Seducing the Attorney (At First Sight Book 5) (2 page)

BOOK: Seducing the Attorney (At First Sight Book 5)
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“Excuse me.” She fisted her hands on her hips. “You know nothing. You’re making assumptions and that makes you an ass.” The words shot like bullets.

The baby cried. Lauren scooped him into her arms and held him close.

“Mama. Dada.”

“No love, not today. Just Auntie.”

His sobs slowed. “Tee.” He buried his head against her shoulder.

Tony stared at his hands. He didn’t understand her anger. Couldn’t she admit the truth? Guilt for making the infant cry swamped him. “We’ll discuss this later.”

“Just remember I want what’s best for Jamie. If I must I’ll fight you.”

“I want the same for the child. If you fight I’ll win and you’ll be exposed.”

“His name is Jamie.” She whirled and walked away. Her black slacks fit perfectly showing her narrow waist and delectable rear. His cock surged to attention. He rose and then sank back. He wouldn’t chase her and prolong the argument. He gulped deep breaths. No way would she win the battle over custody. He would have sole charge of the baby and he would have her body where he wanted it.

The phone rang. He grabbed the receiver on the first ring. A man spoke. “See you tomorrow at eight.”

“There’s no need.” Tony hung up and chuckled. He would handle the situation when she learned she had no date. But the lady wouldn’t be disappointed.


* * *


Lauren held Jamie on her hip while she finished loading the washer. Anger simmered in her gut and she fought to keep her temper under control lest she scream and scare Jamie. She pushed the button. As the washer started her nephew crowed.

She kissed his forehead. “Time for a walk.” Maybe the activity would quench her fury.
Ass, indeed.
She had named the man perfectly. Where did he get off? The man who dated a new bimbo every night had no reason to talk, especially since he had no idea how much she had changed.

She grabbed Jamie’s jacket from a hook and her own. With a glance into the main room she opened the door into the garage.

After opening the stroller she dressed her nephew and slid her arms into the sleeves of her jacket. She opened the garage and pushed the stroller down the driveway. At the end she guided the stroller around the circle past clusters of red brick units. Jamie bounced and laughed.

“Tee, go.”

Lauren laughed and moved from a leisurely walk to a trot. Her thoughts drifted to the guardianship problem. Had Tony ever held his nephew? He was so different from his brother. Jim had spent time every day with his son. Those memories brought tears close to the surface. She sucked in a breath
. No tears in front of Jamie.

She slowed. “Fast enough.”

He crowed.

Lauren brushed his cheek with a kiss. “Maybe more after.” They passed one of the yards where a bird feeder hung from a pole. She halted. Several brown birds perched on the feeder. “Look. Birds.”

“Bir. Bir.” Jamie shouted.

“Just where are you going?”

Tony’s deep voice startled her. The birds took flight. She grabbed the stroller handle and nearly toppled herself and her nephew. With care she straightened. “We’re out for a walk.” Her glare matched the one from his blue eyes. "Did you think we were running away?”

“Wouldn’t surprise me.” He ran his fingers through his dark hair. “I’ve heard stories.”

“I imagine you have but that was in the past. Put this conversation on hold. I’d rather not have Jamie upset again.” She met his gaze. “Since you’re staying tonight perhaps we’ll talk when he’s down for the night.”

“No perhaps. We will.”

Lauren pushed the stroller ahead. “I hope you left the garage door open. I didn’t bring the house key.”

“I did.” He grasped her shoulder.

Even through the layers of clothing she felt the heat of his fingers. Why him? Why was she attracted to man who wanted nothing good for her?

He stepped away. “Fine. We’ll talk but I’m ready to return to the condo."

“Go ahead. Jamie and I will finish our walk. Fresh air is good for him, not like city air with fumes and garbage. I enjoy the exercise.”

“I can think of more enjoyable ways of exercising.”

“I’m sure you can but they aren’t on my agenda.”

“Tee, go,” Jamie yelled.

Following his appeal for speed Lauren moved at a trot. Unfortunately Tony kept pace. Lauren stopped at the pond. “No ducks today.” She pushed the stroller up the slight rise and into the garage.

“Why don’t you move your car so I can park in the garage?” Tony asked. “You’re not using the space. Weather report calls for rain.”

His request reminded her of the car that would never park here again. She blinked a tear away. She had no time for another sob fest. “Stay with Jamie.”

“Up. Up,” Jamie chanted.

Lauren wanted to laugh at the expression on Tony’s face.

“You can make the move later,” he said.

“How are you going to be his guardian if you won’t pick him up?” Her question snapped with the anger churning her gut. She pushed the stroller into the garage, freed Jamie and carried him inside.

Tony followed. “There will be a nanny for all that stuff.”

She turned and glared. A dozen comments formed and were discarded. Though her childhood had ended during her teens after her parents had died Lauren remembered how her parents had loved and cared for her. Because her sister had been a junior in college and hadn’t been able to keep her in the college dorm Lauren had ended in a group home. The rules there had been unfair and she had run.

Had Tony’s childhood been strict? She remembered Jim saying after their mother had died there had been caretakers for them.

She glared at Tony. “Hugging and kissing their children are what parents do.”

He shrugged. “I’m his uncle. Didn’t Jim mention we were raised by nannies?”

“He said very little to me about your childhood. Wasn’t my business.” Lauren removed her jacket and Jamie’s. She put him on the activity quilt. “Watch him and I’ll move my car.” She handed the baby his favorite toys. “He’ll be content. You won’t need to touch him.”

“Just a minute,” Tony said. “I want to make sure you don’t run.”

