Seducing the Attorney (At First Sight Book 5) (10 page)

BOOK: Seducing the Attorney (At First Sight Book 5)
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Lauren carried Jamie into the bedroom. Tony put the bags in the open stroller and lifted a box containing another play table. He rode the elevator down and loaded the bags in the trunk of Lauren’s car.

When he returned to the apartment Lauren waited in the foyer. He carried Jamie to the car and watched her strap the baby in the seat. He rubbed Jamie’s head. “Tiger, I’ll see you on Saturday.”

He turned to Lauren “Drive carefully.” He resisted the urge to tug her into his arms and kiss her until she agreed to stay.

“I will.” She smiled. “Though our time together has ended. I’ve enjoyed myself.”

He winked. “So have I. There are many things I’d like to show you here in the city that don’t involve sex.”

“When Jamie’s older you can show him.” She stared into his eyes. “The food was wonderful. The sex was unbelievable.”

He leaned down and kissed her lightly. “Let your sitter know I’ll visit on Saturday.”

“I will.”

“If you change your mind about us, let me know.”

“Cutting the affair now is best. In time we can become friends.”

“I’ve a suggestion. Come to the apartment for Thanksgiving. I’ll feed you and Jamie a good meal and we can pick up again. We can watch the parade from the windows.”

She shook her head. “Not a great idea. Doing that will…will.” She drew a deep breath. “By the time I graduate you will have moved on.”

He tapped the tip of her nose. “Just consider the idea. Next time the condoms are on me.”

She strapped herself into the seat and started the car. “Thanks.”

“Think about my offer.” He stood at the parking garage exit and watched until the last glimpse of his taillight vanished. He returned to his apartment and stood at the living room window staring at the night sky. What was wrong with him? She’d been right to end the affair. Their lives were too different. So why did he feel like he’d lost forever.

He groaned. Raising a child in this apartment wasn’t a great idea. He’d taken his father’s love nest as his own and had used the penthouse for the same purpose. There’d never been a moment of love here.

Until. Do not go there.

He poured brandy into a snifter and slouched on the couch. What did he want? The emerging answer stunned him. He wanted what he couldn’t have.

Lauren. Jamie. A home.
He would see his nephew but she had rejected future meetings until some unnamed time in the future. Could he change her mind? He had no idea of how to begin.


* * *


As Lauren drove across the bridge relief and regret clashed in her thoughts. The affair with Tony had ended. She could concentrate on school and making a home for Jamie. Would Tony realize his lifestyle held no room for a baby or anyone else for longer than an instant?

Love nest.
The penthouse had been beautiful. She had listened to Tony’s ideas of the changes he needed to make to accommodate his nephew and a nanny. She had been tempted to move into the apartment with him. Yet she needed no future complications, especially after a breakup that would surely occur. Then she would have to find another place for Jamie and her to live. The pain wouldn’t be worth the passion.

Not to mention the real danger. Plunging into love for Tony hovered inches away. Doing that would overturn every plan she’d made for her future.

When she pulled into the garage at the condo Jamie slept. Glad she’d dressed him in a sleeper before leaving the city, she lifted him from the car seat. She carried him upstairs and managed to change his diaper without awakening him. Once she popped him into his crib she returned to unload the car.

The moment she saw the play table box several tears fell. She pinched her nose. What a nice thought. She had hoped Tony and his nephew would bond. Perhaps they had.

After unloading the trunk she opened the play table box and with no trouble assembled the piece. She sank on the couch and grabbed her notes.
Study time.
Once again she recited her goals.
Finish the semester, and two more. Find a job, make a home for Jamie and have a life.
A sigh escaped. She’d made her goals after Carrie and Jim had helped her change from a rebellious runaway to the person she had become. She’d added Jamie to her goals after the accident. Was it possible to love a man without all the wasted moments and foolishness of falling in love?


Some time later the door opened. Grace carried a pastry box with the bakery’s logo embossed. “Good. You’re home and can taste the Halloween and Thanksgiving specials.”

