Radiance (24 page)

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Authors: Shayne McClendon

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Gay, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Radiance
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“Brie.”  She paused in the act of turning.  “Wait.” 

Stepping closer, she whispered, “I love you.  Those aren’t just words to me.”  She held her palm over her heart.  “I hurt when I’m not near you.  It won’t disappear on a whim.  I won’t ever use it against you.  I love you and no matter what happens, I will have the joy of it, Elijah.”

Hugging him, kissing him, taking his breath into her lungs was a place of bliss she knew was not hers to inhabit. 

His fingers raked through her hair and he rested his forehead against hers.  “I won’t hurt you.” 

“I know you’ll do everything humanly possible to prevent it.  Thank you for that.” 

“I love you, Brie.” 

Taking her hand, he led her back inside and she worked to steady her mind and heart. 

Everything was better when Hudson placed a fingertip of icing on the tip of Natalia’s nose and laughed when she made him hold her first bite between his lips so she could eat it. 

They made her heart feel
.  For them, for herself.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Brie watched her friends dance and laugh.  She randomly sketched from the table where she insisted on staying after making a round of the room. 

“Are you done socializing?” 

She turned to Elijah and returned his smile.  “I’m a little tired and my attention span sucks.  Too many quirks.  I can’t wait to sort through their photos and copy the ones I’ll duplicate.” 

“I love your quirks.  You’re an outstanding date.” 

Her eyes widened and she grinned.  “It
like a date.” 

Elijah stroked a finger over her cheek.  “How easy it is to please you, Brie.” 

Lifting one brow, she whispered, “I’ll let you test the theory.”

“Hey there, little sister.” 

Whipping her head to the side, she smiled at her sister Isabella.  The look on her face made Brie immediately nervous.  She’d carefully avoided any talk of the men who sat beside her. 

“Izzy…I thought you were still in Paris.  You look great.” 

Similar in coloring and features, Isabella was a taller, leaner version.  Izzy was extremely confident.  It had been a source of extreme sadness, even envy, for much of her life but their relationship was strong.   

Hand on the hip of her stunning blue gown, she stared at Brie for a long moment.  “My meetings in New York were moved up.”  Her eyes landed on Harper before moving to take in Elijah.  “You’ve made new friends.” 

Both men were absolutely still and silent. 

“Yes.  You know Harper Delkin and his head of personal security, Elijah Eklund.  My sister, Isabella Hernandez.” 

“Miss Hernandez,” both men responded robotically. 

“We’re acquainted.”  Her eyes pierced Brie’s. 
Oh fuck…no.
  “Business, of course.  I’m a little surprised you haven’t mentioned them.  You seem…comfortable with each other.” 

“I…that is…” 

“It’s okay.  We can catch up later.”  Bending, she kissed her cheeks.  “You’re beautiful.  Tawny told me about the tests.  I’m sorry I wasn’t here.”

“It’s alright.”  Swallowing hard, she added, “I didn’t know you talk to Tawny.” 

“Mm hmm.  We need a girls’ weekend, Gabriella.  You clearly withhold information in our weekly phone calls.  I’ll arrange it when you tell me your…schedule.” 

Straightening, she smoothed a tendril of Brie’s hair behind her ear.  “Enjoy your evening.  I love you.”  Meeting the eyes of the men at her sides, she murmured, “Gentlemen.” 

Then her sister walked away and disappeared on the other side of the dance floor.  Her mind was in chaos and she worked to regulate her breathing. 



They said her name at the same time but she held up her hand.  She needed a moment.  Picking up her wine glass, she took a long sip. 

Without looking at them, she asked quietly, “How long ago was it that you had sex with my sister?” 


“Answer the

“A few months after Danielle’s funeral.” 

“You didn’t feel it was relevant to mention it?”  Inhaling carefully, she said sadly, “Definitely your type physically despite her ethnicity.” 

Elijah lifted the hand she’d clenched into a fist on her leg.  “Brie.”  She didn’t look at him.  “It was ten years ago and they didn’t suit
at all
.  Isabella is very different than you.” 

