Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride (28 page)

Read Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #Erotica, #Gay, #motorcycle, #BDSM, #discipline, #prostitute, #homophobia, #coming out, #biker

BOOK: Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride
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Tooth slowly, as if reluctantly, leaned his head
back, massaging the engraving of an angel on top of the headstone.
“This bit was from an old picture he liked. He even had it put on a
T-shirt,” he muttered.

So Tracy couldn’t have been transsexual. Tooth
wouldn’t have persistently said ‘he’ otherwise. “I’m sorry I
dismissed him.” He dared give Tooth a kiss on the temple.

Tooth took a deep breath and hung his head,
staring at the grass. “Look, I’m sorry I lied. But it doesn’t
matter whether Tracy was a girl or a guy. The story
is the same,” he

Come to think of it, Luci never did actually see
Tooth with any girls. “Are you gay then?” He hugged Tooth harder.
If this was true, would he actually have a shot with Tooth? For
example, if Tooth was simply into more buff guys, he could
muscle up. He could do so many
things if they would only make Tooth want him.

Tooth cleared his throat. “Yeah. I’m just not very
vocal about it. It’s no one’s business.”

You could have told
.” Luci closed his eyes leaning the side of his head
against Tooth’s. At this moment he knew he wouldn’t be going
anywhere. He would stay and face Harlow, face Dolly, just so he
could stick around Tooth.

Tooth chuckled. “I figured it would be easier for
you to be comfortable around me if you didn’t know. I didn’t want
you to worry that I would force you into something you wouldn’t
want.” Slowly, he turned his head to look at Luci. After three
months of Luci’s treatments, his hair was soft and shinier than

Tooth had to be clueless about how hard Luci was
crushing on him. “I was worried I was creeping you out with my gay
ways.” Luci smiled and nuzzled Tooth’s hair.

Tooth smiled back. “It’s fine. It’s like having a
silly younger brother.”

Luci went still. ‘Younger brother’? He bit his
bottom lip hard, not to howl in despair. He wasn’t even in the
friend zone? He was in the ‘like family’ zone?

Tooth sighed and pulled out his wallet. “But Treyvon
did go by Tracy, some basketball player he liked was called that,
and he believed it was cool to have a unisex name.” From a small
pocket in his wallet, Tooth pulled out a folded piece of paper, but
when he unwrapped it, it became clear it was a photo of two young
men standing in front of a small lake surrounded by trees. One was
bulky for his age, with long hair and a wide smile Luci immediately
recognized. In the picture, Tooth was hugging a slim young guy with
light brown skin and dreadlocks that reached all the way to where
his nipples would be. Tracy’s large, expressive eyes were smiling
at the camera.

Luci backed away and plopped to the ground next to
Tooth. “You two look so happy. I’ve never had a proper

Tooth sighed, smoothing out the creases on the
paper. “It was complicated. At first I was just over the moon about
living with guys who wanted to have sex with me, even though I did
like him the most. It wasn’t very romantic.”

Luci couldn’t help but laugh. “I can imagine it. All
alone in the big wide world and all these guys all over you.”

Tooth smirked. “Kinda. And it was so awkward to try
and change the relationship we had from the start. He said he loved
me but didn’t mind me sleeping with other guys, and he wanted to
keep working.”

“I can see why you wouldn’t want him to.” Luci
sighed and ran his fingers over the angel on the tombstone.

Tooth went silent, and for several seconds he
watched Luci’s fingers. “Yeah, but if I didn’t nag him about it,
he’d have probably told me where he was going that night. I could
have had an eye on him.”

“You were the one to tell me that there are things
you can’t control.”

Tooth smiled. “I know. I just... really want him to
be alive.”

Luci hesitated about stroking Tooth’s arm. It all
seemed weird now. Did Tooth even see him as a guy at all? So many
times Tooth told him how he hated the tattoo on Luci’s lower back.
What if he was off-putting to Tooth altogether? “I know what you

“So, yeah, we weren’t proper boyfriends, not
really.” Tooth pulled on his beard and shrugged, looking somewhere
between the trees. He seemed oddly young, despite the beard and the
hard muscle Luci could easily sense underneath Tooth’s clothes.
“Never had a proper boyfriend either.”

