Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride (29 page)

Read Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #Erotica, #Gay, #motorcycle, #BDSM, #discipline, #prostitute, #homophobia, #coming out, #biker

BOOK: Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride
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Tooth scowled and hung his head. And this happened
whenever he let himself have a little bit of time off. Just

Lucifer shook his head. “Nope, nothing,” he slurred
to a disappointed booing around him.

“Try the other one!” Bell encouraged, backed up by
several other voices.

“I think the lady would rather someone interested
touch her,” said Tooth loud enough for the guys to hear through the

Lucifer’s eyes darted Tooth’s way, and he took his
hands off the girl as if her boobs were on fire.

“I suppose that’s gonna be me!” Bell laughed and
pulled the stripper off the table and into his arms.

Amidst the chaos that ensued, with all the guys
eager for a bit of touch, Luci
fer started slowly drifting toward the door, and Tooth
couldn’t help but laugh. The boy looked utterly lost, like he had
just landed on another planet.

Tooooth! You came to save me!”
fer smiled as he
approached with flushed cheeks and bedroom eyes.

“Me and my gentlemanly ways,” sighed Tooth, walking
out first. “Shouldn’t you be used to that after working at the
Vanilla Lounge?”

Oh, I don’t mind the tits.” Lucifer shrugged and
held on
to the wall.
“They just don’t give me a boner.”

Tooth laughed louder and patted
fer’s head. “That’s
kinda healthy. So, who gave you the alcohol, you little

Me?” Luci
fer pointed to himself in a wide gesture. “I

Tooth rolled his eyes and pushed
fer against the
wall. The flush was spilled all over that gorgeous, milky skin like
strawberry sauce over ice cream. “Tell me.”

Lucifer looked up at him with those big, shiny eyes.

Tooth groaned and rested his forehead on the wall
above Luci
shoulder. “Idiot. Do you throw up after you drink?” he asked,
already tired.

No, I just get really horny,”
fer whispered, and
he sneaked his agile fingers under Tooth’s shirt.

Tooth stepped back, looking to both sides.
Luckily, it seemed no one
had noticed, but his heart was still beating furiously from
mere touch. “I... maybe you want to talk to Asty?”

Nooo,” moaned Luci
fer and settled on pulling on Tooth’s sleeve. “I
want to talk to
. I have so
many questions.”

Tooth looked around, but thankfully everyone was
too busy to notice them. Even Priest was probably drinking his ass
off with Don somewhere in the office. And
didn’t really want to stay either. “Like

“Like, did you ever bottom?” Luci licked his lips,
breathing fast, and sending the scent of spirit toward Tooth.

rose in Tooth’s face. “Okay, okay, let’s go.” It only now
occurred to him that Lucifer could be too talkative when drunk. The
last thing he wanted was him telling everyone about Tooth being gay
and liking BDSM. Everyone would immediately jump to conclusions,
and he’d have a hard time rebuilding their trust.

Lucifer moaned and stumbled to his knees when he
tried to walk too fast. He hissed and pulled
back his hair before struggling

“How much did you even drink?” asked Tooth, looking
at the pathetic attempts at moving straight.

“A little.” Lucifer laughed as he looked over his
shoulder. “A little vodka, a little tequila, a little sake…”

Tooth had enough of it and quickly pulled
fer up by the arm.
“There. Can you stand?” he asked, watching the slim, endless

Of course I can stand.” Luci
fer raised his eyebrows. “But I’m
walking.” He giggled and moved along the corridor toward their
room. It was both cute and annoying.

“Are you gonna crawl up the stairs?”

If I have to.” When they reached the steps,
fer got down to all
fours and began his way up, presenting his denim-clad ass on a
silver platter. Tooth couldn’t help but stare. At least until one
of the guys ran down the stairs, and he had to make room by walking
up behind Lucifer. God, it was a fine ass, shapely and tight. If
the situation allowed it, he’d bind Lucifer to the railing, push
down his pants, and make sure those buttocks turned a lovely shade
of pink.

