Sara's Mates (7 page)

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Authors: Becky Wilde

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Sara's Mates
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Sara started work the next day. She was given her own desk and computer in the study where Lucien, Raphael and Gabriel worked when they were home, which was most of the time. The study was huge. It was nearly as big as the living room, where pack members often gathered to socialize.

Sara was happy to be back in the thick of legal jargon.

She enjoyed drawing up contracts and going over other legal documents, making sure everything was they way it was supposed to be. She hadn't run into Rachel again which she was happy about, but she had come across Kylie a few times. They were becoming quite good friends even though Rachel had told Kylie to stay away from Sara.


Sara had still not told her mates she was now working for their Alphas. She wasn't sure what their reaction would be so she kept it to herself. She decided to bide her time and advise them when she thought they would be prepared to listen to her.

One day later in the week Lucien came into the study advising Sara that they had a new client he needed her to draw up a contract for. He handed her the particulars and left again to sort out some pack business.

Sara was so engrossed in her work she didn't see or hear Rachel saunter into the study placing a jug of water with clean glasses on the sideboard, until she spoke.

“You think you are so high and mighty don't you, you little bitch? Worming your way in with the Alpha and his brothers. Bet you don't know your mates were the next in line to be the Alphas, until Lucien took down the previous Alpha. Lucien killed Chase and Tony's father, fought him to the death to gain the top dog position.”

“They were supposed to be my mates. I was supposed to be the queen of this pack. If it wasn't for Lucien I would be queen now. He fucked everything up by killing their father and then you had to show up. Well I'm not going to put up with you for much longer, once I've gotten rid of you then I'll be able to get rid of Lucien and his brothers,”

Rachel said with a manic laugh as she turned and left the study.

Sara gaped as she watched the female werewolf leave.

She had seen the lunacy shining at her from the other woman's eyes. She was as mad as a hatter. She obviously believed it was her right to be queen. She was going to have to inform Tessa, Lucien and his brothers, as well as her own mates. But what if Rachel had told the truth about Lucien killing her mates’ father? She was going to have to be careful who she talked to. She didn't want to stir up any painful memories which inadvertently would hurt her mates. She would talk to Tessa first, after she finished the 53

contract she was working on.

When Sara had finished the contract she stood with a sigh and stretched out her cramped muscles. Spying the jug of water, she poured herself a glass and gulped it down.

Still thirsty, she poured another and took it with her as she went in search of Tessa.

Sara made it to the kitchen before she began to feel ill. Her body felt cold but she was sweating profusely. She felt a burning pain shoot through her stomach and she doubled over dropping the glass she held in her hand.

“Tessa,” Sara gasped out before she collapsed onto the floor. She didn't see Lucien or Gabriel hurry over to her as she collapsed.

“Tessa..., Rachel.. kill... Lucien.., water..,” she gasped out in between the pain ripping through her stomach. She was violently ill and started convulsing before darkness pulled her down into its depths.

Tessa and Melissa held each other as they watched Sara vomit all over the floor. Then her body was jerking uncontrollably as convulsions racked her small body.

Luc and Gabe were at her side in seconds making sure Sara couldn't hurt herself on any furniture as her body thrashed.

“She's been fucking poisoned, I can smell it,” Lucien growled out. “Alice call the Doc immediately. Melissa call Chase and Tony, tell them to get their asses back here now.”

“Do you think she'll be okay?” Melissa asked as she hung up from calling her brothers-in-law.

“I don't know Mel. I just don't know. How far away were Chase and Tony?” Gabriel barked out.

“Oh god, please don't die Sara! Hold on Sis, don't you dare die on me,” Melissa sobbed out as Sara went limp.

Melissa rushed over and knelt on the floor next to her sister, oblivious to everyone around her as she gripped tightly to her sister's hand.



“Hi Mel. What? Fuck, okay we'll be there as fast as we can,” Tony disconnected the call and turned to Chase.

“We need to get back to the Alpha’s home as fast as we can, Sara's been poisoned.”

“What?” Chase roared.

“Floor it man, now,” Tony yelled.

