Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride

Read Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #Erotica, #Gay, #motorcycle, #BDSM, #discipline, #prostitute, #homophobia, #coming out, #biker

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The Devil’s Ride


Sex & Mayhem



K.A. Merikan


Smashwords Edition


Acerbi & Villani ltd
The Devil’s Ride
K.A. Merikan


--- You don’t fuck with the club president’s son.


Vice President of the Coffin Nails Motorcycle Club. On a
neverending quest for vengeance. The last thing he needs is
becoming a permanent babysitter for a male hooker.

Fallen. Lost. Alone.


After a childhood filled with neglect and abuse,
followed by his mother’s suicide, Lucifer set out into the world
alone. There was nothing for him out there other than taking it one
day at a time. As the bastard son of the Coffin Nails club
president, Lucifer never got much fatherly love. So when the Nails
show up at the strip joint Lucifer works in, the last thing he
expects is to be put in the custo
dy of Tooth, the Vice President famous for his
gruesome interrogation techniques. The man proves to be the sexiest
beast Lucifer has ever met. He’s also older, straight, and an itch
Luci can’t ever scratch.


Tooth’s life came to a halt twelve years ago. His
lover got brutally murdered, police never found the perpetrators,
and all leads were dead ends. To find peace and his own justice,
Tooth joined the Coffin Nails, but years on, he’s gotten nowhere
with the case, yet still lives on with the burning fire for

Babysitting a deeply scarred teenager with a talent
for disappearing is the last thing on his bucket list. He promised
himself to never get attached to someone like him again. To make
sure the openly gay boy is safe in the clubhouse, Tooth is stuck
keeping an eye on him. The big, blue, attention seeking gaze is
drawing Tooth in, but fucking the president’s son is a complete
no-go, even when both their feelings go beyond lust.


What Tooth doesn’t know is that Lucifer might hold
the key to the closure Tooth so desperately needs.


WARNING Contains adult content: a gritty storyline,
sex, explicit language, violence and abuse. Inappropriate use of
dental tools and milk.


Prostitution, Outlaw Motorcycle Club, organized
crime, homophobia, family issues, coming out,
discipline/punishment, organ snatching, hurt-comfort, age

contemporary gay dark romance

This is a work of
fiction. Any resemblance of characters to actual persons, living,
dead, or undead, events, places or names is purely


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without the written permission of the publisher. Uploading and
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without a permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by


Text copyright © 2014
K.A. Merikan

All Rights Reserved


Cover design by

Natasha Snow

Smashwords Edition,
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Table of contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28




Can you identify the body, Mr. Ulmer?” the
soft-spoken doctor asked from
behind the shelf pulled out of one of the compartments in the

Jason choked up, and for a moment, he searched the
beautiful face for features he wouldn’t recognize. There was a
beauty spot he couldn’t remember, and the skin around the eyes was
completely smooth, no trace of wrinkles that would always appear on
Tracy’s face with a smile. But he couldn’t lie to himself. He
studied this face every day, kissed it every night, and there was
no way he could be mistaken, even if the truth wanted him to
out hearts and
scream into the sky.

“It’s him,” Jason croaked.

“I’m sorry for your loss,” the doctor said. “Were
you… family?” The hesitation was obvious and made some sense with
Tracy being of Jamaican origin, and Jason being white with a German
sounding last name.

Jason shook his head and raised his hand, longing to
touch Tracy, but then his eyes darted at the doctor, unsure if it
was safe. How was he to handle a cold, dead corpse of someone so
important to him?

“Would you like some time alone?” The way the doctor
said it made Jason feel a bit better. Like it was something other
people did as well.

He nodded, clasping his hands behind his back. He
didn’t want to get emotional with someone around, but details of
what he’d been unofficially told made him want to crawl
up the walls. Discarded like
trash, Tracy had died alone, and Jason couldn’t stop thinking
whether he had known he was dying as it was about to happen. He
hoped not.

