Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion (33 page)

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Authors: Ph.D. Paul A. LaViolette

Tags: #New Science

BOOK: Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion
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Is there evidence that companies have been doing work in the field of microwave phase conjugation in more recent years?
Indeed, a survey of unclassified literature indicates that Rocketdyne has been relatively active in this field.
For example, in 1990, scientists associated with Rocketdyne and with Rockwell International coauthored a paper titled “Microwave Phase Conjugation in a Liquid Suspension of Elongated Microparticles.”
The nonlinear electric properties of the particle suspension described in the article would allow it to serve as an ideal medium in which four-wave mixing could take place.
Also, it is not a secret that Rocketdyne has been interested in the development of high-powered microwave beams.
For example, in 1993, scientists affiliated with the Rocketdyne division of Rockwell International and with the Titan-Beta Corporation reported tests of a high-power maser system capable of delivering a 2.86-gigahertz pulsed microwave beam having a peak power of 65 megawatts!
The system used an SLAC 5045 linear accelerator klystron tube that functioned as a free-electron laser and was powered by a modulator unit developed by Titan-Beta.
The unit delivered 3.5-microsecond pulses at a rate of 180 pulses per second.
The paper does not mention what the beam was to be used for, but its power would have greatly surpassed that of the magnetrons used in the early days of Project Skyvault.

Hughes Aircraft is another company that was active in the field of microwave phase conjugation.
Recall the story told by my friend Thomas whose father had worked at Rocketdyne, presumably on Project Skyvault, and had drawn him a picture of a lenticular levitating vehicle that had been successfully tested.
His father had later moved on to work at Hughes Aircraft, also in deeply classified projects.
When Thomas later asked his father if Hughes was doing research in electrogravitics, his father’s terse answer was, “They are the world leaders.”
Later in 1992, I had the occasion to ask one high-ranking Hughes manager whether Hughes Aircraft was still pursuing its electrogravitics R&D.
He answered, “Yes, but they keep their work very quiet.”
The same could probably be said for the other aerospace companies that today continue to work in this field.

It is also known through papers published in the open literature that give author affiliations that a considerable amount of research was going on at Hughes in optical phase conjugation.
One military application of such technology, mentioned in chapter 7, is the targeting and destruction of missiles by means of a pulse from a high-powered laser.
Thus, considering that Hughes was also doing cutting-edge research in electrogravitics, it stands to reason that it was also applying its phase conjugation knowledge to microwave phase-conjugating systems on projects involved in developing vehicle propulsion systems.
In fact, Hughes has had a long involvement in military radar systems.
The forward-looking radar used on the B-2 bomber, for example, was developed by Hughes.
We may conjecture, then, that Hughes Aircraft was heavily involved in Project Skyvault’s research.

An indication that Hughes had been conducting research on microwave phase conjugation came in 1993 with the granting of its patent for radar cross-section enhancement using phase-conjugated impulse signals (U.S.
patent 5,223,838).
Researchers were applying the principle to radar as a way of locking on to a distant target.
By receiving a radar echo that normally would be too weak to properly detect, mixing it in a mixer diode with a pump maser beam to create a holographic grating, and pumping the grating with a radar pulse to create an outgoing phase conjugate beam, they were able to create a soliton beam between the radar transceiver and target that would resonantly amplify the original radar echo to a detectable level.
The patent makes no mention that similar technology could be used to create a soliton beam beneath an aircraft for the purpose of levitation.
Any patent disclosing such an aerospace application would likely have run the risk of being classified, so there is no way of knowing whether such a patent in fact exists.

When all the above evidence is considered as a whole, a pattern emerges that points to Hughes having made a major effort in developing microwave phase conjugation field propulsion technology.
Hughes has since been split up and sold off to a number of companies.
The Hughes research facility in Malibu was a former hotbed of research on antigravity propulsion according to the testimony of a “Dr.
in Steven Greer’s book
(2001, p.
The laboratory, which currently goes by the name HRL Laboratories, is today jointly owned by Boeing and General Motors.

