Self Preservation (21 page)

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Authors: Ethan Day

Tags: #M/M Contemporary, #Source: Amazon

BOOK: Self Preservation
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For a minute, their bodies were so wrapped in the aftershock of orgasms that they remained locked in position before Alex collapsed on top of Davis. They struggled desperately to get their wind back.


“I really hope you love me,” Alex said, between breaths, “because I'm never letting you go.”


“You'll never have to,” Davis said, feeling his chest swell as tears began to sting his eyes.


Alex kissed him softly between his shoulder blades as he slid out of Davis. He fell to the side, facing him as Davis rolled onto his side.


“Hey now,” Alex said, reaching over and running his hand over Davis's cheek. “What's wrong?”


“Nothing,” Davis said, smiling as the tears keep coming. “I'm just happy.”


“That's no way to behave when you're happy,” Alex said, scooting closer and throwing a leg over him. “I'll not have that. We get nothing but laughter, you and I.”


“Okay,” Davis said, sucking in a deep breath, holding it in to try to stop the tears. He ran his hand over Alex's sweat-soaked chest and breathed out. He looked into Alex's eyes and started crying again. “I'm sorry,” he said between sobs.


Alex laughed his rumbling laugh and pulled him close, giving him a soft peck on the lips. “We do also get mind-altering, searingly red-hot, life-changing, come-fuck-me-daddy sex in addition to the laughs,” Alex said with a reassuring expression, “if that helps at all.”


Davis burst out laughing as the tears kept coming.


“Darling, stop. You really can't afford to lose any more fluids,” Alex said as Davis began to laugh harder. “I'll be left with a dried-out husk for a boyfriend. There isn't enough lube in the world. I'll chafe. I loathe chafing.”


Davis continued laughing as he leaned over and kissed Alex. He rolled onto his back, laughing until his sides began to ache as Alex went on about the horrors of chafing.


He glanced over at Alex, placing his hand on his stomach as he laughed, thinking how strange it all was. He'd completely uprooted his life; everything he owned was currently packed in boxes waiting for him to unpack, organize, and put away. He had no job nor any prospects of one. He should be terrified and running around in a state of panic. Instead, he was just deliriously happy. He didn't quite know what he'd done in his life to be allowed this much joy, but he wasn't going to start asking questions this time around. He was just going to take it and run.



Ethan Day



I am a gay man living in Missouri…I can hear the gasps already!! How very un-sheik of me, yes I know. It was here I was born, and here I have stayed.


The worst thing about being a romance writer is finding a real-life hottie that can live up to the fantasy I create in my head and subsequently thrust upon him before actually getting to know him. To all my past and future boyfriends, my sincerest apologies…I can't help myself!


I was the youngest of four children and the only boy, so needless to say, I was spoiled rotten. I've always had an extravagant fantasy life. When I played with my
Star Wars
action figures as a child, I liked to make up my own stories. Naturally, Luke Skywalker and Han Solo were totally meant for each other, and Princess Leia made a bitchin' wise-cracking fag hag.


I somehow managed to survive high school living in a small racist town in Southwest Missouri and emerged unscathed, realizing life was too short to pretend to be anything other than who I was. I was the little homo that could…so damn it, I did!


After a few stints in college, I eventually signed up for a Creative Writing course. I took the class because there were no tests. For once my scholastic laziness paid off, and I found an outlet for all the fantasies running amok in my head. It was love at first write, and I've been doing it off and on ever since.


Now I have decided it's time to un-barricade the doors and unleash my imagination onto the world. So very sorry, world!! With the help of the lovely and talented team at Loose Id, LLC, my fantasy life is now available for public consumption. I'm desperately hoping you're really, really hungry.

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