Romance: Seducing The Quarterback (28 page)

BOOK: Romance: Seducing The Quarterback
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Sarah shook her head. Paul moved over to Ben’s stall and
slowly instructed Sarah on how to get the bridle off of the horse, and where to
hang it. She nodded her understanding, and Paul moved back to Storm’s stall to
finish his brushing. Sarah picked up Ben’s brush and began the process, making
sure his coat was shining before she was satisfied.

As she moved over to her own horse’s stall, she looked up at
Paul. He was busy brushing Rosie’s gray coat and singing a soft tune to her.
Again, Sarah felt captivated by the way his hands moved over the horse’s body,
and the easy confidence with which he held himself. She vaguely wondered how he
was so calming to the horse, yet so unnerving to her.

Sarah tore her eyes away from Paul and moved over to her
horse’s stall. She began to remove the bridle, and the horse calmly accepted
her motions. When the bridle was hung, she picked up the brush and began to run
it over the horse’s body. She spoke to it softly, hoping it would get used to
her voice. She ran her hand over its strong shoulders. She smiled to think that
this magnificent creature belonged to her.

“Does she have a name?” Sarah jumped slightly as Paul
appeared beside her. He picked up a brush and moved over to the other side of
the horse, helping her with her task. Sarah fought hard to keep focused as Paul’s
hands began their slow, soft strokes over the horse’s body.

“I was thinking of calling her Leah,” Sarah said softly,
blushing to reveal the name.

“Leah,” Paul said softly, and again Sarah got the impression
that he was speaking more to the horse than to her. “It’s a good name. It suits

Sarah smiled, and ducked her head to hide her blush. She
tried to focus on the task at hand. As soon as she finished, she turned around,
and gasped as she saw Paul standing just in front of her. Without a word, he took
the brush from her hand and placed it on the shelf. He guided Sarah out of the
stall ad shut it behind them.

Sarah stood motionless as he turned back to face her. For a
moment, they both just stood there. Sarah could feel her breathing coming
faster than usual, and her knees shook so badly that she had no idea how she
was still standing. She looked up into Paul’s eyes. They searched her face
almost desperately, and his brows were knitted together in a frown as his jaw

“Sarah, I…” he tried to speak, but ground his teeth together
as he failed to find the words. Sarah opened her mouth to try and comfort him,
but quickly found that she didn’t have any words either. Instead, she lifted a
shaking hand and placed it on the rough stubble on his cheek.

No sooner had she done so that Paul released a hiss of
breath and clasped his hand over hers, holding it still over his face. Sarah’s
breath came in ragged gasps as he nuzzled his cheek against her hand and
pressed his lips into the center of her palm. She gasped as he ran his tongue
up her index finger, and then sucked it into his mouth. Sarah couldn’t help the
soft whimper that escaped her throat

Paul released a growl and tore her hand away from his mouth,
and seized her by the waist, pulling her body close to his. He released a deep
sigh as he ground his hardness against her lower abdomen. Sarah felt her heart
race. She had no idea what was happening in her body, and she felt a distinct
ache between her legs, as well as an embarrassing wetness. Tears welled up in
her eyes and she weakly fought against Paul’s hold on her.

At first, in the midst of his lust, Paul barely noticed. He
continued to physically possess her. He brought his mouth down over hers, and
buried his hands in the hair on the back of her head as he kissed her. He held
her close with his other arm, and eventually moved off her mouth to trace a
lone of kisses down the side of her throat. It was only when he reached the
slope of her shoulder did he hear her quiet sobs.

Paul released his hold on her hair and instead gently
cradled the back of her neck. He raised his hand from her waist and used his
thumb to swipe away the tears that were falling down her face. She looked up at
him pitifully, and he searched her clear, blue eyes for the source of her

“Sarah?” Paul asked her, concerned, and drew her close to
his chest in a tight, comforting hold. “Sarah, what’s wrong? Tell me.”

Sarah worked hard to collect herself, and she allowed his
strong arms to comfort her as he rocked her gently from side to side. She felt
much calmer, but still distressed, as the ache between her thighs had not
abated, and she was still damp. By and large, she felt horribly embarrassed.

“Tell me what the matter is,” Paul urged her to speak, and
he gently massaged the back of her neck.

“I don’t know,” Sarah admitted, and she sobbed as her
emotions once again overwhelmed her.

