Scared of Spiders (6 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

BOOK: Scared of Spiders
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He walked away, and Josie bit her lower lip as she watched the sexy waggle of his ass receding.

I am such a ninny. Why did I say no?

Maybe because the one thing they’d both never said was what happened after the threesome and biting. Would they go on their merry way when they tired of her, breaking her heart?

Or, even scarier, would they want a forever-after?
Hey, Dad, can you make two extra spots for Christmas dinner because I’m bringing home not one but two boyfriends?

Despite the awkwardness involved in explaining a polygamous relationship to friends and family, she couldn’t deny she was intrigued.
Who am I trying to kid? I’m already in love with them both. So, why am I fighting the perfect solution?
Her mind knew the answer. Because they’d never said they loved her.

Given a room, with her things already placed in it, Josie readied herself for sleep then tossed and turned in the strange bed, her mind in turmoil as she tried to decide the best course for her. As night deepened, she almost regretted not taking Brandon up on his offer of a bedmate. It even occurred to her to search him or Clint out. She didn’t want to close her eyes, for she sensed the tendrils of fear reaching out to snare her. Her nightmare was just waiting for her to fall asleep. Like a dark predator, it hid in the corners of her mind, waiting for a moment when her guard was lowered. She fought against slumber, fought the drag that pulled her eyelids down. But fatigue won and tugged her into its chilling maw. Within moments, she was screaming—just not out loud.


lint couldn’t sleep
, not knowing Josie was only a room away. This whole taking-it-slow thing was really chafing, but Josie was the type to flee if she felt cornered. So, against his desires, and to the chagrin of his raging hard-on, he lay on his bed, hands laced under his head, planning the next step in his seduction.

The scene out at her apartment had chilled him, for he realized if they hadn’t come to rescue her, it might very well have been her blood decorating the carpet and walls in her place. As it was, the two pack members he’d left to guard her place were in bad shape. They’d heal, but whatever attacked them had been vicious, and even more disturbing, neither victim remembered a thing. Their foe appeared to not only be some kind of mind-fucker he was also wily. The eye-watering fumes and overwhelming stench of ammonia splashed about the apartment foiled their attempts to track by scent.
What the fuck are we dealing with?

When he’d arrived back at the ranch, dreading Brandon’s triumphant grin—for in his place he would have seduced his sweet Josie—he found himself happy that Brandon hadn’t gotten lucky while he was out. A possible perimeter breach had sent Brandon outside to check on things, and while a false alarm, he hadn’t the chance to pursue a lone seduction of Josie.

And, as Brandon grimly informed Clint, she’d refused the offer of nighttime company. Probably a smart move on her part, given he didn’t think he’d have resisted the seductive allure of her body for platonic rest. It was the reason why he hadn’t sneaked into her room to cuddle her in repose. Had she woken, he would have claimed it was for protection, but in honesty, he just didn’t like being apart from her. So, instead of spooning and making love to his woman, he stared at the ceiling in his room with a hard-on to batter down doors.

The blood in his veins froze as he heard, with acute auditory senses, Josie whimper through the walls. Unease gripped him. In a flash, he was out in the hall with his hand on her doorknob. A prickling sensation at his back let him know Brandon had joined him. They might not have marked her, but the connection, even if faint, was there between them.

Together, they proceeded with caution into her room. It was pitch-black, but to a shifter, that meant nothing. Their enhanced nature allowed them to see in the dark—the tool of a predator that hunts at night. The room, to his relief, contained no intruders, only a thrashing Josie, and yet, there was a scent in the air that didn’t belong. Clint inhaled the musty aroma and almost gagged at the alien stench.

“What is that smell?” whispered Brandon.

“I don’t know,” muttered Clint, “but I do believe that Josie’s nightmares aren’t a product of her mind but someone else’s.” Even as he spoke, Josie let out a shriek, a chilling cry that was suddenly muffled as if someone had gagged her. Brandon flicked on the bedroom light, dispelling the shadows as Clint dove onto the bed next to a catatonic Josie, looking for a foe that didn’t exist for him to fight. Frustration made him curse as he beheld her, helpless. Her eyes stared ahead of her, glazed with terror and unseeing when he waved his hand in front of her. Brandon, on her other side, touched her hand, but he quickly snatched it back. He shook it.

“What the fuck? She’s ice-cold!” Brandon said.

