Self Preservation (10 page)

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Authors: Ethan Day

Tags: #M/M Contemporary, #Source: Amazon

BOOK: Self Preservation
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Davis smiled despite himself as he turned to order a martini and cosmopolitan from the bartender for himself and Deseree. He paused momentarily and rolled his eyes before turning to ask Alex what he would like to drink.


“I'll have a dirty martini as well.” Alex grinned. “Thank you.”


“What's going on here?” Deseree asked, unnoticed by Davis until that moment.


“Deseree, meet Alex. He's an ass man.”


“I'm kinda partial to a nice ass myself,” Deseree said, smiling.


Alex pointed to Deseree and ran his finger up and down in the air over her frame. “Loving you.”


“Yeah, well…what's not to love?” Deseree said, staring longingly at her drink as she took it from Davis.


Davis picked up the remaining two martinis and handed one to Alex. The three of them got out of line and moved over to occupy three bar stools to the right. Davis spotted Jack and Tadd walking through the bar and set his glass down in front of Deseree.


“Will you two excuse me for a minute?” He left without waiting for a response.


Tadd and Jack were standing in the middle of the club talking to an older gentleman. The three of them laughed as Davis joined them.


“Hey, you two,” Davis said, smiling.


“You made it,” Jack said, placing a hand on Davis's shoulder.


“Of course, Jack.” Davis shot a wink at Tadd. “Thanks for the invite.”


“No problem, Davis.” Tadd placed his arm around Jack's waist. “It'll give you two a chance to catch up.”


Jack squeezed Tadd as he looked over at Davis. “I'll go grab us some drinks if you think you can entertain one another.”


Tadd and Davis smiled and nodded as Jack made his way into the crowd toward one of the bars. Tadd introduced Davis to the older gentleman to whom they'd been talking. Russell Henderson was one of Tadd's partners in the architectural firm and Davis smiled back at him, slightly creeped out by the lascivious way the older man leered at him.


“I've been meaning to ask you,” Tadd said, leaning closer to Davis. “What area of preservation do you specialize in?”


“I deal with a little bit of everything, but my passion has always been art nouveau and art deco…the twenties through the forties, very distinct periods.”


“That sounds perfect,” Tadd said, turning to Russell. “Davis is a historic preservationist. I was thinking…”


Russell chimed in. “He might make a perfect consultant for the Hamilton Theater project, yes.”


“We're bidding on a contract to restore this beautiful theater here downtown,” Tadd said, placing a hand over his chest. “I think I mentioned it earlier. It was built in nineteen thirty-one, just after the switch from silent movies to talkies. Fantastic art deco architecture. You should swing by the office tomorrow. Sounds right up your alley.”


“Sure,” Davis said, folding his arms. “I could take a peek.”


“We'd love to get your input,” Tadd said.


“Then you shall have it, Tadd.”
Offering me a job to buy me off, huh? Sneaky little bastard.


Russell nodded as he waved at another group of men. “If Tadd recommends you, then we'd be lucky to have you.”


“I'm dying to know,” Tadd said, as Russell excused himself. “What did you think of the loft?”


“It suits you,” Davis said. Plain…boring…no character. “Obviously well planned out, great space, you did a great job.”


“You think?” Tadd asked, smiling. “I've always held a fascination with Bauhaus design…clean, uncomplicated lines.”


“Bauhaus always felt a little sterile to me, personally,” Davis said, looking around the club for Jack, “but you really bring some life to it.”


“I like to think I bring a little persona to a room.”


“Speaking of persona,” Davis said, “you better go find your man. He's not the type you want to take your eyes off for very long. Take it from me.”


“He does require a considerable amount of attention.”


“Puh-lease, Jack always has to have top billing.”


“I'll keep that in mind,” Tadd said, laughing as he and Davis turned and went in the direction Jack had disappeared to.


“It takes a strong man to be willing to take a backseat in Jack's one-man ego show.”


Tadd smiled and waved at a group of friends. “True, but I believe we both understand the rewards. Even in a room full of people, he does have this way of making you feel as though no one else exists.”


“Well, there is that,” Davis said, smiling.
That's right, rub it in. You ass.


“And his laugh,” Tadd said, stopping and looking down at the floor. “The way it somehow fills you up with this complete feeling of joy. I love to make him laugh.” He glanced back over at Davis and started walking again. “And the way he kisses… Well, I don't have to tell you.”


“He's a great guy,” Davis said, smiling with a nod.
I really hate this fucker
. “But he does have some major flaws that go along with all the good.”


Tadd placed a hand on Davis's shoulder to stop him. “I know you love him, Davis.”


“Well, of course, but…”


“I love that you want to protect him, and I know you're worried by the amount of time we've known one another, but let me assure you, Davis… I love him. All I want to do is make him happy. If I do nothing else for him, I promise you I'll move mountains to make sure he's happy.”


“That's… I'm glad to hear you say that.” Davis wanted to cry and scream at the same time.
I hate that hating this fucker makes me feel like shit…damn it!


Tadd waved at another group of men. “Would you excuse me? I need to go say hi to these guys.”


“Sure,” Davis said, smiling sweetly.


Tadd turned to leave, and Davis walked through the crowd making his way back to Deseree and Alex. “Go ask one of
to marry you, you man-thieving prick.”


