Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride (12 page)

Read Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #Erotica, #Gay, #motorcycle, #BDSM, #discipline, #prostitute, #homophobia, #coming out, #biker

BOOK: Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride
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cocked his head to the side. “These things don’t ‘happen’. I chose
what I did.”

Tooth swallowed hard, unsure whether he should
discuss this without Luci
fer trusting him, so he nodded toward the door. “Let’s go
to see him.”


Chapter 6

Luci swallowed as he knocked on his dad’s office. He
felt like some invader, here to spoil the tranquility of the club.
There was a “Come in”, and he slowly entered the office. The place
was so bare and undecorated it screamed for some action, but what
hit Lucifer most was the dust everywhere. It had him dying to grab
some wipes and a hoover.

Hi. You wanted to talk to me?” Luci slid in and
closed the door behind himself. It was strange that his father
didn’t seem to have changed at all. He had the same powerful
silhouette with a bit of a pot belly, the same bushy eyebrows and
attentive eyes Luci remembered from their rare encounters in the
past. The only thing that seemed to have changed about him was the
color of his hair, which used to be dark, and now had equal
proportion of
gray and
dark hairs. Only Dad’s short beard remained almost as black as it
used to be. He cleared his throat, looking at Luci a bit wide-eyed,
but showed him a chair in front of the desk.

“I did, yeah.”

Luci fought back a frown at the sight of the old
leather thing that looked like a thousand asses sat in it
throughout the years. Despite it being so gross, Luci sat down in
the end and looked at Dad without blinking. Dad didn’t blink
either, and they stared at each other like that until it got more
uncomfortable for Dad to bear.

“How do you like it here?” he asked.

Luci swallowed. “Um, I don’t know. It’s all kinda
sudden. Bell hates me.”

Dad waved his hand. “Nah, he’s afraid what his
mother’s gonna say about all this. He’ll get used to you.”

‘Get used to’. That didn’t sound promising. Luci
looked down to his knuckles. “What about his mom then?”

Dad shrugged, and his forehead folded into a row
of deep groves. “She doesn’t like you because I slept with someone
else. It’s been years, but she still holds a grudge. But she won’t
know you’re here as long as she doesn’t know your full name,
so should be fine.”

“So I should just go by ‘Luci’?” he asked neutrally,
but inside, his mind was sinking deep into the fortress of his
flesh. What was the point of him staying here? A dirty secret like

“That would solve the issue. Hope you’re getting
along fine with Tooth? He’s gonna be looking out for you for a
while,” Dad said, playing with a pen he had on the desk. He was
clearly uncomfortable with talking to Luci, no matter what Tooth

“He’s all right. A bit scary. Does he really pull
people’s teeth?” Luci looked up at Dad.

For the first time since Lucifer entered the office,
Dad’s face lit up with a smile. “Better don’t test him or you’re
gonna end up with less of a pretty face.”

Lucifer wasn’t amused at all and pulled his lips
into his mouth for a moment. “But he doesn’t just do it on

Dad laughed out loud, pushing back in the wheeled
chair. “Come on, don’t be such a scaredy cat! Of course no one’s
gonna pull your teeth here.”

Luci looked away with a frown. It was easy for
Priest to say. He wasn’t helpless in a place swarming with
violence. “So, you still a Satanist?” he asked to change the

“Oh, your mother told you?” Dad sighed and shrugged.
“I don’t really worship the devil if that’s what you’re thinking.
It’s more of a philosophy. Why, you’re Christian, or

“I don’t think God would approve of my lifestyle, so
I was looking the other way. Maybe it’s something I could get into,
the Satanist thing.”

The devilish eyebrows on Dad’s face lowered over his
eyes. “I... sure, I could give you some literature. And something
could be done about your lifestyle, too.”

Here it was. Exactly what Luci was waiting for.
“What do you mean?”

All trace of humor slid off Dad’s face. “You know,
being a hooker.”

“Satan wouldn’t approve?” Luci pouted, hoping he
wasn’t getting red.

