Replay: The History of Video Games (97 page)

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The development and impact of the EyeToy

Masuyama (2002) ‘Pokémon as Japanese culture’. In: King, Lucien (editor) (2002)
Game On: The History and Culture of Videogames.
London, UK: Laurence King Publishing

Pokémon’s significance and Japan’s video game culture

Kohler, Chris (2005)
Power-Up: How Japanese Video Games Gave the World an Extra Life
. Indianapolis, Indiana: BradyGames

Overview of Japanese video games, including Pokémon

Larimer, Tim (1999) ‘The ultimate game freak’.
Time Asia
, Volume 154, No. 20, 22 November 1999. [Online]
[Last accessed: 14 March 2010]

Interview with Satoshi Tajiri, the creator of Pokémon

‘Making Waves’ (2005)
Issue 156, December 2005, pp82-89

An early pre-release look at the Wii, when it was still being called the Revolution

Molokh (2009) ‘Interview d’Okano Tatsu’. [In French]
Dream-Storming Mag
, Issue 9, pp7-8. [Online]
[Last accessed: 28 March 2010]

Information about Segagaga

Nintendo of America (2008) ‘Biography of Satoru Iwata’. [Press release] July 2008.

Biography of the Nintendo president

‘Nintendo stands firm with Revolution’ (2005)
, Issue 34, July 2005, p14

Early reactions to the Wii, then still being called the Revolution, ahead of its launch

‘Note perfect’ (2009)
, Issue 82, April 2009, pp78-83

Interview with music game developers Harmonix and Neversoft

Orecklin, Michele et al (1999) ‘Pokemon: The cutest obsession’.
10 May 1999. [Online],9171,990959,00.html
[Last accessed: 14 March 2010]

Report on the success of Pokémon

Palmer, Edwina (editor) (2005)
Asian Futures, Asian Traditions
. Folkestone, Kent: Global Oriental

Japan’s cultural relations with Asia

Pattison, Louis (2003) ‘Peripheral vision’.
Issue 1, June/July 2003, pp44-47

Report on the EyeToy

‘Pokémania v globophobia’ (1999)
The Economist,
18 November 1999 [Online]
[Last accessed: 11 March 2010]

Report on the international success of Pokémon and Japan’s rising cultural influence
‘Pokemon zaps US cinemas’ (1999)
BBC News Online
, 15 November 1999. [Online]
[Last accessed: 14 March 2010]

News story on the success of Pokémon: The First Movie

Porter, Michael E. et al (2009)
The Video Games Cluster in Japan
. [Online]
[Last accessed: 14 March 2010]

Figures on the Japanese game industry including the popularity of role-playing games

‘Remote composer’ (2008)
, Issue 196, Christmas 2008, pp58-62

Interview with Shigeru Miyamoto

Rheingold, Howard (1991)
Virtual Reality
. 1992 edition. London: Mandarin Paperbacks.

The development of the Power Glove

Sage, Adam (2009) ‘Console yourself if you can’t afford a DS: a pencil and paper will get your brain working’.
The Times
, 26 January 2009. London, UK. p4

Research questions the benefits of the Nintendo DS game Dr Kawashima’s Brain Training

‘Saudi Arabia bans Pokemon’ (2001)
BBC News Online.
26 March 2001. [Online]
[Last accessed: 28 March 2010]

Fatwa against Pokémon

‘Sega scraps the Dreamcast’ (2001)
BBC News Online
, 31 January 2001. [Online]
[Last accessed: 7 March 2010]

Sega stops production of the Dreamcast and abandons the console manufacturing business

‘The final countdown’ (2009)
, Issue 201, May 2009, pp64-71

Feature on Final Fantasy XIII and a look back at the Japanese role-playing games

‘This is how you make successful games’ (2008)
, Issue 191, August 2008, p68-73

Feature on Segagaga

Tobin, Joseph (editor) (2004)
Pikachu’s Global Adventure: The Rise and Fall of Pokémon.
Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press

Extensive examination of Pokémon’s global success, meaning and influence

‘Viva la revolution’ (2005)
Issue 30, March 2005, pp10-11

Pre-launch report on the Wii while it was still being called the Revolution

‘What caused Japan’s recession?’ (2002)
BBC News
, 14 August 2002. [Online]
[Last accessed: 28 March 2010]

Background on Japan’s 1990s recession

‘Who dares wins’ (2007)
Issue 177, July 2007, pp62-71

Feature on Nintendo’s Wii and how it broke with video game tradition

‘Wiitness the fitness’ (2008)
, Issue 185, February 2008, pp12-13

Wii Fit preview

27. The Grooviest Era Of Crime

Barson, Michael and Heller, Steven (2001)
Red Scared! The Commie Menace in Propaganda and Popular Culture.
San Francisco, California: Chronicle Books

Overview of Cold War US propaganda

Barton, Matt (2008)
Dungeons & Desktops.
Wellesley, Massachusetts: A K Peters

Background information on The Elder Scrolls series of role-playing games

Birdwell, Ken (1999) ‘The Cabal: Valve’s design process for creating Half-Life’. In: Salen, Katie and Zimmerman, Eric (editors) (2006)
The Game Design Reader: A Rules of Play Anthology.
Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press

Valve founder Ken Birdwell looks back on the development of Half-Life

‘Computer games: classification’ (1998) House of Lords debates,
, 13 January 1998, Vol. 584, cc931-3. [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

The UK Parliament debates Grand Theft Auto

Cousins, Mark (2004)
The Story of Film.
2008 paperback edition. London, UK: Pavilion Books

Hollywood’s move towards blockbuster movies in the late 1970s and 1980s

Dailly, Mike (2008) ‘Mike’s Homepage: About Me’ [Personal website] [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Background on the development of the original Grand Theft Auto

‘Dark Knight’ (2009)
Issue 201, May 2009, pp78-83

Interview with Chris Avellone, the writer of Planescape Torment

Den Uyl, Douglas J. and Rasmusse, Douglas B. (1984) ‘Ayn Rand on rights and capitalism’. In: Boaz, David (editor) (1997)
The Libertarian Reader: Classic & Contemporary Writings from Lao-Tzu to Milton Friedman.
1998 paperback edition. New York, New York: The Free Press. pp169-180

Background on Ayn Rand and her beliefs

Jones, Darran (2008) ‘The history of Elite’.
Retro Gamer,
Issue 47, January 2008, pp24-31

Mentions Elite’s influence on Grand Theft Auto

MacDonald, Ryan (1998) ‘GTA: Grand Theft Auto: European version review’.
6 May 1998. [Online]
[Last accessed: 7 March 2010]

Review of the original Grand Theft Auto that highlights the level of violence

‘On the road: Adventures in the Capital Wasteland’ (2009)
, Issue 82, April 2009, pp84-89

Feature on the world of Fallout 3

Pavitt, Jane (2008) ‘The bomb in the brain’. In: Crowley, David and Pavitt, Jane (editors) (2008)
Cold War Modern: Design 1945-1970.
London, UK: V&A Publishing. pp100-121

Attitudes to atomic power and nuclear war as well as Cold War propaganda, plus information on real life plans to build a network of nuclear bunkers in the USA

Rand, Ayn (1957)
Atlas Shrugged.
2007 edition. London, UK: Penguin Classics

The novel that inspired BioShock

Rockstar North (2002) The Degenatron Page [Promotional website] [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Mock website for the Degenatron video game console advertised in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

‘Sex violence and videogames’ (2001)
Issue 94, February 2001, pp62-69

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