Seducing the Attorney (At First Sight Book 5) (4 page)

BOOK: Seducing the Attorney (At First Sight Book 5)
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Tony realized Ray genuinely grieved. His own grief clawed to the surface and that wasn’t all. Guilt settled like a boulder on his chest. He’d been a fool.

As children he and Jim had been close. Two years apart in age they had shared a household where love and caring had been provided by housekeepers and nannies. Their mother had died when he was three and Jim five. Their father had been involved with work and an active social life. As teens they had drifted apart. Different friends, different interests and different goals.

Jim went to college in California. Science had been his choice.

Tony thought about his choices. University followed by Harvard for Law. Joining his father’s firm and embracing a similar lifestyle. When the old man died Tony had taken over the firm. Until today he’d never realized how like his father he’d become.
Selfish and a skirt chaser.

These thoughts curdled his gut. He had to do something but he had no idea how to change. Maybe he should head back to the city and forget custody issues. But Jamie was his only remaining family member. He had promised his brother to care for the baby. He would keep that promise. That was the problem. Jamie was Lauren’s only relative, too.

Suddenly the condo seemed stuffy. He needed to leave. He turned to Ray. “Mind if I go out for a bit.” Thinking about Lauren brought another jolt of guilt. He’d said things to her he shouldn’t have uttered.

He wanted her. Her response to the kiss had shouted her desire but she’d rejected his offer. Was the cause lost?

You could try seduction.

The whisper in his head made him smile. A candlelight dinner with wine and flowers. He made a mean red sauce. Veal, pasta, salad. He dashed upstairs for a sweater, his wallet and keys.

“Where’s the nearest grocery store?”

Armed with directions Tony left. The rain had changed from misting to moderate.

At the grocery store he found everything he needed for the main course including fresh mozzarella and parmesan cheese. After leaving with directions to the main part of town he found a bakery, a liquor store and a flower shop.

When he arrived at the condo with his packages and sandwiches for lunch, he carried the first of the bags inside. The young man finished feeding Jamie. While the infant examined a stacking toy and a large soft plastic car Tony had bought, he and Ray ate.

While they sat at the counter Ray talked about Jim and Carrie. Sadness choked Tony’s thoughts. The young man knew more about the couple than he did.

When Ray carried the baby to the nursery Tony began cooking. Before long the aromatic aroma of the simmering sauce perfumed the air. Ray sat at the bar. “Smells great.”

“I’ll give you a sample before you leave.”

“Maybe a doggie bag.”

Tony laughed. “That can be arranged.”

At five Ray fed Jamie his dinner. As soon as he finished Tony turned from the stove. “How much are you owed for today and tomorrow? Lauren should be home soon. I think I can handle the tiger until she arrives. I’ll do the honors tomorrow so you won’t have to check in.”

Ray named a number. Tony added a bit more. The young man grinned and slipped him a piece of paper. “My number. Call if you need me. Tell Lauren I came. Don’t want her to think I didn’t. Tell her I’m good for Tuesday evening.”

“I will.”

Ray left with a sample of pasta and sauce. Tony shoved the flowers in a vase he found in the laundry room. He put candles in the holders and set the table.

“Up. Up,” Jamie waved his hands.

“Guess you’ll be happy to see her. So will I.” Her stared at the dark sky. The clock chimed six times. Where was she? Had she been in an accident? The thought chilled him. Jamie couldn’t afford to lose another relative.

What about you?

Not going there.

He turned and walked to the door. Lauren dashed up the walk. He opened the door. She ducked inside. Her coat dripped water on the floor.

“You’re soaked,” he said.

She ducked past him and left a cloth bag and her other burdens on the counter. “Where’s Ray?”

“Paid him. Sent him home. He said he’s good for Tuesday evening.”

Lauren left her shoes by the door. She hung her coat on a hook around the corner in the laundry room. Jamie held out his arms. She shook her head. “Auntie needs dry clothes. Something smells wonderful.”

“Dinner’s on me,” Tony said.

“I’ll take back a few nasty things I’ve been thinking about you.” She headed to the stairs. “Be down in a few.”

“Don’t rush.” Tony drew a deep breath.
That went well.
His body reacted to the sway of her hips as she dashed upstairs.
Do not leap. Slow seduction.

He carried Jamie to the quilt and emptied the bag she had carried.


* * *


Lauren dashed upstairs. Rain had seeped through her coat making her sweater damp. The downpour had soaked her shoes and her slacks. She dashed around the corner at the head of the stairs and entered the master bedroom. Here she gathered clothes for tonight and tomorrow. Sweats, underwear, slacks and a sweater. As she straightened she caught a hint of Tony’s aftershave. Had he followed her? She jerked around and released a held breath. He had slept here last night.

Two steps took her into the bathroom. She locked both doors. The scent of his aftershave strengthened. A shiver not caused by her chilled body rolled through her. Thinking about him frightened her. She’d never been so drawn to a man. The reaction was dangerous.

As she stripped she turned on the shower. How was she going to act? He’d cooked, set the table and brought flowers. Was this offering an apology or a seduction tactic? Maybe both. Whatever his intentions her opinion of him was changing.

She stepped beneath the hot spray and reached for the soap. He had showered here. She imagined him rubbing the cloth over his body. Her breasts and nipples tightened. For an instant she recalled how heavy they had felt that morning when he’d circled her waist and whispered against her neck. The thought led to the kiss that had nearly ended her chance of becoming Jamie’s guardian. She scrubbed her body. She wanted Tony Carlin with a need that scared her.

He seemed to have changed. Could she trust him or was his apparent kindness just another way for him to prove his assumptions were right?