.  Believe me, I’m aware.” 

“No, Brie.  She’s different in ways that have
to do with your outer appearance.”  Blinking against tears, she turned to look into his green eyes.  “There are many reasons we didn’t bring it up.  It represented a couple of hours of their lives and I had to get involved but
in the capacity you suspect.  I ask you to trust me.” 

“Gabriella.  I’m sorry.” 

“Do you know why you’re apologizing, Harper?” 

“In this, there’s no doubt.”  He reached out to take her other hand.  “I didn’t seek her out but responded to her focused, aggressive advances.  I knew your parents but you and your sister weren’t familiar to me because of our age differences.  When I discovered later, I found myself in a problematic situation.”

Frowning, she turned to look into silver eyes.  “I don’t understand.” 

“You love your sister.  You’re very close.”  She nodded.  “Let’s keep it that way.  Please don’t ask me anymore questions, Gabriella.  I won’t lie to you but…I swear on my life that
nothing good
will come of the knowledge.” 

Looking at Elijah, he held her gaze for almost a minute.  “What is she…wait.”  She took several deep breaths.  “Is she safe?” 

“For the most part.” 

“Is there any way I can help her?” 

Closing his eyes, his hand tightened around hers.  “Brie…let me give that question some thought before I answer it.  I don’t want to lie but I can’t risk your safety either.” 

“Elijah, if you find yourself in a position to keep her from being hurt, will you do that?” 


Pulling her hands from theirs, she rubbed her temples.  “Is there anything else that’s going to fall out of the closet when we swing the door open?” 

They laughed hesitantly.  “Not that I can think of at the moment.” 

Exhaling roughly, she replied, “That was a big one.  Talk about awkward.” 

Leaning in her direction, Elijah started to respond when the room quieted.  Hudson and Natalia walked up on stage. 

“We’d like to thank all of you for joining us.  Hudson insisted I have a
wedding.  I’d have happily married him at the courthouse.”  Hudson wrapped his arm around Natalia’s waist and she leaned against him.  “Special thanks to my circle of female friends for making this possible.  I don’t get up early enough to taste cake or meet with wedding planners.  Without you, this wouldn’t have happened.” 

The guests laughed and she grinned.  “Harper, your words moved me.  It’s an honor to have you here after so many years of history.  Hudson and I have always respected you, admired you, liked you…though he’s hidden it rather well.”  There was another round of laughter and Harper reached out to hold Brie’s hand.  “
Thank you
.  Truly.” 

Hudson kissed the top of her head and Natalia’s eyes closed for a moment.  “For the majority of my life, my best friend has been a man who
thinks I look lovely and
has a single criticism about my tendency to be late for positively everything.  Feeling comfortable in a group of intelligent and funny women for the first time is something for which I’ll always be grateful.  I’m the oldest but they make me feel young when I’m around them.” 

Tilting her chin up with the side of his hand, he murmured at her ear.  Clearing her throat, Natalia inhaled deeply.  “Hudson is a fixture in my universe and has been since I was ten years old.  Sometimes, you can be so
to something that you miss the obvious.” 

Across the short distance, she met Brie’s eyes.  “It took a particular woman to show me how deep my love went for the only man who’s ever mattered to me.  Gabriella hadn’t known us long before she started working her particular brand of magic.  Love, given selflessly, can heal wounds you didn’t know you had, open your eyes to someone you’d been blind to, and change your life.” 

Brie struggled to maintain her composure. 

To the room, Hudson announced, “We have a plane to catch and I’m going to celebrate with the woman who’s put up with my bullshit for three damn decades. 
late, and addresses any situation with the perfect dose of sarcasm.”  He hugged her hard and whispered at her ear for a long moment. 

“Harper.  Outstanding to have you here.  I admit you’ve made me work to keep up over the years.  Knowing you were out there made me hungry and kept me focused.  You have one of the most brilliant business minds in the world and bitch about my charity calls but always give until it hurts.  I’m glad to know you, proud to consider you a friend.” 

Then Hudson Winters looked into Brie’s eyes and promptly destroyed any possibility of composure. 