Lauren laughed. “Hope you didn’t plan turkey, stiffing and gravy.”

“You never know. Grace put four cupcakes on the counter. These first. Devil Spice, Ghostly Bliss, Candy Treat and Scary Tricks.”

Lauren filled a cup with coffee. She tasted a piece of each one and sipped between bites. “The chocolate has a peppery bite. The vanilla is so airy.” She bit the third and then the fourth. “Like the caramel and chocolate center of the treat. The last one is pure spice, ginger and maybe cinnamon.”

“Ready for Thanksgiving?” Grace asked.

“I’ll need to run around the block a dozen times pushing Jamie fast.”

“What I have is Pumpkin Pie, Sweet Potato Casserole and Cranberry Sauce.” She pulled the three from the box. “Business was great today. The woman you convinced me to hire sold dozens for Halloween and is taking orders for Thanksgiving. How was your trip?”

“Interesting. He likes Jamie.”  She pointed to the play table. “He bought that for here. There’s another in the penthouse plus a crib, changing table and a high chair.” Lauren refilled her coffee mug.

“Surely there’s more.”

“He cooks fabulous food. He inherited the apartment from his father. Calls it the love nest.”

“Was it?”

“More like lust.” Lauren rubbed her temples. “I called a halt to us seeing each other. We need to stick to being Jamie’s guardians.”

“How did he take that?”

Lauren shrugged. “Accepted, I think. He didn’t argue.”

“Are you sure you’ve no future with him?”

“Not for me until I finish school and have a job. By then he’ll have gone through a dozen women.”

Grace reached for the carafe. “You could be making a mistake. He could support you until you graduate.”

“Not going to happen. I’ve no time for emotional entanglements.” She lifted the mug. “I’m ready to taste the others.”

Grace set the three in front of Lauren. She tasted the first and inhaled the spicy aroma. “Smells and tastes like pumpkin pie.” She sipped coffee and tasted the one with toasted marshmallows and a hint of brown sugar caramel. She laughed. “Terrific.” She tasted the cranberry cupcake. “You’ll sell hundreds of these.”


The mantle clock chimed ten times. Lauren rose. “Time for bed. I can give you several hours tomorrow afternoon and on Wednesday as long as I can bring Jamie.”

“No problem.”

Lauren headed to the stairs. “Night.”




Chapter Six


On Friday when her cell announced a call Lauren answered. “Hello.”

“Tony here. Let the sitter know I’ll be there tomorrow morning to spend time with Jamie.”

The sound of his voice sent sensations flooding her body. “I’ll let Ray know. He’s anxious to talk to you. This week he’s considering a career in law.”

“Only this week?”

“Since I’ve known him a law career is choice four.”

Tony chuckled. “How is our boy?”

Lauren swallowed. For now Jamie was theirs. Longing for the impossible brought a rush of tears. “He’ll be cruising soon. He’s mastered navigating with the play table. He walks if you hold his hand. I need to shop for shoes.”

“Leave the car seat so I can use it. Ray and I will take him shopping.”

“In your car? Impossible. Jamie’s car seat must be in the rear. Yours doesn’t have one.”

“I know that. I bought a sensible sedan.”

“Then I’ll leave the seat. Look, I have a major test tomorrow and I need to study.”

“Good luck. Ciao.”

With a sigh she disconnected. Why did his voice conjure all she had to forget? She reached for her notes. At least he would be gone before she returned home.

For the next few weeks Lauren concentrated on Jamie, classes and helping Grace in the shop. Mid-term exams ended and she worked toward finals. Every Saturday Ray talked about Tony’s visits. She shook her head. The man had bought Jamie three pair of shoes. One of them name brand sneakers, several outfits and more toys than any eleven month old needed.

She sat on the floor and rolled a ball to Jamie. “He’s going to be spoiled.”

Ray laughed. “You should see Mr. Carlin play with him. Did you know he also comes Sunday mornings?”