“Something’s screwing with her dreams. We’ve got to snap her out of it.” Clint tried shouting and shaking her pajama-clad shoulders, but she remained caught in the unnatural nightmare. Clint let out a sound of vexation, for he couldn’t fight something he couldn’t touch.

Brandon looked just as lost.
But we can’t give up. She needs us.
Clint straddled Josie and placed his face directly in front of her unseeing eyes. “Josie, baby, I need you to wake up.” He hadn’t expected her to respond. Not knowing what else to do, Clint did the only thing he could think of to jolt her body. He kissed her.

Her lips were so cold it was like embracing a corpse, but at the skin-to-skin contact, she let out a small gasp. Encouraged, he slanted his lips across hers again and was rewarded with them warming under his touch.

“She needs skin-to-skin contact,” said Clint, removing his lips only long enough to inform Brandon.

“I’m all for that,” said Brandon. “Here, lift up a bit so I can pull down the covers. The more of her skin we touch, the better.”

Clint leaned up to aid Brandon in pulling down the sheets, all the while keeping his lips locked to hers. Brandon didn’t stop at the sheets, though. He tugged her top up and her bottoms down, leaving her cool skin exposed. Clint shifted to the side and pressed his bare chest against her cold ribs while Brandon did the same on her other side.

Slowly, her body warmed to their touch, and her lips parted with a sigh under his. Brandon, for his part, was sliding his lips from hers down to the tip of her breast then around again. Her skin lost its pallor, and when Brandon clamped his mouth down over her breast and she arched, Clint knew they were winning.

He watched her face as he continued to kiss her, his tongue pushing inside her mouth to slide along hers. Her eyes went from catatonic to aware in moments.

“Welcome back, baby,” he murmured.


osie snapped
out of her nightmare into bliss. The chill of her nighttime ordeal fled under the onslaught of two mouths determined to draw a response from her body—with erotic success. The chains of her nightmare broken, she responded with an ardor she’d never have thought possible, her qualms forgotten in the building warmth and pleasure.
Who cares about the future? I need to start finding the bravery to live life to the fullest, starting with now.

“Let us love you, baby,” murmured Clint against her mouth before slipping his tongue back between her lips. Josie replied by kissing him back with all the passion she felt thrumming through her.

Clint’s wasn’t the only busy mouth. A second set of lips, belonging to Brandon, were busy kissing the soft skin under her ear. He flicked his tongue against the curl of her lobe. “So glad you decided to join us,” Brandon said with a wicked chuckle as he moved down her body to tease her erect buds.

Josie arched on the bed at the feel of his mouth on her taut nipple. Clint’s lips left hers, and she mourned their loss until she divined the direction of his mouth. Down her body he moved, his firm lips nipping and gliding across her smooth skin and over the swell of her abdomen to her curls. She trembled from head to toe as his mouth hovered so close to her most intimate spot. He blew on her softly, his breath warm and promising.

Her sex quivered, and she could feel the moisture pooling, waiting for his touch. But he tortured her, kissing the soft skin of her inner thigh. Licking his way around the edges of her nether lips. Brushing his mouth across her sensitized nub.

“Please,” she whimpered, her need stronger than her shyness.

He placed his mouth on her sex, his hot tongue flicking her clit, and Josie bucked off the bed with a cry. A body—a very naked one—straddled her as she opened her eyes to see Brandon, his eyes alit with passion, staring down at her. With a sensual smile, he caught her hands and held them above her head, stretching her body and trapping her.

Clint’s mouth returned to her pussy, and fire raced through her. Restrained, she couldn’t thrash or relieve the incredible pleasure that swept over her like a tidal wave. It took only moments for it to become too much. With a piercing scream, she came, the force of her orgasm intense enough that she couldn’t see for a moment.

Brandon moved off her, and she turned her head to watch him as he knelt beside her on the bed, his hand stroking his erect cock. So mesmerized was she by the motion of his hand sliding up and down his shaft she didn’t see Clint poise himself between her thighs. With her breathing still hard and her channel quivering with aftershocks, Clint sheathed himself.

“Oh dear God,” she muttered, her eyes almost rolling back in her head at the sensation.

“Damn, baby, you feel so freaking good,” grunted Clint as he stroked in and out of her. His heavy body glistened with perspiration, and his hands pushed her legs up to rest on his shoulders, seating him even deeper inside.

Josie mewled and clawed at the sheets as the head of his cock bumped a sensitive spot inside. Again and again, he ground against the unseen pleasure button while Josie could only thrash her head at the rapture he wrung from her body.

