Self Preservation (9 page)

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Authors: Ethan Day

Tags: #M/M Contemporary, #Source: Amazon

BOOK: Self Preservation
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“Yeah, I'm good,” Davis said, as he began to hop around like a boxer, throwing a few punches.


“Okay, stop it. You'll start sweating again.”


“Right,” Davis said, standing up straight.


Deseree shook her head as she opened the bathroom door. “That was very butch, though.”


“Thanks,” Davis said, following her out into the hall.


They walked back into the living area as Candace finished up a song with the jazz quartet. Davis watched with pride as the room erupted into applause.


Davis beamed, clapping. “God, she's fantastic.”


“Aw, thank you,” Candace gushed, taking a bow. “You people have impeccable taste.” She pointed into the audience and added, “Okay, Tadd, you're up.”


Davis's smile began to fade as Tadd hopped up on the makeshift stage next to Candace. He picked up a microphone, placing an arm around Candace's waist. He gazed out into the audience, finding Jack. “This is something your mother and I have been working on for you.”


Jack beamed looking at the two of them. The music started playing Etta James's “At Last,” and Tadd began singing the first verse. Tadd didn't have the best singing voice, but it was decent. He sang as if he knew he wasn't great, and the fact that he was willing to embarrass himself publicly made him seem sweet in an endearing way. Davis's mouth fell open as Candace joined in and Deseree smiled, shaking her head.


They finished the song and the room erupted into applause again. Jack jumped up on the stage and gave Tadd a long kiss as a few people made whooping noises and whistled. They separated and Candace hugged the two of them, smiling from ear to ear.


“That's my life,” Davis whispered under his breath to Deseree as his eyes began to well up. “That two-bit goody-goody is stealing my life.”


“It's going to be okay,” Deseree said, placing her arm on his shoulder. “Just stay calm.”


“Oh, I'm calm.” Davis seethed as he fired a gaze at Tadd. “The Toad is toast.”


Davis took a deep breath as if to get control of his faculties. He took off through the crowd toward the stage area, as Deseree jumped to attention, running after him.


“That was wonderful,” Davis said, taking Candace by the hands and helping her down the step. “You can sing too. Is there anything you can't do?”


“Thanks, Davis.” Tadd grinned as he and Jack stepped down next to them. “I'm really nothing compared to the queen here,” he added, putting his arm around Candace's shoulder.


“Don't sell yourself short, Tadd,” Candace said.


“Well, I mean it,” Davis said, smiling as he shook his head. “That was so sweet, I was moved. Tell them, Des.”


“He was very near tears,” Deseree said with a half smile.


“You always were a big softy,” Jack said, putting his arm around Davis.


Tadd scanned Davis's face as he crossed his arms. “I'm a little surprised. I got the feeling earlier you weren't too keen on me.”


“I told him he was being silly,” Jack said, looking at Tadd.


“Well, I was a bit skeptical.” Davis came to Tadd's defense. “I mean…two weeks and you're getting married. It does seem a bit rushed. It's not like anyone here is pregnant.”


Deseree coughed, laughing as she tried to catch her breath.


“I mentioned that as well,” Candace said.


“As well you should,” Deseree said, trying to control herself.


“Well, when you know it's right,” Tadd said, holding out his hand for Jack, “you just have to jump on in.”


“Head first,” Deseree said.


“Without a second thought,” Davis added.


“Yep,” Jack said, removing his arm from Davis's shoulder and taking Tadd's hand. “Why waste any more time?”


“Well, I think that's great. I mean, when Jack and I split, I have to be honest, I wasted several years waiting around for his ass to come to his senses. Then one day…”


“…like the ringing of a bell…” Deseree said.


“…I woke up…”


“…like a slap across the face.”


“We're moving on, dear,” Davis said, putting his arm around Deseree's waist.


“Sorry,” Deseree grinned.


“I realized, I am not to be taken lightly,” Davis said, looking at Jack. “I am not to be tossed away after four years like a used Kleenex… No offense, Jack.”


“Tossed away is a little harsh,” Jack said, smile fading.


“Whatever, Jack.” Davis tossed a hand through the air. “I have a lot of special gifts.”


“Not to mention you're a little hottie,” Candace said with a wink.


“Thank you!” Davis said, looking at Candace. “At some point you simply have to bare your fruits.”


“And now you do,” Deseree said, patting Davis on his tummy.


“Oh yeah,” Davis said, raising his hands to Jesus. “I'm all like…check out my fruits!”


Candace and Deseree laughed as Jack shook his head and smiled.


“I was a little worried after we hooked up a year ago when I was visiting Des in New York, but I'm glad to see you're doing the same Jack.” Davis reached out and placed a hand on Jack's cheek. “It warms my pea pickin' heart. Congrats to you both!”


“That's very sweet of you to say, Davis.” Jack smiled as Tadd dropped his hand.


“I'm glad to hear you feel that way,” Tadd said, crossing his arms and taking a step back. “I was a little nervous with you coming here.”


Davis giggled and looked at Tadd. “Thanks, that's probably the best compliment I've had in ages.”


“Well, babe,” Tadd said to Jack, “seems like a few people are beginning to leave.”


“We should go see them off.” Jack nodded before turning back to Davis and Deseree. “A bunch of us were planning to meet up at a club later if you two want to come.”


