Replay: The History of Video Games (84 page)

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‘Letters to the editor’ (1982)
Electronic Fun with Computers & Games
. Volume 1, No. 1, November 1982. p8

Thoughts on how home computers might replace home consoles

Mandel, Howard (1983) ‘They say it ain’t porno’.
Video Games
. Volume 1, Number 4, January 1983. pp13-14

Custer’s Revenge protests

McQuiddy, M.E. (1983) ‘Dump here utilized’.
Alamogordo Daily News
, New Mexico. Sunday 25 September 1983, p1

Report on the Atari landfill dumping

McQuiddy, M.E. (1983) ‘City to Atari: E.T. trash go home’.
Alamogordo Daily News
, New Mexico. Tuesday 27 September 1983

Alamogordo reacts to the influx of Atari waste

‘Medicine: New Maladies’ (1981)
. Monday 29 June 1981. [Online],9171,951740,00.html
[Last accessed: 6 March 2010]

Space Invaders wrist makes its debut

Miller, Jacquie (1983) ‘Customs bans another pornographic video game’.
The Citizen
. Ottawa, Canada. Tuesday 11 January 1983. p5

Canada’s ban on Custer’s Revenge and another pornographic video game from the same company

Miller, Scott and Broussard, Greg (1982)
Shootout: Zap the Video Games.
Waxahachie, Texas: Grove Creek Publishing.

Tips book on beating arcade video games

‘New software to give life to video games systems’ (1984)
The Age
. Sydney, Australia. Tuesday 17 January 1984, p29

Report on dumping of Atari products in Alamogordo

Powell, Dwane (1982) ‘Koop-Man’. [Cartoon]
The News and Observer.
Raleigh, North Carolina. 11 November 1982. p4A

Newspaper cartoon reacting to US Surgeon General Dr Everett Koop’s criticism of video games

Rapoport, Roger (1983) ‘A very brief video salvage game’.
The Philadelphia Inquirer,
29 September 1983, pA-1

Report on the dumping of Atari equipment in Alamogordo

Schrage, M. (1985) ‘A video star is zapped into oblivion’.
The Age.
Sydney, Australia. 31 December 1985. p9

Interview with Howard Warshaw, E.T.’s creator, about the crash

Sharpe, Rochelle (1980) ‘Councilmen line up behind computer games’.
Concord Monitor
. New Hamsphire. Tuesday 9 December 1980. p1

Public concerns about video games

Stout, J. (1979) ‘Pets Corner’.
Liverpool Software Gazette
. No. 1, November 1979. p12

The Commodore PET’s performance in Europe

Sullivan, George (1983) ‘Looking to the future’.
, Volume 1, No. 4, May 1983. pp20-21

Profile of Coleco

Sunshine, Laura (1982) ‘Colecovision’. Atari Inc inter-office memo to Riley Rowe. 25 October 1982.

Internal Atari Inc. memo on the findings of a focus group comparing the Colecovision and Atari 5200

Teets, John (1983) ‘Plenty of video games at consumer electronics show’.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
2 June 1983. p24

Growth in VCR sales

Texas Instruments (1983) ‘TI reports third quarter results’. [Press release] 28 October 1983.

Texas Instruments quits the home computer business

‘Video games – are they killing rock and roll?’ (1982)
Electronic Fun with Computers & Games.
Volume 1, No. 1, November 1982. p17

Decline in music sales due to video games

‘Video games banned by Suharto’ (1981)
New Straits Times.
Wednesday 16 December 1981, p13

Indonesia bans video games

‘Video games turned off’ (1981)
Spokane Daily Chronicle
, Spokane, Washington. Friday 20 November 1981. p8

Philippines shuts down arcades

Williams, Dmitri (2006) ‘A (brief) social history of video games’. In: Vorderer, Peter & Bryant, Jennings (editor) (2006)
Playing Computer Games: Motives, Responses and Consequences
. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. [Online]
[Last accessed: 6 March 2010]

US video game sales data

Woodbury, R., Alexander, C. P. and Towle, L. (1983) ‘Video games go crunch!’.
Monday 17 October 1983. [Online],9171,952210,00.html
[last accessed: 11 March 2010]

Report on the bursting of the video game bubble

9. Uncle Clive

‘$99! Computer’ (1982)
Electronic Fun with Computers & Games.
November 1982, Vol. 1, No. 1. pp82-86

Report on the release of the Timex Sinclair 1000, the North American version of the ZX81

‘Adventure File’ (1983)
Micro Adventurer,
Issue 1, November 1983. pp45-48

Pimania details

Amis, Martin (1982)
Invasion of the Space Invaders
. London, UK: Hutchinson & Co.

