Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion (34 page)

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Authors: Ph.D. Paul A. LaViolette

Tags: #New Science

BOOK: Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion
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Brown’s levitating disc would have operated much like the Project Skyvault vehicle.
The disc-shaped antenna attached to the bottom of the conical dielectric (see figures 3.2, 3.3, and 3.8) would have radiated microwaves at a frequency of a few gigahertz and would have acted much like the Gunn diode in the Skyvault vehicle.
The positive electrode, which would have had either a parabolic or a cone shape, would have served as a wave amplifier cavity since a portion of the microwave radiation reflected downward by the electrode would have been reflected back at the mouth of the cavity.
As a result, its signal would have resonantly amplified and built up to a high intensity across the high-K piezoelectric dielectric cone located inside the hornlike cavity.
This dielectric cone, which would have been polarized with high-voltage DC, would have had very nonlinear electrical characteristics and would have functioned in a manner similar to the mixer diode in the Skyvault vehicle.
Since the dielectric was being pumped with the resonantly amplified microwave beam that was reflecting back and forth along its length, microwaves reflected up from the ground would have acted as a probe beam that would have interacted with the pump beam to produce a holographic grating pattern in the dielectric.
At the same time, the pump beam would have produced a phase-conjugate beam that would have traveled downward to the ground, precisely retracing the pathway followed by the ground-reflected waves.
The upward-reflected ordinary beam and the downward-propagating phase-conjugate beam would have been phase-locked to produce a soliton wave.

As in the Project Skyvault vehicle, the soliton wave extending between the ground and the mixer dielectric in Brown’s saucer would have resonantly amplified to a very high intensity.
This would be an example of the field-induced soliton phenomenon.
Much of the microwave radiation radiated by the saucer’s disc electrode, then, would have been bottled up in this beam.

It is possible that the ion discharge surrounding the positively charged umbrella electrode also served as a phase-conjugating medium, in addition to the barium titanate dielectric.
As mentioned above, nitric oxide ions surrounding a high-voltage electrode would have very nonlinear electrical properties and could phase-conjugate waves, much like the glow discharge that surrounded the dome electrode of Tesla’s magnifying transmitter.

With Brown’s saucer, the DC polarization along the length of the dielectric would have progressively build up to a high voltage due to the dielectric’s tendency to rectify some of the AC signal.
As a result, a very steep potential gradient would have formed and would have exerted an upward thrust.
This ramping up of the dielectric’s potential gradient would have been helped by the tendency of the saucer to function as a phase-conjugate resonator with self-amplifying pump beams.
In addition, if the oscillator could have been made to emit sawtooth-shaped waves, the saucer would have experienced more upward thrust due to the electrogravitic impulse effect.

Brown made no mention of phase conjugation in his electrokinetics patent, which he applied for in 1958.
At that time, the phase-conjugation effect was unknown in the unclassified engineering world.
The maser was invented in 1954 by Charles Townsend, and the rubidium optical laser was invented in 1960 by Ted Maiman at Hughes Aircraft.
The field of laser holography began developing shortly after that, in the early 1960s, and it was not until 1972 that optical phase conjugation began to be discussed in the open literature.
Thus, Brown was most likely unaware of the phase-conjugation principle behind the levitation effect he had experimentally discovered.
Bahnson came close to the idea when he inferred that energy from the AC waves was being resonantly stored in the ether surrounding his saucer’s electrodes.
Indeed, the ether very likely also plays an important role, but the effect finds a ready explanation in terms of the phase-conjugating properties of the saucer’s ceramic dielectric and its electrode’s plasma sheath.

By 1957, when Brown had begun experimenting with the idea of pulsing dielectrics at microwave frequencies to get electrogravitic thrust, he was apparently rediscovering a microwave propulsion phenomenon that for some time had been known to Project Skyvault scientists and that by that time was in an advanced stage of secret development.
His vertical-thrust apparatus would have functioned much like the homodyne version of the Project Skyvault vehicle.
This is the version that incorporated the microwave transmitter and mixer in the same conduit.
Since Brown was a latecomer with a history of conducting independent investigations that did not adhere to normal security protocols, he could have been regarded as a threat to efforts to maintain the secrecy of this area of R&D investigation.
This may explain why his attempts to obtain military funding were continually rebuffed by the Pentagon and why Admiral Rickover had advised him to drop his work on electrogravitic propulsion.


Phase conjugate resonance and its related field-induced soliton phenomenon appear to be key to understanding this futuristic aerospace technology.
However, this technology is not without its hazards.
One important problem that engineers have had to face is ensuring that their microwave-powered vehicle does not enter a runaway mode such that the energy of its soliton field increases exponentially and finally explodes.