“I’m sorry about today. I freaked out, but I’ll go
back.” Evening classes for adults were just a year. Only a year of
dealing with Harlow. He could do that.

Tooth sighed. “Won’t you tell me what went wrong

“It’s stupid. There were all these adults signing
up, and I felt like some loser.” Luci hated lying to Tooth, but he
didn’t want to throw one more problem at him. He was enough of a
burden already.

Tooth chuckled and pulled on Luci’s hair. “It’ll be

Luci put his head on Tooth’s shoulder. He just
wanted Harlow to be gone.


Chapter 17

The next few days
were quiet. Tooth and the guys distributed new
stock in town, Blitz’s ‘girlfriend’ almost broke his nose when she
found out he’d been cheating on her with another hangeron, and life
was surprisingly normal. Lucifer was going to school like a good
boy, and as a reward, he could party after today’s

birthday bash was in full swing when Tooth and Lucifer arrived
home. Unusually, Asty was also invited, though everyone in the club
knew not to give her any alcohol and distract her when some of the
guys joined Bell to watch a stripper perform in one of the guest
rooms. Suzy was there too, looking much better than the last time
Tooth saw her, and she waved at Lucifer from above her

With the clubhouse fully packed and music
resonating all the way in the street, it seemed the party was in
full swing. Tooth relaxed as soon as he saw that when they arrived
after Luci
fer’s classes.
They were still spending a lot of time together, and it was weird
that Lucifer now knew his preferences. Especially since the boy was
clearly crushing on him, and Tooth didn’t want him to get too
attached. While he did think Lucifer needed a mature guy, someone
responsible, who wouldn't just run as fancy struck him, he himself
was through with taking care of vulnerable boys.

He did donate to a homeless LGBT youth shelter, but
he wouldn't volunteer, afraid he'd get too attached to somebody
again. He simply couldn't afford that.

As sweet, as attractive as Lucifer was, and as
warm as Tooth's feelings were toward him, things just couldn't
progress beyond the simple friendship they had. It wouldn't be
loyal toward Priest, and it would create too
many problems in Tooth's life. But if
given a chance, in different circumstances, he'd fuck the hell out
of that pert ass, he'd munch on the lean thighs and kiss the pink,
wonderful lips while watching Lucifer struggling in

But the easy camaraderie with a bit of improper
touching was what he had to settle for. He had been dubious at
first, but they
developed an easygoing partnership, and he was surprised to find
that it didn't really bother him that he shared a room with a
teenager. Lucifer was generally a quiet and agreeable roommate,
very clean, too. And the way he showed his appreciation for Tooth
by taking care of his grooming and making him food felt as though
there was someone who genuinely wanted to make him feel good. Thus,
Lucifer never moved out to his own room. Neither of them talked
about it because it would be awkward to admit they still wanted to
share one.

Tooth went off to take a shower and grab some food,
but Lucifer got pulled right into the party by his brother. With
Milk sober and watching over the crowd, Tooth could take his

“Tooth,” he heard Priest call from behind.

He turned around and waved at Priest with a small
smile. As strange as it was, sharing his secret made him feel
lighter. “What’s up?”

“How is he doing at school? It’s been a week right?”
Priest walked up closer with a glass in one hand and a bottle of
whiskey in the other.

Tooth gestured for him to follow, and they ended up
in his fresh and clean room. It would be more comfortable to talk
here, even though the topic was something Tooth wanted to avoid.
Still, he was happy that Priest took interest. “You want to sit

Priest stilled for a moment, but in the end sat down
by the desk, scanning the room. “What did he do?”

Tooth sighed but looked into Priest’s eyes. “Someone
said something to him, and he ran away on the first day.”

Priest picked up the hair straightener and gave it a
suspicious glare. “What do you mean? Where’d he go?”

