Authors: Eve Langlais
randon just threw
on a pair of pants and met with Clint in the kitchen as they waited for Josie to eat breakfast. Keeping an eye and ear on the door, he spoke in a low voice to Clint.
“What the fuck happened last night? That was no normal dream.”
“No it wasn’t,” agreed Clint grimly. “And from what she’s told me, she’s had those nightmares a while. Although I don’t think they’re nightmares so much as someone messing with her mind.”
“We need to find the bastard who’s messing with her head and take care of him. I won’t stand for someone hurting our little mouse.”
“More like lioness. Jeez, I knew she hid some passion under her meek exterior, but damn, I didn’t expect a volcano.”
Brandon grinned. “Yeah, that was a nice surprise. So, when do we introduce her to what having two men really entails, and a better question, when do we mark her? My wolf’s damn near going ballistic in my head with wanting her.”
“I know what you mean. I came damn near to losing control last night. It’s why I came so fast. It was that or bite her without her permission. But we’ve got to be careful. She’s come around quicker than I would have expected. I’m beginning to think that part of her meekness comes from the nightmare. It’s a wonder she can even function with that kind of shit happening to her when she sleeps.”
Brandon sighed. “So much for spending the day in bed. We need to take care of this, don’t we?”
Clint nodded, not looking happy at the prospect either. “Think we can convince her to hang out here for the day while we do some scouting?”
“We’ll promise her a sweet treat for later,” Brandon replied. They were both chuckling when Josie walked into the kitchen and eyed them suspiciously.
“I’m afraid to ask what’s so funny.”
“Listen, after breakfast, Clint and I need to take care of some business. We’ll leave guards, though, so you’ll be safe here while you bathe and stuff. Although I’d recommend a nap for what we have planned for tonight.”
Josie blushed, a trait he hoped she never lost because he found it so damned cute. “I don’t need a nap. And besides, I’ve got to get to work. I’m late as it is already.”
“No work,” Clint said with a frown. “The warehouse isn’t secure enough.”
“Do you really think I’m in that much danger?” Josie lost her smile, and her features looked pale.
Brandon cursed. “Just a precaution, little mouse. If you feel a need to be productive, then you can work off Clint’s computer in his office. I’m sure if you feel a need to bark some order, you can always call and ask them to put you on speaker phone.”
“I don’t bark,” she muttered. “I ensure efficiency.”
“Call it what you want, baby. Please, just stay here where it’s safe for our peace of mind.” Clint’s eyes pleaded with hers.
“You won’t be doing anything dangerous?” she asked, chewing her lower lip with worry.
“Us?” said Brandon with wide-eyed innocence.
Josie snorted, and Brandon continued to tease her until she’d lost her wan look and was giggling.
When they went to depart, the bleak expression was back in her eyes. Clint kissed her first, a fierce embrace that left her flushed and panting. Brandon spun her from his friend’s arms into his. He also kissed her breathless, his nose twitching at the scent of her arousal, the sweetest perfume he’d ever enjoyed.
Don’t worry, little mouse. Once we take care of the menace after you, we’ll take care of all your needs. Forever.
osie tried working
and managed to lose herself in it for a few hours, but by late afternoon, she was pacing.
Why aren’t they back yet? I know they’re not at the office, and since the guards they left just shrug when I ask, I can guess, whatever it is they’re up to, it’s dangerous. It probably has to do with the note I got and the attack on my place.
She still couldn’t understand why anyone would want to hurt her. She was a no one. The only thing she could think of was she’d gotten caught into some kind of pack struggle and the perpetrators thought that, by hurting her, they’d hurt Clint and Brandon. Silly, of course. Just because they’d slept with her didn’t mean they cared any further, even if they kept hinting.
And what if it’s not a joke? Can I handle being in a committed relationship with two men, two men that turn furry, that is?
Just fantasizing about staying with them, loving them—for, despite herself, her heart was caught up in it all—made her think of something chilling.
What if I get pregnant? Oh my God. We didn’t use any protection. What if I already am?
The thought didn’t terrify her. Actually, a warm glow suffused her at the thought of two babies, one with a dark mop and the other with a golden one. But was that what the guys wanted, or was she projecting her own fantasies on things they’d implied?
I need to remember that just because they want to bite me and make me their mate because of some instinct doesn’t mean they love me. I guess it boils down to, knowing that I love them, can
I handle it if they don’t?
A knock on the door snapped her out of her endless circling of the question, and she went to answer. A disheveled guard named Bryant stood in the doorway.
His ball cap hung low over his face, and with the sun setting at his back, his features were indistinct, but his eyes shone bright, and Josie flinched back.
