Romance: Seducing The Quarterback (29 page)

BOOK: Romance: Seducing The Quarterback
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Sarah released a loud cry as she came. Her muscles fluttered
and pulsed around Paul’s fingers, and he pumped his fingers in and out of her
slowly, drawing out her pleasure. Eventually, the intense climax ebbed away,
and Sarah was left with a feeling of satisfied warmth in place of the burning
desire she had felt before.

Sarah looked over at Paul to thank him, but was stopped
short by what she saw. He still knelt by the cot, leaning over her to look down
at her. His hand was still tangled in her hair, and his other hand rested
motionlessly on her thigh. He still shook violently, and Sarah could hear him
breathing raggedly. All of a sudden, she remembered that she had been aching as
well, and she felt horribly guilty.

“How are you going to…?” Sarah looked down at his waistband
to get her point across.

“Don’t worry about that,” he chuckled darkly.

“Oh, please,” Sarah reached up her hand and gently cupped
his cheek. Paul growled and nuzzled his face into her palm, growling at the

“Let me help you,” Sarah pleaded quietly. “Show me.”

Paul looked at her for a moment, his eyes once again alert
and intense. Finally, he helped Sarah into a seated position on the cot, and
took a seat beside her. Sarah watched with rapt attention as he undid the
fastenings on his pants. She gasped when he revealed his member, and ran his
hands up and down its impressive length a few times. Sarah thought a moment,
and realized something.

“Is that supposed to go…?” Sarah started, her mouth going
dry. “Is that supposed to go inside of me?”

“Yes,” Paul gave his answer in a breathless sigh as he
slowly stroked his erection, providing it some relief.

“May I touch it?” Sarah asked softly, and looked up at Paul
for permission.

Paul regarded her for a moment, his eyes cloudy again,
before he nodded, using both of his hands to support him as he leaned back on
the cot. Sarah gulped nervously. His manhood stood tall and proud and she was
nervous to touch it. She steeled herself however, and wrapped her hands around
the base. She mimicked the movements Paul had been making, and she was rewarded
with his soft hiss.

“Don’t stop,” he urged her, and he pumped his hips up into
her hands.

Encouraged, Sarah tightened her grip on his member and began
to pump it a bit faster. Paul closed his eyes and let her have her way. He felt
his orgasm building fast within him, and he pumped up his hips fast to achieve
it. Finally, he groaned loudly as he came, his semen shooting off onto the
floor in front of them.

Sarah started at the small puddle of white liquid that had
come from Paul. She wondered vaguely what it was as Paul covered himself and
refastened his pants.

“Sarah?” Paul turned to her, and cupped her face in his
hands. “Are you alright?”

Sarah nodded, and smiled up at him. Paul released a sigh of
relief, and he gathered her to his chest in a strong embrace, kissing her on
the forehead.

“Thank you,” Sarah murmured into his chest.

“Oh, no,” Paul shook his head. “Thank

For a while, they stayed wrapped in one another’s arms in
the loft. Sarah felt safe and secure wrapped in his arms, and she was reluctant
to leave them. At length, though, Thomas pressed her back, and he stood,
offering her his hand. She took it, and allowed him to help her down the ladder
to the floor of the barn.

Sarah followed him back into the house. Peter and Caleb were
still chatting about something or other at the table, and Sarah was strangely
grateful. She allowed Paul to lead her into her room, and she lay down. Paul
covered her up with the blanket, and he leaned over and kissed her tenderly on
the head.

“Goodnight Sarah,” Paul whispered, and gently stroked her
forehead with his strong, graceful hands.

“Goodnight Paul,” Sarah whispered, and watched as he stood
and left the room. He shut the door behind him, and with the absence of light,
Sarah fell into a deep sleep.

For the next week, Sarah lived in a veritable state of
torture. Peter, oblivious to what had transpired between her and Paul continued
to be incredibly affectionate to her. He taught her to play cards, and
instructed her on the finer details of keeping the house. Sarah was attentive,
and she learned quickly. She knew she would find her own place here very soon.

