Romance: Seducing The Quarterback (51 page)

BOOK: Romance: Seducing The Quarterback
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Chapter Nine


Despite Brianne leading the way, Tricia was the first to
talk into the bedroom looking for Adam.  She was surprised by the large beast
of a man slamming her up against the wall.  Before she could even speak, Adam’s
lips were crushed against hers, his tongue demanding entry into her mouth. 
Tricia opened her mouth to protest and instead felt his tongue dragging and
twirling around hers.  Tricia couldn’t help herself but moan as Adam dominated
her completely. 

It was very rare for Adam to fully control Tricia, but he
knew he had to do something to convince her he was still hers.  He switched her
wrists to both be in one hand as his free hand moved to tear off all of her
clothing, letting it fall to the floor in a pile of ripped fabric.  His hands
moved to the back of her knees and he lifted her up and wrapped her legs around
his waist, his already hard cock grinding against her pussy entrance.  Adam
growled as he slammed himself into her, burying himself completely inside of
her pussy and grinding his hips against hers. 

Tricia used her wrist freedom to grip onto Adam’s shoulders
and dig her nails deep into his flesh.  Adam growled as he felt the sting of
burning flesh underneath her nails, thrusting his cock hard and deep inside of
her in return.  Tricia bit down on Adam’s lower lip, bucking her hips to the
rhythm of his pounding, pushing him deeper to press the head of his cock
against her g-spot with every thrust.  Adam continued to growl as he pulled his
lips away from Tricia’s and moved his mouth onto her neck, biting and sucking
at her cold flesh as he worked himself inside of her. 

Tricia turned her head and gazed into Brianne’s eyes,
letting Brianne see every expression Adam created on Tricia’s face.  When
Brianne’s hands started to wander to caress herself, Tricia moved her lips to
whisper into Adam’s ear, causing Adam to pull Tricia from her pin against the
wall and carry her over to the bed.  Adam laid Tricia flat against the center
of the bed, keeping her legs locked around his hips as he crawled up the bed
till he was kneeling between her thighs. 

Adam grinned down at her with pure evil in his eyes as he
thrust his cock hard and slow inside of her, forcing her entire body to feel
every inch of his power as he took her body.  Tricia moaned and squirmed
against the bed, arching her back to push herself up against Adam’s assault. 
She reached out to grip the sheets, letting her nails rip through the fabric as
she turned her head to find Brianne.  Tricia grinned between moans as she saw
Brianne still watching them, her hands caresses and pinching her nipples.


Tricia moaned for Brianne to join her, pulling the sheets to
imply she wanted her closer.  Brianne slowly walked towards the bed, her hands
still massaging her breasts.  Adam turned to watch as Brianne stood at the bed
side, swaying back and forth, unknowing of what her role currently was.

“Get on and ride her, woman.”

Adam was growling and grinning as Brianne obeyed his command
and crawled up onto the bed.  She pulled up her dress and moved to straddle
Tricia’s face, lowering herself down as Tricia opened her mouth and tasted
Brianne’s pussy.  Brianne let out a moan as she felt Tricia’s tongue push all
the way inside her, the tip flicking against her g-spot.

“Dress off,” he instructed.

Adam was panting his orders at Brianne as he pounded into
Tricia harder, watching the women together only made his cock throb harder. 
Brianne pulled her dress all the way off of her body and tossed it onto the
floor as she pressed her pussy harder down into Tricia’s mouth.  Tricia sucked
and licked at Brianne’s pussy lips, moving her tongue in and out, rubbing the
tip against her pussy walls.  Brianne arched her back and ground herself
against Tricia’s tongue, her hands moving back to massage her breasts as Tricia
tongue fucked her. 

Adam growled watching Brianne playing with her breasts,
licking his lips in approval he leaned forward, never letting up on his thrusts
as he sucked one of Brianne’s nipples in between his teeth.  Adam bit and
nibbled on Brianne’s nipples, one after the other, loving the way she moaned
for him.  He pulled back to admire his handy work, loving the bite marks on
both her breasts as she continued to play with them, riding Tricia’s face with
desperate need.

“Turn around Brianne.”

Brianne opened her eyes and gazed at the growling Adam,
loving the way the sweat rolled down his muscles.  She looked at him with
question in her gleaming eyes, she didn’t understand what he meant.

“Turn around.  Face the head of the bed.”