She drew a deep breath. Years ago she would have leaped to accept his invitation. Her days of rebellion and using her body to gain a meal or a night in a motel room had ended when she’d reached California. Carrie and Jim had helped her reclaim her self-respect. She couldn’t allow lust to take her hard earned reclamation away.

She ran the cloth over her body and washed between her legs. She washed until heat coiled in her coil. With one hand on the shower wall and with her imaginary lover stroking faster she fell over the edge.

Water flowed over. She flipped the lever off, stepped from the stall and dried. In the mirror she saw her flushed face. When she went downstairs would Tony suspect what she had done? She dressed, unlocked the doors and left her clothes for the morning in the nursery. Drawing a deep breath she prepared to face Tony.

At the bottom of the stairs she stopped short. For a moment she thought she saw Jim. Tony sat on the couch with Jamie on his lap. The baby played peek-a-boo and laughed.

Tears oozed to the surface. She tamped them down.
No tears tonight.
The sight of the pair brought relief and panic. Could Tony’s resemblance to his brother be more than physical?

She had adored her brother-in-law. For months after meeting Jim she’d had a crush. Those daydreams had lasted until Carrie had pointed out the foolishness of yearning for an impossible dream. Once again sadness captured her mood. She would never talk to Carrie or Jim again.

Could she move beyond these paralyzing moments of grief? She must.

A thought surfaced. What about Tony? How did he handle his grief? Though he and his brother had drifted apart surely there had been memories of closeness between them.

“Where are the groceries?” she asked.

“In the cupboard and the fridge. Your computer and books are on the coffee table. As I was storing things he started to cry and yell to be picked up.”

Her gaze settled on the pair. Perhaps Tony realized Jamie was more than an obligation. The chock chimed seven times. “I’ll bathe him and settle him for the night. Then I want to eat some of what smells wonderful.”

“Can I watch the bath in case I need to be the sitter again?”


She carried Jamie and the rest of the dinner bottle upstairs. After finding pajamas and a night diaper she took the baby into the bathroom. She knelt beside the tub to wash him. As she soaped him he splashed the water and chortled.

Tony rolled his eyes. “Think I’ll pass on the chore. He moves like a greased pig.”

“Ig. Ig.” Jamie kicked the water.

Lauren laughed. “I have to be fast, don’t I love?” She rinsed him and as she lifted him wrapped a towel around his body. “How long before dinner will be finished.”

“Not long. Maybe ten minutes.” He stood beside the changing table and watched. While Lauren reached for the diaper she held a towel over his genitals. She slid the diaper under him and removed the towel as she covered his front.

“So that’s how it’s done,” Tony said.

“Did he get you?”

“Yes. Good thing I wasn’t wearing a shirt.”

Lauren finished dressing Jamie and sat in the rocker. She didn’t notice when Tony left but the aromas seeping from the kitchen made her stomach rumble. She lifted Jamie over the side rail of the crib and left the room.

Food was on the table. For a moment she nearly protested the seating arrangements but they had a truce. Tony filled glasses with a ruby red liquid.

Lauren arched a brow. “That’s a lot. I seldom drink. Makes me dizzy.”

“Just sip.”

She cut a piece of veal and tasted. “This is delicious. Where did you learn to cook?”

“From our cook. She let me hang out in the kitchen when I was on punishment. Jim never acted up the way I did. He never seemed to rebel but he always went his own way.”

She swallowed a bite of pasta. “If I ever meet this woman I’ll thank her.” Why had she said that? Once they settled the matter of guardianship there would be no reason for them to meet other than to exchange Jamie. Probably not then either. He would send the nanny.

She concentrated on the food and ignored his attempts at flirtation. With subtle movements he touched her arm or thigh. Finally she finished the last bite on her plate. She rose and cleared the table. “You really are a great cook.”

The food, the flowers and the warmth of the house made her yawn. Though she thought about bed they had to talk.

“There’s dessert,” Tony said.

“You made something else?”

“My talents don’t run to baking. I found cannoli at the bakery where I bought the bread.”

“I’m stuffed. Maybe later.” She slid the last plate into the dishwasher, covered the leftovers and put them in the fridge.

“Then we’ll talk about which days are best for you to have Jamie.”

Her eyes widened. "You’re agreeing to joint custody.” She left the kitchen and settled on the end of the couch.

Tony nodded. “I’ve had a chance to think this over. Jamie loves you and you are as much his relative as I am.”




Chapter Three


Lauren rose and walked to the French doors.  She wanted to believe him. Her chest felt tight. Tears prickled. What did he mean about which days?

Tony moved to her side. “Don’t cry.”

“I’m just glad we don’t have to go to court.”

With a finger he wiped the tears. “Stop.”

“They’re tears of relief.” She turned and leaned toward him intending to kiss his cheek and found his mouth instead.

He took charge drawing her into his arms. He kissed her like a sailor on shore leave after months at sea. She parted her lips to receive his tongue. As he explored her mouth she tangled hers with his.

Tony turned and pulled her to the couch. As he sat he pulled her onto his chest. His hands slid beneath her top and unfastened her bra. He released her mouth and pulled her sweatshirt over her head.

“Lauren,” he whispered. “Let me see you.”

She straightened. At this instant she felt as if she’d fallen into a dream. One that had begun years ago on the day her sister had married his brother and they had stood with the pair.

He cupped her breasts and teased her nipples with his thumbs. Her breath caught. She slid her hands beneath his sweater. “Let me see you, too.”

He tossed his sweater on the floor and pulled her close. His chest hair tickled her skin. He rose and pulled hr to her feet and bent to suckle her breasts.

“Damn, you taste better than dessert.”

Lauren arched her back and pressed her lower abdomen against his firm erection.

Tongues tangled and dueled as he lowered her to the couch. Heat flowed from the kiss, the feel of his firm muscles and settled into the place where his erection touched her groin.

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