Replay: The History of Video Games (90 page)

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News report on the arrival of Tetris in the US

‘Mr Tetris’ (1999)
, Issue 74, August 1999, pp69-75

Interview with Henk Rogers

Museum of Soviet Arcade Machines (no date) [Online] [In Russian]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Information on Soviet-era arcade games

‘Russia: Borrowing from the capitalists’ (1965)
, Feburary 12 1965 [Online],9171,840532-1,00.html
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Compares the USSR’s technology that of the US

Sheff, David (1994)
Game Over: Nintendo’s Battle to Dominate an Industry.
1999 Arcade edition. London, UK: Hodder and Stoughton

The battle for Tetris recounted in detail

Shoemaker, Richie (2004) ‘Games that changed the world: Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis’.
PC Zone
, Issue 140, April 2004. pp138-141

The making of Operation Flashpoint and background about Bohemia Interactive

‘Soviet Union: Computer games’ (1977)
1 August 1977 [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

The computer technology gap between the US and USSR

Szczepaniak, John (2005) ‘Global gaming’.
Retro Gamer,
Volume 2, Issue 3, April 2005. pp78-80

Video gaming in Russia

Szczepaniak, John (2005) ‘It’s a gamer’s world out there’.
The Gamer’s Quarter,
Issue 2, 3rd quarter 2005, pp82-5

Gaming in Russia with brief mention of the TR-DOS operating system

Tetris: From Russia with Lov
e (2004) [TV broadcast] London, UK: BBC Four. 6 July 2004. GMT: 20.30

The battle for the rights to Tetris

‘The making of Tetris’ (2001)
, Issue 100, August 2001, pp134-137

The making of Tetris

‘This is not life, just business: Rényi Gábor’ (2006) [In Hungarian]
Manager Magazin
, October 2006 [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Information on Rényi Gábor and his father

U.S.S.R. Online (no date) [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Forum comments on Soviet-era arcade gaming

Xikluna, Nicky (1985) ‘Behind the curtain: Big K goes to Hungary!’.
Big K
, Issue 12, March 1985, pp28-30

Profile of Hungarian game studios during the communist era

Zaitchik, Alexander (2007) ‘Soviet-era arcade games crawl out of their Cold War graves’.
, 7 June 2007 [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Report on Soviet Union arcade machines

Zaitchik, Alexander (2007) ‘The lost arcade games of the Soviet Union’.
, 7 June 2007 [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Details of Soviet Union arcade machines

17. Sega Does What Nintendon’t

Ashcraft, Brian with Snow, Jean (2008)
Arcade Mania! The Turbo-Charged World of Japan’s Game Centers.
Tokyo, Japan: Kodansha International

Chapter 5 examines the popularity of fighting games in Japanese arcades

Cousins, Mark (2004)
The Story of Film
. 2008 paperback edition. London, UK: Pavilion Books

Background on Hong Kong’s kung-fu movie industry

DeMaria, Rusel and Wilson, Johnny L. (2002)
High Score! The Illustrated History of Electronic Games
. Berkeley, California: McGraw-Hill/Osborne

Background on Electronic Arts relationship with Sega and Sega’s worries about Altered Beast

Kent, Steven L. (2001)
The Ultimate History of Video Games.
New York, New York: Three Rivers Press

Covers the battle between Sega and Nintendo in the early 1990s, figures from NPD Group on Super NES and Genesis sales

Leeds, Matthew (1987) ‘Earl Weaver Baseball’.
Commodore Magazine,
Volume 8, No. 5, pp48-49

Overview of Earl Weav Baseball

Manly, Lorne (2006) ‘Strat-O-Matic, the throwback, endures the era of the X-Boxes’.
The New York Times,
13 January 2006 [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

The history of the Strat-O-Matic sports games

‘Nintendo, Sega & Sony under one roof’ (1996)
Next Generation,
Issue 2, August 1996, pp6-12

Console maker attitudes to each other in the US

Sheff, David (1994)
Game Over: Nintendo’s Battle to Dominate an Industry.
1999 Arcade edition. London, UK: Hodder and Stoughton

Recounts Sega’s challenge to Nintendo

SportsNight Oklahoma
(2008) ‘Strat-O-Matic Baseball’. [TV news report] Broadcast: 2 July 2008. Cox Channel. [Online video]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Report on Strat-O-Matic’s enduring popularity

Takoushi, Tony (1989) ‘Sega’s sweet sixteen’.
Advanced Computer Entertainment,
No. 17, February 1989, pp9-11

Preview of the Sega Megadrive

‘The making of John Madden Football’ (2003)
Issue 119, January 2003, pp104-107

The creation of the Megadrive version of John Madden Football

‘The making of Street Fighter II’ (2002)
Issue 108, March 2002, pp100-105

Covers the creation of Street Fighter II

18. Mortal Kombat

Brandt, Richard (1993) >Brandt,Video games: Is all that gore really child’s play?’.
14 June 1993. [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Report on the controversy about violent games and the Senate hearings

Bruch, Debra (2004) ‘The prejudice against theatre’.
The Journal of Religion and Theatre.
Volume 3, No. 1, Summer 2004. [Online]
[Last accessed: 4 April 2010]

Plato’s views on theatre

Bryan, Kevin (2005)
PSX: The Guide to the Sony Playstation
. 2007 edition. Clifton, New Jersey: Digital Press. p93 [Online]
[Last accessed: 10 March 2010]

Reflections on impact of the age rating system

Bryon Review (2008)
Safer Children in a Digital World: The Report of the Bryon Review.
London, UK: Department for Children, Schools and Families.

Research review of the effects of video games on children

Diamond, John (1993) ‘Senators urge warning labels on violent video games’.
Ludington Daily News
, Ludington, Michigan. 2 December 1993, p14

Report on the controversy about violent games and the Senate hearings

Diamond, John (1993) ‘Warning labels urged on games’.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
. 2 December 1993, pA-10

Report on the controversy about violent games and the Senate hearings

Elmer-Dewitt, Philip et al (1993) ‘The amazing video game boom’.
27 September 1993. [Online],9171,979289,00.html
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

The expansion of the games industry in the early 1990s

Elmer-Dewitt, Philip and Dickerson, John F. (1993) ‘Too violent for kids?’.
27 September 1993. [Online],9171,979298,00.html
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Report on the controversy about violent games and the Senate hearings

‘Gremlin: Nuking US Gold’ (1985)
Sinclair User,
Issue 39, June 1985. p13

News in brief on CND’s reaction to Raid Over Moscow

Grimes, William (1993) ‘When the film audience controls the plot’.
The New York Times,
13 January 1993. pC15

Report on CD-based games that mentions Night Trap

‘Kay-Bee Toys stops selling Night Trap’ (1993)
The News,
Boca Raton, Florida. 18 December 1993, p7B

Retailers react to the violent games controversy

Kent, Steven L. (1994) ‘Video battles – The hottest games hitting the markets all share the same weapon: violence’.
The Seattle Times,
13 October 1994 [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

The impact of the age ratings system in the US

Kent, Steven L. (2001)
The Ultimate History of Video Games.
New York, New York: Three Rivers Press

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