Instead, he had to watch the boy’s slow struggle up.
“Tooth, I’m tired,” he moaned when he was almost at the

Tooth chuckled and put the sole of his boot
against Luci
fer’s ass,
pushing him up. “Don’t be lazy. You’re halfway there.”

Lucifer moaned his incoherent complaint and
continued his journey toward a much quieter first floor. “You said
you weren’t a sadist!” His hair dragged over the steps, sweeping up
all the dust along the way. It was a sorry sight considering how
much care and attention Luci
fer dedicated to his hair.

“What do you want me to do?”

rolled over to his back and held out his arms to Tooth. “Carry

Tooth stared at him, unsure what to do. This was
ridiculous. “Is this the first time you ever had alcohol, or

Lucifer pouted and returned to his crawl. “You’re no

So he had it in him after all.

Tooth ran up to the first floor and stopped in
front of the staircase, looking at Lucifer’s slow
ascent. He really hoped he
wouldn’t have to take care of an ill Lucifer in the

The boy looked over his shoulder before gazing back
up at Tooth with a silly grin. “You wanna have fun, since I’m on my
knees and all?”

Oh, God. Would that be his quiet evening? Denying
himself something he really wanted? Tooth groaned. “No.”

Lucifer sighed and plopped to his ass by Tooth’s
leg. “Tooth?” He wrapped his arms around Tooth’s thigh, all too
close to Tooth’s crotch.

“Yeah?” muttered Tooth, eager to disappear behind
the door of their room.

I really like you,” whispered
fer ridiculously
loud, stroking Tooth’s leg and looking up with those puppy eyes. He
clearly wanted his boner-shaped cookie.

Tooth’s heart sped up, but his mind didn’t react
nearly as
fast as his
body, leaving him at loss. He knew Lucifer had a crush on him. He
knew he himself really liked Lucifer too, there was no denying
that. But there wasn’t much they could do about it in the situation
they were in. “I thought you wanted to ask me questions,” he said,
pulling Lucifer up.

They slowly moved toward their room, with Lucifer
clinging to him a lot more than usual. “What’s your type?”

Tooth frowned, almost kicking the door open. “What’s

slid his fingers over Tooth’s stomach. “Strong, and

When Tooth closed the door, it left them in
complete darkness, as their eyes
hadn’t gotten used to it yet. The distinct pulsing
of music beneath their feet only made the situation more surreal as
the smooth, slim hand massaged Tooth’s skin. “Is it what you
normally go for?” he whispered, not even sure why. Was he worried
Lucifer only crushed on him because of the care he was

“I like a guy who looks like he could carry me.
You’re not answering my questions!” Lucifer swatted Tooth’s arm,
but then hugged him again, falling into his arms like a ball of
warmth and softness.

Tooth swallowed hard, but slowly moved toward the
mattress. It would be better if he got Luci
fer to just lie down. Maybe he would fall
asleep and stop teasing him with that clinginess. “What do you want
to know?”

What’s your type? Who do you meet when you take
stuff out of your magic box?” Luci
fer was as easy to move as a puppet, so Tooth made
him sit on the mattress but remained standing himself. Now that his
eyes had gotten used to the dark, he could easily recognize the
half-lidded look Lucifer was giving him, and it made his skin crawl
in the best way possible.

I like compact, slim guys. Young and pretty,” he
muttered. Tracy and his friends
had spoiled him for anything else.

Like me…” Lucifer held out his hand to grab
Tooth’s fingers. The touch was hot and gave Tooth
goose bumps.

Tooth shuddered, but he stood his ground, safe in
the familiar room, familiar temperature and smells. “What else did
you want to know?”

Have you ever bottomed?” Luci
fer stroked Tooth’s thumb.

Tooth let out a loud breath, relaxing. It was back
to relatively safe questions. “Sure. I needed to know
what it feels like.”