Information on early European game consoles

Baer, Ralph H. (2005)
Videogames: In The Beginning.
Springfield, New Jersey: Rolenta Press

Informatin on early European game consoles

‘Clive Sinclair’ (1982)
Practical Computing
. Volume 5, Issue 7, July 1982. [Online]
[Last accessed: 7 March 2010]

Clive Sinclair profile including his comments on the BBC computer

Everiss, Bruce (1980) ‘Editor: 0.0’.
Liverpool Software Gazette
. No.3, March 1980, p4

Thoughts on the growth of home computing

Everiss, Bruce (1984) ‘Imagine: What was the name of the game?’.
Your Computer.
November 1984. pp76-77

Influence of Microdigital in Liverpool

‘Focus: Spectrum’ (2000)
Edge Essential Hardware Guide 2000
, pp108-113

The story of the ZX Spectrum’s creation

‘Global underground’ (2002)
, Issue 118, Christmas 2002, pp72-82.

Influence of Melbourne House on Australia’s game business

Liverpool Software Gazette
. November 1979. No.1

Microdigital’s location and stock

Page, Barnaby (1988) ‘Yes we have no mañanas’.
The Games Machine
, Issue 12, November 1988, pp13-14

Report on the Spanish game industry

Rodríguez, Fernando (2003) ‘Historia del software español de entretenimiento’.
. 21 February 2003. [In Spanish] [Online]
[Last accessed: 20 March 2010]

The history of the Spanish video game industry

Savage, Jon (1991)
England’s Dreaming: Sex Pistols and Punk Rock
. London, UK: Faber & Faber

History of the punk rock movement in the UK

Spufford, Francis (2003)
Backroom Boys: The Secret Return of the British Boffin.
2004 paperback edition. London, UK: Faber & Faber

The creation of Elite

Stuckey, Helen and Harsel, Noé (2007) ‘Hits of the 80s: Aussie games that rocked the world’. Australian Centre for the Moving Image. November 2007. [Online]
[Last accessed: 7 March 2010]

History of Australia’s game industry

‘The making of Football Manager’ (2009)
, Issue 203, July 2009, pp106-109

Interview with Kevin Toms

‘The making of Jet Set Willy’ (2006)
, Issue 159, February 2006, pp102-105

Interview with Matthew Smith

‘The making of Manic Miner’ (2001)
Issue 103, November 2001, pp92-95

Interview with Matthew Smith

‘The Sinclair story – part one’ (1985)
. No.15, April 1985. pp86-87

Background on Clive Sinclair

‘The Sinclair story – part two’ (1985)
. No.16, May 1985. pp126-127

Background on Clive Sinclair

‘The Sinclair story – part three’ (1985)
. No. 17, June 1985. pp56-57

Background on Clive Sinclair

‘The Sinclair story – part four: The Televisionary’ (1985)
, No. 18, July 1985. pp68-69

Background on Clive Sinclair

‘The wisdom of Matthew Smith’ (2004)
Retro Gamer.
Issue 7, August 2004, pp26-29

Interview with Matthew Smith

Thumb Candy
(2000) [TV broadcast] London, UK: Channel 4. 31 March 2001. GMT: 23.35

Interview with Matthew Smith

Veronis, Dr Andrew M. (1980) ‘Etcetera’.
Liverpool Software Gazette.
No.3, March 1980, pp79-80

Reaction to the launch of the ZX80

World of Spectrum (no date) [Online]
[Last accessed: 7 March 2010]

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