They didn't talk as Chase put his foot flat to the floor, concentrating on keeping the truck under control as they sped towards their mate. It was the longest ten minutes they had ever had to endure. They thanked God they had already been on their way back home. The truck skidded to a halt in front of their Alpha's house. Tony was out of the truck and sprinting to the front door before it had come to full stop.

Chase was not far behind.

“Where is she?” Tony bellowed from the entry way as he ran through the door.

“Here hurry,” Gabriel yelled from the living room.

“You need to change her, she is dying. It's the only way.”

Tony and Chase knelt down beside their mate who was lying on her side on a stack of pillows. Tony and Chase partially changed, their faces elongating into snouts with sharp canine teeth. They bit into their wrists tearing their skin so their blood oozed to the surface.

Chase placed his wrist to Sara's mouth first, turning her head with his hand gently and opened her mouth with his free hand. His blood seeped into Sara's mouth, he pulled back to allow Tony access and he did the same, making sure his blood wept into her mouth. Their wrists were already healing when they picked up their mates supine body. They held her between them as they licked her neck then bit down hard to renew their marks of possession.

“Take your mate to the spare room upstairs, make sure she is comfortable. If there is anything you need just let me know, I'll make sure you have it. I will pray she comes through the change with no lasting effects from the 55

poison. Your mate just saved my life, I owe her a great deal,” Lucien promised as he watched Chase carry Sara upstairs with Tony following.



Chapter Seven

Tony and Chase kept a vigil at Sara's beside for two days. They were too afraid to leave her side. Melissa also stayed by her sister's side during the day. All the pack members were very worried for Sara, knowing she should have awakened the previous day.

Lucien made sure Chase and Tony were supplied with food and drink from Alice in the kitchen. Kylie brought food the second day to the two Omegas and sat down watching Sara in her comatose state. She felt so guilty at what her sister had done. She had known Rachel was not in her right mind; and should have told her Alphas but to condemn her sister, was just too hard for Kylie to bear.

“Tony, Chase, I'm sorry for what Rachel did to Sara. I knew she wasn't in her right mind and yet I didn't do anything about it. If you want to blame someone for what's happened to Sara, blame me,” Kylie said with a choked sob.

“It's not your fault Kylie. You didn't know that Rachel was going to try and poison Lucien, or that Sara would drink the contaminated water,” Tony took a sobbing Kylie into his arms.

“It's not your fault Kylie,” Sara rasped out through dry cracked lips. Pandemonium hit when Sara spoke out loud.

“Sara, thank God. How are you feeling little spitfire?

Here let me get you some water,” Chase poured water into a glass. He sat Sara up against his chest and supported her head so she could drink.

After Sara had quenched her thirst she flopped back onto Chase's chest and surveyed her surroundings. Tony came and sat on the side of the bed, touching her body with his own. He was relieved to see his mate finally awake.


“How long have I been here?” Sara asked.

“Two days honey. We were so worried about you,”

Tony said as he leaned down and kissed Sara's lips.

“I'm okay. I feel a bit strange though. All the colors in this room seem so much brighter than before and my hearing seems to be a lot better than it was,” Sara said awestruck with the new wonders.

“Um… about that baby, you were dying Sara. The poison you ingested was slowly killing you. I had never been so scared in my life. We had to change you Sara. It was the only way to keep you alive. I'm so sorry,” Chase said as he watched his mate's face.

“What are you saying? You made me a werewolf?”

Sara asked in a quiet voice.

“Yes honey, it was the only way. We are so sorry,”

Tony stated with trepidation. Both Chase and Tony were worried about Sara’s reaction. They knew she hated it when they didn’t consult her on the big issues.

“Hm I'm not. I think it's awesome. When can I change? Will you show me how? Can I run with you?”

Both men looked at her for a long while before the words sunk in. She wasn’t angry at them.

“Sara my mate, you're not angry with us for taking a choice away from you?” Chase asked in wonder.

“No, why would I be angry? Besides from what you have said, there was no choice. You had to change me or I would be dead. I'm glad you changed me, I have so much I wanted to do before I died,” Sara laughed exuberantly as she got off the bed.