So you can give a guy a good time?”
fer whispered,
gently pulling on his hand, but Tooth just smiled, and wouldn’t
budge from his position.

“Yeah. I learned a lot.”

Do you not like me?” Luci
fer whined and slowly struggled back to his

Tooth sighed, watching Luci
fer move. It was such an uncomfortable
situation. He didn’t want to hurt Lucifer’s feelings, especially
since he
He just couldn’t get himself into this mess. “Would I let you stay
here if I didn’t?”

I like you so much, Tooth... I thought I’d never
have a chance, and now it turns out you’re gay.”
fer’s slim fingers
slid into Tooth’s beard. It felt so intimate Tooth was rendered
speechless. “I’ve never met anyone like you, anyone I could truly

Tooth froze, surprised by the warm movement in his
beard, the tugging that felt oddly good. Just like that, his body
was overrun by thousands of ants. “You’re drunk.”

When I’m next to you, my heart beats so hard… I
get hot all over. I always miss you when you’re not there.”
fer’s gentle fingers
petted Tooth’s beard, and he leaned closer, clearly desperate for a

Tooth leaned his head down, slouching slightly,
hypnotized by Luci
eyes, which shone bright even in the dark room, as if they absorbed
every scrap of light possible. Their chests touched, and for one
agonizing moment, Tooth felt like their hearts beat in sync, one
next to the other, quick and powerful. The darkness was closing in
around them like a safe cocoon, but the moment he sensed the scent
of liquor from those inviting lips, it was like a rain of ice cubes
on his head. He straightened up and pulled the boy close, hugging
him tightly. They wouldn’t kiss. They wouldn’t fuck. There was just
no way.

fer, you’re too drunk to stand straight. You’re not even
gonna remember this,” he rasped, overcoming the pull in his loins.
He had better self-control than that.

If having to restrain himself wasn’t bad enough,
fer wrapped his arms
around his neck and sobbed into Tooth’s shoulder. “I would, I
promise,” he whined.

Tooth looked
at the ceiling, holding on to the crying boy. How much
could he take? That was why he promised himself never to get
involved with anyone again. “I know, but we still can’t. I’m your
friend, nothing more,” he choked out, unable to produce anything
more creative.

The smaller body pulled out of his arms, trembling
with shivers, and Luci
fer stumbled back. “I’m sorry,” he uttered between one sob
and another.

Tooth watched him with a heavy heart. “It’s fine.
Maybe I was leading you on somehow,” he said, wondering how he
could put Luci
fer into

sniffed in the darkness and tried to walk past him. “Yeah, it was
stupid,” he uttered.

Tooth took hold of his arm, gently, knowing he
didn’t need much force against a guy who couldn’t walk properly.
“It’s not stupid. Thank you for telling me,” he said, trying to put
fer back on the

I just wanna go. It was so dumb,”
fer muttered with a
shaky voice and wrestled away, but only ended up falling on the

Tooth pulled Lucifer’s blanket off the chair and
gently put it over Luci
fer’s legs. “You’re in no condition to walk around. I’ll be
worried if you go.”

“The worst has already happened, so nothing could go
more wrong,” Lucifer complained, but didn’t try to get up.

Tooth knew being rejected had to be an incredibly
humiliating situation for a teen like Luci
fer, and while there were so many worse things
that could happen, he didn’t want to judge him. He was oddly empty,
as if he had just participated in an exhausting battle. If only he
knew whether he had won or lost. “We should both go to sleep. It’s
been a long day.”

He heard Luci
fer’s desperate gulps for air as the boy tried not to sob
and crawled off the bed all the way to fall to his mattress. Part
of Tooth was glad the lights were off because the sight would have
been pathetic. He chose to give Lucifer a bit of privacy and sat
down on the bed to take off his boots. He felt like a loser. A very
sore loser, and there seemed to be no way out of the situation now
that his own feelings were in complete havoc.

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