Sara's Mates (3 page)

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Authors: Becky Wilde

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Sara's Mates
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When she finally sat down, it was early evening. She watched the news headlines as she ate a piece of her home made vegetable lasagna and sipped a glass of chardonnay.

She didn't see or hear the man lurking outside her living room window. If she had, she would have been on the phone to the police in a shot.

The man who watched her was very creepy. He had long greasy black hair with the palest blue eyes ever seen.

He was mesmerized by the female. He watched her and rubbed his erection through his tight black jeans with a leer attached to his acne scarred face.


Sara spent the week in her usual routine of going to work and spending any of her spare time researching for the partners of the law firm for the cases they were working on. She was on her laptop late Friday night when she heard a knock on her door. Sighing at the interruption, she stretched out her cramped muscles and headed to answer the door. Making sure the security chain was attached; she opened the door to a stranger. “May I help you?” Sara asked cautiously.

“Yeah my car broke down out front and I was wondering if I could use your phone to call a friend?” The man said politely.

“Sure, just a moment,” Sara replied closing the front door. She went to retrieve her mobile. There was no way she was letting that creepy man into her apartment.

She opened the door again, enough to pass her mobile 19

through the crack with the security chain still in place.

It all happened within seconds. The man grabbed her wrist instead of her phone and kicked the door in. The edge of the door slammed into the side of Sara's face and she saw stars as pain exploded in her head. She fell to her knees on the floor.

The stranger was already in her apartment before she regained her senses enough to realize what had happened.

He grabbed her wrist again and dragged Sara across the entry way into her living room where he practically threw her onto the sofa.

“Where are your mates? I know they don't live here.

Their scent is not in this apartment.” he asked in a gravelly evil voice. The tone made her shiver in fright.

“I don't know what you're talking about. Who are you? What do you want?” Sara asked trying to keep her voice from wavering with the fear she felt.

“Don't you know what happens to claimed women who don't live with their mates?” Sara gasped in surprise.

He was a werewolf? All of the weres she had met during the wedding were kind and polite to her. This guy was scary and wicked. “I'm sure you do you little slut. You are going to come with me and service my whole pack. You'd like that wouldn't you? Imagine being at the beck and call of every male in my pack, you'll have your cunt full every minute of every day.”

Sara was so scared. She didn't know what to do. She had to get out of her apartment and away from this lunatic of a werewolf. Taking a deep breath, she tried to get her mind to work on planning an avenue of escape.

“What's your name and which pack do you belong to?” she asked tremendously.

“I am Colin Shaw and I am the Alpha of the pack Live Nomed; and you are going to be our pack slut.” Colin announced with a sneer.

“Please don't do this. I've done nothing to you, I don't 20

even know you. Why would you want me in your pack?”

Sara asked with a quaver in her voice.

Colin moved closer to her. He took her chin in a cruel grip and held her face steady to meet his evil pale blue eyes.

“No reason sweet cheeks, just because I can.”

Sara tried to extricate herself out of his hard grip. She was sure she was going to have bruises on her chin and jaw line from his fingers. When he let her go, she moved to the end of the sofa, closer to the side table that held her favorite lamp.

“I'm hungry, how about making your new Alpha something to eat sweet cheeks,” Colin grasped her wrist and pulled her into the kitchen.

Sara nearly fell to her knees as he shoved her into the kitchen with a hard push between her shoulder blades.

“I like steak rare with no rabbit food.” Colin ordered.

He looked at Sara like she was the meat to be eaten. Sara knew it would only be seconds before Colin would try something with her.

Sara shakily got a steak out of her freezer and placed it into the microwave to defrost. She moved over to a cupboard to remove a skillet to heat on the stove. All the while she kept Colin in her peripheral vision as she moved about her kitchen. When he sauntered over to her; she gripped the handle of the skillet and swung with all her might.

The sound of the pan meeting his skull made Sara gag, but she didn't wait around to see if she had knocked him unconscious. She took off like the hounds of hell were snapping at her heels. She ran to her neighbor, Jenny's apartment banging on the door incessantly. When Jenny opened the door, Sara pushed her friend away from the door. She gained entry and then slammed and locked the door behind her.

“Where's your phone? Call the police there is a 21

lunatic inside my apartment. He was going to rape me.

Don't open the door to anyone,” Sara sobbed and explained brokenly what was going on. She sank to the floor against her friend’s front door and covered her face with her hands.

Jenny called the police and told the nine one one dispatcher the bare specifics of what Sara had been sobbing to her incoherently. Jenny knelt down to Sara and held one of her hands all the while staying on the phone line to the police.

The police came and checked over Sara and her apartment. They told her that if anyone had been in there, they had certainly left before they arrived. They dusted her front door for finger prints since the door showed signs of forced entry. Sara didn't hold out much hope of them getting any evidence against the lunatic, since he had kicked her door open.

Her head was throbbing from where the door had hit her. She had a lump the size of the rock of Gibraltar running just behind her temple to the top of her jaw. When the police left, Sara borrowed Jenny's phone and called her sister.



Chapter Three

Sara heard the cars pull into her driveway, then the slam of many doors. She moved to the front door of her apartment and opened the door to her sister and her mates.

Right behind them, were Tony and Chase. Sighing with resignation, Sara prepared for a verbal battle.

“Sara my god, are you all right?” Melissa asked as she took in the bruised and swollen side of Sara’s face.

Melissa took her sister into her arms giving her a big hug.

Sara hugged her sister with a tight grip as she sobbed against her sister's shoulder. She could finally let go all the terror and panic she went through.

