Sara's Mates (9 page)

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Authors: Becky Wilde

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Sara's Mates
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“I was just going to catch up on some work. I needed some time away from you two,” Sara leaned back in her chair and watched them observe her.

“How long have you been working for Lucien Sara?”

Tony asked in a quiet voice.

Sara looked at the hurt gleaming out at her from his eyes. She knew she had caused it by not confiding in her mates but they hadn’t listened to her for months. It was not completely her fault. Some of the blame was on the both of them.

“A few weeks.” Sara finally said.

“Why did you not tell us you were working for our Alphas honey?” Tony asked as he straightened away from the door to enter the room.

“I tried talking to you two; but every time I did you would seduce me and we'd end up in bed. I tried to tell you I needed more to do. It became obvious your needs become before mine. I decided to ask Tessa and Melissa if they needed me to do anything about the place. Tessa went to Lucien and he came up with the solution of me working for the Alphas. I do all the legal work for the security company. I'm sorry if that hurts you Tony and Chase. It became frustrating when neither of you would listen to me when I tried to voice my boredom to you. I decided to take matters into my own hands and resolve the situation.”

Chase moved around her desk then squat down on his 69

haunches at the side of her chair. He caressed her hair and sighed softly in regret. Sara was absolutely right. Neither he nor Tony had listened to their mate’s needs or desires.

They had just shut her up using sex as the main focus in their relationship.

“I'm sorry Sara; especially for not listening to you.

But why did you feel the need to hide the fact that you were working for Lucien from us? You could have told us before we discovered for ourselves what you were doing.”

Sara looked up with a slight glare and asked, “Could I? Would you have listened to me? Have you listened to anything I've said to you so far?” Sara paused and admitted quietly to them. “Look, I know what I am to you two; how important I am in your lives. You've both proven that to me from day one.” Sara turned away from their loving eyes and looked down with a slight sigh. “I have some work to catch up on, so please let me get on with it.” Sara turned her face from Chase to stare at the computer monitor blankly.

Chase watched their mate for a few seconds, stood to his feet and walked out of the study. Tony followed him.

“She's right you know. All we've done is bed her at every opportunity. We haven't given her a chance to talk to us much and we haven't listened. She's not happy at the moment Chase and it’s our fault,” Tony sighed in frustration.

“I'll concede she's not happy at the moment; but she could have come to us. I know we're not around during the day. Sara has to understand that we still have the security business to see to. We can't spend every waking minute with her.” Chase pointed out.

“No we can't but when we are with her all we do is seduce her back into our bed. She has never complained about our time away from her, in fact, she has been a good sport about our work. But when have we actually sat down and talked to her? Really listened to her Chase? It's our 70

fault if she's not happy. We have broken the unspoken law of putting our mate above all things, including our physical needs. We need to spend some time with our mate and actually listen to what she is saying to us rather than just placating and seducing her into silence,” Tony said thoughtfully.

“When did you become so philosophical brother?”

“Since I realized we are in jeopardy of pushing our mate away. There is nothing stopping her from leaving us brother.”

“Yeah I know, you're right Tony,” Chase gave a frustrated sigh, running a hand over his face. “We haven't given Sara much to be happy about have we?”


“All right so how do we go about getting our mate back? Making her happy?” Chase asked motivated by a plan of action.

“We give her the space she wants for now and then we court her. We take her on dates. Shower her with flowers and chocolates and then we ask her to marry us and have a human ceremony like her sister had. Isn't it every woman's fantasy to have a dream wedding?” Tony asked with a grin.

“I think you're onto something brother. Let's start planning.” Chase replied with an answering smile.



Chapter Nine

Sara had taken up residence in Tessa's guest room. It was her fourth day night away from her mates. She felt as if she was empty inside. Like a huge gaping hole had replaced her heart. Was what she asked from her mates such a huge deal? She had just walked into the study to start work when Kylie walked into the room carrying a large vase filled to the brim with red roses.

