Replay: The History of Video Games (88 page)

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The history of Japan after the Second World War

‘Japanese will play at bashing: Computer game will offer 400 ways to slam their own country’ (1992)
Morning Star.
Wilmington, North Carolina. Friday 13 March 1992. p3A

Report on the launch of Japan Bashing

Kean, Roger and Wild, Nik (1988) ‘Ultimaely playing a Rare game’
The Games Machine,
Issue 4, March 1988, pp27-34

Interview with Rare

Kent, Steven L. (2001)
The Ultimate History of Video Games
. New York, New York: Three Rivers Press

Nintendo’s rise to dominance in the US and the lawsuits that followed

Kim, Min-kyu and Park, Tae-soon (2006)
Between Censorship and Rating: State of Global Screening Systems.
Seoul, South Korea: Korea Game Development Institute

Examination of ethical codes, such as the Hays Code, and their relationship with video games

Kohler, Chris (2005)
Power-Up: How Japanese Video Games Gave the World an Extra Life.
Indianapolis, Indiana: BradyGames

Biography of Shigeru Miyamoto and overview of the Super Mario Bros series

Koster, Raph (2005)
A Theory of Fun for Game Design.
Scottsdale, Arizona: Paraglyph Press

The Comics Code’s effects on comic books

Lindstron, Bob (1991) ‘The gaming globe: different cultures play different games. Or do they?’.
Issue 125, January 1991. p74

US perspective on European gaming in the late 1980s and early 1990s

Matthew, Eric (1991) ‘If I’d known then…’.
Amiga Power,
Issue 2, June 1991. pp72-3

The Bitmap Brother reflects on his games

McGill, Douglas C. (1988) ‘Nintendo scores big’.
The New York Times.
4 December 1988. p31

Nintendo’s success in reviving the games console

McGill, Douglas C. (1989) ‘A Nintendo labyrinth filled with lawyers, not dragons’.
The New York Times.
9 March 1989. pA1

The legalattle between Atari Games and Nintendo

Meigs, James B. (1987) ‘Home video: Games bounce back’.
Popular Mechanics.
Volume 164, No. 10, October 1987. p28

Report on the return of the video game console

Moore, Lucy (2008)
Anything Goes: A Biography of the Roaring Twenties.
London, UK: Atlantic Books, pp112-3

Hollywood’s Sin City image and the creation of the Hays Code

‘Mr Sugar, it’s triplets’ (1990)
The Games Machine.
Issue 34, September 1990, pp14-5

Report on the Amstrad GX4000 console

‘Nintendo is sued by Atari’ (1989)
The New York Times.
2 February 1989. pD13

Nintendo being sued by Atari Corporation and Atari Games

Nintendo of America (no date) ‘Nintendo’s History’. [Public relations information]

History of Nintendo

Page, Barnaby (1988) ‘The Konix console – it’s brilliant!’.
The Games Machine
. Issue 12, November 1988. pp8-9

Preview of the never-released Konix console

‘Playing dirty in video games?’ (1989)
St Petersburg Times
. St Petersburg, Flordia. 8 December 1989. Section E, page 1

Democrat senator questions Nintendo’s dominance of the US video game industry

Provenzo Jr, Eugene (1991)
Video Kids: Making Sense of Nintendo.
Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press

Provenzo’s examination of the success of Nintendo in the US

Ramirez, Anthony (1990) ‘Court backs Nintendo on video-game suits’.
The New York Times.

US Court of Appeals backs Nintendo in the Atari Games lawsuit

Rosenthal, Marshal M. (1989) ‘A tale of two Ataris: Lawsuit update and exclusive interview’.
The Games Machine
, Issue 17, April 1989, p13

Report on Atari lawsuits against Nintendo in the US

Sanger, David E. (1992) ‘He may buy the team and not see the game’.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
10 February 1992, p2

Report on Hiroshi Yamauchi’s buy out of the Seattle Mariners baseball team

Sheff, David (1994)
Game Over: Nintendo’s Battle to Dominate an Industry
. 1999 Arcade edition. London, UK: Hodder and Stoughton

