Sara's Mates (6 page)

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Authors: Becky Wilde

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Sara's Mates
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“I like the way you think brother,” Chase agreed.

“What are you talking about?” Sara said before she was picked up high against a hard muscular chest and carried into the bedroom. Sara didn't get the chance to speak again. They consumed her with desire.

Tony devoured her mouth with his, sliding his lips along hers until she parted her lips with a gasp. He took advantage sliding his tongue between her lush lips, tasting the sweetness within. He couldn't get enough of her. He licked and nipped at her lips then plunged his tongue back into her mouth moving it over her teeth and the inside of her cheeks. It was like he was memorizing her taste.

He placed her on the bed as he kept her mouth occupied. Tony moved to one side so his brother could have access to Sara’s body as well. He licked and nipped down her throat until she turned her head to give him better access.

“You taste so good honey. I can't get enough of you,”

Tony growled against her neck.

“My turn Tony,” Chase moved up close to Sara. He thrust his tongue into Sara's mouth, curling his tongue around hers drawing it into his mouth. Sara whimpered as she felt her breasts swell and her nipples elongate with desire. Her pussy was weeping and her panties were soaked. She couldn't get enough of their unique tastes, she wanted… no, needed more of them.

“Please,” Sara whimpered as her body burned for her mates.

“Please what baby?” Chase asked through panting breathes.

“Please fuck me, now.”

“Oh we will little spitfire; but not until we say so.


You're not ready yet,” Chase grasped the hem of the T-shirt she was wearing and pulled it gently from her body, making sure not to hurt her arm.

“I'm ready now. I'm dripping so much my panties are wet,” Sara moaned.

“Oh yeah? Let me see,” Tony undid her jeans and pulled them and her panties from her body with one move.

He took her ankles in his large warm hand and spread her legs wide so he could look at her beautiful bald pussy. He gave a growl as the sweet scent of his mate's cream permeated the air.

Tony moved between her legs and devoured her pussy. He licked and nibbled until Sara was writhing in ecstasy. She was bucking her hips up trying to give him better access to her hot wet cunt. Moving his tongue from her ass to her clit, he licked and sucked until he had Sara screaming as her first orgasm consumed her.

“Oh yeah sweetheart, give me your cream. I need more Sara, give me more. I can't get enough of your taste,”

Tony growled as he leaned down once more.

Chase devoured her mouth again as Tony lapped at her pussy. Chase moved down her neck, lapping slowly until he was at her breasts. He sucked one turgid peak into his mouth and sucked hard, while using the thumb and index finger of his hand to pluck at the other hard peak.

They were going to kill her with pleasure. It was too much but not enough, she needed more, so much more. She wanted her mates to love her, to feel their cocks moving in and out of her body. She was about to voice her needs when Tony pushed two fingers into her tight sheath.

Whatever he was doing was more than she had ever felt before.

He turned his fingers so the palm of his hand was facing up. He used his other hand and put pressure on the top of her mound. He moved his fingers in and out of her pussy, rubbing on the top wall of her tight channel, making 45

a come here motion with his fingers as he sucked Sara's clit into his mouth. All the while, Chase played and sucked on her nipples.

Sara screamed as her body shook uncontrollably with the biggest orgasm she had ever experienced. She felt her body push out her cream, drenching Tony's fingers and mouth with her cum.

“Oh yeah that's what I wanted little girl. You taste so good,” Tony said as licked and lapped all her cream. When he'd cleaned her body of her juices he moved away and stripped his clothes from his body. He was back in seconds, moving between his mate’s thighs and thrust his large hot erection in to the hilt of his mate’s body. He picked her up and had her straddling his lap while his back rested against the headboard of the bed.

Chase moved up behind Sara. He placed two lubed fingers against the puckered entrance of her anus, rubbing the lube into her body until her internal muscles relaxed enough for him to enter her body with his fingers. He slowly pushed his fingers in, spreading the lube and stretching Sara’s body, preparing her for his penetration.

