Scared of Spiders (10 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

BOOK: Scared of Spiders
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mpatience gripped Josie
. She couldn’t wait to show them. How pleased they would be, if miffed at what she’d hidden. But she wanted it to be a surprise, which was why she practiced in secret with the help of a female pack member who’d befriended her over the last few weeks. It still blew her away to know that she was special now, and not just because she could change into any animal or beast she wanted, although that helped.

Every day with words, actions, and thoughtful gestures designed to make her smile, her men showed her just how appreciated she truly was. And like a flower parched for want of moisture, she soaked it up and bloomed.

My turn to give something back.
When she trotted out to see them where they waited for her on the front porch, the look on their faces was worth the struggle to learn how to use the powers she’d acquired.

“Oh, baby, you’re gorgeous,” whispered Clint.

Brandon’s eyes shone with appreciation, and he let out a piercing whistle.

With no care for their clothes, they shifted into their wolves and approached her for a nuzzle. Grinning with her new canines, she yipped at them and took off running, her joyous howl echoed by her lovers who chased after.

How wonderful and amazing my life is now.
Her previous fears over just about anything had yet to come back to plague her. It was a wonder what battling a giant spider could do for a girl’s courage.
Actually, as it turned out, I always had courage; I just needed the incentive of love to bring it out. And guess what? I’m no longer scared of spiders.

About the Author

ello and thank
you so much for reading my story. I hope I kept you well entertained. As you might have noticed, I enjoy blending humor in to my romance. If you like my style then I have many other wicked stories that might intrigue you. Skip ahead for a sneak peek, or pay me a visit at This Canadian author and mom of three would love to hear from you so be sure to connect with me.


Twitter: @evelanglais


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