Replay: The History of Video Games (94 page)

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Report on girl power

Szczepaniak, John (2005) ‘Hardware legend: 3DO’.
. Issue 37, October 2005, pp140-143

History of the 3DO console

‘Teenage murderer gets life term’ (2004)
BBC News Online
, 3 September 2004 [Online]
[Last accessed: 11 March 2010]

UK murder connected to the game Manhunt

‘Teiyu Goto’ (2001)
, Issue 105, Christmas 2001, pp44-45

Interview with the designer of the PlayStation controller

‘The making of Alone in the Dark’ (2005)
, Issue 150, June 2005, pp104-107

The creation of Alone in the Dark

‘The making of Final Fantasy VII’ (2003)
, Issue 123, May 2003, pp108-113

Interview with the creators of Final Fantasy VII

‘The making of PlayStation’ (2009)
, Issue 200, April 2009. pp126-133

History of the PlayStation’s development

‘Videogame violence returns to the agenda’ (2004)
Issue 133, February 2004, pp12-13

The controversy surrounding Manhunt

Weil, Elizabeth (1997) ‘The girl-game jinx’.
, 10 December 1997. [Online]
[Last accessed: 11 March 2010]

The video game industry gets interested in female game players

‘Wipeout 3’ (1999)
, Issue 72, June 1999, pp52-55

Feature on the Wipeout series of games

22. Beatmania

‘All the way to 11’ (2008)
, Issue 194, November 2008, pp72-77

Interview with Guitar Hero creators Harmonix

Ashcraft, Brian with Snow, Jean (2008)
Arcade Mania! The Turbo-Charged World of Japan’s Game Centers.
Tokyo, Japan: Kodansha International

A guide to the Japan’s arcade scene

‘Dance dance revolution’ (2003)
, Issue 124, June 2003, pp54-61

The legacy of Dance Dance Revolution and how it boosted Konami’s earnings

‘Daytona USA’ (2000)
, Issue 91, December 2000, pp50-55

Interview with the creator of the coin-op racing game

GameCity Squared (2009) ‘Masaya Matsuura to deliver BAFTA vision statement at GameCity Squared’. [Press release] 27 August 2009. [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Biography of Masaya Matsuura

Hawkins, Matthew (2005) ‘Interview: Rodney Greenblat, the mother of Sony’s almost Mario’.
, 5 July 2005. [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Interview with the PaRappa the Rapper artist

‘Playing along’ (2008)
The Economist,
9 October 2008. [Online]
[Last accessed: 11 March 2010]

How music games boosted music sales

‘Rhythm Faction’ (2005)
, Issue 156, December 2005, pp62-69

Interview with Guitar Hero creators Harmonix

‘State of the Industry Report 2008’ (2009)
Play Meter
. Metairie, Louisiana: Skybird Publishing

Figures on weekly income of various times of coin-operated machines

‘The book of arcade games’ (2008)
, Issue 78, Christmas 2008, pp70-77

Overview of arcade gaming and its decline

‘The book of rhythm action’ (2007)
, Issue 53, February 2007, pp76-83

Guide to music-based games

‘The home of disco’ (1999)
, Issue 74, August 1999, p140

Dance games make the leap to home consoles

Weyhirch, Steven (2010) ‘Apple II history’. [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Information about the Apple II demo Kaleidoscope

Williams, Dmitri (2006) ‘A (brief) social history of video games’. In: Vorderer, Peter & Bryant, Jennings (editors) (2006)
Playing Computer Games: Motives, Responses and Consequences.
Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. [Online]
[Last accessed: 6 March 2010]

Figures on the size of the arcade video game business in the US

Wright, Chris (2008) ‘A brief history of mobile games’.
22 December 2008. [Online]
[16 January 2010]

The history of video games on mobile phones

23. You Haven’t Lived Until You’ve Died In MUD

Anderson, Brooke P. (editor) (1997)
How to Fly and Fight in Air Warrior.
21 March 1997 version. [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Air Warrior etiquette

Bartle, Richard A. (1985) ‘Introducing the wizards’.
Micro Adventurer,
Issue 16, February 1985. p23 & 25

MUD co-creator Richard Bartle on the players of the game

Bartle, Richard A. (1990) ‘Interactive multi-user computer games’. [Research paper] December 1990 [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Research into the challenges facing multiplayer online games

Bartle, Richard A. (2004) ‘Designing virtual worlds’. Indianapolis, Indiana: New Riders Publishing

Background on the evolution of MUDs

Barton, Matt (2008)
Dungeons & Desktops
. Wellesley, Massachusetts: A K Peters

Background on AOL’s Neverwinter Nights

Brice, Katherine (2009) ‘Blizzard reveals full scale of World of Warcraft operation’.,
18 September 2009 [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Stats on the scale of the World of WarCraft operation

Bunten Berry, Dani (no date) Game Design Memoir [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Her reflections on Modem Wars

Castronova, Edward (2005)
Synthetic Worlds: The Business and Culture of Online Games
. 2006 paperback edition. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press

Analysis of online multiplayer game economics

Daleske, John (2008) ‘PLATO: Also an excellent platform to design games’. [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Playing games on the PLATO system

Daleske, John and Fritz, Gary (2008) ‘How Empire came to be’. [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

The history of the PLATO multiplayer game Empire

‘Eve Online’ (2001)
Issue 106, January 2002, pp38-43

Preview of Eve Online

Farmer, F. Randall and Morningstar, Chip (1990) ‘The lessons from Lucasfilm’s Habitat’. In: Salen, Katie an Zimmerman, Eric (editors) (2006)
The Game Design Reader: A Rules of Play Anthology.
Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press

The creators of Habitat reflect on its successes and failures

Ferrell, Keith (1987) ‘The future of computer games’.
Issue 90, November 1987, p14

Discusses Habitat and online gaming’s potential

Greely, Dave and Sawyer, Ben (1997) ‘Has Origin created the first true online game world?’.
19 August 1997 [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Report on the creation of Ultima Online

Geraci, Vince (1991) ‘The nation embraces TSN’.
, Fall 1991, p58

News story on The Sierra Network

Guest, Tim (2007)
Second Lives: A Journey Through Virtual Worlds
. London, UK: Hutchinson

Second Life and its players

‘Interview with Rainz, the man who killed Lord British’ (2002) Ultima Online Travelogues, September 2002. [Online]
[Last accessed: 10 May 2009]

Interview with Rainz about his actions in Ultima Online

King, Brad and Borland, John (2003)
Dungeons and Dreamers: The Rise of Computer Game Culture from Geek to Chic.
New York, New York: McGraw-Hill/Osborne

Background on online games, Richard Garriott and Ultima Online

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