Dad’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t know about Satan,
don’t approve. I took you in
because my son deserves better. I will enroll you in school, you
can help out around here for some pocket money, and get a normal
job in the future.”

“I didn’t say I wanna go to school.” Luci didn’t
even want to argue about having his choices taken away. He would be
out of here as soon as possible. Preferably tonight.

“You will still go. And there will be no dating
until you have your diploma,” said Dad with a serious expression,
as if he had the right to demand anything. “You need to get
yourself in order before someone kills you.”

“And you think I’m going to be safer around here?”
Luci just couldn’t bite his tongue. Priest had some nerve after
years of absence.

He looked at Luci with a frown of disbelief. “Don’t
be ridiculous. Where could you be safer?”

“Not sleeping in a room with a guy who looks like a
sexy murderer?”

Priest reached for a can of beer and opened it,
taking a quick sip. “Better don’t tell him that. Even
patience has some

“Can I go now?” Luci asked and got up to make the
answer easier.

Priest stared at him for a long moment. “If you
want... I hope you enjoy the party. There will be some nice
girls... you could talk to them, and maybe give it a try?” he asked

Luci took a deep breath. “Pussy. Yay.”

Priest sighed. “Have you tried it?”

“Have you tried cock?” Luci hissed, looking up at
Priest with his eyes wide. He was expecting a slap, but enough was

“I already have one.”

Luci’s face heated up. Was this a suggestion that he
didn’t? Without another word, he walked out and slammed the door
behind himself. He was not getting judged by someone who was never
there for him.

And of course, among all the people who were
already gathering inside was Tooth, who seemed to wait for Luci to
leave the office. Even in this environment, among other bikers, he
was a beast of a man when he moved through the room. It was as if
everyone else was just background for Tooth’s presence. For one
moment, Luci was so
mesmerized their eyes met, but then he forced himself to
turn around into the first corridor he could see. Talking to his
dad had been a disaster.

He went past a group of girls in skimpy clothes,
rushing forward with as much speed as he could without attracting
too much attention. But the thudding behind him was inescapable,
and eventually a firm hand squeezed his shoulder.


“What do you want?” Luci burst out, the touch so hot
on his arm it made his skin throb.

Tooth’s eyes narrowed, and for a moment he didn’t
say a thing, leaving Luci to watch the dark hairs on Tooth’s
forearm behind a leather cuff on the thick wrist. “Are you

Luci’s lips parted, at
a loss for words. He expected more prodding
questions. ‘What did he say?’, ‘Why the long face?’, ‘Are you two
good now?’. The question he got instead had him so off balance that
he slowly nodded. “Y-yeah. I could eat something,” he uttered,
standing slightly closer to Tooth. In the dark, narrow corridor it
felt almost intimate.

Tooth’s eyes softened with a smile. “Don’s wife
hates us all, but she made some amazing apple pies. You want to try
some?” he asked, gently pulling Luci back to the main rooms.

“That does sound good.” Luci followed, strangely
numb, which was much better than the anger he’d felt just moments




Three hours later, the party was in full swing,
with people going in and out, lots of drinking, some dancing, and
even sex for those who didn’t care enough to find somewhere more
private, since it was dark and crowded anyway. Tooth spent most of
the evening with him so Luci’s escape plans were kinda blocked, but
the pie was nice. Just
like Tooth’s company. Even if the context wasn’t right, it
felt flattering to have a guy like him hang around. Luci could
imagine he was the center of attention. But truth be told, his
presence was gathering a lot less interest than he expected. He
only got teased a few times, two girls hit on him, so he must have
not looked as gay as he thought he did, and he got to sneak in a
shot of vodka.

At some point though, Tooth was approached by two
guys Luci hadn’t seen at the compound before, and it seemed the
three of them had a lot of catching up to do. Just when Luci wanted
to excuse himself, Tooth started gesturing across the lounge. Luci
followed his gaze, and his heart leapt at the sight of Milk, who
was slowly making his way through the crowd.

