortable on the bed…”

He didn’t expect to hear a snort in response. Tooth
gave him a sideways glance. “You maybe, but I don’t like being
molested in my sleep. Even less so by a boy.”

This morning couldn’t get any more embarrassing.
There was no point in denying the truth. Despite the heat rushing
to his face, Luci tried to remain stoic and pushed more hair down
to hide his blush. “If you weren’t sleeping why didn’t you push me
away, huh?”

Tooth pulled on his beard. “I didn’t want to
embarrass you. You would squirm for the whole night so it was
quicker that way.”

Luci groaned and hid his face behind his hand.
“You got a boner as well, I could feel it.” Oh, God, could

“Yeah,” said Tooth without a trace of embarrassment.
“Was bound to happen with someone rubbing their ass against my
dick. You don’t feel all that masculine from that side.”

Luci rubbed his face and got up without looking at
Tooth. What a fucking cock-up. “Maybe I should just sleep somewhere
else then?”

“No, all you need is a cold shower.” Tooth blinked
when the kettle went off. “You want some coffee or tea?”

This had to be worse than when Luci gave a guy a
lapdance and was so drunk he slipped and fell
face-first to the floor.

No, I’m fine.” He got his bag and threw it to the
mattress on the floor. He was about to take off the T-shirt and
give it back, but now felt all weirded out and stalled, unsure what
to do anymore. Not to mention the fucking body tape on his back,
covering his tattoo. This was some
real bullshit.

Tooth poured the water into his cup, and the room
immediately filled with the thick scent of coffee. “Get dressed
then. We need to talk some things through.”

Luci turned his back on Tooth, but finally took
the T-shirt off. Tooth had seen him naked yesterday anyway, and
Luci wasn’t some blushing nun, even if the flush wouldn’t leave his
face. He swiftly took
off his pants as well and pulled out his own clothes from
his bag, trying not to think about the box under the

“I spoke to your father yesterday, and he wants to
keep you here for now.”

Luci pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and a loose
black tank top, trying to think of a way out of this mess. Tooth
was clearly not going to help him escape. “As what?” he asked and
turned around to his captor.

“A slave,” said Tooth grimly.

Luci’s eyes went wide, all the tiny hairs on his
forearms bristled and before he could even think it, he made a run
for the open door. He remembered the way out.

But Tooth blocked his way even before he got halfway
there. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“Let me go!” Luci tried to untangle himself from the
grip of strong arms which could as well be made out of iron. “I’m
not gonna be obeying anyone’s orders!”

“Relax. I was joking,” groaned Tooth and gently
nudged Luci away.

Luci pushed back at his chest. “It’s not funny! For
fuck’s sake!” He pushed him again. How dare Tooth joke about this?
This was his life now. Anything could happen. Luci had seen enough
shit to know.

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