Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride (2 page)

Read Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #Erotica, #Gay, #motorcycle, #BDSM, #discipline, #prostitute, #homophobia, #coming out, #biker

BOOK: Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride
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Luci finally dared to unglue his forehead from his
knees and looked up, giving the guy the most tearful, sad
blue-eyed plead he could
muster. “Please don’t hurt me,” he whispered in a high pitch not to
give away his gender.

From the crouching position, with the light above
creating an otherworldly glow, the guy seemed massive. Tall, bulky,
with strong shoulders and thick arms. Luci couldn’t see his face
well, but it seemed to be hidden anyway, by a bushy beard and long
hair that floated stiffly like a black halo around his head. “If
you do as I say.”

“I will,” Luci uttered and the moment he did, he
grabbed a bottle from the shelf and slammed it into the guy’s shin.
It must have done some kind of damage, even through the thick
leather boot, as the thug lowered his upper body with a growl of
pain. Using the second of distraction, Luci made a slide for it
between the monster’s legs to reach the door. Shiny leggings were
the last thing he wanted to wear when making his escape, but he had
to deal with what lemons life threw at him.

The moment he managed to sneak past the
his hair
tightened around his skull, and in one breathless moment, he got
yanked back and sent flying at the wall. Pain exploded at the back
of his head as he fell to the floor, confused by the sudden change
in gravity, but the man was right over him, grabbing onto Luci’s
hair again. His blond pride and joy was a huge disadvantage in this

“What the fuck did I say... boy?” muttered the man,
pausing for a second before the last word. He didn’t seem all that
fazed by his captive’s gender.

Luci arched up, still dizzy from the hit.

“The fuck’s going on there, Tooth? You got the
bitch?” someone yelled from outside.

“Let me go, motherfucker!” Luci grabbed the
freakishly thick wrist to keep the man from pulling on his hair.
His fingers met metal and leather over skin, and then he was
carelessly pulled up by the hair and hauled toward the door like a
caveman’s wife.

“Shut up.”

Luci had no choice but to follow, bent over, with
hair obscuring all of his vision. This had to be the shittiest
he’d been in
since he had to pull a knife on a guy trying to drag him into an
abandoned building. Ah, the joys of living on the streets of

Luci pulled up the leggings that kept sliding down
his ass. As expected, none of the girls made a peep. Every woman
for herself, he supposed. “You’re wasting your time, you overgrown
bear! I don’t know where Suzy is,” he rasped.

“Where’s Lucy?” growled the caveman, shaking Luci’s
head in a way that made tears well up in his eyes.

He knew there was no hope when one of the
treacherous bitches, Linda, who else, went all “That’s him! That’s
him you’re looking for. He’s been with her last.”

Tooth’s grip lessened slightly when Luci stopped
writhing so he straightened up for comfort. Dignity wasn’t easy to
keep when one wore only a pair of black sequined leggings with no
pants underneath. Luci pushed some hair off his face and looked up
at the brute holding him.

He was a pirate. Not one from a Hollywood
blockbuster, no, this man’s green eyes were so wild Luci could
picture him tying his beard into bundles and setting them on fire.
Like Blackbeard. Or just plain old torturing people, walking them
down the plank and laughing like a cartoon villain as they were
ripped into shreds of flesh, blood, and bone. That kind of pirate.
Even with the thick dark beard and long hair softening the lines of
the man’s face, it was immediately clear to Luci that he had a
killer bone structure, with high cheekbones, a strong brow and
roman nose. The guy would have been easy on the eyes if it weren’t
for the fact he was a thug who was clearly ready to eviscerate Luci
for information.

“It’s Lucifer to you,” he said and spat straight
into the man’s face to the soundtrack of men laughing and

“This boy has a death wish,” one man said and

“Maybe he has some milk teeth to pull,” added
another, accompanied by a wave of laughter. Luci gave the men a
quick once-over, and it hit him that they had to be a biker gang.
All wore those vests he remembered from childhood, most were in
leather, and their general style was very much what he would
associate with that culture. What did Suzy get herself into? Were
these the people she got her drugs from?