“I was an asshole the first time I met Gabriella.  Two weeks later, she gently placed the first block in a friendship that remains difficult to define.” 

Elijah gave her a handkerchief and Brie wiped her eyes with shaking hands.  His palm on her back, Harper’s hand holding hers tightly, she inhaled. 

“Had this fantastic woman not entered our lives, Natalia and I would likely have gone on as we had for
.  There’s a chance we
would have embraced the utter simplicity of what we have.  That’s a fact.  Brie brings chaos in her wake and reflex might be to fight it.” 

He winked.  “I found it was best to go with it.  She once told us she’d always have our back.  She said she wasn’t very imposing but she offered a soft place to land.  The words stayed with us and we’d like to remind our best friend that if you
need a place to land, a moment to breathe, you always have a home.  It’s the home you encouraged us to create together.”  Natalia lifted her face and the couple shared a smile.  “Thank you for the gifts you brought into our lives and we love you.”

They stepped off the stage and walked to Brie’s table.  They hugged her and wiped her tears.  “Darling, we’ll let your men comfort you.  Call us if you need any little thing and we’ll see you in a few weeks.” 

Take until you’re drunk with it
.  No one deserves it more and you’re fucking
.”  Hudson stroked his knuckles over her cheek.  “Text me when you arrive.” 

All she could do was nod and they kissed her with smiles.  Then her best friends shook the hands of the men beside her and made their way to the exit. 

It wasn’t until they’d disappeared from sight that Brie asked in confusion, “Wait.  Text when I get

Elijah and Harper stood.  Silver eyes stared into hers.  “We leave for Washington the moment you say your goodbyes, Gabriella.” 

She blinked, speechless. 

Bending, Elijah murmured, “Say goodbye
, Brie.” 

* * *

Forty-five minutes later, after several confused questions and shocked reactions to where she was going, Brie allowed Elijah and Harper to lead her from the venue. 

Her mind spun as she boarded a private plane.  When she was seated, she said, “I…I didn’t pack.” 

“We have everything you need at the estate,” Harper replied.

Swallowing hard, she stared out the window as the plane started to move.  “I haven’t been back to Washington in almost two years.” 

Elijah wrapped his hand around hers.  “You’re stronger than when you left, Brie.”  She nodded absently. 

When they were in the air, the blonde unbuckled her and lifted her in his arms.  “It’s after midnight and the flight will take about six hours.  You need to sleep.”

“I don’t…”  Her words trailed off as they entered a small bedroom at the rear of the plane. 

Setting her on her feet, he smiled. 

From a drawer, he removed a soft t-shirt and sleep pants with fluffy sheep on them.  Stripping her gown over her head, he helped her dress and took down her hair. 

“You’re adorable.”  He tucked her in and sat beside her.  “You need rest.  You’ve had a lot of emotional input today.” 

Brie frowned.  “What about you guys?  You’re going to leave me in here alone?”  His eyes widened.  “I’ve never been on a plane like this.  I
had a lot of emotional input.  You can both sleep with me.  I’m not the only one who needs rest.” 

When he stared at her in confusion, she sat up and called, “Harper!”  The dark man appeared in the door with a frown.  “Will you both lay down with me?” 

“I don’t…what?”  His frown deepened.

“We have a long flight.  I don’t want to be back here alone.  You need rest, too.” 

“I don’t sleep when I fly,” he said stiltedly. 

She threw back the covers and climbed out of bed to stand in front of him.  “Okay.” 


“I’ll stay up with both of you.”  She put her hand in his and smiled when he squeezed it.  Glancing back, she held out her other hand for Elijah.  “Come on.” 

He stood up and stared down at her.  “Brie.” 

“Don’t make me,” she whispered.  “I can sleep where you guys are.”  Her toes curled into the carpet.  “Please?” 

“Are you afraid of flying?”  After a brief hesitation, she nodded.  “Did you just lie?”  She nodded again with a smile.

“You don’t have to sleep, Elijah.”

Green eyes held hers, considering.  “Tell me.  Tell me what you need.  I don’t always know, Brie.” 

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