Rome: An Empire's Story (52 page)

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Authors: Greg Woolf

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Further Reading

No single book deals with all the issues rounded up in this chapter but there are several inspiring texts that touch on one aspect or another. The recovery of the past, including that of classical antiquity, is the subject of Alain Schnapp’s
Discovery of the Past
(New York, 1997) and of David Lowenthal’s
The Past is a Foreign Country
(Cambridge, 1985). Edward Thomas’s
Monumentality and the Roman Empire
(Oxford, 2007) is a vivid and learned account of the most tangible of Roman remains. How the Romans saw ancient art is the subject of Jas Elsner’s
Roman Eyes
(Princeton, 2007). Key works on the later reception of Rome are listed under the Further Reading for
Chapter 2

A group of books have considered social memory: Alain Gowing’s
Empire and Memory
(Cambridge, 2005), Susan Alcock’s
Archaeologies of the Greek Past
(Cambridge, 2002), and Harriet Flower’s
Art of Forgetting
(Chapel Hill, NC, 1992) provide contrasting models, all of them interesting. James Fenton and Chris Wickham’s
Social Memory
(Oxford, 1992) also has a good deal to offer, even if it only concerns antiquity in passing. But the big book on Roman posterity lies in the future …



Velleius Paterculus,
Roman History


Philip Hardie,
Virgil’s Aeneid: Cosmos and Imperium
(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985).
From the Foundation of the City
Denis Feeney,
Caesar’s Calendar: Ancient Time and the Beginnings of History
, Sather Classical Lectures (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2007).
Paul Zanker,
The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus
, Jerome Lectures (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1988).
From the Foundation of the City
Emma Dench,
Romulus’ Asylum: Roman Identities from the Age of Alexander to the Age of Hadrian
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005); T. Peter Wiseman,
Remus: A Roman Myth
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995).
Andrew Erskine,
Troy between Greece and Rome: Local Tradition and Imperial Power
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001); Greg Woolf,
Tales of the Barbarians: Ethnography and Empire in the Roman West
(Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishers, 2011).
Carol Dougherty,
The Poetics of Colonization: From City to Text in Archaic Greece
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1993).
Erich Gruen,
Culture and National Identity in Republican Rome
(London: Duckworth, 1992); Thomas Habinek,
The World of Roman Song from Ritualised Speech to Social Order
(Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005).
William Vernon Harris,
War and Imperialism in Republican Rome, 327–70 B.C.
(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979).
P. A. Brunt, ‘Laus Imperii’, in Peter Garnsey and C. R. Whittaker (eds.),
Imperialism in the Ancient World
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1978; repr. in P. A. Brunt,
Roman Imperial Themes
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990), 288–323).
Mary Beard,
The Roman Triumph
(Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2007).
Jean-Louis Ferrary,
Philhellénisme et impérialisme: Aspects idéologiques de la conquête romaine du monde hellénistique, de la Seconde Guerre de Macédoine à la Guerre contre Mithridate
, Bibliothèque des Écoles Françaises d’Athènes et de Rome (Rome: École Française de Rome, 1988); John S. Richardson, The Language of Empire: Rome and the Idea of Empire from the Third Century
to the Second Century
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008).
Catharine Edwards (ed.),
Roman Presences: Receptions of Rome in European Culture, 1789

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999).
Dimitri Gutas,
Greek Thought, Arab Culture: The Graeco-Arabic Translation Movement in Baghdad and Early Abbasid Society (2nd–4th/8th–10th Centuries)
(New York: Routledge, 1998).
Alexander Scobie,
Hitler’s State Architecture: The Impact of Classical Antiquity
, Monographs on the Fine Arts (University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1990); Luisa Quartermaine, ‘ “Slouching towards Rome”: Mussolini’s Imperial Vision’, in Tim Cornell and Kathryn Lomas (eds.),
Urban Society in Roman Italy
(London: University College London Press, 1995).
Matthew P. Canepa,
The Two Eyes of the Earth: Art and Ritual of Kingship between Rome and Sasanian Iran
, ed. Peter Brown, vol. xlv, The Transformation of the Classical Heritage (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2009).
J. H. Kautsky,
The Politics of Aristocratic Empires
(Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1982); Shmuel Eisenstadt,
The Political Systems of Empires
(London: Free Press of Glencoe, 1963); Susan E. Alcock et al. (eds.),
Empires: Perspectives from Archaeology and History
(New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001); Ian Morris and Walter Scheidel (eds.),
The Dynamics of Early Empires: State Power from Assyria to Byzantium
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009); Phiroze Vasunia, ‘The Comparative Study of Empires’,
Journal of Roman Studies
, 101 (2011); Peter Fibiger Bang and Christopher A. Bayly (eds.),
Tributary Empires in Global History
, Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011); C. A. Bayly and P. F. Bang (eds.),
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, special issue of
Medieval History Journal
, 6 (2003).
V. I. Lenin,
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(Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR, 1934).
Nicole Brisch (ed.)
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, Oriental Institute Seminars (Chicago: Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2008).


Amanda Claridge,
Rome: An Oxford Archaeological Guide
, 2nd edn. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010); Filippo Coarelli,
Rome and Environs: An Archaeological Guide
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2007); J. C. N. Coulston and Hazel Dodge (eds.),
Ancient Rome: The Archaeology of the Eternal City
, Oxford University School of Archaeology Monographs (Oxford: Oxford University School of Archaeology, 2000).
Natural History
Christopher Smith, ‘The Beginnings of Urbanization in Rome’, in Robin Osborne and Barry Cunliffe (eds.),
Mediterranean Urbanization 800–600
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Anna Maria Bietti Sestieri,
The Iron Age Community of Osteria dell’Osa: A Study of Socio-political Development in Central Tyrrenian Italy
, New Studies in Archaeology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).
Maria Eugenia Aubet,
The Phoenicians and the West: Politics, Colonies and Trade
, 2nd edn. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001); Gocha R. Tsetskhladze,
Greek Colonisation: An Account of Greek Colonies and Other Settlements Overseas
, 2 vols., Mnemosyne supplements (Leiden: Brill, 2006); John Boardman,
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, 4th edn. (London: Thames and Hudson, 1999).
David Ridgway,
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Corinna Riva,
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Jonathon H. C. Williams,
Beyond the Rubicon: Romans and Gauls in Northern Italy
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Emma Dench,
From Barbarians to New Men: Greek, Roman and Modern Perceptions of Peoples of the Central Apennines
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Natural History
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