The stern face above him tensed only slightly when
spit hit the man’s cheek. The biker slowly brushed it off with the
side of his hand, his nostrils flaring as if to accentuate the odd
calm in those green eyes. Luci had no idea what to expect from this
man, and just as he thought that, he was pushed against a wet table
that smelled of the cheap whiskey sold at Vanilla. He barely
managed to catch a breath
before the biker snorted over him.

Drive in
? Really?” he read out the tattoo on the small of
Luci’s back. It was stylized to look like a retro neon sign, and
even had a 50s car next to it.

Luci frowned, all too aware that he was the main
entertainment here. Only way to fight it was not to give the brute
the satisfaction. “Why you so interested in my ass, huh?” His poor
hair was now getting soaked with alcohol. He prayed they wouldn’t
set him on fire or some shit.

The man rumbled with laughter, pushing Luci harder
against the table. Luci could still see all the grinning faces, and
the terrified eyes of the girls. “It’s hard not to notice a tramp
stamp when your pants are halfway down your ass.”

Luci groaned and pulled the leggings back up again.
He finally noticed Rick on the side. The man was sickly pale, which
was understandable with a gun pointed at his neck, yet he still
gently shook his head at Luci and mouthed ‘no’.

Luci heard more boots stomping somewhere behind

“She’s not anywhere at the back or the motel
either,” a man said, anger simmering in his voice. “What the fuck
is this shit?”

Blackbeard sighed. “This little shit here knows
something, or so they all say.”

“Pull him up. He’ll talk.”

Like hell he would! He couldn’t get Suzy into even
more trouble than she was in now. She was one of the nicest people
in this place, even shared joints with him.

There was the dreaded pull on the hair again, and
Luci found himself molded against the hard body of the big biker,
his naked skin touching the man’s shirt and leather belt, with a
metal buckle that made Luci shiver when it touched the small of his

All thought of the strong muscle against him
evaporated the moment he looked into the face in front of him.
’d never forgotten
those bright, inquisitive eyes and the bushy Jack Nicholson

“D-Dad?” he uttered, frozen in space and time. This
couldn’t be happening. The silence that ensued was so complete Luci
would swear he could hear the beard behind him grow.

His father opened his eyes wider as he looked Luci
up and down with his mouth hanging open. “Lucifer?” he eventually
uttered, glancing to the sides at his men, his shoulders curling

Luci swallowed. As horrendously embarrassing as
this was, having his
father here could save him from getting any bones broken
and potentially give him a bit of extra time for a quick escape. On
the positive side, at least no one laughed anymore. “Hi…” Luci
smiled with his teeth slightly clattering. There would be no sweet
greetings. Father’s eyebrows gathered into a frown, creating a deep
valley in the middle of his forehead.

“What the fuck are you wearing?”

“It’s…” Luci cleared his throat. “Work clothes.”

Father sneered and looked over Luci’s shoulder, at
the bearded menace behind him. “Tooth, get him the fuck out of
here, I don’t have time to deal with this shit. Get him something
to wear and take him back to the club. Whatever he knows, he can
tell us there.”

The brush of hair over Luci’s shoulder had to mean
Tooth nodded, and it was confirmed the moment he was pushed
forward, straight for the door. The bikers parted for them to come
through, their faces frozen in confusion. Despite the leggings,
Luci felt completely naked.

“And watch him, Tooth. He has a thing for running
away,” Father growled as they walked out into the chilly spring

“I noticed as much,” answered Tooth, carelessly
leading Luci toward a whole swarm of badass bikes, all shining in
the remaining moonlight and the faded lights of the strip club.

Luci put his hands over his hardening nipples and
looked at Tooth with a pout. This was
such bullshit.

“What are you doing?” mumbled Tooth, never letting
go of Luci’s hair. He really was like a modern caveman.

Don’t want you ogling my pretty nipples.” Luci
showed Tooth the middle finger. At least he had
power now. The guy couldn’t just kill him when
he’d gotten an order from Dad.