“Sorry to startle you, ma’am,” he said in a soothing tone. “But it would seem your cat somehow got out of the house and is stuck up a tree.”
“Snickers escaped?” Immediately concerned for her cat, Josie stuck her feet into her shoes to follow Bryant out of the house and off the porch. “Where is she?”
“If you’ll follow me, I’ll take you to her.” Bryant took off at a brisk walk, and Josie followed, glancing back at the house and wondering if she should have left a note.
That’s silly. I’ll be back in a minute, and besides, I’m safe with Clint’s guard.
They walked farther than she expected, right to the edge of the woods bordering the cleared area for the house. Twilight lengthened the shadows, which, in turn, tightened her nerves, and dread coiled in her stomach. She was just about to ask Bryant if he was sure about where they were going when she heard the meow from up ahead.
“Snickers!” she called. “I’m here, kitty. Come see your mama.” Josie passed Bryant and headed toward the brush that bordered the treeline.
. The plaintive sound echoed from the woods, and Josie, feeling that Bryant was following a few paces back, swallowed her fear, even as her knees knocked.
I can do this. It’s just some trees. They can’t hurt me. And Snickers won’t come to a werewolf.
Thoughts of her poor kitty moved her feet forward, even as fear chilled her skin.
The sound came from just in front of her. Josie stepped forward. “Snickers. Where are you, kitty?”
But instead of finding her cat, she came face to face with a stranger. She whirled, meaning to hide behind Bryant, but he stood right behind her, a twisted smile on his face.
“Bryant?” she questioned tentatively.
A low chuckle emerged, a slimy sound that made her skin pimple. “Bryant’s no longer home. But soon you will be in my home, where you belong.”
“No,” Josie shouted, and she dodged to run around Bryant who was no longer Bryant. Like an idiot, she’d forgotten the stranger behind her. She made it one step before she was tackled to the ground. She found the courage to kick and bite, but when she managed a scream, a sound quickly cut off, she felt a prick in her arm.
The world spun, and through bleary eyes, she watched the ground moving as one of them slung her over a shoulder and traipsed through the woods to a car parked on the verge.
The inside of the trunk proved spacious, enough for her captor to dump her within. The effects of the injected drug took effect. The last thing that ran through her mind before she lost consciousness was,
Help me, please.
lint cursed
as yet another promising lead—an interesting scent for his wolf—led to a dead end. Whoever controlled the rogues and threatened Josie had hidden their tracks well. He had wolves spread throughout the city; they listened to rumors and followed their noses as they checked for new smells.
But a whole day of searching ended up in a pile of squat. Well, not entirely. One of their ranks had accidentally come across his mate and was now off celebrating, naked in bed, which was where Clint wished he was now, Josie at his side.
Clint clambered back into his SUV, Brandon seating himself on the passenger side.
“So, now what, boss?” Brandon asked, his tone just as weary.
“I don’t know. I think it’s time to call it a day,” said Clint, frustration evident in his tone. “We’re not getting anywhere searching blindly. Maybe we need to change tactics.”
“What do you mean?” asked Brandon, leaning back in his seat and closing his eyes.
“Right now we’re looking for a needle in a haystack. What we need is a magnet.”
Brandon shot up in his seat. “No way. You can’t seriously be thinking of using Josie as bait. She could get hurt!”
Clint slapped the steering wheel. “I’m aware of the danger, but what other choice do we have? Whoever is fucking with us is laughing right now as we run around in circles chasing our own tails. Not to mention, we’re spreading ourselves thin and tiring the pack.”
“I don’t like it. We’ve only been at it a day. I’d rather she stay safe.”
Clint, looking out the window at the quickly darkening sky, couldn’t help feeling Josie was in more danger now than ever. Hell, he was so worried he could swear he even heard her calling for help. Calling for . . .
“Fuck! Call the ranch.”
“Why?” asked Brandon, and then his eyes widened. “You heard it, too. I thought I was imagining her call for help.” He whipped out his cell phone and rang the house, but after six rings, voicemail picked up. He dialed the numbers of the wolves left to guard, but they all went to a busy signal.
Clint didn’t need to talk to someone to know Josie was in danger. He sped the SUV through traffic, weaving in and out, racing as quickly as he dared and then some.
He knew they were too late as soon as he pulled up to the ranch and saw the note pinned to the door. He ran for the porch, his booted feet thumping as he pounded up the steps. He tore the note from the door, chills shaking him to the core as he saw the familiar handwriting.
He ignored Brandon, who leaned over his shoulder reading along with him, fear and anger battling for supremacy.