“You’re joking.”

“Not a bit.”

“You mean he drives back and forth twice a week?”

Ray shook his mead. I think he stays at a motel. Did you know he used to live around here?”

This news surprised her. What about his social schedule? Though his attitude toward his nephew had changed she couldn’t believe he would give up his weekends at the love nest. Ray must have misunderstood.

“Has he said anything about the nanny search?”

“He says he has an idea that would solve the problem.” Ray turned away. “I’m going home for Thanksgiving break. Hope that doesn’t mess your schedule.”

“No classes from Wednesday until Tuesday. Hope you have a good visit.”

“Should be especially since I haven’t asked them for money since all this babysitting began.” He sauntered to the door.

Lauren’s thoughts focused on Tony. What was he doing for the holiday? Should she call and ask? She dragged her attention from him and reached for her notes. Just Tuesday’s classes before the break.

When Grace returned from the bakery Lauren told her about Tony’s frequent visits. “What do you think he’s planning?”

Grace shrugged. “He came to the bakery on Saturday and ordered four of each of the Thanksgiving flavors and some of the other specials I’ve kept on the shelves. Seems he’s planning some kind of dinner.”

“That’s nice.” Lauren moved to the kitchen. “I guess he’s making a special trip for them.”

“I didn’t ask.”

“What are you doing for Thanksgiving? Should we cook? I’ll shop.”

“Can’t. I’m spending the day at the group home. You and Jamie could come.”

Lauren’s laughter barked. “You’ve a great imagination. The Patons would have heart attacks if I appeared at their house. You have no idea how nasty they were when I stopped and asked for your phone number.”

“That was several years ago. I’ll ask them.”

“Don’t bother. I’ll order a meal from the grocery store.”

Grace made a face. “I’ll bring a plate for you.”

“Thanks.” Lauren grabbed her book and finished planning for class. Being alone didn’t bother her. During her years on the road she had spent many special days alone.

The next afternoon she sat at the bar feeding Jamie his dinner. Her phone buzzed. She connected.


Tony’s deep voice jolted her memories. She almost dropped the phone. “Want to speak to Jamie?”

“In a bit. On Thanksgiving I want you to bring him to see me?”

She popped another bite into her nephew’s mouth. “You want me to come to the city and be snarled in the parade traffic?”

“Not to the apartment. Here’s the address.”

She put the spoon in the jar and grabbed a pencil. She frowned. The place wasn’t far. Was it a motel? At least she didn’t have to drive to the city. “What time?”

“Say around three thirty.”

“He’ll be there Jamie, talk to your uncle.” She held the phone to his ear.

“Cool. Cool.” Jamie chattered on. Some of the words made sense.

When he turned his head and tried to chew on the phone she pulled it away. “Sorry to cut this short but he’s trying to chew the cell.”

“See you Thursday.”

Lauren hung up and fed Jamie. She would stay for long enough to hand the child over and learn when to return for him. She sighed. Time to call the store and order Thanksgiving dinner for one. The thought brought a smatter of tears.

He hadn’t asked her to stay. For some reason anger joined her sadness.

Stop it.

She’d been the one to demand no more meetings. She had no reason to feel anything for him.



* * *


On Thursday Tony laughed and stowed the boxes of condoms he had brought from the city. One shelf in the master bedroom of the house he’d recently purchased would hold enough boxes to last a year. Could he convince Lauren to share the house? Amazing how the offer of cash for the house had expedited the upgrades and the sale.

Jamie’s fault. The morning after Lauren had ended their affair he’d decided something had to change. Tony Carlin’s life needed a new direction, one that had scared him to the core. He’d done the impossible, grabbed the luge and slid down the mountain into love. There had been no women, no flirtations, since Lauren had driven away. Though he had honored her decision he had sought a way to show her there was a chance for them and for Jamie to live in a warm and loving house. Sometimes the decision troubled him but he had to try.

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