He pulled his fingers out of her hole, lubed his cock with a generous amount and then pushed into her. When he felt his cock head pop through the tight ring of muscles of her body, he held still giving her time to adjust to his penetration. When she relaxed a bit more he slowly began rocking his hips forward and back so he entered her body an inch at a time. Chase groaned with ecstasy when he felt his balls flush up against Sara's body.

“Hold on little spitfire, we are gonna make you feel so good,” Chase promised as he pulled his hard cock from his mates body, until just the crown was resting inside her. As he pushed back in, Tony moved his hips back and withdrew his cock from his Sara's body. They set up a rhythm slow and easy at first, giving Sara time to adjust to their penetrating cocks.


“Oh god, it feels so good. It's too much. No, it's not enough. More, I need more,” Sara sobbed as pleasure consumed her body. She was shaking with the desire she felt for the two men loving her. She couldn't get enough of them.

“We know what you need honey. Just let Chase and I pleasure you,” Tony gasped out.

Their rhythm changed from alternate thrusts to thrusting into her and filling both her holes at the same time. They plowed into her body harder and faster until Sara thought they would split her in half. She screamed with pleasure as the muscles of her ass and pussy began to tighten slowly but surely as Tony dug at that special spot inside her sheath.

She couldn't hold back the torrent of pleasure, she flew to the stars. Her muscles clamped down on the cocks in her body and she took her mates with her into heaven.



Chapter Six

Over the next few weeks, Sara's days became routine.

She spent her days with her sister Melissa, and Tessa the Alpha's Queen. Sara began learning about the were’s laws and hierarchy. She was becoming restless as her arm began to heal. She was so used to working eight to twelve hours a day she was becoming bored. Her mates’ time was taken up during the day, with the security of pack business and small disputes from lower pack members.

She was even getting tired of listening to Tessa and Melissa talk about babies. That wasn't their only topic of conversation, but it was a large part. Even though Sara was happy for them, she needed to do more.

Sara had tried to discuss this issue with her mates; but they didn't seem to be taking her seriously. She'd had enough of them not listening to her. She had to find a way to make them see she needed more to keep her occupied. It was time to take a stand. Sara knew she couldn't leave her mates again. She was falling in love with them; but they needed to see she wasn't as content as her sister and Tessa were. She didn’t want to just sit back and wait until she got pregnant.

Sara started walking through the woods more everyday learning her environment. On one such hike, she met up with a couple of female pack members who introduced themselves.

“Hi you must be Sara, Chase and Tony's mate. I am Kylie and this is my sister Rachel.”

“Nice to meet you both,” Sara greeted. “What do you do around here to keep yourselves occupied?”

“Kylie and I work at the main house, we help Alice the cook and housekeeper with the cleaning,” Rachel supplied the last statement in a low growl. “We also help 48

out any non mated male pack members, if you know what I mean.”

“Doing what?” Sara was a bit confused.

“Rachel that's enough,” Kylie said scowling at her sister.

“No please, I'd like to hear the answer,” Sara said.

“Well if one of the non mated male members has an itch, we help them scratch it. I used to help out Tony and Chase, before you came on the scene,” Rachel sneered with a small evil grin.

“Well I guess you're feeling a little feisty then, because they probably won't even look at you now that I am their mate,” Sara smirked with a glare.

“It's time we left Rachel.” Kylie said as she tried to pull her sister along with her. “Nice to meet you Sara,”

“I'm going to get them back you know, you little bitch.” Rachel vowed with a bigger growl. She looked at Sara thoroughly and said snidely. “What they see in you is beyond me.”

“Well obviously they saw something more in me than they did in you.” Sara taunted Rachel.

“You are going to be so sorry you ever met me you little bitch. I'll get you when you least expect it,” Rachel warned before she turned on her heel and walked away.

“I'm sorry for what my sister said,” Kylie said with a sigh.

“You don't have to apologize to me for your sister Kylie. I can tell she's in love with my mates and is jealous of me. Please don't think anymore about it.” Sara kept her eyes on the retreating figure of Rachel. She will need to be watched a bit.

“I'm glad you understand. I hope she meets her true mate soon. Maybe then she'll realize she only thinks she is in love with Chase and Tony,” Kylie sighed again.

