Replay: The History of Video Games (91 page)

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Account of the Senate hearings and the formation of an age rating system

Kline, Michael (1994) ‘Politicians aim firepower at video gas’.
The Daily Collegian Online
, 15 February 1994. [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Report on the controversy about violent games and the Senate hearings

Kohler, Chris (2005)
Power-Up: How Japanese Video Games Gave the World an Extra Life
. Indianapolis, Indiana: BradyGames

Attitudes to race in Japan and how they are reflected in video games

‘Konception’ (2002)
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance – The Komeback
[Edge supplement] Bath, UK: Future Publishing. pp4-7

The creation of Mortal Kombat

Langberg, Mike (1994) ‘Sega to withdraw the controversial game Night Trap from stores’.
Knight-Ridder/Tribune News Service.
10 January 1994

Sega takes Night Trap off the shelves

‘List of games generally banned in Germany’ (2009) Bundesprüfstelle für Jugendgefährdende Medien

List of games banned in Germany, supplied direct to the author

‘Minority Report’ (2002)
Issue 110, May 2002, pp72-79

Discrimination and prejudice in video games

‘Nazi video games glorify Holocaust’ (1991)
Gainesville Sun.
Gainesville, Florida. 4 May 1991, p5D

Report on neo-Nazi video games appearing in Germany and Austria

Nelson, Robert T. (1993) ‘Video-game makers agree to rating system’.
The Seattle Times,
9 December 1993 [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

US video game industry proposes age rating system

Nichols, Peter M. (1993) ‘Home video: Bills in many states’.
The New York Times
, 18 February 1993, pC22

Video game controversy goes nationwide in the US

Nichols, Peter M. (1993) ‘Home video: Movies on a 5-inch CD’.
The New York Times
, 3 June 1993, pC18

Pre-hearing coverage of Night Trap

Nichols, Peter M. (1995) ‘Home video’.
The New York Times
, 27 October 1995, pD22

The relaunch of Night Trap

‘Philip Morris wants its logo off video games’ (1991)
Toledo Blade
. Toledo, Ohio. 13 February 1991, p10

Tobacco manufacturer rows with Sega about in-game cigarette adverts

Puga, Ana (1993) ‘Vile video shocks Senate’.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
, 10 December 1993, pA-17

Report on the controversy about violent games and the Senate hearings

‘Ratings for video games’ (1994)
The New York Times
, 4 January 1994, pD11

Covers the introduction of age rating system

Reeder, Sara (1992) ‘Computer game ethics’.
, Issue 137, January 1992, p100

Early 1990s attempts to restrict the content of video games in the US

Redburn, Tom (1993) ‘Toys ‘R’ Us stops selling a violent video game’.
The New York Times
, 17 December 1993, pB1

Retailer reaction to the video game violence controversy

Sarrikoski, Petri (1999) ‘Tietokonepelit Osana Audiovisuaalisen Kulttuurin Moraalipaniikka’.
Wider Screen,
Issue 1-2, 1999. [In Finnish] [Online]
[Last accessed: 3 April 2010]

Details about the reaction to Raid Over Moscow in Finland

‘The making of Lemmings’ (2001)
, Issue 94, February 2001, pp134-137

Controversy about Lemmings

‘The making of Moonstone: A hard days knight’ (2007)
, Issue 172, February 2007, pp92-95

How attitudes to violent games differed before and after the hearings

‘Video-game violence’ (1994)
The Seattle Times
. 13 January 1994. [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

The development of the age-rating system

19. A Library In A Fish’s Mouth

‘Art and science’ (2006)
, Issue 162, May 2006, pp74-81

A retrospective look at Psygnosis

Asakura, Reiji (2000)
Revolutionaries at Sony
. New York, New York: McGraw-Hill

Details of Sony and Nintendo’s joint work on a CD console

Atkin, Denny (1994) ‘Silicon Hollywood’.
Issue 161, February 1994, p98

Report on the making of Under a Killing Moon and the convergence of Hollywood and Silicon Valley

Bagnall, Brian (2007)
On the Edge: The Spectacular Rise and Fall of Commodore.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: Variant Press

History of the CDTV

Bechtold, Alan R. (1991) ‘Not just Nintendo’.
Issue 134, October 1991, p12

Launch of the Magnavox CD-i

Bellatti, Andy (1999) ‘Roberta Williams, Sierra On-Line’.
Adventure Classic Gaming,
25 October 1999. [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Interview with Roberta Williams

Bielby, Matt (1991) ‘The force: The Lucasfilm interview’.
Amiga Power,
Issue 7, November 1991, pp70-74

Interview with Lucasfilm Games’ Doug Glen

Bormann, Adam (no date) ‘Interviews with past Cinemaware employees’.
Just Adventure.
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Interviews about the CD version of It Came from the Desert and Cinemaware’s demise

Busch, Kurt (1991) ‘Multi-media comes home’.
, No. 1, Fall 1991, pp40-41

Report on the rise of multimedia PCs

Campbell, Colin (1991) ‘Just what is so special about CDTV?’.
Amiga Power
, Issue 3, July 1991, pp52-54

Preview of the CDTV

Campbell, Stuart (1994) ‘Microcosm’.
Amiga Power
, Issue 36, April 1994, pp34-35

Review of Psygnosis’ Microcosm

‘Cosmic thing’ (1992)
Amiga Power
. Issue 12, April 1992, pp66-67

Background on the development of Microcosm

Daly, Steve (1994) ‘The land of Myst opportunity’.
Entertainment Weekly
, Issue 243, 7 October 1994. [Online],,303937,00.html
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Review of Myst

DeMaria, Rusel and Wilson, Johnny L. (2002)
High Score! The Illustrated History of Electronic Games.
Berkeley, California: McGraw-Hill/Osborne

History of Cinemaware, Sierra On-Line and Lucasfilm Games

Ferrell, Keith (1990) ‘The Japan Factor’.
Issue 123, November 1990, p22

Report on Japanese console scene with references to the adoption of CD via the PC Engine

Fox, Barry (1991) ‘Technology: Newcomer ahead in multimedia race’.
New Scientist,
Issue 1753, 26 January 1991. [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Report on the CDTV

Free, John (1989) ‘Interactive CDs’.
Popular Science
, Volume 235, No. 5, November 1989, pp92-94

An early look at the potential of CD for video games

Hall, Lee (editor) (2003)
PC Gamer Presents The Ultimate Guide to PC Games.
Bath, UK: Future Publishing

Reviews of video-based CD-ROM games

Hetherington, Ian (1992) ‘Psygno Analysis’.
Amiga Power
. Issue 12, April 1992, pp62-64

Profile of Psygnosis

Information Processing Society of Japan (no date) ‘Historical computers in Japan’. [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Information about the FM Towns

Jacob, Bob (1991) ‘If I’d known then…’.
Amiga Power
, Issue 7, November 1991, pp76-77

Bob Jacob looks back on Cinemaware and its closure

Kent, Steven L. (2001)
The Ultimate History of Video Games
. New York, New York: Three Rivers Press

The US launch of the PC Engine

Miller, Laura (1997) ‘Riven rapt’.
, 6 November 1997. [Online]
[Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

Reaction to Myst and its sequel Riven

Nelson, Robin (1990) ‘Video Games aim at reality’.
Popular Science
, Vol. 237, No. 6, December 1990, pp90-93

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