“And leave Jamie to your care. Never.” As she reached the door of the garage she pulled the keys from the hook. “I’ll be right back.” She escaped before he reached her. She pulled her car from the drive and into the space beside his low black car. Then she dashed inside.

“You can move yours now.” She rubbed her arm to erase the chill from being outside without a coat.

As he left she breathed in relief to have a few moments free from his oppressive presence. She sat on the floor and opened the cloth book Jamie loved. “Cat.” She pointed to the picture. While repeating the word a second time she ran a finger under the letters.

She heard the garage door close and stiffened. Jamie patted the book. She turned the page. “Dog.”

“Dog,” Jamie repeated.

Tony loomed over them. “Isn’t he a bit young for reading?”

She glanced up and saw the bulge beneath his zipper.
Is that all he ever thinks about
? “Jim and Carrie read to him every day. I’m following their routine.”

“You’re joking. I can’t imagine my brother doing anything except patting the boy’s head the way our father did.”

“His name is Jamie.” She turned her attention to her nephew and the book.

Her words and Jamie’s continued. Tony slouched on the couch with his legs crossed at the ankles. Lauren knew he watched her with the intensity of a lion waiting to pounce. What was he planning?
Nothing good.

The mantle clock struck five times. Lauren rose and lifted Jamie. “Time for dinner, love. Ready to eat?”

“Eat. Eat,” he chanted.

“What about us?” Tony asked. “A bit early isn’t it?”

Lauren shrugged. “I skipped lunch. You can go out. There are some good restaurants in town. For me, I’ll heat some chicken and barley soup my landlady sent and grill a chicken and cheese sandwich.”

“I’ll join you. Since I’m staying for the weekend I’ll carry my things to the bedroom. Guess there’s only one bed.”

Determined not to permit him to stir the embers of anger into flames, she drew a deep breath. “You’re right. I’ll change the sheets after I feed Jamie.”

“Is there a reason? Evidence you want to hide?”

She fastened Jamie in the high chair. “You’re sick.”

“Ick. Ick,” Jamie chanted.

“That too.” She kissed his forehead.

Tony moved from the couch to a stool at the bar separating the kitchen from the rest of the main floor. She felt his stare as she moved.
Great. Now she had a stalker.

“I’ve a proposition.” Tony rested his elbows on the marble surface.

She glanced at him and was nearly lured by his mesmerizing blue eyes. Then she recalled his nasty assumptions. “And that is?”

“Move to the city. Stay at my apartment and be the child’s nanny.”

She set a jar of baby food in the bubbling water. “And become your mistress?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“Yours not mine. I have a life here.”

“I’m sure you do. I can take you places you’ve never been. Why not accept my offer?”

“And settle for being a nanny when I’m listed in the will as one of Jamie’s guardians?”

“A position you’ll lose if we go to court.”

“I’ve heard enough.” She pulled the jar from the pan and set it on the counter. She ran cold water over her stinging fingers. “Unless you plan to feed Jamie, I suggest you move. Better still. Take your car and return to the city.”


* * *


The chill in her voice puzzled Tony. He had proposed a plan to benefit them all. She wouldn’t need to ply her trade with anyone but him. The baby would have a nanny he liked.

Tony retreated to the couch so he could watch her and the boy. There had to be a way to seduce her into his arms for the weekend. This thought raised expectations and part of him throbbed with energy.

He drew a deep breath. Earlier his approach had been a bit crude unlike his usual smooth approach. Something about her raised an urgent need to possess. This evening he needed to slowly reel her in.

Lauren finished feeding the child and handed him what looked like a hard biscuit. She returned to the small kitchen and ladled soup from a deep plastic bowl into a pan.

“Are you eating here or going out?”

“Here.” He said.

She put two bowls, two plates and two mugs on the counter. After programming the coffeemaker she assembled two sandwiches with slices of chicken and Swiss cheese and placed them in the skillet. Once she flipped the pair she heated the soup, filled bowls with coffee, slid the sandwiches onto the plate and filled the bowls.

Tony carried his food to the dining room table and returned for hers. Lauren pulled the highchair to the end of the table and slid her plate to the side.

Tony wished she had taken the seat beside him the way he’d planned. A woman like her would respond to touch and he could convince her to spend the weekend in his arms. With this thought he slipped off a loafer and stretched until his foot caressed her leg.

She edged her chair back and attacked her food like a starving prisoner of war at a banquet.

“Be careful. You might choke.”

“You,” she snapped.

“Not my idea of fun. I’m not into choking games.”

“Neither am I. I wish you would take your innuendos and head to the city.”

“Not without the child.”

“His name is Jamie or James if you’re being formal.”

He could almost see sparks shooting from her hazel eyes. He looked forward to more intimate encounters. “I hear you.”

She gathered her dishes and carried them to the kitchen. She returned for his. The clock chimed six times. She wiped the baby’s face and hands. After popping a video into the player she sat on the couch with the baby on her lap.

Nothing he wanted to watch. Children sang and danced to silly songs. Tony went to the car for his bags.




Chapter Two


Tony carried his bag upstairs. He sat on the bed and uncovered one of the pillows. He sniffed. She had slept here. His suspicions kicked in. He uncovered the other pillow and smelled laundry detergent and fabric softener.

All right.
He had been partially wrong. Weekends must be her date nights. He hung his clothes in the walk-in closet before returning to the first floor.

When the clock struck seven Lauren lifted the baby, a stack of books, her laptop and a bottle. She carried them to the stairs.

“Where are you going?” Tony asked.

“It’s time for Jamie’s bath.”

The baby chortled. “Ba. Ba.”

“So early.”

“Between seven thirty and eight is his bedtime.”

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