Adam nearly bit out the orders, his patience wearing thing
as his cock throbbed with the need to release.  Brianne nodded towards him and
pulled herself up over Tricia’s face and turned around, pushing her pussy back
down against Tricia’s tongue.  Brianne moaned against as she felt Tricia reach
up and pinch her clit as her tongue started to work itself in and out of her
dripping pussy once again.

“Oh god.”

“That’s it.  Get her close baby.”

Tricia sucked on Brianne’s pussy lips, pinching and rubbing
her clit hard.  Adam pounded into Tricia harder, watching her legs shake as her
pussy walls began to clamp down around his cock, the smell of pending orgasms
lingering in the air.  Brianne moaned louder, her hands moved from her breasts
to Tricia’s head, pulling and tugging at her hair as Brianne rode her face.

“Up.  Move back Brianne.  You’re going to get your wish.”

Brianne had no idea what Adam was growling at her, but her
instincts told her to move back and so she did, her thighs still near Tricia’s
mouth.  Tricia moaned as Adam continued to pound away at her body, her heels
digging into his lower spine as she rocked into his powerful thrusts.  When
Tricia opened her eyes she saw Brianne’s thighs hovering above her face and she
knew it was time. 

Tricia leaned up her head and bit into Brianne’s thighs just
below her pussy, mixing her pussy juices and blood together as Tricia drank
from her.  Brianne screamed and moaned, her body shaking as she felt her orgasm
over taking her entire being.  Adam wished he could see the bite inside
Brianne’s thigh, watch as she came for Tricia, instead he enjoyed his own view
and pulled Tricia’s legs from around his waist and placed them up over his
shoulders.  He could feel his cock pushing even deeper with their new position,
his fingers digging deep into her outer thighs as he pushed her into her own

Tricia screamed against Brianne’s bite mark, feeling her
body shaking uncontrollably as wave after wave of orgasm hit her. Adam lifted
his head up and howled at the ceiling as he let his own orgasm join Tricia’s,
filling her body up with his seed as her pussy clamped on and milked his cock. 
Adam continued to howl through his orgasm, gasping for air when it was finally
through, collapsing against Tricia’s stomach and Brianne’s back.  Brianne felt
the need to collapse, burying her head into the pile of pillows on the bed. 
Tricia only turned her head to the side, grinning and moaning as her body
slowly calmed from her multiple orgasms.  When everyone was calm and breathing
slowly, Tricia turned her head back to the others and smiled to see them curled
up and fighting sleep.

“You aren’t done yet, sweetheart.”

Brianne lifted her head slowly, barely able to leave the
pillow.  Tricia reached up one had and dug her fingernail into her neck,
slicing it open just enough for Brianne.  She reached for Brianne’s head and
pulled the woman close, placing Brianne’s lips against her open wound.  Brianne
latched on quickly, sucking gently as her tongue swirled around the wound,
lapping up every ounce of blood.

“That’s enough precious.”

Brianne moaned and pulled away, resting her head back on the
pillow.  Tricia smiled as she watched her, knowing that when she woke again,
Brianne would be a beautiful new vampire and her family would be complete. 
Adam growled in approval, pulling Tricia to come lay on his chest, letting her
nuzzle her face into his chest as he pulled Brianne into his side.  Brianne
snuggled against his side, wrapping her arm around Tricia and him as she
murmured in her sleep. 

Adam kissed the top of Brianne’s head and smiled, a hand
moving to pull Tricia’s head up and kiss her softly.  He could feel the sense
of contentment within Tricia and it made his inner wolf feel content as well,
he knew his family was no complete, and couldn’t wait to see the birth of his
beta vampire.

Everleigh Cassidy,
a Werebear Romance





By: Victoria Scott


Everleigh Cassidy, a Werebear Romance

© Victoria Scott, 2015 – All rights reserved

Published by Steamy Reads4U


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or reviews.

This is a work of fiction.  Names, characters, businesses,
places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s
imagination or used in a fictitious manner.  Any resemblance to actual persons,
living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental.  This book is
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Chapter One


Everleigh Cassidy broke the golden rule for hiking. At least
it was her mother’s golden rule: Don’t go by yourself. But she did lots of things
by herself. Some she wanted to and some she didn’t. She liked her independence
on so many levels. Of course, with regard to her love life, she longed for

In light of her recently being dumped from a sexless
relationship, Everleigh’s besties took her on a medicinal all girls’ camping
weekend in the Santa Cruz Mountains at Los Gatos. It was a blink-of-an-eye
sized town, marked by stone lions in repose on marble pedestals. It had a strip
of taverns at the foot of the mountains with trails and campsites behind them.
They figured they’d camp and go bar-hopping at the same time.