Guy Obolensky, one of the early researchers in microwave phase conjugation, has observed firsthand this explosive resonant amplification phenomenon in the phase-conjugating systems he has worked with.
He coined the term “faser phenomenon” to refer to this exponential energy increase, “faser” being an acronym that stands for “
mplification by
His term, in effect, describes the field-induced soliton phenomenon concept.

The phase-conjugate resonator Obolensky was testing in his laboratory in 1958 was so highly efficient that it entered this runaway energy-increase mode, which ended in a violent explosion.
The phase-conjugate resonator he had constructed, which he termed a “limit cycle faser,” consisted of a long surface-waveguide resonator of a size that could be placed on top of a desk.
The waveguide was made of an aluminum sheet approximately 0.25 millimeter thick laid over an aluminum slab and separated from it by an insulating Mylar film that was hermetically sealed on either side with layers of distilled water.
The separation of the waveguide walls had to be accurate to within a few ten thousandths of an inch.
At one end of the waveguide, a 17-kilovolt spark discharge was made to jump across a series of spark gaps, tuned so that their sparks were self-quenching.
The resulting spark oscillations generated longitudinal microwaves that traveled down the waveguide, skimming between the top and bottom metal surfaces.
Normally, waves reflecting back from the end of the waveguide would disturb the spark discharge, causing it to become noisy and have excessive energy losses.
Yet by placing five evenly spaced strips of Permalloy tape at the far end of the waveguide, Obolensky was able to create a phase-conjugate mirror.
The nonlinear electrical properties of these strips altered the waveguide’s characteristics in such a way that they phase-conjugated the surface waves coming from the spark and reflected them back as time-reversed waves, thereby making the spark oscillations coherent, that is, totally ordered.
As a result, his resonator had a phenomenally high output efficiency—far over unity.
A powerful soliton consisting of nine harmonics of the fundamental submillimeter wave was able to build up within it.

Apparently, Obolensky’s waveguide was optimally tuned and its Permalloy magnetic grating was optimally configured, because the energy resonance process became self-reinforcing, causing the waveguide’s stored energy to increase exponentially.
The current gain was so enormous that ball lightning–like sparks began to erupt from the waveguide and actually perforate its aluminum wall.
Finally, in a blinding flash, the whole resonator assembly explosively discharged its accumulated energy and fragmented itself.
Surviving pieces showed that the waveguide’s submillimeter-thick wall was perforated with clusters of tiny holes spaced apart by a certain precise distance-multiple of the planar waveguide’s thickness to form a periodic pattern.
The dendritic pattern connecting these holes traced out the branching path of the immense electrical discharge that had formerly traveled down the full length of the conduit.
Judging from the amount of energy required to vaporize the quantity of aluminum that was missing from the perforated section, Obolensky concluded that it would have required several hundred thousand joules (~100 watt hours) of energy, about 100,000 times greater than the 7 joules (~2 calories) of coulombic energy in the DC charge that his power supply had fed into his waveguide.
In subsequent experiments, Obolensky found that this field amplification technique could be properly controlled by means of a feedback circuit that would temporarily detune the oscillator powering the resonator whenever an excessive energy began building up in the resonator.
He found that circuits employing normal hertzian signal conduction functioned much too slowly to effectively control the resonator, that only longitudinal shock front waves could travel fast enough.

In another experiment, Obolensky used such self-regulating faser circuits to achieve a 20 percent increase in light output from a 500-watt sodium vapor arc lamp, at the same time eliminating its flicker.
He attributed its increased efficiency to the nonlinear reactance element that he placed in series with the lamp that phase-conjugated the plasma oscillations of its arc.

Obolensky theorizes that his resonators derive their excess power by “cohering” incoherent energy present in their wave shape and possibly even entraining the zero-point energy in the surrounding ether.
He feels that this may have something to do with the resonator’s ability to excite multiple harmonics of its fundamental frequency.
Whereas a normal resonant electric circuit amplifies only the fundamental resonant frequency, these phase-conjugate resonators also exchange energy among and amplify up to nine harmonics.
Since these harmonics mutually interlink in the resonator’s nonlinear elements, noise energy present in the environment that happens to excite certain of these harmonics would become entrained and cohered into this multimode resonance.
That is, the phase conjugator’s nonlinear elements would send time-reversed waves back to those “noise” fluctuations, creating a coherent soliton that would entrain incoherent energy into the self-amplifying energy resonance pattern, thereby reversing the entropy of that “noise.”
Since the soliton not only resides within the resonant circuit but also extends outward to surrounding space, its resonance would entrain the surrounding energy and cool its immediate environment.

Obolensky observed an environmental temperature drop when operating the 200-kilovolt pulse discharge magnifying transmitter described in chapter 6.
He noticed that when he switched on his device, the temperature immediately dropped in the surrounding room.
He attributed this to the ability of the ionized medium surrounding his dome electrode to phase-conjugate shock fronts reflected back from the environment, creating a soliton wave pattern that entrains environmental noise fluctuations.
Like the dome of Tesla’s magnifying transmitter, Obolensky’s scaled-down replica creates a luminous aura that is ideal for phase conjugation.

