Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride (3 page)

Read Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #Erotica, #Gay, #motorcycle, #BDSM, #discipline, #prostitute, #homophobia, #coming out, #biker

BOOK: Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride
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Luci kept his eyes closed, but it only made him more
aware of the big body in front of him. He smiled, since Tooth
wouldn’t be able to see that, and slowly ran his hands over the
meaty pecs, exploring them through the fabric of the T-shirt. They
flexed under his touch.

Stop that,” was all he got as they rode down the
street, past a row of prostitutes, who gathered close to a car that
ust pulled up to the

Luci couldn’t help a grin and pinched Tooth’s
nipple. Maybe the guy would freak out in the end and leave him on
the side of the road?

This time, Tooth didn’t say anything. He took a turn
into a run-down street with garages on one side, and something that
used to be a park on the other. He was slowing down.

Luci slid his hand down to Tooth’s crotch and took
the opportunity (probably the last one he would have) to feel the
guy’s package. Now that was what a cock should be. There was quite
a bit of meat beneath the denim, and it had Luci smiling as his
imagination kicked in.
It had been a while since he’d had any kind of sex because
he rarely left Vanilla without Rick. And at Vanilla, he’d been
doing anything but the fucking or sucking itself since Rick took
him under his wing. The guy seemed to treat Luci like a younger

Tooth stirred in the seat, but the pleasure of
fondling him wouldn’t last long. The bike stopped on the side of
the road, and Tooth looked back at him with an unreadable
expression. “We’re getting off.”

Luci couldn’t stop the silly grin blooming on his
face. “Are we? You gonna blow me or is it gonna be a hand job?” He
tried to push his hair into some order to look like his most
seductive self. He was playing with fire, but he never knew how to
bite his tongue. They weren’t even near the club compound, which
meant Tooth had other plans before they
’d get there.

His blood grew hotter when Tooth’s grin curved as
he dismounted the bike. He stood all-too-close to Luci, letting him
smell all that masculine musk. When they were up close like this,
was facing the
man’s stomach.

Did Luci strike gold? A bi-curious biker ready to
let him go for a BJ? Bingo. Or Tooth just liked blonds. It was so
unusual to just do it in the street, even if it was empty. Luci
looked up into the green eyes with a smile and unbuckled Tooth’s
thick leather belt.

Tooth took a low breath, staring straight into
Luci’s eyes from behind the beard that looked more attractive with
every passing second. “Remove it altogether,” he said in a low

Luci licked his upper lip in a promise of a
quality blow job and slowly pulled the belt out of the loops in the
jeans. He was getting goose
bumps and it wasn’t from the cold. “You can tell my dad you
questioned me, and I didn’t have any useful info,” he

“Haggling, are we now?” asked Tooth, softly pulling
the belt out of Luci’s grasp. He took one more step, and their
chests were almost touching, which set a powerful fire in Luci’s

“Oh come on, he’ll be happy he has me out of his
hair. Everyone saw how embarrassed he was. He’ll make a sigh of
relief, light a black candle for me or some shit, and I’ll be off
to another state.” He emphasized it by popping open the button of
Tooth’s jeans.

Tooth snorted and pulled Luci up by the front of
the jacket, only to suddenly spin him around and fold him over the
seat. “What do you think you’re doing with your life, boy?” he
growled, pushing on Luci’s back
so he faced the grease-smelling side of the bike, shocked
that his hair was almost touching the dirt.

This wasn’t what he wanted to get. He tried to
slide out of Tooth’s grip but it was useless, those hands were as
steady as slabs of metal.
Used to holding a gun
, his imagination suggested.
. “Oh come
on, I thought we were making a deal.” His breath hitched, unveiling
his fear.

“I don’t make deals with little boys,” answered
Tooth, and Luci could have sworn his tormentor moved behind him.
Before he could think of a way to use this to his advantage, there
was a swish in air, and he curled around the bike at the shock of
pain that spread all over his buttocks.