There was that rumbly laugh again. It sounded almost
as if it came from a barrel of rum. “Kid, I’ll give you my

Luci frowned and did a double take. His head still
hurt where it
had had
that encounter with the wall, and his hair stunk of whiskey. “I’ve
got my own clothes at the motel.” He pointed to the building
nearby. “I do actually wear underpants on a daily basis.” Getting a
warm jacket sounded like a nice prospect, but he didn’t want to
give Tooth the upper hand. He didn’t want to be grateful for

Tooth looked toward the low building of the motel.
“Which room are you in?”

“Six.” Luci raised his eyebrows expectantly. “You
can let go of my hair.”

His mouth went dry when Tooth picked up a cell phone
and chose a number. He wouldn’t get to put on his own clothes. He
would be stuck with that big, warm, man-smelling jacket. And the
leggings that made him look like Ke$ha’s slutty twin brother.

He looked around the parking lot, but with that fist
firmly in his hair, he wasn’t going anywhere. “Asshole.”

Tooth ignored him and quickly gave someone
instructions to pack up Luci’s clothes. It sounded like a series of
commands rather than a request, and his eyes were drawn to the
front of Tooth’s cut. It all became clear when he noticed the ‘Vice
President’ patch. Tooth didn’t give him more time to think. He
picked up a jacket thrown over a
bigass bike and handed it to Luci. The garment was
far too big for him but made out of soft leather and probably just
large enough to cover up Tooth’s big frame.

“Put that on.”

Luci groaned his dissatisfaction, but put on the
jacket and zipped it up for warmth. At least it hung slightly below
his ass. “You always this chivalrous?”

Tooth looked at him with that permanent frown that
was far sexier than it should
be. Luci wanted to kick himself in the knee. Instead, he
looked at the beast of a bike—huge, all black and chrome, with
ghostly gray flames drawn on the sides, carrying something that
looked like a stylized tooth.

“No,” said Tooth in the end and slowly let go of
Luci’s hair. “And if you try to run, I will not try to save your
face from dragging over the asphalt, so better be a good boy

Luci couldn’t help his eyes going slightly wider
at the threat. From how the man acted, he assumed it wasn’t an
empty one. “I’m nineteen. I’m not a ‘boy’.” What was
going to happen to him now? Was
there any fatherly love left in his dad’s heart, or would he just
get questioned and thrown out or worse? After all, his dad was a
Satanist, Luci’s mom told him so. That was why he named him Lucifer
in the first place. Oh, God, maybe Dad wanted closure? Wanted to
sacrifice him and finish off the family he’d left

Tooth’s brows shot up, and he let out a laugh,
staring at Luci with one hand on the seat of the bike. “Good one,
boy,” he said and mounted the bike with one precise swing of his
muscled leg.

Luci glared at him, and hid his fists in the sleeves
of the jacket. “Are you so old? Should I call you ‘daddy’?” Truth
be told Tooth didn’t look all that old. He was one scary
motherfucker, but he probably wasn’t much older than thirty.

No, you should get on and hold on tight.” Tooth
gave Luci a
half smile
and looked back at the bitch seat. Luci had to do a double take.
The guy had two gold teeth just behind his fang.

There was no help coming from the empty parking lot,
so after a few moments of fumbling about, tying his shoelaces, and
pulling up his leggings, Luci gave in and sat behind the guy with
his face less than an inch from the club logo.

Coffin Nails MC. Demon hands reaching out from
inside a coffin lid and sealing it on itself with
its claws. Despite the scary
image, Luci slid closer so his crotch touched the guy’s ass. If he
was to travel this way, at least he could mess with Tooth a little.
But the biker didn’t seem even
a bit
Fucker had to be very confident in his sexuality.

“Hold on,” said Tooth as the motor roared.

Luci slid his arms around the bulky chest and
settled his cheek against the patches on the back of the cut.
Whatever was
going to
happen, he had no say in it, so he might as well enjoy the ride. He
closed his eyes and inhaled Tooth’s scent. He’d definitely give
this guy a lapdance. With a discount.

Tooth didn’t say anything, and seconds later, the
bike carried them out of the parking lot in front of the strip club
and into the empty road. Luci started feeling grateful for the
jacket all too quickly. Despite it being spring, the air blowing
past him and making his hair float in the wind was slowly becoming
cold. He almost felt sorry for Tooth when he looked at his
uncovered arms. Almost.

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