When he heard the door closing
, he slowly hovered his palm above Tracy’s
nose. He half expected there to be breath, just a bit of a warm
puff would be enough, but there was nothing. Just a cool

Jason leaned forward and pressed his mouth to
Tracy’s forehead. It was cold like a slab of meat straight from the
fridge. This was just a body. The Tracy he knew was long gone,
snatched by brutal hands that should have never even gotten near
him. Why didn’t he say where he was going that night?

Grief grew in Jason’s chest until he couldn’t keep
it in anymore and broke into a loud sob. There were no words to
describe how he felt. His heart
had been ripped apart by people he didn’t even know. He
needed them dead. They would bleed and scream. And he would show
them as much mercy as they had shown Tracy.

find them
no matter how many bones he’d have to break or how many tendons
he’d need to rip apart.

Chapter 1

Lucifer was in the storage room at the back of the
bar when the music in the strip club died. The urge to peek out and
check what happened dispersed when he heard screaming and shouting
followed by sounds of broken glass. They made him back away into
the dark end of the room.

A gunshot made Luci yelp, and when a stray can
its way under his
combat boot, he fell on the stack of bottles. His heart stilled,
but he hoped that with the racket outside, no one would notice the

“All you bitches get back here!” a male voice
roared, silencing the room just a wall away. “All we wanna do is
ask a few questions. No one has to get hurt.”

“Shit, shit, shit,” Luci whispered to himself and
desperately searched his mind for a different way out of this trap.
The last thing he wanted was a meeting with a bunch of gun-carrying
thugs. That never ended well. Last time he got into an argument
with the owner of the Vanilla Lounge, he got smacked in the jaw so
hard he carried a bruise for two weeks. Fortunately, Rick had been
there and intervened, but this time, it wasn’t just the boss. Luci
doubted Rick or any of the other bouncers could stand up to whoever
was out there, shouting questions at the girls. Throwing
ill-behaved johns out of the premises was a completely different

The rumbly voice went on, “Where is Suzy Sapphire? I
don’t like when people lie to me. Answer my questions, and you can
go back to doing your job.”

Luci curled up in the corner behind a shelf full
of jingling bottles of beer, dust filling his nostrils. What did
Suzy get herself into? This was bad. Super-fucking-bad. He knew she
was dealing, it was always a bit of nice money on the side, but she
did buy those new
crystal-studded heels lately and a bag to go with them. Did
she bite off more than she could chew? A female scream pulled him
out of the nerve-wracking thought process.

“I don’t know, I’m sorry, last time I saw her, she
was with Luci,” Linda cried.

Luci knew that cry, the girl was a motherfucking
fountain, weeping all over the place. All it took was a daddy-type
client for her to start regurgitating her life into their lap. Luci
had a shit life too, but at least he cried in private. He just gave
the guys the blow jobs they came in for in the first place and
moved on. Men who came into the Vanilla Lounge rarely wanted
anything else than that from him. They wanted the thrill of the
unusual. Young face
—check, long blond hair—check. He had a few regulars whom
he did lapdances for, but even when one of them pushed things too
far, there was always Rick he could call.
A fucking bouncer, Linda, not like in
the street, so why are you fucking crying?
Luci groaned to himself, hearing her weep
that she last saw Luci by the bar.

Hair bristled on his nape, and he looked around,
seeking a corner he could squeeze into. There were gas bottles
stored on the bottom shelf of the metal unit, and he jumped at the
opportunity, pushing his slim body between them and the wall. In
semidark room, there
was the slightest chance he wouldn’t be noticed so he curled into a
ball, trying to be as small as possible. The moment he hid his face
between his bent knees, the door opened, letting in a ray of white
light crawling across the floor, all-too-close to where he was
hiding. His heart was beating so fast it made his brain boil with
excess blood.

The door smashed into the wall, making him flinch,
but the bang was followed by something much more sinister. Slow,
calculated footsteps were accompanied by the clang of metal, a
chain perhaps, and Luci’s mind exploded with visions of the cold,
thick links tightening around his throat. It was when the sounds
stopped all-too-close to Luci’s hideout that he started sweating.
He felt as if all the water in his body
were being pushed outside to let him shrink even
further. But he had been spotted. He knew that much before the thug
even spoke.

“Go on, girl. Come out of there,” came a low,
masculine rumble.

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