She felt absolutely amazing. She had never felt so alive before. She threw her hands above her head and danced around the room, laughing like a loon. Tony and Chase were caught up in her exuberance; they danced and laughed around the room with their mate. None of them noticed when Kylie quietly slipped from the room, a big smile spread across her face as she closed the door behind 58


Tony stalked Sara from behind and laughed when she shrieked in surprise when he scooped her into his arms so she was facing him. Sara wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. She kissed him on the lips with a laugh.

Tony took over control of the kiss. He devoured Sara's mouth like always. He slid his tongue between her lips and plundered into the recess of her mouth. He nibbled and licked her lips then thrust his tongue back into a tangle with hers; curling his tongue around and drawing Sara's tongue into his mouth so he could suckle on her.

Sara moaned as her arousal heated her body from the inside out. She felt Chase move up against her back as he licked and nibbled at her neck. Tony carried her to the bed placing her in the center and crawled up beside her on one side and Chase crawled next to her on the other.

Their hands and mouths were all over her body. She didn't remember them removing her clothes but she knew they had when she felt their warm hands on her naked flesh. Chase moved down her body licking and biting his way to her breasts. He sucked a hard peak into his mouth, crushing it against the roof of his mouth with his tongue.

Sara arched her back and cried out as her mates consumed her with pleasure. Tony was sucking on one turgid nipple as Chase sucked on the other. They both ran a hand down over the silky soft skin of her stomach until they reached the soft dewed skin of her pussy. One of them ran a finger from the hole of her vagina gathering some of her juices, sliding the finger up to her swollen nub. The finger lightly rimmed the sensitive bundle of nerves bringing her to the brink of ecstasy. When she thought she was about to climax the finger was pulled away.

“No please don't stop. I need you. Please touch me,”

Sara sobbed out.

“We will my mate. We are going to give you so much 59

pleasure,” Chase promised as he moved down Sara's body until his wide shoulders were wedged between her splayed thighs.

Chase inhaled his mates scent and growled in response to the natural aphrodisiac Sara's body emitted.

The smell tantalized her two mates unconsciously. He leaned down swiping his tongue from her clit to her ass then back up again. He flattened his tongue swiping it over and around her clit, making her arch into his mouth for harder contact.

Tony continued plying her breasts with his mouth and hands, alternating between breasts making sure that neither nipple was neglected. He took her mouth again with his, sliding his tongue in and out. When he could stand no more, he moved up the bed until he was beside Sara his cock nudging her cheek.

“Sara suck me honey. I need to feel that sweet mouth on my cock,” Tony rasped out.

Sara turned her head to stare at the cock in her face.

Tony was massive everywhere, including his blood engorged cock. She opened her mouth wide, sucking him into the depths of her mouth with no hesitation. The taste of his hard warm skin sent her wild. She sucked him in to the back of her throat using her tongue to slide and stroke the sensitive flesh on the underside of his dick. Tony groaned as Sara's warm wet mouth enveloped his hard aching flesh.

He began thrusting gently, sliding in and out of her mouth, being careful not to enter too far and choking her.

Chase pushed a finger into the depths of Sara's sopping pussy, rubbing the pad of his finger over the rough sweet spot hidden in her depths. He felt her muscles begin to contract around his finger and withdrew it quickly from her body.

He moved back up her body, licking and nibbling his way until his cock was aligned with her pussy. Grasping the base of his erection in his large hand, he aimed for her 60

cunt, and thrust into the depths in one surge. He groaned as his cock was gloved by Sara's pussy. He felt the slight spasms of her body around his hard flesh. He picked her up so she was straddling his lap and impaled himself even further into her.

Tony moved in from behind, running a cold wet finger over the hole of her anus until her muscles began to release and contract with his ministrations. When he was able to push two fingers into her body he thrust them in and out a few times, stretching her tight muscles then removed them.

He lathered his cock with lube then pushed into her ass until the crown of his dick popped through the tight ring of muscles, holding still for a few moments to give Sara time to adjust to his penetration.

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