Tony and Chase watched as their mated sobbed against her sister's shoulder. They wanted nothing more than to take her into their arms and comfort her; but they were too worried about scaring her away. They needed to be gentle with their mate and woo her back into their arms.

So they stood on the outskirts of the room watching and waiting for the emotional storm to pass.

Many moments later, when Sara had herself under control once more, she moved back allowing her sister, her mates and pack members into her small apartment.

“I want to know what happened little sister. You need to tell us who threatened you so we can decide the best way to protect you,” Damian ordered gently as he took Sara into his arms for a comforting hug.

Tony and Chase had to control their natural instincts while their mate was being held by another male. Even though Damian was their mate's brother by marriage, it was still very hard to hold the growls within their throats. They didn’t want to frighten their mate; she had been through enough already for one night.

Luke, her other brother-in-law led Sara to the sofa.


After she was seated, with Luke on one side, Damian pulled Melissa on his lap. Chase and Tony moved the small coffee table back and sat on it, keeping their eyes in front of their mate.

As Sara explained the events of the evening; Chase and Tony found it harder and harder not to pick up their mate and take her in their arms. They wanted to drag her back to their cabin where they could protect her. The thought of a rogue werewolf attacking their mate and threatening to use her for the physical satisfaction of his pack was enough to set their hackles rising and their instincts to change form for the kill.

But they held it in as they listened and watched Sara explain. When she was finished talking, she surreptitiously glanced to her mates to see their reaction. She quickly looked back to Damian and her sister as she noted they were staring very intently at her.

“I think you should move back out to the pack property so we can keep an eye out for you Sara,” Damian finally said. Sara shook her head as Damian talked.

“No, I don't want my life disrupted just because some lunatic has decided I belong to him,” Sara stated adamantly.

“I think Damian is right little sister. From what you have told us, your life is in danger. The best place for us to protect you is at the pack house,” Luke concurred with his brother.

Sara exploded at the idea, “That's not fair. Just because some idiot has decided I should be part of his pack, does not mean I should have to put my life on hold. I would lose my job if I took time off from work until this idiot was caught. Why should I have to go into hiding because of some deranged werewolf? Why can't you send some of your pack members here to keep me safe instead?” Sara asked. Damian jumped on the idea at once.

“Mm that's a good idea Sara. Chase, Tony I want you 24

stay here with Sara to protect her. I will let Lucien, Raphael and Gabriel know why you won't be available for pack meetings and security until this bastard is caught. Luke and I will cover any issues that crop up with the pack,”

“I don't think...,” Sara started to say before she was rudely cut off.

“You promised to spend some time with us Sara.

What better way than to stay with you and protect you while we learn more about each other? This is non negotiable my mate. Tony and I will be living with you until you are no longer in danger.” Chase said unequivocally as he stared Sara down. Sara sighed knowing that what he said was true.

“Oh all right, but you are going to be sleeping out here on the sofa. Aren't you lucky it pulls out to a double bed,” Sara stated sarcastically.

“We will sleep on your sofa for now Sara; but don't think you will always have your own way,” Tony warned.

“I'm glad that's settled. We will take our leave. I want you to call if you need any help and I will have some of the Sigma's of the pack stay up in a motel close by, in case you need some more assistance,” Damian helped his mate to her feet.

Sara hugged Melissa and then Luke and Damian as they left. Closing the door behind them, she turned to lean back against the door. What the hell was she going to do now? She had two great sexy hulking brutes that were going to be living in her small one bedroom apartment. She just knew she was going to end up killing one of them if not both.

“You have nothing to fear from us Sara. We would never hurt you. We would give our lives to protect you,”

Tony noticed her leaning against the front door and tried to soothe her worries.

“I'm not afraid of you, you big ass. I just don't like being told what to do or being ordered around. Just 25

remember that and we'll get along fine,” Sara announced as she walked further into her living room. She didn't stop until she stood outside her bedroom door. “I'll get you some sheets and blankets so you can make up your bed. Since I have to get to work in a couple of hours, I am going to bed to sleep.”

Sara came back with an arm load of linen and blankets. Instead of walking up to the two men standing in her living room, she threw the bundle towards them. She then turned and entered her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

The alarm woke Sara in what felt like minutes since she had crawled into bed. Groaning because she was still tired, she slammed her hand down on her alarm to stop the wretched noise. She crawled from her bed and entered her bathroom. When she was dried and dressed she headed to her kitchen. The smell of coffee permeated her apartment as she sat down at her little dining table.

Chase was standing in her kitchen in just a pair of tight blue jeans with the waist band hanging open. He had no shirt covering his muscular chest and Sara had to continually drag her eyes away from his hard strong physique. He had already brewed a pot of coffee and brought a cup to her after pouring it. Sara was still not awake enough to make polite conversation, so she just grunted her thanks. She took the cup from his hand and sipped at the hot coffee with a sigh of contentment.

“Not much of a morning person, are you my mate?”

Chase stated more than asked as Sara scowled at him over the top of the mug.

“Well excuse me. But I only got a couple hours sleep last night, so to expect me to be bright and perky is just asking a little too much.”

“Well sweetheart you had a couple of hours more than I did. Your scent kept me rock hard all night long and I didn't get a wink of sleep,” Chase said with a grin as he 26

watched her face color with embarrassment at his crude statement.

Sara didn't comment; she dropped her eyes from his as she sipped her coffee. She nearly jumped with fright as she felt warm male lips kiss her neck.

“Morning little spitfire. I could do with a cup of that coffee too Chase,” Tony said as he stood behind his mate, placing possessive hands on her shoulders.

“Stop touching and kissing me,” Sara said grumpily over her shoulder at Tony.

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