“Oh they're beautiful Kylie. Did you get them from the garden?”

“No these were delivered for you a few minutes ago,”

Kylie placed the vase on Sara's desk next to her computer screen. “There is a card with the flowers. You are one lucky girl Sara.”

“Hm, well thanks for bringing them in.”

“No problem,” Kylie replied then left the room. Sara read the note to herself:


Please give us another chance.

Tony and Chase.

Sara felt tears burn at the back of her eyes. She wanted nothing more than to give in; but she steeled herself once more. She had to be sure they were with her for the right reason. She wanted, no needed their love and trust, unconditionally. She had given them her trust when she could have been filled with doubt when Rachel was in the picture. Her trust in them had never wavered. She hadn't told she loved them yet, but they hadn't either so she had hesitated in revealing her true feelings. Sighing she got back to work.

Sara finished up for the night, turning her computer 72

off. She made her way to her room, showered and changed into her a clean pair of jeans and top. She had just finished brushing her hair when a knock sounded at her door. She opened it to face her two mates.

“Hey honey, are you finished for the day?” Tony asked.

“Yes. What do you want?” Sara asked bluntly. Her eyes devoured both of them.

“We would like to take you out for dinner little spitfire. Are you willing to spend a couple of hours with us?” Chase asked. Sara responded instantly. She had missed them so much.

“Okay. I'd like that, just let me get my purse.”

Chase and Tony exhaled, not even realizing they'd been holding their breaths as they awaited their mates reply.

They took her on a picnic down beside a river after a half hour drive in their truck. They'd had Alice prepare a sumptuous selection of food; chicken, salads, fresh fruit as well as cheese with crackers and a bottle of white wine.

They sat and talked for hours, comfortable with each other.

When Sara began to feel the chill as the sun set, Chase covered her with his jacket making sure she was warm. His scent enveloped her making her feel safe, cherished.

No she would not give in until she had all she wanted, needed from her mates. She loved them so much it was a physical pain not to be with them.

Sara was finding it harder and harder to live away from her mates. Knowing they were only meters away, her heart was being torn in two. She felt ill at the thought of food, so she stopped eating. The thought of food filled her with nausea. She worked incessantly, filling all her spare time. She was unaware of the concerned looks from other pack members as she went about her day. She became withdrawn and eventually started to look ill and gaunt.

Melissa tried to talk Sara in going back home to her 73

mates; but Sara adamantly refused. She was not going back until she had what she needed. Their love.

Sara left on an errand and drove the two hours to Sugar Creek. She went to the office suppliers and stocked up on essentials for the office. She didn't see the male following her. All her concentration was needed on what she was doing. She was so tired from lack of sleep. Her thoughts were becoming scattered, she felt as if she was standing on the edge of an endless black hole. One wrong step would drag her down into the endless pit of despair.

Once finished with her shopping, she made her way to a small cafe and stopped for a much needed cup of coffee. She hoped the caffeine would be enough to keep her awake on the drive back home.

Sara was half way home when she noticed a large black truck coming up behind her. The road was clear ahead so took her gaze from the mirror waiting for the truck to pass around her. She was singing along to the radio trying to keep her tired mind occupied and alert.

The hard bump to the rear of her car caught her unaware. Her neck snapped back with the impact and she struggled with the steering wheel to keep her small compact car under control. Glancing in the mirror she saw the face of a male smiling maliciously as he once again brought his track closer to the back of her car. Adrenaline was surging through her bloodstream. Her heart thumped in her chest and the roar of blood rushed through her ears.

What the fuck was going on?

The lunatic behind her moved to the side of her rear quarter panel. Sara moved her eyes to the side mirror and screamed with terror as the idiot rammed into her car sending it into a spin. Sara took her foot from the accelerator then steered into the spin. She was able to recover the car from the turn until she was facing the wrong way on the road. She applied the brakes once her car was again back in her control. She grabbed the phone and 74

spread the number one on her speed dial.