The technology of microwave phase conjugation is also being applied to aerospace communications.
Ideas along these lines were discussed by University of Michigan researchers Leo DiDomenico and Gabriel Rebeiz in a paper they published in 1999.
The technology has several advantages.
First, compared with standard maser beam technologies, it is very energy conserving since the transmitted microwave energy is restricted to a tight beam extending between the ground communication station and the spacecraft.
Unlike a standard maser beam, very little radiation is lost into space.
Second, the link is very secure since, unlike radio broadcasts, it is very difficult for anyone to eavesdrop unless he places his receiver in the path of the beam.
Third, the phase conjugate beam locks on to the spacecraft and, hence, is able to automatically track the spacecraft, even though the spacecraft is moving.
The DiDomenico and Rebeiz paper is interesting because it talks about phase conjugation of an incoming signal that has been Doppler shifted due to motion of the target.
So, many of the same considerations involved in a vehicle propulsion system are already being discussed in the context of communication systems.
The mathematics are somewhat involved, requiring the use of Heaviside operators or Laplace transforms.


Tesla’s magnifying transmitters also functioned as phase conjugate resonators, and this was most likely known to him, although the specific concepts behind the phase conjugation phenomenon would not be developed for many decades.
These devices were known for their ability to generate exceedingly high voltages and to occasionally produce violently destructive ball lightning sparks.
The Wardenclyffe tower was the largest of his generators (see figure 8.6).
Tesla built it to show that it was possible to transmit megawatts of power over global distances to power entire cities and air vehicles as well.
Construction of the tower began in 1901 on Long Island near the town of Shoreham.
The central part of its resonator consisted of a large, flat spiral coil mounted horizontally and shielded within a 68-foot-diameter mushroom-shaped dome electrode, this whole structure being perched 187 feet above the ground at the top of a wooden tower.
The center of the coil was electrically connected to the dome electrode to form a resonator.
Power inductively supplied to the coil would surge in resonance between the coil and the dome electrode, pulsing the dome with extremely high voltages.
The dome electrode consisted of a honeycomb array of 1-foot-diameter parabolic shells whose small-curvature radii facilitated ionization of the surrounding atmosphere.
Thus, when electrified, the entire dome would have become enveloped in an ion halo.
The nitric oxide gases that would have formed in this halo have electric properties that are very nonlinear and would have served as an ideal phase-conjugating medium.

We may deduce, then, that this ion halo would have phase-conjugated the tower’s resonant oscillations, allowing it to function as a phase-conjugate resonator and to generate field powers far in excess of the power used to run it.
Since the dome electrode would have been radiating longitudinal waves to the Earth’s ionosphere, an immense soliton would have formed between the halo and the ionosphere, and since the halo would have phase-conjugated the waves returning from the ionosphere, the tower would have been able to draw on energy cohered from a vast region of space.

Unfortunately, this miraculous structure was never completed because Tesla’s sponsor cut off the project’s funding, but earlier, Tesla had built and operated smaller-scale versions.
These magnifying transmitters emitted a repeating series of very high-voltage shock fronts from their dome-shaped negative electrodes.
Unlike hertzian waves, these wave fronts had little transverse polarization.
Their electric field profile was sawtooth-shaped with a very sharp rise in potential and a subsequent more-gradual decay, and the field gradients were oriented longitudinally in the direction of wave propagation.
When operating, his transformer would gradually build up immense field potentials, approaching 100 million volts, as a result of the cumulative effect of repeating pulse cycles.
The progressive amplification of these phase-conjugated waves is an example of what we earlier referred to as the field-induced soliton phenomenon.
The high voltage that accumulated as a result of these repeating waves would have been apparent as a growing luminescence.
In his book
Secrets of Cold War Technology
, Vassilatos wrote:

Figure 8.6.
The Wardenclyffe tower.
(Photo courtesy of C.
Yost, from “Tesla’s Tower [Wardenclyffe]”
Electric Spacecraft Journal
[May/June 1991])