“Hush now, hush,” Paul said soothingly, and rubbed his hand
up and down her back. “Here, come with me.”

Paul withdrew from her and took her hand, leading her toward
one end of the barn. He showed her a ladder that led up into a loft area of the
barn, and gestured for her to ascend it. She did as he instructed, and he
followed close behind. Once in the loft, she found and incredible bale of hay,
as well as a cot and a few other bedroom style amenities.

“This is where I sleep most nights,” Paul softly explained
to her. “Here, lay down.”

Paul gestured to the cot, and Sarah was too exhausted to
refuse him. She lay down, and stared at the wooden ceiling of the barn, and the
moonbeams that streaked across the hay. Paul knelt down beside her and gently
smoothed his hand through her hair. Once again he lowered his face down over
hers, and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

“Tell me what’s wrong,” he softly urged her, and his green
eyes clearly displayed his concern.

“I…” Sarah tried to explain, but found herself too
embarrassed. She merely turned her face away. Paul, though, was not content
with her answer, and gently turned her head back to face him.

“Tell me,” he urged again.

“I don’t know,” Sarah quietly cried. “I just don’t know
what’s happening to me.”

Paul shushed her as she quietly cried, and once again used
the tips of his fingers to wipe away her tears. He had an idea of what was
troubling her, and he knew it was a delicate situation.

“Are you aching, Sarah?” Paul asked her quietly, and he
tried to fight the rate at which his own arousal was increasing as he had this
discussion with her.

Sarah looked up at him, and nodded meekly. Paul relaxed
slightly. At least he was making some progress.

“So am I,” he said, and she looked up at him, puzzled.
“Right here.”

Sarah watched as Paul lowered his hand below his waist to
cup between his thighs. Her eyes widened to think that he was experiencing the
same torment that she was.

“And you don’t feel sick?” Paul pressed. Sarah shook her
head. Paul exhaled shakily.

“This is called arousal, Sarah,” Paul explained, working
hard to keep himself calm as he explained this topic. “This is what happens
when a man and a woman feel extremely attracted to one another.”

Sarah looked up at Paul, and she could see that his words
were obviously true. She loved his graceful, strong hands and his broad chest.
She was captivated by his piercing green eyes, and the way they sent chills all
over her body. She dearly wished she knew what to do about the intense ache he
was obviously causing inside her. She wished he had more experience in this

“I can help you to feel better, Sarah,” Paul said gently,
still running his fingers soothingly through her hair.

“How?” Sarah looked up at him, desperation clearly displayed
in her eyes. She was practically squirming from the throbbing between her legs
at this point, and she was desperate to get relief.

“I’ll have to pleasure you,” Paul explained softly. She had
no idea what that meant and she couldn’t help but notice that his hand had
started shaking as it stroked over her head.

“Pleasure me?” Sarah asked tentatively, wondering what
exactly he meant.

“Yes,” he nodded. “When men and women feel this ache, they
pleasure one another to relieve it.”

“How?” Sarah pressed, eager to obtain the relief that he
spoke of.

“Touch,” Paul breathed, and he lowered his hand from her
head to gently cup her cheek. Sarah nuzzled her face into his palm, and Paul released
a ragged breath as his erection throbbed.

“I must warn you,” he fairly growled as he slipped his thumb
into her mouth. “It’s going to get worse before it gets better. But I promise I
can make you feel better.”

Sarah searched his eyes, and she saw the genuine truth in
his words. Slowly, and nervously, she nodded.

Paul sighed, and slowly lowered his hand to her neck. Sarah
flinched as he ran his hand over her bare skin there, and then moved lower,
beneath the collar of her shirt. She struggled to stay still as his fingers ran
over the tops of her breasts, and she gasped when his fingers lightly pinched
her nipple. He stretched out his fingers over her breasts and lightly squeezed,
massaging the flesh there. Sarah felt overwhelmed by the sensations he was
causing, and she gripped his wrists tightly as her hips arched off the bed.

“Oh please Paul,” she managed to say through her rapid sobs,
shaking her head frantically from side to side. “I can’t do this. Oh please
make it stop!”

Paul shushed her as she struggled, and she stilled the
motions of his hands on her breasts.