Unlike Obolensky’s limit cycle faser experiment, the energy entrainment rate of his magnifying transmitter was sufficiently low as to pose no danger of explosion.
Oscillograms showed that the accumulated energy produced a 50-kilovolt negative bias on the dome electrode, which otherwise should have maintained a zero voltage.
To control the energy buildup, he uses a series of high-ohm resistors immersed in an oil cooling bath to continually drain off power from his antenna dome to ground.
He says that in so doing, he bleeds off excess power that his transmitter is cohering from the environment, a blatant example of entropy reversal.
If Tesla’s technology could be used on a large scale for power generation, the threat of global warming would indeed be a thing of the past.

It is possible to conceive that the Project Skyvault vehicle was similarly phase-conjugating and entraining environmental noise energy into its soliton pattern.
If so, its Gunn diode may have initially been operated at full power to seed the microwave beam and get the soliton field established.
Once deployed, the soliton beam would have drawn upon entrained energy as its supplementary power source.

Other researchers experimenting with nonlinear resonators also have reported observing environmental cooling effects.
In the late 1980s, Russian physicists Vladimir Roshchin and Sergei Godin were testing a version of the Searl effect generator that they refer to as the magnetic energy converter (MEC; see
chapter 10
They reported observing a seven-degree Centigrade drop in room air temperature when the MEC was in operation, with the temperature drop being confined to a series of concentric, shell-like cylinders surrounding the MEC’s spinning rotor and spaced from one another at intervals equal to the rotor radius.
This suggests that the MEC was setting up a radial stationary wave pattern, that is, a soliton.
Like Tesla’s dome electrode, their disc developed a luminous aura when operating, providing an ideal environment to phase-conjugate incoming waves reflected from the environment.
The disc was likely entraining energy from the environment, because above a certain critical rotational velocity, the rotor was observed to self-accelerate and had to be forcefully restrained with a braking system.
The temperature drop in the environment was probably a consequence of this energy entrainment.

One day I received a telephone call from a physicist named Greg who wanted to discuss subquantum kinetics, but as the conversation turned to electrogravitics, I quickly learned that he had considerable inside knowledge about UFO propulsion technology.
He told me his interest in this subject began as a young boy, since his father had served as a consultant on secret military projects that were attempting to reverse-engineer UFOs.
Greg agreed that many of the antigravity vehicles being developed use microwaves to generate their propulsive force through interaction with certain kinds of nonlinear materials.
However, he underscored the problem that these kinds of antigravity drive systems are inherently unstable.
Referring to phase-conjugate technology, he said:

I know why some of this stuff is dangerous and I agree with it being kept secret.
Because, while achieving a desirable effect of free body levitation is relatively easy to do, .
there is an energetic mode in addition to the force mode and the energetic mode has to be controlled with some finesse.
It is far easier for the setup that they would create to blow up in their face and wipe them out, and perhaps their neighbors, before they would figure out that such a thing is a potential problem.
Anything that has an exponential rise with a few microsecond time constant is not something to take trivially.

Greg said someone would need a very sophisticated knowledge of mathematics to be able to design such a system so that it could operate safely.
The reason is that linear mathematics, the kind most physicists use when they solve explicit function equations on the blackboard, does not adequately represent the behavior of the nonlinear interactions that characterize how individual parts of such a system mutually interact with one another and how they are affected by the system as a whole.
He said:

You have to be into nonlinear partial differential equations, and you have to be good with your numerical analysis.
You can’t go out and use anybody’s canned algorithm.
You have to get all the auxiliary functions, analog solutions; anything that remotely smells of a linearization scheme to approximate what the nonlinear solution would be is likely to overlook the runaway solution, the one that’s going to end up getting you.
You can read about this in IEEE.
They’ve come across this sort of thing in their microwave simulation studies before .

When you’re doing high-frequency stuff .
you will find that standard second-order linear differential equations are incapable of modeling the behavior.
You will readily see that there are terms that you are neglecting of how the whole system is interacting with itself.
It’s wrong to think about it as “field” being separate from “material.”
You have to think of it as an implicit function system .
Suppose you say that Z is a function of X and Y and Z, then you have to know what the Z function is before you can say what the answer to it is, that’s an implicit system .
For any of these nonlinear systems, especially the interesting ones, you end up with an implicit function system.
So if you are making an approximation, guessing the behavior of the function in a nonrigorous way, and if you violate any of the convergence criteria, then what you’ll end up with is a spurious solution.
You have to go into the differential topology of the system.
Chaos mathematics and stuff like that come in there.

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