He [Tesla] had already observed how the very air near these Transformers could be rendered strangely self-luminous.
This was a light like no high frequency coil ever could produce, a corona of white brilliance which expanded to ever enlarging diameters.
The light from Tesla Transformers continually expands.
Tesla described the growing column of light which surrounds any elevated line which has been connected to his Transformers.
Unlike common high frequency alternations, Tesla radiant energy effects grow with time.
Tesla recognized the reason for this temporal growth process.
There were no reversals in the source discharges.
Therefore the radiant energy would never remove the work performed on any space or material so exposed.
As with the unidirectional impulse discharges, the radiant electric effects were additive and accumulative.
In this respect, Tesla observed energy magnifications which seemed totally anomalous to ordinary engineering convention.

Further on, Vassilatos wrote:

Tesla performed outdoor experimental tests of broadcast power in the northernmost reaches of Manhattan by night.
Sending metallized balloons aloft, he raised conductive lines.
These were connected to the terminals of his Transformers, and activated.
When properly adjusted, the white luminous columns began covering the vertical aerial line and expanded by the second.
Enveloping Tesla, his assistants, and the surrounding trees, this strange white luminosity moved out into the countryside to an enormous volume of space.
Tesla described this phenomenon in several of his power transmission patents, the obvious artifact of a non-electrical energy.

Like Tesla’s transformers, the Project Skyvault vehicle may similarly have made use of a nitric oxide halo to phase-conjugate its microwave beams.
If part of the pump microwave beam signal was used to energize the outer surface of the craft, the resulting high-frequency, high-voltage field would have ionized the air immediately around the craft, enveloping it in a phase-conjugating layer of nitric oxide gas.
Then, the entire lower surface of the craft would have served as a secondary mixer, and the three incoming ground-reflected probe beams would have become time-reversed (phase-conjugated) on the craft’s hull rather than in its interior mixer diode.
This could explain why the bodies of many UFOs are seen to be luminous and radiating microwave radiation in the 0.3- to-3-gigahertz frequency range.
The observation that UFOs often visibly pulsate when hovering or taking off could be explained if they were pumping their surfaces with a low-Doppler beat frequency that modulated the brightness of their luminescence.

It is also possible that the hull of such a spacecraft could itself be fabricated out of a metamaterial such that any microwaves impinging on its lower surface would result in a propulsive force.
The unusual, layered bismuth and magnesium metal known as Art’s Parts, reportedly retrieved from the hull of a crashed UFO, could be an example of such a material (see
chapter 9

Such material could also have the dual purpose of functioning either as a radar-absorbing or as a radar-diverting material, one that would bend incident electromagnetic waves around an object in such a way as to give the impression that they had passed through the object completely unobstructed.
For example, physicists David Smith, John Pendry, and David Schurig announced in May 2006 that within five years their team would be able to demonstrate a metamaterial cloaking shield that would render a craft within it completely invisible to electromagnetic waves at microwave frequencies.

Ray’s comment in chapter 4 that black-world antigravity propulsion technology was based partly on Tesla’s work further supports the notion that phase-conjugate microwave resonators have been developed for aerospace propulsion.
Ray was apparently quite familiar with phase-conjugate resonance technology because he said that one of the highly secret R&D projects he had been assigned to involved working on the application of this technology in the field of cryptography.
Apparently, his group had developed a way to encrypt an electronic message by degrading it into unrecognizable noise and then later recovering it by using a phase-conjugate resonator to time-reverse that noise back to the original ordered message.
He felt that this same technology provides some of the key concepts that can explain how these antigravity propulsion craft work the way they do.
Discussing a version of this phase-conjugation technology, he stated, “I have seen demonstrations of this stuff—of the raw technology.
One of them breaks the second law of thermodynamics, the law of entropy.
It breaks that law!”
Statements that the first or second law of thermodynamics might be broken amount to blasphemy to the mind-set of the conventional academic physicist.
In the world of black-project engineering, however, they are routine facts of life.

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