Luci cried out with eyes wide open and bucked his
hips in an attempt to squirm out of the grip. “Don’t!” He managed
to lift himself enough to swat Tooth’s arm with his hand. The hit
was so pathetic it made Luci growl in dissatisfaction,
when the next
lick of the belt was even harder. And it was the same belt Luci had
handed to Tooth himself, delivering the instrument of his

“Did I ask you to touch me?” asked Tooth coolly.

“Yes!” Luci hissed, barely holding back tears, his
ass pulsing with heat after the hit. “You told me to hold on to
you. I was just doing that!”

“That wasn’t what you were doing,” said Tooth, and
yet another blow had Luci squirm for breath. His ass felt stiff
with the power of the hit.

Hot tears spilled down his cheeks, the salty drops
quickly reaching his lips. It wasn’t as bad as getting hit on the
head before, but the different kind of pain squeezed tears out of
him as if Tooth’s belt
were a human juicer. “I was just messing around! Stop it or
I’ll tell my dad!” He tried to kick Tooth, but missed his

The next smack had him hugging the bike in a useless
attempt to hide, and Tooth’s laugh only made it worse. “You really
want to tell your father that I spanked you like a little kid?”

Luci’s lips trembled against his will. Of course
he didn’t. The old man would probably just laugh at him like Tooth
did. “No,” he uttered with a quiet sob. His whole body
d in anticipation
of the next swish. Even his mom had never disciplined him like

But the next hit didn’t come. “Have you learned your
lesson? Don’t fuck with me,” said Tooth in the same level tone as

Luci sniffed and rubbed his face. He was not
talking to this bastard. He was above it. On wobbly legs, he
straightened up as soon as the hand was gone off his back. His
felt like pulverized
meat, pulsing with heat and pain. He slouched and put his hands
into the pockets of the jacket. There was a lighter in there, but
not much else.

“Apologize,” said Tooth, his face as expressive as a
white wall.

“I was just saying ‘hello’ to your dick, that’s
all.” Fucking eyes wouldn’t stop welling up. Luci took a step back,
but in his heart he knew making a run for it wasn’t an option in a
dead-end street like this.

Tooth wouldn’t budge and slowly raised the looped
belt again. “Apologize. I will not ask
a third time.”

Luci looked up at him, sure his teary eyes
wouldn’t do a thing to make Tooth’s cold heart budge. “I’m sorry,”
he muttered and pushed
away some of his hair. He needed to wash it so

Apology accepted.” Tooth nodded and casually
slipped the belt back into the loops of his jeans. He quickly
closed the buckle and gestured to the bike. “Let’s go.”

Luci’s heart was still pounding when he sat on the
bitch seat and grabbed on
to the metal bar behind it. He needed to find a way out of
this situation. Maybe he wasn’t one for long-term planning, but he
didn’t like chaos either.

They sped through the streets, but with Tooth
clearly trying to avoid the city’s major arteries, they didn’t
et stuck anywhere, and
soon Luci realized they were heading to the compound close to his
former house. Throughout the years away from home, he’d avoided
that area at all cost, but there he was, shipped back like bounced
mail. Tooth was a menacing presence right in front of him, and
being alone together no longer seemed like an opportunity for
negotiation. His ass could vouch for that.

It felt like ages until they got to the ugly
looking building. Tooth rode past it and circled the compound to
approach a back gate. A young guy ran out and put in a code on the
other side to open it for Tooth. As they passed, Luci heard a
whistle. There wouldn’t be much of that when he
took off the jacket and revealed that in
fact he didn’t have boobs. It felt like being a little fly, pulled
right into the middle of the web by a spider.

Tooth parked his bike in front of the entrance and
got off, briefly waving at the guy who let them in. “Come on,” he
said to Luci, indicating the half-open doors. After the ride, his
hair was even bushier than before.

Luci looked to the tall gate locking behind them.
Would he even survive this? “What do you want from Suzy anyway?” He
got off and put his hands in the pockets of the jacket.

“We won’t hurt her,” replied Tooth after a moment’s
thought, “but she stopped responding to calls, and she owes us. The
sooner we find her, the better for her, believe me.” He pushed Luci
toward the door. In the lamplight, Luci could see two beat-up
leather chairs and a bar.