Her friends agreed to cook over a fire and get wasted
weren’t excited about going on that trail, so Everleigh had no choice but to
explore it on her own. About a half a mile in from where the stone statues
guarded, the air on the trail stirred. The light was choked off by a fused
canopy of trees. The forest litter rustled. The temperature had dropped
considerably. Though there were clear signs of man in the woods, it was as
though the wildlife was untouched and felt free to come alive. The noise of the
forest was extraordinary.

The further in Everleigh travelled, the more vulnerable she
felt. Scared, really. Thoughts of wild creatures filled her head. She
remembered that news piece about the jogger getting eaten by a puma. Everleigh
wondered if pumas lived in the woods of Los Gatos. And whether one was going to
eat her.

A stretch of charcoal blur, denser than a shadow darted past
her. From the periphery of her eye, she saw it again. And again. The blur spun
around her to the point where she was now immobilized, locked in position,
unable to move forwards or backwards. What sounded like a coyote baying made
her jump out of her skin. 

On this trail, she realized had bitten off more than she
could chew. It was too rich for her. Everleigh would simply turn around, suck
it up and get the hell out of the forest. That was the plan – a plan made too
late. For now, deep into the trail with a reputation for the supernatural, she
was face-to-face with the big bad wolf who came out of nowhere.

“Where are you going?” asked the unexpected stranger in a
deep and decadent voice tinged with amusement. He sounded like Halloween.

“Who are you? What are you? What do -” she jabbered.

The devilishly handsome but repulsive man put a finger to
her lips and shushed her.

“Tisk, tisk. No chatter, child,” he said, stalking towards
her. “Mustn’t be a nuisance.”

Everleigh’s brain popped. This man intended to harm her. He
was going to take her against her will and worse. She stepped backward with
each of his steps forward. Finally, she dashed into a thicket of ferns. There
was the unmistakable noise of a spring tripping. Everleigh felt the teeth of a
trap brush her calf. It pinched but did not grab hold. She screamed.

“Oh why wasn’t it you who got caught in a coyote trap?” she
said. It was her luck that she had almost been.

He laughed a deep, rich, unnerving laugh. “Because I am not
a coyote.”

The stranger with the almond eyes and pointy features pushed
her down, firmly but gently down to the blanket of forest shrubs. She could
feel the cold, moist earth against her skin, dampening her clothes. She closed
her eyes and held her breath. Everleigh, if she survived, was going to be
covered from head to toe with a rash for she was pretty sure she was laying in
poison ivy or oak or something.

For a wiry guy, the stranger had ridiculous physical
strength. Just the slightest pressure of his fingertips and she was corralled.
He lay his long body over hers. Pinned her wrists up over her head to the point
where it hurt just enough. It was uncomfortable.

And it was real. The bad day that started out with the
coffeehouse guy dumping her was about to get a lot worse. A major gust blew
past them. It pressed down on them, crushing the assailant against her.

She wept. She pleaded.

“Hush, child,” he said with his evil charm. 

He pressed his lips on the nape of her neck. Everleigh
thought she was going to be sick. The assailant ripped her T-shirt as though he
were shredding a sheet of paper. Her breasts spilled out over the cups of her
bra. She writhed against the dirt.

He spread her knees and pawed at her crotch. Everleigh found
herself separated from reality at that point. It was as though she were under a
spell – a spell that made her hallucinate that her assailant had the features
of a wild dog. Not quite a coyote. But a wolf.

Everleigh felt his breath on her. It did smell like an
animal’s. He dry-humped her, his teeth bared. His gums were like those of a
dog. She felt the coarse, thick fur scrape her skin.

And then in single moment, he was off of her. The shock of
the situation had pushed her over the edge. And now she saw as clearly as she
had seen the steering wheel of her car earlier, a giant Grizzly bear deftly
leapt over her, narrowly missing her and knocking her opponent into the trees.

The bad guy yelped. Dust from dried old leaves and pine
needs blew up in a tempest of wind and blinded her. She reached and felt a
metal contraption on the ground and threw it at the bear. She heard the trap
snap. The bear growled. He swooped down close to her face.

“No,” he said sternly.

A talking bear. Everleigh collapsed against the cold ground
and passed out.

BOOK: Romance: Seducing The Quarterback
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