This could be what Luci had waited for. Milk
didn’t seem half as stern as Tooth. Luci got up and smiled at Milk.
He only needed to get the guy into the right mood, which should be
a piece of cake judging
by his earlier curiosity.

Tooth squeezed Luci’s arm again and leaned
so Luci could hear
him over the noise. His breath was warm, smelling of caffeine and
orange juice. Tooth hadn’t drunk a drop of alcohol. In a perfect
world, Luci would be drunk and wobbling into Tooth’s arms. “Milk
will take care of you now, is that okay? I haven’t seen those guys
for a while.”

“Yeah, sure, Milk’s cool with me.” Luci smiled up at
him and pushed his hair behind his ears.

Tooth patted his shoulder and left him with a
goofy-looking Milk, who gave Luci a drunk grin and swiped him with
a broad gesture of his arm. “There you are, precious.”

Luci’s smile widened. This was exactly what he
wanted, Milk drunk and easy. “You wanna go somewhere more quiet, so
we can talk?”

Milk gave him a toothy smile and pulled him
Bell, who seemed
all too busy flirting with some hot red-haired chick to notice
Luci’s disappearance. Not that Bell would miss him. With the noise
and almost everyone at least a bit drunk, they could as well be
invisible. And he needed no more than fifteen minutes to go through
with his plan.

“I’ll show you something epic,” said Milk.

“Oh, yeah? I bet it’s epic in size.” Luci winked at
the guy, and it got him that hungry glint he so longed for. Milk
bit his lip, quickening his pace down the corridor. From the
direction they were heading in and the noise quieting down, he
supposed they were going deeper into the building.

“It is.”

“A lot of the guys actually seemed okay with me
around. You think it’s my pretty face or are they all so liberal?”
He laughed and slid his arm under Milk’s to establish some more
physical contact. The man was hot underneath his cut, teasing
Luci’s fingertips with each movement of his body.

Milk stopped in front of a door and pulled out a set
of keys, which were attached to his belt with a chain. “We have a
gay guy in the club, and he’s not a stereotype.” He snorted and
made an attempt to push the right key into the hole. He only
succeeded the fourth time.

“Oh, really? Which one?” Luci slowly slid his
fingers under the back of Milk’s cut, exploring the man’s hot

Milk groaned at the touch and opened the door. When
he switched on the light, Luci faced a narrow staircase downstairs,
illuminated by a single lightbulb. It looked like the entrance to a
basement where criminals would keep slaves for sale. “He’s not
here. He’s a nomad.”

Luci swallowed and looked
at Milk, unsure if he wanted to go down
there anymore. “What is this place?” Milk had these friendly facial
features, but Luci knew better than to trust someone just because
they had a sincere face.

“Somewhere only three people have keys to. We can be
alone there,” slurred Milk with a wiggle of his eyebrows. “Or have
you changed your mind?”

“No. But I was hoping you could do something for
me…” Luci kept smiling as he began his descent into the

Milk locked the door at the top of the stairs and
followed, his steps only slightly unstable.

“What is that, sugar?”

After we have some fun, could you open the gate
for me? I’ve already told you guys about Suzy, you got the drugs
back, so I could be on my way. After I have a taste of
that is.”
He laughed to hide his nerves. At the landing of the stairs, there
was a turn to a narrow corridor, so he didn’t actually see what was
down there. He had goose bumps on his forearms, but he was sure his
dad wouldn’t let him get murdered.

Milk laughed and pushed Luci against the wall with
a hot but clumsy kiss that tasted of apple pie and liquor. “I think
that should be

Luci inhaled deeply through his nose, surprised that
he was actually getting a kiss. Maybe Milk was more bisexual than
bicurious. Luci wouldn’t have his partner in crime waiting. He
slipped his hand to the front of Milk’s pants and his eyes popped
open. The guy wasn’t boasting. There was quite a monster in his

But Milk pushed his hand away with a groan. “You
little tease. We’re not there yet,” he said and led him
farther down the corridor,
between the concrete walls. He was close to bursting into

“I couldn’t help myself.” Luci giggled, but the
laugh froze on his lips when they entered the underground room.

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