Tooth shrugged. “I think it’s because he’d been
bullied at school, and he’s afraid this might happen again. He hid
in some abandoned building, but I tracked him down through the chip
in the necklace I gave him.”

Priest nodded with appreciation. “Well done. You got
him to get his ass back there?”

Tooth lowered his head. “No, but I gave him a
lesson, and he’s been good since then. I got Milk to guard the
entrance to the school to make him feel safe.

“Isn’t that a bit excessive? You’ve been teaching
him self defense.” Priest poured himself more alcohol.

I did, but he isn’t feeling it yet. He is grateful
and wants to get the diploma so he can actually go to barbering
school. It’s just difficult
for him, I guess.”

A wicked smile stretched Priest’s lips after he
downed his whiskey. “I know just the thing to pull Lucifer in.”

Tooth frowned. “Please, don’t tell me it’s a

“No, no, better. It’ll leave him even less time to
think about dating.” Priest grinned to himself and got up from the

“So? What is it?” Tooth stepped closer.

“I won’t tell you. It’s a father son thing.”

Tooth groaned and scratched his head. “So... you
really want to keep Luci
fer from dating until he’s done with school? He’s a teen
guy, you know.”

“Exactly. He’s stupid. I don’t want some frat boy
feeling him up.” The frown on Priest’s forehead got deeper.

Priest was treating Luci
fer the same way he treated Asty. Trying to shield
them from the sex life they were bound to have anyway.

“How did that work out for you when you were his
age?” asked Tooth.

Give me a break, Tooth. You know exactly what I
mean. Since when are you the gender equality warrior? I was doing
the fucking when I was his age.
if he met someone his age I’d turn a blind eye to

Tooth shrugged. “Sure. He’s your kid,” he said
though he knew Priest’s idea of what was best for someone like
fer was inherently
flawed. An older guy would do much better.

“Good. So, you know who to tell if you notice some
creep making a move on my boy.” Priest laughed and went for the
door in a slalom.

Tooth waved his hand in the air. “I’ll do that.
Don’t worry.”

In Priest’s mind the best ‘guy’ for
fer most probably
had boobs and a pussy, but Tooth was there to put his mind off
stupid ideas like that. Knowing the party would last for a long
time anyway, Tooth decided to make use of the rare time he was
alone and took a bath instead of a quick shower.

Once he was done and dressed, the music was just
as loud as before, mixed with screams and laughter. He walked
straight to the lounge and got himself a lemonade, scanning the
room for someone he wanted to talk to. Luci
fer was nowhere in sight.

Asty was sitting in the corner talking to some guy,
a few people played pool, others danced with girls. There was a
drinking contest at the bar, but half of the people were clearly
gone. Probably off to the guest rooms.

Tooth groaned. He wasn’t really in the mood for
partying, and with Luci
fer busy, he could have hooked up with someone. What a
shame. It wasn’t like someone would notice that he was

The screams and laughter from down the corridor
were getting loud enough to
pique even his curiosity. He made his way there at a slow
pace, and instantly recognized there was different music coming
from inside an open room, more like something he’d expect from a
mainstream club.

The moment he heard someone asking for tits, he
knew what was happening. He wasn’t sure it was a good idea, but he
ended up going in, not to be one of the few who didn’t want to see
a naked dancer. The small room was completely full, the air thick
with the smell of sweat, perfume
, and cologne.

The girl was dancing on a table. All she had on
was a thong and a whole set of colorful tattoos. She was inviting
Bell closer with a move of her finger, and the other guys pushed
him forward, all of them laughing and drinking. It took Tooth a
while, but he spotted Lucifer as well, all
red-faced as Bell pulled him closer to the
girl. The noise was so loud Tooth couldn’t hear what they were

Just perfect. Tooth leaned against the wall and
got to his toes, watching the situation. Lucifer
speak his mind if he really
didn’t want this.

“Go on, touch her boobs!” Bell roared with

Lucifer stumbled forward. He must have been doing
hard alcohols to get this drunk so fast. Luci
fer’s hand ended up on the stripper’s tit
and she petted his hair, encouraging him forward.

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