“Tony I need you. Someone is trying to run me from the road. I'm about an hour between Sugar Creek and home. Please call me or come and find me when you get this message,” Sara finished on a sob. Her whole body was shaking in reaction to the shock. She was lucky she hadn't been killed.

She tried Chase's phone and screamed in frustration as he too had his phone going straight to his voice messages. Trying one more number she called her sister.

Luckily, Mel was home and picked up the phone.

“Melissa, thank god. Please you have to help me.

Some lunatic just tried to run me off the road. Please send someone I'm scared he'll.... Oh fuck I've gotta go. He's turned around, he's coming back.”

“Sara,” Melissa screamed into the phone as she heard the call disconnect. Melissa ran from her cabin to the Alpha's house, holding her protruding stomach to support her baby.

“Lucien, Tessa, anyone please help,” Melissa screamed and sobbed as she ran through the front door to the house.

“What's wrong Melissa?” Gabe asked as he ran from the study and met her in the foyer.

“It's Sara, someone is trying to kill her, please help her,” Melissa sobbed as tears streamed from her face.

“Gabe, get the truck. Melissa calm down honey, we'll help Sara; take a deep breath. That's it good girl, you have to try and stay calm for your baby's sake alright. Alice come, and keep Melissa company. Take her into the kitchen and get her a cup of tea. We'll find Sara, Melissa, you just worry about you and your baby,” Lucien promised as he walked out the front door when he heard Gabe pull the truck around to the front.

“Come on Melissa. Let me get you a cup of tea lovey.

Lucien will keep Sara safe,” Alice comforted as she led 75

Melissa into the kitchen.

Gabe took off with a squeal of tires as soon as Lucien was in the truck. Lucien picked up his mobile and dialed Chase and Tony.

“Chase where are you?”

“About half an hour from the house, heading home why?”

“Your mate is in danger. I want you to head towards Sugar Creek, someone is trying to run your mate from the road,” Lucien stated.

“Fuck, turn the truck around now Tony. Head towards Sugar Creek, Sara's in danger. Thanks Lucien,” Chase said before he disconnected the call.

Tony took his foot from the accelerator, pulled the handbrake on and maneuvered the truck around one hundred and eighty degrees. He released the handbrake and planted his foot to the accelerator once more. The truck took off with a scream of tires and blue smoke as the rubber gripped the tarmac.


Sara stared in horror as the lunatic in the truck came at her once again. She released the brake and planted her foot on the accelerator. She knew she wouldn't be able to outrun the truck as her car was much smaller in size as well as power. She kept her eyes peeled for oncoming traffic as well as any place she might be able to hide. It was futile; the truck was at her rear bumper bar again nudging her car along. Sara could feel the car slipping from her control once more. Terror filled her as she watched the tree at the curve in the road come closer and closer. Sara waited until the last minute then turned the steering wheel and pulled the handbrake on to induce her car into a skid so the passenger side of the car would be impacted into the tree. She did not want to be injured by going into the tree head on.

Sara's body bounced about a little in the car but she 76

was held securely as her seat belt tightened across her lap and between her breasts keeping her in her seat. She watched in horror as the truck had no time to brake. It slammed into the rear quarter panel of her car and crashed straight into the tree. The silence that followed was deafening.

Sara frantically undid her seat belt, scrabbled for the door handle, and fell out of the driver’s seat with a stumble.

Her body was shaking so much she felt as if her legs were cooked noodles. She fell to her knees and crawled away from the wreckage. She leaned against another tree once she was away from the car, praying the man in the car was unconscious or at least hurt enough not to be able to get out of his truck.

By the time Sara was aware enough to regain her feet, she could smell fuel leaking from her car. She was just about to move to the truck to help the driver when she heard another vehicle roaring down the road. She turned towards it preparing to walk onto the road and stop the car when she recognized Chase and Tony's truck. She had never been so relieved to see her mates in her whole life.

Her knees buckled out from under her as she dropped to the side of the road once more.

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