Peter, as amicable as he was, obviously never took notice of
the tension brewing between Sarah and Paul. Every moment that Peter spent
instructing her was a moment that Paul was watching her like a ravenous wolf.
Sarah tried hard to be objective, and she worked hard to take into account how
very kind and thoughtful Peter was to her. But these simple pleasantries paled
in comparison with the fire of passion she felt when she so much as looked at

 Each time Sarah looked across the room, her eyes met with
his, and she felt an incredible pulse of desire in her loins. Every time she
saw him, she would catch her breath. She would always linger in his gaze for a
moment, and then force herself to look away.

Every day this tension built up. Sarah soon found that all
she could think about was Paul. Even as she lay in her bed at night, Sarah
could not help but remember that night with him in the hay loft. She fantasized
about his steady, strong hands moving up and down her body. She imagined his
intense green eyes staring straight into her soul as he devoured her body with
his own. She tossed and turned, wishing for his hands upon her and the feel of
his lips on her own.

In the morning, she rose, and she immediately looked for
Paul at the table. Sure enough, there he was. Their gazes locked, and through
their eyes they were able to communicate their need for one another. Sarah was
able to tear her eyes away for a moment in order to scan the rest of the room. Unlike
most mornings, Caleb and Peter were not in the room with them. Sarah looked
back at Paul.

“They went out to check the cattle,” Paul answered her
unasked question. “I’m teaching you to ride today.”

Sarah’s heart jumped in her chest as Paul rose from his seat
at the table. He moved toward the door and gestured for her to follow, and she
did. He led her out to the stable, and instructed her to saddle her horse. She
did so willingly, carefully remembering the process that he had taught her.
When the saddle was secure, Paul was by her side.

Paul carefully described how to mount. He placed his hands
on her hips to secure her during her first attempt, and she felt a shudder go
down her back. Trying not to get too distracted, she securely rooted her foot
in one stirrup, and swung her other leg over her mount as she had been
instructed. Beneath her, Leah tossed her head and took a few steps to get
accustomed to Sarah’s weight.

Paul smiled up at her, and Sarah blushed as he turned to
mount his own horse. He did so effortlessly, and pulled up beside her. He gave
her a few instructions on how to guide the horse, and in no time they were
slowly making their way out of the barn and onto the ranch.

“How does she ride?” Paul asked her.

“Very well, I should think,” Sarah answered.

“I should think so too,” Paul said, raising a brow. “I’m the
one who trained her.”

“I’d say you did a good job,” Sarah smiled up at him.

“I should say so too,” Paul agreed, but Sarah detected
darkness in his voice.

Sarah felt her heart rate increase as Paul looked down at
her, his green eyes as always cutting into her soul.

“Let’s go fast,” he said all of a sudden, excitement in his
voice. “We’ll go to the trees over there. Just kick her off, hold on tight with
your knees, and lean forward. Go!”

In merely a second, Paul had worked Storm into a gallop.
Sarah felt her stomach lurch as she gave Leah a swift kick and held on for dear
life as her own horse took off. Leah was finally catching up with Storm, and
Paul looked back at Sarah and gave her a bright smile. Paul gave Storm another
kick, and again the horse increased his speed. Sarah kicked Leah again as well,
and though Leah did display a great increase in speed, she could not quite keep
up with Storm.

By the time Leah and Sarah broke through into the coverage
of the trees, Paul had already dismounted Storm, and had moved to Sarah’s side
to help her dismount. Sarah didn’t realize just how shaky she was until she
tried to stand on her own. She nearly fell over, and it was only by taking hold
of Paul’s shoulders that she was able to keep standing.

“Allow me,” Paul said darkly, and Sarah suddenly felt
herself swept off her feet and held tight against Paul’s solid chest. She
looked up at him, and felt her heart pound in her chest as she looked up into
his intense eyes. Suddenly, the long week of tension and need caught up to both
of them. Sarah took the back of Paul’s head in her hands and lowered his face
to hers. He made no protests, and covered her mouth in a hot, passionate kiss.