“Sure,” Davis and Deseree said at the same time, looking at each other, smiling. “We'd love to!” they said in unison, looking back at Jack and Tadd.


Jack and Tadd turned and walked away as Davis snatched up Deseree's hand. Candace scrutinized Davis for a second, smiling in a way that made Davis feel like she might be onto him. She spun around abruptly and followed Jack and Tadd.

* * *


Davis and Deseree walked to the curb outside Tadd's condo as the cab pulled up.


“Holy shit,” Deseree said, climbing into the cab and shutting the door behind her. “You shady little minx.”


Davis laughed as the cab pulled away. “I was pretty good?”


“You were,” Deseree said, staring at Davis. “Very un-you-like.”


“Thanks,” Davis said, smile fading, “I think.”


Deseree sat up in the seat. “I can't believe you slept with Jack when you visited last year.”


“I did stay all night at his place.”


“You told me nothing happened,” she said with an evil look. “You little liar.”


Davis laughed, placing his hand on her knee. “I just… It was confusing. I didn't know what it meant. Nothing, I figured out after a couple of months went by without hearing from him.”


“I'm sorry,” Deseree said, putting her hand over his. “You should have told me. I could've… Well, I don't know what, but I could've done something.”


“It's okay.”


“I can't believe you said that in front of the Toad,” she squealed, clapping her hands. “I thought I might shit a brick, and he didn't seem to like hearing it either. That was great…and the used Kleenex!”


Davis laughed as Deseree let out a full-blown belly laugh.


“Oh God,” she said, calming down a bit as the cab stopped in front of the club. “I really miss being with you, you know.”


“Me too,” he said, squeezing her knee before opening the cab door. He got out, holding out a hand and helping her up off the seat. He paid the cab driver and they both turned, heading for the front door to the club.


They walked in as the thumping music enveloped them. Davis paid the doorman after they were carded, and they entered the large open space. Flashing lights were coming from the huge dance floor. There was a large round bar in the middle of the room, surrounded by groups of men dancing. There were four smaller bars in each corner, surrounded by people trying to get drinks. Deseree and Davis headed to the closest bar and got in line.


Deseree placed her hand on Davis's back. “I'm going to go find the bathroom.”


“Okay, I'll wait right here.”


Deseree disappeared into the crowd as Davis surveyed the bar to see if he could spot Jack. A beefy, shirtless guy in jeans with black leather chaps slowly made his way past Davis while staring at him greedily. Davis smiled weakly and turned back to face the bar, grabbing his shirt collar as if he feared the man might sexually assault him. The guy walked away and Davis shook his head.


“Stare a little closer, fucker,” Davis mumbled, feeling slightly molested.


“Quite a nasty tongue you have there,” said a deep voice from behind him.


Davis whipped around and found himself looking into the throat of a man who stood at least six and a half feet tall. Davis felt his face turn beet red. “Oh, I…so sorry.”


“No need to apologize, I rather fancy a nasty tongue.” The man offered his hand. “Alex Parker. I saw you earlier at the party.”


British, thought Davis.


Davis shook his hand and looked Alex over. He was strikingly handsome with a long, lean body, accented by dark hair and dark eyes. Davis estimated his age at thirty-seven, give or take. While he was impeccably dressed in a dark suit, he somehow projected an ease, a casualness. Davis smiled at him, admiring the dichotomy.




“Yes, I know,” Alex said with a sly smile. “I asked around about you at the party.”


“Really? And what did you discover?” Davis asked as he turned to move forward in the line.


“I'm ashamed to report, other than your name, nothing.” Alex lightly touched Davis on the arm and added, “Which has made you all the more appealing.”


Davis laughed as two guys passed through the line, knocking him face first into Alex. He caught Davis to keep him from falling. Feeling Alex's hand on his ass, Davis grabbed his shoulder, pulling himself back up. The two men laughed as they looked back.


“I'm fine…thanks.” Davis shot them a nasty look as the guys walked off without so much as an apology. “Rude fuckers.”


Alex laughed as he smoothed out Davis's jacket. “That filthy mouth of yours is delightfully charming.”


“Well, I aim to please,” Davis said, still irritated.


“Really?” Alex asked, looking into Davis's eyes entirely too seriously. “I think I'm in love.”


Davis paused for a moment before laughing. “Do guys actually fall for that?”


“No go, huh?” Alex asked with a frown. “Bollocks.”


“Has that ever worked for you?”


“Yes, actually… I've found most men find me utterly irresistible.” Alex placed a hand on his stomach and added, “Especially when I'm making an ass out of myself.”


“I'll have to get back to you on that one,” Davis said, a little unsure what to make of him, even though he loved the way the word
sounded in Alex's accent.


“Wise decision,” Alex said, stepping forward as they were now only one person away from the bar. “It's good not to make snap judgments. And fear not, I have a wide range of ass-like behavior with which to impress.”


“As well as a fondness for the word
,” Davis said, raising his eyebrows.


“Yes,” Alex said with a devious grin, “and you seem partial to the word
. Together we make
ass fu


“All righty.” Davis scowled, patting Alex on the chest. “I think I get it.”


“See how utterly perfect we are for one another?” Alex asked earnestly. “You…complete me.”

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