“I hope so too.” Sara agreed.

Sara watched as Kylie left her in the woods. She 49

began to meander not taking any notice of where she was going until she came to a small lake. She plopped down on a rock, thinking about a solution to her boredom. She had to figure out a way to keep herself from going stir crazy.

There had to be something she could do. Maybe Tessa, Melissa or even Alice could help her think of something.

Sara got up and headed back to the main house.

She found Tessa and Melissa in the kitchen sipping decaffeinated coffee, talking babies. Sara plopped into a seat and waited for a lapse in their conversation. Finally one appeared.

“I'm going crazy with boredom. I need something to occupy my time; otherwise, I'm going to go insane. Do you have anything you can suggest Tessa, Melissa?” Sara asked.

“Mm let me think for a while. Maybe I could ask my mate's Luc, Rafe and Gabe if they need help with anything.

What did you do for a living Sara?” Tessa asked taking Sara’s complaint seriously.

“I was a legal aid for a large law firm. I was so busy all the time I barely had time to think. I hate just sitting around doing nothing. I need to feel as if I am achieving something. I'm not like you two, I'm not content to sit back and wait until I get pregnant. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I need more.”

“Mm I wonder. Wait here a minute, I'll be right back,” Tessa got up from the table and left the room.

“So how are you feeling Mel? Any morning sickness?” Sara asked her sister.

“I feel wonderful at the moment. I think it's too early for morning sickness yet. Or maybe I'm going to be one of the lucky ones and breeze through my pregnancy. I hope so, you know what a bitch I am when I feel sick,” Melissa grimaced at the thought.

“Don't remind me,” Sara frowned a little at the memories of taking care of Melissa when she was ill.


Whoo. She did not look forward to being around if Mel did begin throwing up constantly.

Melissa looked over at Sara and spoke with a bit of tears in her eyes, “I never did thank you for looking after me when mom left. If it wasn't for you Sara, I don't know what I would have done. You have been my mother and my sister since I was fifteen years old. I will never, ever forget that. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I love you Sara.”

“I love you too Mel. Now shut up before you make me cry,” Sara swallowed around the lump of emotion lodged in her throat as she rose and gave her sister a hug.

Tessa and her mate Lucien arrived back in the dining room area just as the sisters pulled away from each other and took their seats.

“Tessa's been advising me you are not happy here Sara,” Lucien said bluntly.

“It's not that I am unhappy Alpha. I'm just not used to being idle. I need more to do with my time. I am so used to working, I am not feeling productive doing nothing,” Sara explained.

“Have you spoken to your mates about how you feel?” Lucien asked cautiously.

“I've tried. Every time I try to talk to them they find other ways to occupy me.” Sara blushed as she realized what she had said. “Shit.”

Lucien, Tessa and Melissa roared with laughter as Sara's felt her cheeks turn red at her runaway mouth. When they were all back under control again, Lucien turned to Sara once more.

“You are a delight to have in the pack Sara. There is never a dull moment when you are around,” Lucien teased with a slight grin on his handsome face.

“Thanks… I think,” Sara said wryly.

“I think I have a job you maybe interested in little Sara. What would you think about working for our security 51

firm? You would be going over all the legalities involved as well as drawing up contracts for new clients. We have been outsourcing to a law firm, and as you know, that is quite a cost to our company. I am willing to give you a decent salary for you, if you take over that side of the business. What do you think?” Lucien asked as he named a figure he was willing to pay.

Sara nearly fell out of her chair. The figure was triple to what she had been earning in her previous job.

“I-I think that is too much. I would love to work for your company and would be very grateful to do so. But what you're offering to pay me is too much money.”

“Sara I appreciate your candidness; but honestly you will be saving our firm a bundle of money just by taking over the job. Do you want the job or you not? The money is inconsequential,” Lucien arched a brow at her waiting for her answer. Sara didn’t even have to think twice about the offer.

“All right it's a deal. Thank you Lucien, I really appreciate the opportunity you're giving me,” Sara agreed and held out her hand.

“That works both ways little Sara,” Lucien took her small hand in his shaking on the deal.

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