Sarah moaned into Paul’s mouth, and Paul groaned. Sarah
shrieked as Paul fell to his knees beneath her, and gently laid her on the
ground beneath him. He moved over her, straddling her hips, and cradled her
head in his hands as the kissed. Sarah buried her fingers in the front of his
shirt as they kissed.

Paul sat up and tore his shirt off over his head, aching to
feel her hands on his bare skin. He sighed heavily as he felt her soft hands on
his abdomen. Sarah gasped as she felt his hard muscles quiver under her touch.
She shivered as Paul began to undo the buttons of the top of her dress,
exposing her bare breasts. He wasted no time in gathering them up in his palms
and massaging them.

Sarah moaned at the contact and arched her back into his
touch, and then arched her hips up, eager for him to touch her at the center of
her need. Paul lowered himself over her so that he could grind his confined
hardness against her clothed thigh, and they both moaned at the sensation.

Sarah gasped as Paul quickly gathered up her skirts and
pushed them up so that they collected at her waistline. She gasped and bucked
her hips as he covered her dripping heat with his hand and began rocking it
against her. She whimpered aloud ad he inserted his fingers again, and began to
pump them in and out of her. Just as she thought she was going to explode, Paul
pulled away from her. Sarah released a sob in her frustration.

She looked down between her legs, and saw that Paul was
hastily undoing the fastenings of his pants. When he had at last accomplished
his task, he hastily shoved his pants down to his knees, and his manhood sprang
free, bouncing up and down a few times. Sarah felt a surge of nervousness about
it fitting inside her.

Paul took his member in one hand and traced along the
outside of her dripping entrance with the tip. Sarah moaned at the teasing
sensation, and she tilted her hips up, yearning for the sensation of fullness
that would come from being joined with him.

“I will have to hurt you, Sarah,” Paul said, and Sarah heard
the pain in his voice and saw it in his eyes.

“Please,” Sarah begged him, and leaned up to place a kiss on
his chest. “I want you- make me yours.”

“Oh Sarah,” Paul said in a shuddering breath. He lined up
his tip to her entrance, and Sarah hissed as he pressed into her, slowly
stretching and stinging her insides. When at last he was fully sheathed within
her, she relaxed slightly; Sarah released the breath she had been holding.

Above her, Paul was shaking, and she knew he was having a
hard time being still. She raised a hand to stroke his face and looked deep
into his eyes. She gave him a nod to tell him she was ready, and he needed no
more encouragement.

Paul set up a slow, agonizing pace, dragging himself in and
out of her. Sarah felt the pain ebb away, and felt her burning desire well up
in its place. She seized Paul’s hips and began to buck up against him, urging
him to move faster. Paul was certainly not opposed, and he set up a punishing
pace, quickly driving her closer and closer to orgasm.

Paul reached between their bodies and gave Sarah’s sensitive
nub a flick, and she burst into an intense orgasm. Her muscles clamped down on
Paul’s member, and in his turn he shot his hot semen into her womb. He pumped a
few times, allowing her to milk him of all his supply. When he was spent, he
collapsed beside her, and collected her to his chest.

For a long while, they were quiet, merely laying safe in one
another’s arms on the forest floor.

“Sarah?” Paul’s voice broke through the silence.

“Yes?” Sarah looked up at him.

“Will you marry me?” he asked- his beautiful green eyes full
of hope and yearning.

Sarah looked up at him and smiled widely.

“Yes,” she answered, and promptly fell into a soft slumber
in Paul’s strong arms.

The Shamed Montana Bride





By: Erin Walsh


The Shamed Montana Bride,
A Mail Order Bride Western Romance

© Erin Walsh, 2015 – All rights reserved

Published by Steamy Reads4U


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or reviews.

This is a work of fiction.  Names, characters, businesses,
places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s
imagination or used in a fictitious manner.  Any resemblance to actual persons,
living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental.  This book is
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BOOK: Romance: Seducing The Quarterback
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