“Calm down Sarah,” he soothed, rubbing his thumbs over her
nipples, causing her hips to jerk up, and a fresh series of cries to escape her
throat. “Calm down and breathe. I’m not hurting you, am I? I’m being very
gentle. There, that’s a girl. Calm down…”

As Paul spoke, Sarah felt her body begin to relax. The ache
continued to build between her legs, but at his words, she began to realize
that it was less painful than pleasurable. She realized that she had mistaken
the newness and intensity for pain, when it was really just a very intense,
acute longing- a longing for Paul’s hands. Tentatively, she arched her back up
into his hands, and she released a moan when Paul gave her breasts a soft squeeze.

“There you are,” Paul smiled from above her as he continued
his ministrations. He loved to see her squirming beneath him, finally deriving
pleasure from his touch. Paul felt his cock pulsing within his pants, but
worked hard to ignore his own needs in favor of Sarah’s. He moved one of his
hands away from her breasts and began to drag it down her body, getting closer
and closer to the apex of her thighs.

Sarah anticipated where his hand was going, and she felt a
sudden rush of terror. While this was the place she most desperately wanted to
feel him, she was still incredibly aware of the wetness that had accumulated
there. She did not want to face that humiliation, so she seized his wrist with
both of her hands.

“Sarah?” Paul tilted his head from above her.

“Please, don’t,” Sarah shook her head. “It’s… I’m… I…”

“Are you wet?” Paul asked softly, and he nearly groaned at
the intensity of his own arousal at the thought.

Sarah nodded, her face burning with shame, and she turned
her face away in an attempt to hide herself. Paul gently took her face between
his hands and tilted her face toward him. Tears streamed down her face once
again, and he used his lips to clear them away.

“Please don’t cry,” Paul whispered, and Sarah sniffled in
her attempts to dry her eyes. “Don’t be embarrassed by your body Sarah. Listen
to it, listen to what it wants.”

Sarah made an effort to calm herself, and she took several
deep breaths. Still, her center ached and throbbed, and she wanted nothing more
than for Paul to touch her there.

Slowly, Paul began to lower his hand down the length of her
skirts. Sarah watched the slow, steady motion, and she was reminded of the way
he handled the horses. He began to softly sing to her, and in her nervousness,
she nearly released a bout of laughter. His hand finally reached her exposed

Sarah, bit her lip as she felt Paul’s fingertips trace a
gentle path up the inside of one of her thighs. She felt her breath starting to
catch, and she looked up at Paul’s face above her. Sarah was shocked at how
completely overwhelmed he looked. His eyes, usually so sharp and clear, were
hazy and unfocused, barely able to focus on her face. Sarah leaned up slightly
and touched her lips to his.

Sarah jolted slightly as Paul groaned at the touch of her lips.
He cradled the back of her head in his free hand as the one beneath her skirts
grew dangerously near to its target. Just before he touched her there, he
pulled back from their kiss and searched her eyes.

“May I touch you, Sarah?” Paul asked his voice desperate and
ragged. Sarah could feel him shaking violently through his hands, and she
tentatively nodded.

Paul moved his finger less than an inch, and Sarah cried out
as he at last came into contact with her burning core. Paul released a heavy
sigh, and he promptly covered her wetness with his hand. Sarah squirmed and
bucked beneath him. Her mind had gone into overdrive, and the pleasure coming
from his touch was driving her mad. When he started rocking his hand against
her, Sarah could not contain her exclamations.

“Paul! Please!” Sarah begged, though she didn’t quite know
for what. “Please! Oh, oh! Paul!”

Paul ground his teeth, and growled, his own arousal becoming
more intense by the second. Seeing the woman beneath him writhing in the agony
of pleasure had him going mad.

“I’m going to put my fingers inside of you Sarah,” he told
her, his voice rough and harsh. He tightened his hand in her hair to hold her

Sarah whimpered as he pulled her hair, and the slight pain
mixed with the overwhelming pleasure coursing through the rest of her body.
Vaguely, she nodded her consent, and she released a squeak as Paul sheathed two
of his fingers inside of her. His fingers felt warm, and she moaned as they
pumped in and out of her, driving her higher and higher. Just when she thought
she couldn’t take any more, Paul extended his thumb and flicked over a
sensitive nub, sending her muscles clamping around his fingers.

BOOK: Romance: Seducing The Quarterback
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