I’ve taken the bitch, and the choice is simple. Present yourselves to me and swear yourself into my service, and she goes free. Fight or avoid my summons, and she dies. Simple enough even you mongrels should grasp it. Come and pay fealty to your new master at the refinery. The choice whether she lives or dies is yours. And, might I add, if you choose her death, it will be a bloody and painful one.
Clint couldn’t stop it. He howled, a rage-filled sound whose deadly challenge rose to hang in the night sky and was echoed by his beta.
“It dies,” Clint growled, his humanity losing the battle against the fierce anger of his beast. His fingernails elongated into claws, and rippling muscle and flesh tore through the fabric he wore.
But Clint fought the urges of his wolf—the need to protect his mate. If they were to survive, he needed to think. He didn’t for one moment believe that the bastard toying with them would let Josie go.
Brandon, who’d lost the battle with his wolf, whined beside him.
Clint looked down at his furry blond friend. “I need to call in the pack before we go. We need them to take out the guards while we take care of the one in charge.” In other words, tear the fucker limb from limb.
It didn’t take long for him to send out a blanket text message to the pack. He didn’t wait for their answer. They would show up as instructed or face his wrath after.
Clint looked down at his ragged garments and vetoed changing. No point in possibly ruining two sets of clothes. Besides, he kept spare outfits for emergencies stashed in his SUV.
Clint opened the back tailgate so Brandon could jump in. Clint slid back into the driver seat and stomped the gas. Gravel went flying as the SUV fishtailed around and flew back up the drive.
Too angry to think—and scared for Josie—he tried to concentrate on sensing her again. But he heard nothing else, and that frightened him even more than the note.
What if she’s already dead? No, she can’t be. I’d know if she was. But, fuck, she’s got to be terrified, especially if, as I suspect, the bogeyman behind her nightmares has her. Please don’t let me be too late.
The miles sped by in the darkness as Clint maneuvered the SUV through the back roads leading to the abandoned refinery. A place that a pair of his men had checked and concluded abandoned for a while. The same pair of men who’d taken over the last protective guard detail and who were now missing.
Dammit, they probably stumbled onto the bastard, and he messed with their minds just like he did with those rogues.
He was pissed at himself for not realizing the possibility sooner. He’d pushed aside the weird mind-control issue, assuming the rogues had been weak and easily taken over. He’d underestimated the enemy, and Josie now paid the price for his mistake.
Hold on, baby. I will make this right. I swear.
He drew into the vacant parking lot of the abandoned refinery. He didn’t bother hiding his arrival. If the message had gotten out, then his wolves would be arriving by stealth to surround the place. Or so he hoped. His drive from the ranch should have taken longer than it took his troops to get there on furry feet, but he dared not search for or contact them. Nor did he have the patience to wait, not while Josie remained in peril.
He opened the rear hatch, and Brandon, the fur of his beast bristling, jumped out. Before he could tell Brandon to wait, he took off.
Clint followed more cautiously. He wouldn’t do anyone any good dead. He debated changing shapes but decided against it for the moment. Even when he wore his human form, his senses were heightened.
The derelict building loomed over him, and he had no difficulty finding a door to enter. Once inside, he inhaled deeply and almost gagged. The alien stench he’d smelled before when Josie dreamed permeated the air, a sickening smell. Melted into it he found tendrils of wolf, some familiar to him, along with other scents that reminded him of other shifters he’d encountered over the years. He also caught the scent of Josie.
He separated her smell from the others and followed it, its faint trail leading him to a dark doorway with stairs leading down. He moved down the steps, the oppressive stench of the one who wanted to be master pressing down on him, trying to twist his thoughts. However, Clint hadn’t become alpha because he was weak. Actually, the attempt to fuck with his mind made him seethe with anger, which strengthened him. He easily repelled the suggestion to surrender that hovered in the air.
You’re going to have to do better than that, you bastard.
He’d almost reached the bottom when he heard Josie whimper, the sound faint, yet his wolf recognized it, and the terror that underlay it.
With a roar, his beast took over. Instinct drove him to run toward his mate, the protective need too strong to control. It barreled him right into a trap.
Snarling bodies slammed into him, but Clint wouldn’t allow them to keep him from his woman.
She needs me, and they’re in my way.
With a roar, he tore into the snapping mob, only vaguely noticing Brandon’s arrival. Together they battled, the sharp tear of their teeth and stronger bodies overcoming the paltry force sent to stop them.
When the last body dropped, with wheezes and whines, Clint raced down the hall, sensing Josie’s nearness. Brandon followed at his heels. Just before a gaping archway, Clint halted. The alien miasma peppered with Josie’s sweeter essence poured forth, and Clint knew he’d found them. Clint shifted back to his man shape, his expression grim.
I’m here, baby. Just hold on, and I’ll make sure the nightmare is over, permanently.