Davis jumped as someone ran a hand over his ass. He whirled around but couldn't tell who'd done it. Shaking his head and muttering under his breath, he returned to Deseree and Alex, who were laughing hysterically. Deseree handed Davis his cocktail.


“You have to come visit me the next time you're in New York,” Deseree said to Alex.


“Darling, I will,” Alex said, glancing up at Davis. “We can tear through the city being shamelessly decadent.”


“I'm your gal,” said Deseree.


Davis rolled his eyes and moved forward a step to make room for two men who stepped up to the bar laughing as they waited for the bartender.


“Exactly what is it you do, Alex?” Davis asked as Alex placed a hand on the small of his back.


“It's just like Tadd to throw himself a bachelor party like that,” one guy said. “Have you ever been to a bachelor party where the mother-in-law was the main event? Where were the goddamn strippers?”


“Oh, she's here too,” the other guy said in a can-you-believe-it tone.


“The mother-in-law?” the first guy said, as Davis looked at Deseree and frowned.


“It's sick, isn't it,” the second guy said. “I really hate Tadd. Nothing bothers him. It's not natural…the fucking Boy Scout.”


“Nothing except bad press, the vain prick,” the first guy added, laughing as Davis smiled and chuckled to himself. “A nice fucking scandal in the tabloids would probably kill him.”


The two men laughed, grabbed their drinks, and walked back into the crowd. Davis peeked over at Deseree, and they both smiled. Davis scanned the room and spotted Candace on the dance floor surrounded by shirtless, sweaty men, twirling and laughing.


“People can be so beastly,” Alex said with a smile.


Davis took a sip from his now-lukewarm martini. “It's really quite disgusting.”


“I think it's deliciously fun,” Deseree said, clapping her hands and giggling.


Alex placed his hand on Deseree's knee. “You and I are going to get along famously.”


“Time will tell,” Deseree said with a wink.


“Deseree, since you're one of the few people who apparently knows Davis, perhaps you might tell me what one has to do to win his favor.”


“You mean get in his pants?” Deseree asked, looking up and placing her hand on her chin. “Do you know any hit men?”


“Deseree, honestly,” Davis said, shaking his head as he moved away from Alex and turned to face him. “Look, Alex, I'm sure you're a very sweet man…”


“Ouch,” Alex said, placing a hand on his chest. “That one really hurt.”


“I'm going to be perfectly honest with you.”


“Darling, please,” Alex said, groaning, “anything but that.”


“You have something against honesty?” Davis asked, looking irritated.


“In my experience, nothing kills romance like the truth.”


“Hear, hear,” Deseree said, lifting her glass. “Cheers to the fantasy!”


“Well, brace yourself, buck-o,” Davis said to Alex while shooting Deseree a disapproving look.


“Good Lord,” Alex said, setting down his cocktail. “Buck-o…really? Who in the name of John Wayne still uses the word


Davis rolled his eyes, completely frustrated as he placed a hand on his hip. “I just don't want to lead you on.”


“I don't mind, honestly.”


Davis threw his hands in the air as Deseree giggled. He took a deep breath and pointed across the bar toward Jack and Tadd. “You see those two guys over there?”


“The two that are getting married?” Alex asked, raising an eyebrow.


Jack noticed Davis pointing at him and waved, smiling.


Davis waved back with a big smile, putting his hand down and turning slightly red. He turned his attention back to Alex.


“That's Jack, he's my ex, and well…I'm here to get him back.”


“Christ,” Deseree said, looking at Davis in shock. “Why not go and announce it over the loud speaker.”


Alex examined Davis with wide eyes. “You're here to break up the wedding?”


“Okay, it sounds worse when you say it,” Davis said, scrunching up his face.


“Blow me,” Alex said, looking Davis up and down. “You look so sweet and wholesome.”


“Yeah, well, he was mine first, and…and…”


“Jolly good fun,” Alex said, as a mischievous expression stole over his face.


“Huh?” Davis and Deseree asked at the same time.


“You little vixen, you should let me help.”


“What?” Davis asked, looking at Alex suspiciously. “Why?”


“I have nothing better do,” Alex said matter-of-factly, “and I'm gorgeous. Let's see if we can make him jealous?”


Davis sucked down the last of his martini. “I don't think that's a good idea.”


“Oh come on, Davis,” Deseree said, patting her hand on the bar. “He's cute. Can't we keep him?”


Davis watched the two of them as they looked up at him like two children who had been naughty but still wanted dessert. He tossed his arms into the air in a full-body shrug.


“He's looking right now,” Alex said, getting off his bar stool as Davis turned to look. Alex placed his hands on each side of Davis's face and pressed his lips onto Davis's. He slowly moved his tongue into Davis's mouth. Davis tensed as he closed his eyes, and to his surprise he reciprocated, kissing him back. Alex's full lips covered his and Davis let out a tiny moan as Alex pushed farther into his mouth, massaging Davis's tongue with his. Davis placed his hands on Alex's hips to brace himself as his body began to tremble with chills running up his spine.


Jack stopped talking with the people around him and watched Alex and Davis from across the bar. Tadd looked at Jack and turned to see what Jack was staring at. Tadd rolled his eyes and looked back at Jack before turning his attention back to the group of people they were standing with. Jack excused himself from Tadd and the other men and headed toward Davis.

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