He pushed
back Tooth’s hand. “I’m going, jeez.” He looked around for
possible ways out, but there were no windows. “If I tell you what I
know, can I go?” he asked, but couldn’t help a smile when he saw a
big, furry white cat sitting on the empty counter. The smile faded
the moment Tooth declined.

“No. Your father wants to talk to you,” he said and
pulled Luci across the lounge bar. It was a simple room, with
reddish tiles on the floor and wood-covered walls. A banner with
the club emblem took up a large portion of one of the walls,
surrounded by framed photos of patched members of the Detroit
chapter of Coffin Nails. The space was divided between a lounging
area with a television and several chairs, and the bar with a
collection of glasses and many bottles of liquor on the shelves
behind it.

“Oh, yeah? He hasn’t bothered for nineteen years,
and now all of a sudden he wants to talk?” Luci pouted.

“Who you got there, Tooth?” asked a female voice
from a sofa in the far back, but they were going the other way and
he didn’t get to see who it was.

Tooth’s hand tightened on Luci’s shoulder as he
pushed him through to the corridor. “An informant.”

“Where are we going?” Luci moaned as Tooth led him
down a corridor adorned with even more club photos. “Will I have to
stay the night?”

Tooth glanced at him like someone very tired of his
babbling. “As long as Priest wants you to,” he said as they started
climbing up the stairs. The second floor looked plain but tidy with
the dark carpeting on the floor and white walls.

“I’ve got business to attend to, you know. And my
hair looks shit. I can’t go back there like this.” Not to mention
the bruises that were most probably blooming on his skin. No one
would want a lapdance from someone with bruises all over their

It’s gonna be a while till they’re back. You can
wash your hair,” said Tooth, opening the door to the second room on
the left. When the lights went on, Luci saw a large bedroom, all
tidied up, and without much unnecessary clutter. The walls
gray, with band
posters in neat frames, and the whole room projected a calm
atmosphere. This was a place to relax, with a king-size bed, a
flat-screen TV, and a collection of books and DVDs displayed in two
simple shelving units.

“Not a holding cell?” Luci snooped around and
unzipped the jacket. A neat white bathroom was visible through a
half-open door to the side.

Tooth snorted, as if Luci just reminded him of some
grim joke. With a man like that, Luci wouldn’t be surprised. “No,
it’s my room.”

“Oh, you’re letting me into your love nest, I get
it.” Luci casually dropped to the soft bedding. He didn’t want the
guy to think he got to him with that thick belt of his. The
mattress was on the harder side, but still didn’t hurt Luci’s
beat-up ass too bad.

Tooth raised his eyebrows and closed the door. “Not
really,” he said and toed off his boots.

Luci rolled over to his stomach and watched the big,
bad biker. “So watcha gonna do if I don’t tell you anything?”

Tooth leaned against the wall and shook his head.
“You know why they call me Tooth? It’s short for ‘Tooth Fairy’. I
like taking people’s teeth,” he declared with a sinister

Luci swallowed the first joke that came to his
The atmosphere got
dense, and it wasn’t that pleasant tingle like flirting with
someone. “Oh. Like, for real?” he whispered in the end and sat on
the side of the bed. His gaze trailed to the necklace dangling from
Tooth’s neck, and all of a sudden, the fragrant leather jacket felt
too hot and confining. The necklace was shaped like a skull, but he
could clearly discern that it was somehow made out of

Tooth gave a slow nod.

It was enough to get Luci’s skin crawling. He took
off the jacket and put it neatly on the side before proceeding to
off his boots. “I
think I’ll wash my hair now,” he muttered.

Good.” Tooth stepped
closer and watched Luci’s every move. “Get

Luci stilled, trying to comprehend the wave of
excitement those last two words sent down his body. But with all
the threats, the last thing he wanted was to get a boner in front
of the guy. He pushed
off his boots and socks, all the while fighting the heat
rising in his chest. So maybe Tooth had that pirate thing going on,
but with the unruly hair and the beard, the thick arms and the
leather cut, he was more of a sexy Blackbeard than some

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