“I can’t hold on,” groaned Clint, who thrust one last time in her body and held himself rigid as his shaft spurted hotly inside her.

Josie mewled in complaint when he withdrew but not for long, as Brandon switched spots with Clint and took over.

Where Clint’s cock was thick, Brandon’s was longer and slightly curved. He pumped into her, his cock unerringly striking her sweet spot each time, and already at the pinnacle, Josie climaxed again, her whimpering cries caught by Clint’s mouth as he kissed her.

She assumed Brandon came, but she didn’t actually perceive it. She did know her body had never felt more sated.
And I’ve never felt sexier, more womanly.

The old Josie would have worried what to do when fantastic sex with two men finished. The new Josie, who’d just discovered two was better than one, just curled against the side of one and waggled her bottom against the one that spooned her back.

Cuddled between them, more content than she ever remembered feeling, she fell into a dreamless sleep.


up sandwiched between two men was a blushing experience, especially when she had to extricate herself to take care of nature. She foolishly thought she’d managed it without waking them until she sauntered across the room naked and she heard a low wolf whistle.

Blushing, she dashed the rest of the way to the bathroom and slammed the door. She took care of business and brushed her teeth. While she automatically ran through her routine of morning necessities, she looked at herself in the mirror.
How strange; I look the same.

Somehow, she’d thought sleeping with two men—especially werewolf ones—would have left a mark on her or shown itself. However, other than plump red lips, bright eyes, and a few chafe marks on her smooth skin, she looked like she always did, even if she felt like a whole new woman.

When she remembered the pleasure of the night, her lips curled into a smile and her nipples puckered. In the mirror, she marveled as she saw the transformation. Timid Josie disappeared, and in her place stood a seductress.
And wow, I am hot.

She almost gathered up enough courage to saunter out naked again, but modesty—and shyness—prevailed, and she wrapped a large towel around herself before exiting the bathroom.

Only Brandon remained in bed, the sheet drawn up to his waist, leaving his chest, naked and muscled—
oh my
—exposed to her hungry view. He’d laced his hands behind his head, and he grinned at her perusal for, while she’d enjoyed a fleeting glimpse of his body before, in the light of day and without the adrenaline of the previous time, it ended up quite a different matter.

“Morning,” she murmured, her dreaded cowardly nature making her duck her eyes.

“Don’t you dare get all bashful on us again,” he admonished. “I know what a wildcat you are now. So, unless you want me to prove what a hellion in bed you are, stand up straight.”

Josie couldn’t help the smile at the tart rejoinder. “What if I’d prefer you prove it to me again?” Her eyes met his with a mischievous twinkle. With a growl he came bounding out of bed, six foot something of blond hunk. And, instead of running like her timid side shouted, she dropped her towel.

Brandon’s shocked eyes locked on her nude form, and he stumbled. The look of disbelief on his face as he hit the floor made her laugh until a slap on her bare bottom made her yelp.

She whirled to see Clint with eyes that twinkled. “What’s so funny?” asked Clint, wrapping his arms around her, squishing her naked form to his only partially clad one. His bare chest rubbed against hers, and her nipples hardened.

“My two left feet apparently,” grumbled Brandon, moving in to hug her from behind. The press of so much skin against hers woke a hunger in her that had nothing to do with food.
I wonder when I’ll get a turn to taste them.
Her cheeks burned at the direction of her naughty thoughts that moistened her cleft.

Clint’s eyes smoldered as if he knew. “Morning, baby,” he murmured, dropping a kiss on the tip of her nose.

“Hi,” she replied, tongue-tied but not because of bashfulness. It had more to do with the close proximity of the two male bodies and the arousal they inspired. “So, what’s for breakfast?” she asked, sniffing some bacon wafting through the open door.

“How’s sausage sound?” replied Clint.

Brandon snorted. “I think she might prefer it if we shower before we feed her those.”

Josie blushed while Clint scowled. “I meant breakfast sausage. Along with bacon, eggs, and some toast. Josie needs to eat if she’s going to keep up with us,” he said with a soft smile for her alone.

“Um, I don’t suppose I could get dressed first?” she queried.

“If you insist.” Clint sighed. “But make them easy access,” he said with a leer.

Josie laughed as she shooed them out the door and dressed. It occurred to her to let them watch, but she knew where that would have ended up. And she truly needed food and a shower before she romped again.

However, romp with them she would, even if it still made her blush.
One taste and I’m hooked.

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