The history of Nintendo

Smith, Steve (1986) ‘Atari, Sega and Nintendo plan comeback for video games’.
HFD – The Weekly Home Furnishings Newspaper.
23 June 1986. [Online] As reproduced at:
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

News report on moves to bring the video game back to US homes

‘The motion picture production code of 1930 (Hays Code)’ (1930) Association of Motion Picture Producers and the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America. [Online] As reproduced online at:
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

The original version of the Hays Code

‘The Nintendo Entertainment System’ [Advert by Nintendo of America]
New York.
25 November
. pp12-13

R.O.B. leads Nintendo’s advertising campaign

‘The original good egg’ (2006)
Retro Volume 2: The Ultimate Retro Companion from GamesTM
. Bournemouth, UK: Imagine Publishing. pp12-17

The history of Dizzy

‘The power generation’ (1989)
The Games Machine
, Issue 16, March 1989. pp16-19

Feature on the Konix Multi-System console

The Wizard
(1989) [Film] Directed by: Todd Holland. Universal Pictures.

The Nintendo-promoting movie

Tobin, Joseph (editor) (2004)
Pikachu’s Global Adventure: The Rise and Fall of Pokémon
. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press

Information on US fears about Japan in the late 1980s

‘Urge parents to ban death games’ (1988)
The Bryan Times.
Bryan, Ohio. 19 November 1988. Entertainment section, p4

National Coalition on Television Violence takes aim at Nintendo

‘Video game industry eyes comeback’ (1986)
Ocala Star-Banner.
Ocala, Flordia. Sunday 28 September 1986. p8B

The comeback of the video game console

‘Video games come back from brink’ (1987) Milwaukee Sentinel. Wednesday 3 December 1987. Part 4, p10

Report on the comeback of the game console

Watson, Tom (1991) ‘Renegade and The Bitmap Brothers’.
Amiga Power,
Issue 1, May 1991. pp70-74

Interview with The Bitmap Brothers

Williams, Dmitri (2002) ‘Structure and competition in the US home video game industry’.
JMM – The International Journal on Media Management.
Volume 4, No. 1, pp41-54

Reflections on the history of the US video game industry

14. Interactive Movies

‘Agreement regarding the confidentiality of information’ (1983) Amiga Corporation and Atari Inc. [Internal company document] 21 November 1983

Internal Atari Inc. document on the company’s deal with the Amiga Corporation

Atari Inc & Lucasfilm (1984) ‘Sound effects add new excitement to galactic gameplay’. [Press release] Issued: 8 May 1984. [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

The launch of Lucasfilm Games and its movie-inspired approach to games

Bagnall, Brian (2007)
On the Edge: The Spectacular Rise and Fall of Commodore.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: Variant Press

The history of the Commodore Amiga

‘Behind the scenes: Maniac Mansion + Day of the Tentacle’ (2007)
Issue 63, October 2007, pp142-147

The creation of Lucasfilm’s SCUMM adventure game system

Bielby, Matt (1991) ‘The force: The Lucasfilm interview’.
Amiga Power
, Issue 7, November 1991, pp70-74

Interview with Lucasfilm’s Doug Glen

Defender of the Crown (1986) [Video game manual] [Amiga] Cinemaware

Sets out Cinemaware’s vision

DeMaria, Rusel and Wilson, Johnny L. (2002)
High Score! The Illustrated History of Electronic Games
. Berkeley, California: McGraw-Hill/Osborne

Infocom’s ‘We unleash the world’sÖ’ advert and background on Lucasfilm and Cinemaware

Greer, Jonathan (1984) ‘Star Wars creator teams up with Atari’.
San Jose Mercury News
, 9 May 1984. [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Lucasfilm Games’ links with themovie business

Grimes, William (1993) ‘When the film audience controls the plot’.
The New York Times
, 13 January 1993. pC15

Background on Hasbro’s NEMO

Jacob, Bob (1991) ‘If I’d known then…’.
Amiga Power
, Issue 7, November 1991, pp76-77

Cinemaware co-founder reflects on his company’s games

‘Jay Miner interview, Pasadena, September 1992’ (1992) Craig’s Retro Computing Page [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Interview with Jay Miner, the creator of the Commodore Amiga computer

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